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Archived Discussion Main / IAmNotWeasel

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Nezumi: I'm not sure what to do about this. There's very significant overlap with Insistent Terminology... but the Rufus example does show that there are examples of this that don't fit into that entry.

Janitor: A merge up to Insistent Terminology does seem called for.

Lale: Another supporter of merging. But I like this title better.

Bok: I don't see any overlap here. An instance of this trope can invoke an instance of Insistent Terminology, but that's not the same as there being overlap. Basically if an animal is (constantly) mistaken for another animal, that is I Am Not Weasel. If the animal then proceeds to complain about it and insist it be called by its proper name, that is Insistent Terminology. There's no more overlap between these two tropes and, say, Death by Looking Up and Anvil on Head.

Mr Etaoin Shrdlu: My opinion is exactly that of Lale.
