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Trivia / Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: S07 E04 "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"

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  • Actor Allusion: Jake Sisko wears uniform number 78 for the Niners. Jake's actor, Cirroc Lofton, was born in 1978. He also wears an Atlana Braves cap during practice. At the time of production. Cirroc's uncle, Kenny Lofton, was playing for the Braves.
  • Blooper: The name on Colonel Kira's baseball uniform repeatedly changes between "Kira" (her surname) and "Nerys" (her given name).
  • Irony as She Is Cast: Rom is so hideously bad at baseball that Sisko throws him off the team. Max Grodénchik, on the other hand, was a star in high school and considered making baseball his career before he deciding on acting. He had to play left-handed because he couldn't manage to fake such extreme badness as a righty.
  • The Cast Show Off: Inverted. Max Grodénchik, who plays Rom, was a semi-professional baseball player in high school, and the only way he could play as badly as Rom was by playing left-handed.
