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Anyone Can Die / Web Original

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As a Death Trope, contains many spoilers. Tread with care.

Times where Anyone Can Die in Web Originals.

  • Episode 14 of Alien Biospheres involves the project’s setting, the planet Tira, undergoing a mass extinction which kills off entire species and clades. In particular, the synischians are almost completely wiped out, with only one group (the hybognathans) surviving.
  • The first chapter of Antlers, Colorado makes it very clear that anyone can be killed off, even those listed on the cast page of main characters.
  • Battle for Dream Island: Characters die in almost every episode, though Death Is Cheap thanks to various machines called recovery centers that always can resurrect them. Unless the recovery centers are destroyed, which has happened multiple times.
  • The City of Never is not shy when it comes to offing the characters. By the time the story's over, all but roughly four characters have been killed or are implied to die.
  • Cow of the Wild is starting to become this.
  • Critical Role, being a Dungeons & Dragons campaign, does not shy away from player death. Said deaths do have a habit of not sticking since this is a world with resurrection magic, but there are limits — Mollymauk is killed early on in Campaign 2 and was for various reasons unable to be revived, and Campaign 3 features a several episode detour to find someone who's able to revive Laudna.
  • The creator of Dark Dream Chronicle refers to herself as a character killer. This is accurate.
  • In Einsteinian Roulette, the convicts the game focuses on are very, very likely to have either tame, temporary deaths with the loss of a few limbs and organs or a full-blown perma-death.
  • In Everyman HYBRID, anyone can die at any time, like Jessa, Ryan, Jessie, Alex, Jeff, Daniel, Steph...; well, except for Evan and Vin, despite both of them trying to. And then even the two of them did in the finale.
  • Fate/Nuovo Guerra, a RPG forum based on Fate/stay night. This trope applies to every Master or Servant, whether it be the most evil Jerkass or the Cheerful Child.
  • In Fine Structure, this becomes very clearly the case after a mid-series Wham Episode.
  • Flicker: It's a murder mystery where anyone can get offed once the lights go out.
  • FTL: Kestrel Adventures: Whilst the series is based off of a real playthrough of FTL: faster than light, no-one has died yet. However, it is extremely likely that many characters can die in later episodes.
  • In The Gamer's Alliance, a number of heroes and villains, including very prominent ones, have been killed off for real, some more dramatically than others.
  • GET THAT PIZZA!: The tropers frequently kill each other to get the pizza. However, since players can do anything, anyone can also come Back from the Dead so they can keep playing.
  • Gold Tongues kills off over two-thirds of its cast. Even some of the main characters bite it in the final chapter.
  • Everyone dies in Happy Tree Friends. Repeatedly.
  • Hatchetfield: Oh, yeah. But if your favorite character bites it, don't fret — The Multiverse means you have a chance at seeing them again.
  • Hero House is a strong example. In season one alone they've lost Superman, Batman, Robin and Nightwing!
  • KateModern has unexpectedly killed off a few major recurring characters, often midseries, quite casually, and with bodies shown so that we know they aren't just hiding. It also once killed off a central character offscreen, with no fanfare, as a major plot point.
  • Characters in the Klay World series, including Klay World: Off The Table, die all the time, and completely randomly. By the finale "All Gone", the amount of notable Klaymen to not die at least once is one.
  • The Legatum series zig-zags this trope, depending on the theme and tone of each story.
    • Smirvlak's Stone kills off every major character except Gnekvizz, who just so happens to be the main villain.
    • Scrambled Egg kills off everyone except for Snorrv and Synnyk Synncader.
  • Life SMP: As a non-scripted Hardcore series, deaths and plot events can be very unforeseeable. Whether you died in a heroic battle, or by accidentally falling off a cliff, lose all your lives and you're out of the game.
  • A number of main characters in lonelygirl15 have been killed off unexpectedly, including lonelygirl15 herself.
  • Almost everyone in Madness Combat has died at least once. They usually come back though.
  • Mahu: Even major characters are never safe in "Crownless Eagle" and "Second Chance". This often happens in battle, yet can also happen unexpectedly outside of it.
  • Anyone and everyone can and will eventually die in Marble Hornets and its spinoff mythos. It's a given, what with being a Cosmic Horror Story universe and all. By the end of Marble Hornets, itself, everyone except Tim, Jessica and the Operator is dead. Jay? Dead. Alex? Dead. Brian? Dead. Everyone is dead. Everyone.
