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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Fur Against Fang: From YKTTW

Jordan: Is there a way to note that in the original Dracula novel one of the You Are Translated Foreign Word examples used for the Count is a word for werewolf?- as the Count liked to change into a wolf as often and even more frequently than he did into a bat, he's kind of both a vampire and a werewolf with Voluntary Shapeshifting.

Trouser Wearing Barbarian: In European folklore, there was often little distinction between werewolves and vampires. The latter would usually become the former after death (if you didn't destroy the corpse), and vampires would often shapeshift into wolf form. Which is why it always amuses me when people act like "vampires and werewolves are enemies!" is some sort of rule, when it's actually Newer Than They Think.

Vampire Buddha: Setting up Vampires Vs Werewolves as an altitle to make searching easier.

Nezumi: Anyone know where this actually originates? I was pretty sure it was older than the World Of Darkness even before reading this article, but I can't find much of substance on older examples. I already knew about "No One Comes to Lupusville", although I wasn't sure that was older until I just checked.

Tricksterson: The earliest instance I know of is, believe it or not, Abbot and Costello Meet Dracula where Talbot turns into a werewolf and attacks Drac in bat form but it's largely a coincidence because wereTalbot will attack anything in his wolfman form.
