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YMMV / MissShadowLovely

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  • Esoteric Happy Ending: Would you expect anything better when it comes to a Yandere? In Etsuko's Good End, you are forcibly married to her, then drugged and whisked away. And then there's the True End. See Love Potion in the main article. At least she's riding an all-time emotional high and looking forward to a happy future with you. Can you say the same about yourself?
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Bad Ending of the yandere roleplay. The viewer's girlfriend has not only killed another girl that the protagonist was talking to, but his failed escape attempt pushes her over the edge, breaking both of his arms before stabbing him in the chest and cutting out his heart. All the while, she's barely raising her voice above a whisper, until she starts stabbing, at which point she mixes Evil Laughter with Berserker Tears. And the audio even includes bones breaking and flesh being cut.
