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Recap / Jay Jay The Jet Plane Jay Jays Butterfly Adventure

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Winter's approaching, and Jay Jay's worried about his friend, Breezy the Butterfly. No one, not even Brenda Blue, can tell Jay Jay where butterflies go during the winter. But when the first chill hits Tarrytown, Jay Jay finds Breezy flying south. Curious, Jay Jay follows his friend over the mountains and into a beautiful, warm forest where the trees are covered with thousands and thousands of butterflies! Thanks to Breezy, Jay Jay learns an interesting lesson about the ingenious way nature takes care of itself.


  • An Aesop: Every creature in nature has their one natural habitat.
  • Leitmotif: Scenes involving Breezy are accompanied by a xylophone.
  • Triumphant Reprise: Jay Jay and Oscar reprise Breezy's song from before after finding the place where he goes for the winter.
  • The Voiceless: Breezy doesn't speak, but Jay Jay can understand him perfectly.
