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YMMV / Tamriel Rebuilt

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  • Fanon Discontinuity: Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel has as policy to disregard lore from games/books after Morrowind if they don't find it fitting — though this is partly out of practicality rather than dislike for the lore itself; as the first phase of TR began before Morrowind was released, there's simply been so much work done based on old lore when it was still the most up-to-date lore on the subject, so it was either fit things by redoing years' worth of work (over a decade in the case of ESO), or by being picky about lore from newer sources. Some new lore also retcons things mentioned or even shown in Morrowind itself, and being consistent with Morrowind is obviously a higher priority for TR/PT.
