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Recap / Corner Gas Animated S 4 E 8 Swing And A Mist

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"There's no such thing as 'essential oil', unless you're making French fries."
A Plot: Karen and Davis try to uncover why Karen suddenly has violently angry feelings towards Hank.

B Plot: The citizens of Dog River are captivated by the Leroys' new porch swing.

C Plot: Brent, Wanda, and Lacey butt heads over aromatherapy.

  • Be Careful What You Wish For: To convince Brent to let her keep her aroma diffuser at Corner Gas, Wanda puts in a scent that's scientifically proven to attract more customers. It indeed works...but Wanda ends up having to do so much work that she refuses to use the device again.
  • Escalating War: A minor one occurs between Corner Gas and the Ruby. Lacey asks Wanda to turn the scent diffuser off because it's bothering her sinuses, which leads to an annoyed Wanda purposely using a fan to waft the smell into the Ruby and bother its customers, so Lacey retaliates by cooking a huge pot of chili and wafting the smell back while refusing to sell any to Brent. The "war" ends after Wanda's customer-attracting scent also boosts sales at the Ruby.
  • Here We Go Again!: In The Tag, Davis and Hank help Karen get over her subconscious grudge against Hank by funding her pinball games...but just when Karen's about to finally defeat Hank's high-score, Davis trips over a power cord and shuts down the entire machine, becoming the new focus of Karen's ire.
  • Hopeless with Tech: After a successful day where Wanda's aroma diffuser ends up attracting a huge amount of customers to both Corner Gas and The Ruby, Brent wonders if he can get his business to smell of food all day long by putting some of Lacey's chili in place of the scented oil. The machine immediately breaks down.
  • Innocent Innuendo: After their neighbors show interest in the porch swing he "built", Oscar decides to invite them over for a "Swing Party". Just when Emma asks if he used that exact phrase, two neighbors show up with wine and wearing just bathrobes.
  • It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: Brent has "dump stock" of bad ideas he thought would sell well at Corner Gas, including a set of 2006 New Year's glasses that he bought at a huge discount in 2007, hoping (and failing) to turn all of the last digits upside-down in time for the 2009 party. Wanda using a scent that attracts customers leads him to selling the majority of it.
  • The Last Straw: To follow up his popularity from the porch swing, Oscar decides to build a gazebo all on his own. It's so shoddy that a popped cork from a wine bottle ends up causing the structure to collapse.
  • Literal Metaphor: When Karen, Davis, and Hank recall the recent past to try and find the source of Karen's agitation, Hank's imagination shows Karen "roasting him" and "biting his head off" as literal.
  • Self-Serving Memory: Karen, Davis, and Hank try recalling recent events to find the source of Karen's agitation. Davis' memory depicts himself as handsome and muscled, Karen recalls everyone recognizing her authority, and Hank keeps slipping into fanciful events and Literal Metaphors.
  • Stealing the Credit: Emma decides to order a porch swing from a furniture store, which Oscar puts together from assembly instructions. However, when a neighbor walks by and asks if he built it, Oscar claims he did, not correcting their assumption that he built it from scratch.
  • Stink Snub: The reason Wanda sets up an aromatherapy machine at Corner Gas is because Brent switched to an ineffective bargain bin deodorant and she can't tolerate his body odor.
  • Trigger Phrase: An olfactory variant, in that the cops and Hank figure out Karen becomes irrationally agitated whenever she smells pickles and peppermint at the same time. Karen later has a revelation that she once tried to break Hank's high score on a pinball machine while chewing peppermint gum, when Hank accidentally dropped a jar of pickled eggs that distracted her and caused her to lose, which the smells subconsciously remind her of.
