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WMG / Charming

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If Phillippe and Lenore's first child is a girl, they'll name her after Phillippe's mother (the late Queen Charming). But if the baby ends up being a boy, they'll give him a name where they can call him "Lenny" as a nickname.
I can also totally picture them having a pair of boy-girl fraternal twins.
  • When Lenore first revealed to Phillippe that she was pregnant, I feel that, once he realizes that his wife is serious, he ends up fainting out of shock. At first, this makes Lenore worried that her husband doesn't want to have a baby, but after he wakes up and the initial shock/panic wears off, he gets really excited and assures his wife that he's ecstatic that they're going to have a baby.
  • Phillippe tries staying by Lenore's sides after she goes into labor, but he ends up getting kicked out at some point and isn't let back in until his and Lenore's baby is born—Phillippe ends up literally wearing a groove into the floor during the time he's waiting for the birth of his first child.
  • Once he's finally let back in to meet his and Lenore's baby, he refuses to leave his wife's side for quite some time.
  • If Lenore were to give birth to twins and Phillippe's informed that his wife and their newborn babies are just fine, Phillipe's relieved before realizing what he was just told—after entering the room and seeing his wife holding two babies in her arms instead of just one, Phillippe ultimately faints in shock (complete with faceplanting).
