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Anime / Very Private Lesson

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Very Private Lesson is a 2-episode anime OVA about an unlucky teacher who finds himself stuck serving as the protector and guardian of a mischievous and trouble-prone schoolgirl lest he incur the wrath of her ruthless yakuza father. The anime isn't particularly well known in most anime circles but is infamous among those who do know of it's existence as one of the most mean-spirited and unpleasant OVAs to ever be dubbed in English with unlikable characters and plot turns that are often just bizarre even by anime standards.

The story opens with local professor Tairaku getting his ass kicked by a group of delinquents in full view of his crush and fellow teacher Ms. Satsuki, resulting in the two going on a date at a local food stand. It's there that the two notice a young girl smoking a cigarette all by her lonesome just a short distance away which prompts Tairaku to step in and give her a stern talking to about the dangers of tobacco and staying out after dark. Big mistake. The girl (named Aya) soon falls for Tairaku and insists that he escort her home, forcing him to end his date early and make sure Aya gets home safe. Things only get worse for him from there...

Very Private Lesson provides examples of:

  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: Aya's yakuza father makes it clear to Tairaku that any attempts to resign from his job as Aya's guardian or allowing any harm to befall her won't be dealt with lightly.
  • Butt-Monkey: Tairaku, in spades. The OVA actually opens with the scene of him getting beaten down right in front of his crush. Things only go further downhill for him after that...
  • Even the Girls Want Her: When Tairaku introduces Aya to his class every single one of them immediately begin fantasizing about doing sexual things with her... including the girls.
  • Gyaru Girl: The Kusaya twins are both part of the Ganguro subtype with tanned skin and contrasting makeup.
  • Hate Sink: The Kusaya twins are both vile, evil, stupid, spiteful, vindictive, childish and extremely annoying assholes that the audience is clearly supposed to loathe with every single fiber of their being. They succeeded in this regard perhaps a bit too well.
  • Liquid Courage: Whenever Tairaku needs to do something brave he'll usually down some sake, even if that sake belongs to someone else.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: "Ken the Devil" from the second episode. He worked really hard to earn that name.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: While he was a bit overbearing Tairaku definitely did not deserve to have his whole life ruined over him giving Aya a lecture about the dangers of smoking and staying out too late.
  • Old Maid: A minor subplot involves the 24 year old Ms. Satsuki marrying or not marrying a doctor as a way to force some cheap drama into the storyline. Predictably, it ends up going nowhere.
  • Slipping a Mickey: Kusakabe and the Kusaya twins give Aya a spiked drink when they invite her over. Then they take a drink from it themselves.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: What Aya is hoping for with her constant teasing of Tairaku via sexual harassment, stripping and flirting. Naturally, Tairaku himself wants nothing to do with her due to his intense fear of her father and his crush on Ms. Satsuki.
