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Archived Discussion Creator / CharlesStross

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Nornagest: Cutting this:

...because it really, really isn't. The main starship in Accelerando is a solar sail-driven hunk of circuitry with a weight of less than one kilogram, and the mechanics of using it form several plot points. The Mobile Archive Suckers in Glasshouse have a more exotic drive system, but not one that makes a good analogy to ocean-going vessels. There are no battles between starships, they're all slower than light, and we never see one that isn't running on a fixed itinerary.

Daibhid C: There's a line in The Jennifer Morgue that the Laundry archives are under Mornington Crescenttube station. This is also where Robert Rankin places the similar (only even weirder and with fewer computers) Ministry of Serendipity. Might this be a Shout-Out?

cd: I doubt it. More likely a Shout-Out to I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, which embedded said tube station in the British noosphere.

Jadel: Are Accelerando and Glasshouse in the same universe? They have similar teleportation technology, but I don't rememeber there being any references to the wholesale dismantling of planets for the construction of Matroshka brains in Glasshouse.

cd: There're references to a period of time called The Acceleration in Glasshouse. Also, Charlie has, if memory serves, said explicitly that it's a sequel.
