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Recap / Ghosts US Season 3 Episode 10

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Airdate 5/2/2024

Issac and Nigel have their wedding, but they get a surprise wedding crashes.


  • Deus ex Machina: Pete suddenly and terrifyingly discovering that he will fade into oblivion if he is away from Woodstone too long, so he has to get back as quickly as possible. This keeps Pete from going anywhere, then deciding not to come back.
  • Didn't Think This Through: The Cholera ghosts, offended that Isaac & Nigel uninvited all the basement ghosts from the wedding, collaborate with Patience to lure him into a trap. That being said, only after Patience's revenge do they realize the sheer extent of it, having expected something much smaller in scope.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Isaac, when the DJ Jay hires happens to be Chris, the stripper Sam hired for Isaac's bachelor party in "The Polterguest."
  • Dramatic Irony: Flower tells Nancy and Thor about a ghost who kept her company in the well. Her interests included butter-churning, her husband, and taking revenge upon Isaac. Thor and Nancy assume that these are just Flower's nonsensical ramblings, but the audience will easily realize that the ghost Flower met was Patience, the lady whom Isaac lost in the ground a century ago.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: All the basement ghosts agree not to tell anyone else what happened with Patience and how they helped her, as none of them come off well in it.
  • Not Helping Your Case: Inverted. The ghosts hope that if Isaac learns more about Chris, eventually he'll find some sort of turn off. This backfires, as the more he elaborates, the more perfect he seems to be for Isaac.
    • First, they ask why he was an hour late, to which he replies that he was helping his boyfriend with car issues. This makes him look, as Isaac puts it, "gay and chivalrous".
    • He then walks through Isaac, and is completely unbothered by his ghost power, as he was born without a sense of smell.
    • When he brings up Hamilton, all the ghosts are sure that that'll be a deal breaker, as Isaac hates him. But as it turns out, Chris actually not too fond of the Founding Father either.
  • Plot Allergy: Chris, the stripper from Isaac's bachelor party whom he has a crush on, has an allergic reaction from one of Jay's appetizers, which briefly brings the possibility of him dying and becoming a ghost. Nigel notes Issac's reaction to this and realizes that he was hoping for Chris to be a ghost.
  • Sexy Flaw: Hetty, Trevor and Alberta are trying to convince Isaac that staying with Nigel is better than his infatuation over DJ Chris by pointing out Chris's flaws, but their efforts serve only to make him more attractive to Isaac.
  • Technology Marches On: Donna, Pete's Caribbean fling, died when some guy dropped his cell phone from the ninth floor above her, in the '90s. (They didn't weigh 4 to 7 ounces back then).
  • Wedding Episode: The episode centres on the preparation for Isaac and Nigel’s wedding. Subverted as Isaac pulls out of the wedding at the last minute.
  • Wham Episode:
    • After an entire season of leading up to their wedding, Isaac and Nigel officially break up.
    • Pete finds out that his ghost power has a severe limitation, as he apparently will fade into oblivion if he stays away from Woodstone Mansion for too long.
    • Patience has finally found her way out of the dirt and into the mansion, and quickly takes her revenge on Isaac.
  • Wham Shot: A woman in Puritan's clothing standing in the middle of the basement.
  • Why Waste a Wedding?: After the wedding between Isaac and Nigel is cancelled, Carol and Baxter get married. Also defied when Thorfinn decides not to marry Flower yet for Isaac's sake.
  • You Can See Me?: Basically Pete's response to Donna after he realizes she is also a ghost and can see him.
