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Archived Discussion Main / TheFundamentalist

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

David: Why does it say no Real Life Examples, yet mentions Jack Chick? Are we back to assuming that he's a Stealth Parody?

Matthew The Raven: I guess he's allowed in because he's the author of a tract series, and therefore falls under a media category.

David: Should we include him under Comics, then? Although they're definitely author Tracts, many of them also have plots. For example, Somebody Goofed has a legitimate Twist Ending.

Grimace: Added a page quote - lyrics from a quite obscure Australian band I'm fond of. It's not the best choice, but I think it's kind of funny. Feel free to replace with something better though.

Grimace: Purely out of curisoty, could someone explain the Sam Harris entry? Note I'm not actually disagreeing with it, I'm just very curious what a fellow troper has read/watched to come to that conclusion (I've read Harris's book, but not much else from the guy). Ta :)

Dammerung the Real Life section seems to be inspiring some argument.

so here's what I think Real Life should be limited to. If you're an atheist who doesn't believe in God because you have no evidence, that's reasonable and not The Fundamentalist. If you're an atheist and you say there is no possible evidence that would convince you, you're The Fundamentalist. I can't find an example off the top of my head, but there are people who say that even if they encountered a miracle they would assume it was a brain glitch or "mass hysteria." Thousands of witnesses to the Miracle of Fatima brushed up as a collective delusion sort of thing.

Dawkins I think doesn't believe in God because he doesn't see any evidence. Christopher Hitchens is an ignorant, self-congratulatory douchebag who I think does fit the archetype. For instance, he blames all the Middle East troubles on religion and thousands of years of bitter emnity because he doesn't know fuck-all about the last 50 years of history! Sagan: not a fundie.

basically, anyone who would chortle sarcastically when reading William James' The Variety of Religious Experience

Grimace: I think that's an excellent summary! Like the above I'd contest Dawkins being here (although I'm biased I'll admit) because I think his percieved fundamentalism is just due to demonisation. But his entry seems neutral-ish enough at the moment, so we could probably leave it. Hitchens is a clear example of a fundamental atheist though (I like his writings, usually, but can't stand the man). Probably the defining one.

Dammerung: The only thing I like about Hitchens was him getting the crap kicked out of him by a Syrian teenager after defacing a political poster.

Filby: Yeah, Dawkins doesn't fit. He can be rude to non-atheists, but rudeness does not equal fundamentalism.

Dammerung: Removed half of Falwell section because I don't think it's evidence of fundamentalism as such. Personally I think Martin Luther King DID set back civil rights by decades by not being radical enough. And Clinton did organize a string of murders - thousands of civilians in a place that used to be called Yugoslavia.

Connington: Speaking as the expander of the Falwell section, I admit I kinda got carried away listing craziness instead of fundamentalism. Although I was speaking of the Clinton Body Count theory. I could make an argument about your politics, but that's neither here nor there.

     Dammerung v. The Question v. Matthew The Raven 

Nornagest: Put it out of its misery. Here's the removed text:

     Real Life  

Count Dorku: I have to say thanks everyone (props to Nornagest) for the scrapping of the Real Life section, that thing was refined Flame Bait and a spawning ground for soapboxing and Natter. As an atheist, I also suspect that someone out there was going by the definition "atheist fundamentalist = says bad things about religion", since Bertrand Russell appears twice (since someone listed Why I Am Not A Christian) and wasn't even sure himself whether he was an atheist or agnostic. As far as I'm concerned, the "Belief Makes You Stupid" clause is the best way to distinguish between a calm atheist and an atheist fundie. ( All flames will be ignored I'll probably try and ignore any future flames and end up raging over them anyway. It's an old 4chan reflex.)

Unknown Troper: Let's be frank, Count Dorku—"someone who says bad things about a religion (or religion itself)" is a big trait of fundamentalism. There's a fine line between the outright bashing of (a) religion, and critiquing it. You recognized it yourself with the realization that atheist and other nonreligious fundies who claim that Belief Makes You Stupid. There was an Ann Coulter quote that clearly demonstrated the "fundies bash religions" from a Christian aspect, where she claimed Christianity is about being nice to people while "other religions" have tenets along the lines of "kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name 'Mohammed.''

Count Dorku: Simply saying negative things about religion doesn't count as evidence of secular fundamentalism in and of itself; it is, at best, a warning sign, nothing more. Take, for example, Phillip Adams, who is an open atheist, dislikes religion, and has published two books on "Adams vs. God", but he generally gets on well with religious people (except the ones who send him rude letters packed with hellfire and damnation). As one Baptist pastor blogger put it:

Yes, he will call you a 'God botherer', but I've been called far worse and lived! However, unlike his firend [sic] Richard Dawkins, he will treat you with respect, especially if you are as equally genuine in your beliefs as he is in his.

     Majin Gojira vs. Dammerung  

Goggle Fox: In light of the recent edit wars, I have this to say. Leave the Jack Chick tracts in. The fictional characters listed are, in fact, examples of the trope. Leave The God Delusion out. There are no fictional characters in The God Delusion to use as examples, and marking the author as an example is right out. We are not having Real Life examples on this page; it just causes more problems.

millinniummany3k: Your Mileage May Vary on whether or not there are fictional characters in The God Delusion, but you made the point I was trying to emphasise, I'm fine leaving Jack Chick in without the Take That! editorialising that certain people saw fit to include.

Janitor: millinniummany3k has been banned for deleting other people's comments.

Janitor: Page locked until vandalism stops.

lockhead: Going over the page I think there could be a couple of small, worthwhile edits made. When would the page be unlocked?

lockhead: Given all the bawing over this topic should we just nuke it to stop the flood of waahbulances needed?

Majin Gojira: Just because it's hard and controversial doesn't mean it's not a trope commonly employed in fictional works. Besides, I've seen worse on That Other Wiki.
