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Archived Discussion Main / ButWeUsedACondom

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Sci Vo: Would you say that this is more like one of the Narrative Devices than one of the general Tropes?

LO Rd [Referring to the picture]: Rofl, in what episode does that happen? Nevermind, found it - for other curious people, it's ep 15.

Citizen: I have some shops of screenshots from that scene, but I figured I'd post the real deal, and let people take of it as they will. It's been up there long enough that I hope it has some staying power out of plain Squatters' Rights. =P

LO Rd: Please, do share them, if only as links in this discussion. I'm curious to see what could be done with such wonderful source material.

Citizen: Well, of Miyuki and Tsukasa, anyway...

Almafeta: I'd mention the pregnancy theme in Grease, but I can't stand that movie... doesn't this apply in one of the B-plots?
