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Working Title: Humanity Is Superior: From YKTTW

Removed this as irrelevant to the trope: "Alternatively in other Sci-Fi Humankind, or certain humans in general who are attacked by aliens usually survive anyway because Humans Are Special, especially if Humans are the good guys under attack by Scary Dogmatic Aliens."—Micah

Shire Nomad: Not sure I understand this one. Is this that humans have the ability to survive against all odds because we've got the most willpower/tenacity? Or that a future human galactic empire will always think of itself as superior to the other species out there?

Elerium: The way I see it is that more or less a future galactic human empire seeing itself as a superior species a la the Empire in Star Wars, Terran Empire in Star Trek, and human spirit plays a part in it because we're the most resilient or something, at least until it gets ganged on by a number of races if or not coupled with La RĂ©sistance.

Sci Vo: The "resilience against all odds" thing is a different trope. That's "Humans Are Special despite being Puny Earthlings". My understanding of this one is that there's no "against all odds" — we are superior — so it's more like "Mighty Whitey Recycled IN SPACE! where Earth Is the Center of the Universe".

Elerium: I've modified it a tad to fit in with all of the examples displayed, as well as enhancing it somewhat.

Shire Nomad: If that's the case, then Stargate doesn't count, since that IS against all odds (with some help from Imported Alien Phlebotinum). And although I haven't played the storyline for Halo, it's my understanding that the only reason we see all that militarism is because, duh, we're in wartime following around a bunch of troops on campaign.

Elerium: I think Stargate should be there personally because Humankind has survived time and time again while the generic Big Bad has killed off other species of aliens, while Humankind survived, eventually defeating the Big Bads and being superior to them in a sense.. Either way, edit it as you see fit :P

Eps: I've been unsure about adding the Terinu background story about the Varn war as either Humanity Is Superior or Humans Are Bastards - using and (2 pages). We're the only ones that fought back because we've been fighting each other for millenias, perfecting the Art of War?

Talen: I'm not sure if they qualify for Humanity Is Superior trope, but they definitely qualify for Humans Are Bastards, considering what they did to the Ferin in the backstory.

Cambias: I don't quite get what the Babylon 5 example is for — humans are superior . . . to other humans?
