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Abh Empire: the Anti-Evil Empire

For many Years most shows, movies, and books have viewed Empires in a negative light; they're mustache-twirling villains and thats the end of it. The Abh however are different. They do have a military force that is formidable but only use it as the Nuclear Option when it comes to attaining planets, instead they expand their borders through, often successful, negotiations. What's more unlike other fictional empires we're used to seeing, the Abh Empire doesn't seem to have a rigid caste structure, institutional racism, or even a noble class that are snobby and aloof; non-Abh's can join the Empires ranks of the ruling class (Jinto being a clear example) and nobles, even royals, are required to go into military service for ten years, and are therefore more duty driven. Finally the Abh do not rule through fear, rather they seem to practice a sort of Benign Neglect and let their territories run themselves, albeit with the help of pro-Abh leaders chosen by the people or the government themselves.
