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Recap / Zekkyou Gakkyuu Extra Class Black Profile

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Profile cards have been popular as of late, as a sign of friendship one exchanges them with those they consider close. Yua is unsure of what to write in the columns asking for her strong and weak points, so she asks her friends what they wrote. Kanako replies her "legs", because she's a very fast runner and won the recent sports meet. However, Reina asks if this activity is childish and worries over what boys might think of her. Kanako teases her by reminding her that she filled out the card anyway, and Reina admits that she chose her "face" as her strong point. She gets defensive when her friends start laughing over her bold answer.

Yua loves her friends more than anything. They have been close for so long, they are never apart.

It's then a profile card that is completely black slips out from the card pile. Rumi is startled but she says nothing.

After gym class the girls wait for Kanako to return, as she was on cleaning duty. They don't think anything unusual about her running late, until a frantic classmate runs in to inform them that she has been badly hurt. Her legs were chopped off after one of the basketball boards fell. The girls are frightened and Rumi decides to tell them about the rumor she heard about the black profile. It is said that a lonely girl bought it a few years ago, she died in a traffic accident before she could exchange it and make friends. Nobody remembered her and now she holds a grudge. Whatever someone writes as their strong point, she takes it away.

Yua is alarmed as she thinks about her answer, given how hard she struggled to come up with one. Reina asks Rumi what she wrote, but she hesitates to answer. Yua suggests they focus on helping Kanako in the mean time, but before they can leave, the window nearby shatters and pierces Reina with large pieces of glass. The girls panic as she lays on the ground, along with witnessing classmates. Rumi becomes so frightened that she runs out of the room, forcing Yua to chase after her. She manages to convince her to stop as it would be dangerous for them to separate.

Rumi begins to cry, and she takes out her card to reveal she left her strong point column blank. She storms off leaving Yua feeling betrayed and abandoned; Rumi purposely left her profile unfinished to save herself, she didn't care about them as closely as she thought.

Hoping to protect her remaining classmates, Yua returns to find them unconscious and injured. The room is a big mess, and as she tries to determine what happened, she recognizes her own profile after stepping on it. In the crush column she wrote "Rumi", at her own insistence. Even though Yua pointed out the oddity in doing so, Rumi told her that she loved her very much. Yua feels dismayed as she leaves the room, but to her surprise she bumps into Rumi again and expresses relief knowing she is alright. Rumi apologizes for sounding cruel earlier, and expresses that she was very frightened over the rumor so she couldn't bring herself to write anything. She also does not believe that she has a strong point in the first place.

Rumi prepares to say something else when an unknown force pulls her outside of the nearby window. She cries out for Yua, who collapses in horror as she realizes she is the only one left uninjured. She waits in silence, but when nothing happens to her, she rises while wondering if she was spared. She realizes this is not the case as she locates her card again to see what she wrote in her strong point column: she has many friends.

The deceased girl was enraged by this, because of her death and how she was unable to make friends. Yua sinks as the realization of her being to blame becomes apparent.

The girl wanted her to be alone, and now she is.

After collecting her thoughts, Yua gets up to leave when she notices a chill in the air. To her fright, the ghost girl appears. She assures Yua that she doesn't have to worry, because they can be together forever.

- - - - -

It's been some time since this accident, and by now profile cards have become popular again. A group of girls work on theirs when they happen to spot the black profile card in the pile. They wonder who it could belong to.