  • The Museum has numerous adventurers die, including well-established characters such as Nine Shovelmurders, Kaslun Wadsomber, and Raki Umberclan. It's a great deal more pronounced in the first iteration of the game due to the much more dangerous world in which it was set, with the number of dead adventurers handily outweighing the living.
  • The Pirates Covered in Fur kills off minor characters early on in the story, then starts picking off the main cast shortly after the story reaches the halfway mark. By the end of the story, nearly everyone is dead.
  • In Plague and Treachery on the Oregon Trail, due to the nature of the game anyone could die at any moment. To the point where the readers made a betting pool over who they thought would die next.
  • In Red vs. Blue, several major characters bite the dust over the course of the series, including main characters Church, Tex, Donut, and Lopez (multiple times), every member of Project Freelancer except for Washington and Carolina (and maybe 479er), including the Director, the Big Bad of the entire series up to his death, all of the AI fragments, including major supporting character Delta and Omega/O'Malley, who was the main antagonist for the first five seasons, and General Donald Doyle.
  • Although the situation was averted, one of the main characters came very close of dying in the imageboard adventure Ruby Quest. Weaver says he was prepared to kill him off had the players made any harsh decisions. It is likely that such situations might arise once again in the future.
  • Spectral Shadows contains this. It's expected in serial 2, since it takes place in a virtual reality game where you respawn the next day if you have any extra lives. By serial 11 we learn that Raelian Ommandeer is dead, and that Sir Jonathan Rhoades' son, Perry, is a reincarnation of Rael. In fact, according to a draft of an ad banner for this series, one of the words used in the ad is "Death".
  • Survival of the Fittest exemplifies this trope, being based off of Battle Royale. This is doubly true in that the vast majority of deaths (or at least, when they are to occur) are determined randomly.
  • Tech Infantry killed off main characters, supporting cast, and Big Bads with abandon. Then came the Y3K Arc, which killed off pretty much every major legend in the TI Universe, before killing off pretty much everyone in the Galaxy.
  • As of the penultimate episode of There Will Be Brawl, there are more dead characters than there were total characters in Super Smash Bros. 64.
  • While T.O.T. started off mostly humorous, the story still contained an absurd amount of mauve shirts, and someone ended up dying in almost every single chapter. Chapter 9 sees the death of the first main character, and by the time the story's over, less than five named characters are still alive.
  • In Underverse:
    • In 0.3, the Underswap versions of Papyrus and Chara die, with the former's death happening onscreen in 0.4.
    • By the end of 0.4, the list of confirmed deaths is Underswap!Sans, Underfell!Sans, Outertale!Sans, everyone else from all three of their respective timelines, and the Doodle Sphere (which was said to be the entire Multiverse minus the main Universe). X-Event!Chara and Cross also die, but XGaster gives X-Event!Chara another chance under the conditions that he's well-behaved while reviving Cross separately and offering him a chance to join them before leaving him behind.
  • Vinny makes it clear in playthrough of Tomodachi Life that he reserves the right to evict any islander he pleases. Most of the less interesting ones suffer, with special mention going to BonziBUDDY and Dolan, who were despised for their memehood and all but stated to have gone to Hell. It gets more a bit more straightforward with the Jahn Army's assimilation plotline, which several well-known islanders succumbed to. While it was partially averted in that the most prominent of the assimilated (Wario) was saved, it still caused Levi, Balegdah, and Jack & Jill, all of average notability, to be lost.
  • We're Alive has killed several minor characters including Bill, Tommy, and Samantha in season 1 and Kalani along with every Red Shirt Tower resident at the end of season 2. Angel died in season 3.
  • Normally, this trope is pretty much averted in the Whateley Universe. But it's front and center in the "Loose Cannons" storyline. Of the original twelve teenagers, five are already dead. And the story is only on its second chapter.
  • In Worm, a lot of minor characters die, and by the end a decent number of major characters do as well. Supposedly during one of the first major events in the story it was decided who would live and who would die by literally rolling a die. The author had various plans of what would happen based on who died, including the main character becoming a full Decoy Protagonist if she were killed off.
