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WMG / All Grown Up!

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The Rachel Tommy dated is in fact Rachel Berry.
Wouldn't be too farfetched, considering that she's Jewish and she was never given a proper last name (or established beyond being Tommy's girlfriend) in AGU. Given how caring she is, it's possible that from "All Broken Up" to "Pilot" she Took a Level in Jerkass. This would imply that Rugrats and Glee take place in the same universe — going by this, "This World is Something New to Me" suddenly starts making more sense.
  • Jossed, as her parents make an appearance and are a heterosexual couple as opposed Rachel Berry's who are a homosexual couple.

If this gets brought back over Rugrats, it will focus on the kids in college or high school.
It will do another timeskip and introduce the cast as college students or in high school. A lot of the people who watched this and Rugrats are now grown adults and likely have kids of their own by now, so a college or adult cast wouldn't be too far fetched.

The Mc Nutley Brothers whereabouts in the series
Since we don't know where the Mc Nutley Brothers (and their mother and grandfather) were in the show and it never got brought's possible that the Mc Nutley Brothers either moved away or go to a different school as the main characters.
Cynthia originally belonged to Angelica's mom Charlotte
Cynthia is a parody of Barbie and original Barbie dolls from the early years are rare, and if the Cynthia doll Angelica owns once belonged to her mom Charlotte, that Cynthia doll would have been made in the early 1960s, because Rugrats was set in the early 1990s and Charlotte is in her 30s. This would explain her rarity which was discussed in Saving Cynthia, and it's said to be an original Cynthia doll, which would make this theory line up with real life. It also would explain why Charlotte was so sad when talking about Cynthia's loss, as she was probably sad they lost a doll that once belonged to her. Also, if this theory is true, it might actually be that Charlotte was the one who cut Cynthia's hair to the way it is now, not Angelica. This theory ould also explain the sudden wear-and-tear seen on Cynthia in the episode. The reason why it wasn't there in Rugrats was because the creators of the show hadn't thought of Cynthia being rare yet at that time.
