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Recap / Garfield And Friends S 5 E 08

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The eighth episode of the fifth season of Garfield and Friends.

Post-opening sequence line: "And for my next trick, I shall make the rest of the show magically appear!"

Canvas Back Cat

Garfield and Odie are watching 'Professional Wrestling' when they see the Masked Mauler issuing a challenge to the public to face him. Jon decides to go out to buy pizza, and Garfield (and Odie who he drags along) follow suit. At the pizzeria, the Masked Mauler is upset as his agent tells him that no one is willing to face him in the ring, so he decides to randomly pick someone. When Garfield eats the Mauler's pizza, he uses it as an excuse to pick a fight with Jon. Jon decides to head to a foreign country, but is forced by the manager to face the Mauler.

At the arena, Jon and the Masked Mauler face off while Garfield and Odie watch from the front row. But as the match begins, Jon faints and the Masked Mauler tosses him out of the ring, catapulting Garfield inside. The Mask Mauler chases Garfield while the crowd boos him for bullying a cat. As he catches Garfield, the Mask Mauler suddenly sneezes. Realizing he's allergic to cats, Garfield asks Odie to use a hair dryer to blow cat fur towards the Mauler. The Mauler sneezes so hard that his mask flies off, revealing his geeky-looking face, and he runs out of the arena in embarrassment. In the end Garfield is crowned champion.

Make Believe Moon

Orson's imagination can (literally) take the guys anywhere: even the Moon.

The Creature that Lived in the Refrigerator, Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup and to the Left of the Coleslaw

In another "Garfield's Tales of Scary Stuff" episode, Jon makes a soup using a new recipe, and Garfield and Odie are forced to eat it. Upon seeing that they hate it, Jon retorts that it isn't that bad until Garfield forces him to taste it. Unwilling to throw it out, he puts it inside the refrigerator, behind the mayonnaise, next to the ketchup, and to the left of the coleslaw. Months pass, and it somehow mutates itself into a large gooey creature. When the gang discover the monster, they flee the house and call the police about the creature inside the refrigerator, behind the mayonnaise, next to the ketchup, and to the left of the coleslaw.

The Police Are Useless, so Garfield defeats the Creature That Lived in the Refrigerator, Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup, and to the Left of the forcing him to eat baking soda. It works and the police congratulate him for his fine work, then decide to distribute baking soda to the neighborhood.

"Canvas Back Cat" contains examples of:

  • Bystander Syndrome: As lampshaded by Garfield himself, the audience may be furious with the Mauler for attacking a cat, but not one of them tries to help Garfield.

"Make Believe Moon" contains examples of:

"The Creature that Lived in the Refrigerator, Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup and to the Left of the Coleslaw" contains examples of:

  • Dumbass Has a Point: As useless as the police were, the chief did point out people should really throw away old leftovers instead of letting them get expired and neglected in their fridges.
  • It Came from the Fridge: Guess who? That's right, the Creature That Lived in the Refrigerator Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup and to the Left of the Coleslaw.
  • Police Are Useless: The police don't take any rational action against the Creature That Lived in the Refrigerator Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup and to the Left of the Coleslaw. They just send their stupidest member on the force who can't even put 2 and 2 together in his head who couldn't even locate the MASSIVELY LARGE Creature That Lived in the Refrigerator, Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup and to the Left of the Coleslaw has taken over much of the house. Thus, Garfield decides to go with the Mundane Solution of using baking soda to kill it.
  • Overly Long Name: The Creature That Lived in the... Well, you get it by now.
  • Police Code for Everything: An 817 means this type of situation. Specifically, a Creature Living in the Refrigerator Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup and to the Left of the Coleslaw.
  • Title Drop: They do it several times just to annoy the viewer and also as Filler because of this episode's short plot.
