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Quotes / Unreal Tournament Maps

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    Deathmatch ladder 

Default PC Ladder

"The ITV Oblivion is one of Liandri's armored transport ships. It transports new contestants via hyperspace jump from the Initiation Chambers to their first events on Earth. Little do most fighters know, however, that the ship itself is a battle arena."

"Jerl Liandri purchased this old mechanic’s garage as a possible tax dump for his fledging company, Liandri Mining. Now, Liandri Corp. has converted it into a battle arena. While not very complex, it still manages to claim more lives than the slums of the city in which it lies."

"LMC public polls have found that the majority of Tournament viewers enjoy fights in ‘Real Life’ locations. This converted plasma reactor is one such venue. Fighters should take care, as the plasma energy beams will become accessible through the ‘Fractal Portal’ if any of the yellow LED triggers on the floor are shot."
Fractal Reactor

"A decaying water-treatment facility that has been purchased for use in the Tourney, the Turbine Facility offers an extremely tight and fast arena for combatants which ensures that there is no running, and no hiding from certain death."

"The Codex of Wisdom was to be a fantastic resource for knowledge seeking beings all across the galaxy. It was to be the last place in known space where one could access rare books in their original printed form. However, when the construction crew accidentally tapped into a magma flow, the project was aborted and sold to Liandri at a bargain price for combat purposes."
Codex of Wisdom

"The booby trap is a time honored tradition and a favorite among Tournament viewers. Many Liandri mining facilities offer such ‘interactive’ hazards."

"A former Liandri smelting facility, this complex has proven to be one of the bloodiest arenas for tournament participants. Lovingly called the Heavy Metal Grinder, those who enter can expect nothing less than brutal seek and destroy action."

"The indigenous people of Koos World are waterborne and find there to be no more fitting an arena than the ancient transport galleon."
Koos Galleon

"The Tempest Facility was built specifically for the tournament. It was designed strictly for arena combat, with multi-layered areas and tiny hiding spots. It is a personal training arena of Xan Kriegor and sits high above the sprawling Reconstructed New York City."

"A mysterious and ancient alien castle that hovers above an electrical storm, Orion's Barricade makes for a delightfully dangerous arena of battle."
Orion's Barricade

"A textbook Liandri ore processing facility located at Earth’s Mohorovicic discontinuity roughly below Mexico. Phased ion shields hold back the intense heat and pressure characteristics of deep lithosphere mining."
Liandri Central Core

"This refinery makes for a particularly well balanced arena. A multilevel central chamber keeps fighters on their toes while the nearby smelting tub keeps them toasty."

"Originally built by the Nipi monks on Nepal to escape moral degradation, this serene and beautiful place once called for meditation; until Liandri acquired it for perfect tournament conditions."
The Peak Monastery

Game Of The Year ladder (additional maps)

"The Nali, an ancient race of four armed aliens, constructed this hidden temple to worship their Gods in secrecy when they were oppressed by the vicious Skaarj aliens. Unfortunately for the Nali, the Skaarj eventually located the temple and systematically slaughtered every inhabitant."
Arcane Temple

"This small facility is well suited for testing rising tournament favorites in one-on-one combat."

"Tournament coordinators love burnt out factories, foundries, and warehouses because of the natural height and architectural hazards they provide. With the original name of this burnt-out facility long forgotten, the contestants have morbidly nicknamed this place."
Shrapnel ][

Console-exclusive ladders (additional maps)

"Interstellar Space Vehicle Gaetano is the largest space-faring vehicle ever built. When in drydock, it serves as a venue for tournament combat. All battles take place on the infamous Deck 16 of the cruiser. Try to stay out of the slime!"
Deck 16 ][

"Excavation of this mysterious crypt was halted due to lack of funding, and the Liandri location scout swooped down on the area and struck a deal with the archeologists - allow the location to be included in several key tournament battles and Liandri would fund the remainder of the excavation."
Curse ][

"Hidden deep within the jungles of the lush planet Valkyrus, this area was used by interplanetary smugglers as a storage location. Any unwitting tourists who stumbled upon the location were systematically tortured to death, hence the name."
The Pit of Agony

    Domination ladder 

Default ladder

"The many gang-related fights that ravaged this particular area have already proven this section of the city slums to be a bloody battleground. The Liandri organizers are expecting this to be the case once again, only this time, as a tournament domination arena."

"A newly constructed explosion testing facility, Ghardhen Labs houses two blast Chambers. Unfortunately, one of the silent investors was a Liandri scout, and Ghardhen fell to Liandri."

"One of the few ‘manufactured’ Tournament arenas, this ancient-seeming ruin was built by the legendary Tournament Master Kilbragh as a personal training facility. After his death, the property reverted to Liandri, who now makes full use of it."

"After dozens of broken legs and incinerated employees, the Cinder Foundry was finally shut down and placed upon the auction block, where it was promptly snatched up by a savvy Liandri location scout."
Cinder Foundry

"New peace treaties by the NEG have resulted in many abandoned military facilities. Gearbolt was one of an underground storage base for military weapons and inventory."

"An old Leadworks on the wrong side of the tracks is an excellent place for war. You can expect molten lead still pooled in some areas of this facility. Step lightly if you plan on being effective."

"This ancient temple was sacred to the race that built it, but not to Liandri. Upon discovering it nestled in the mountains above the Eternal Cave, desecrated it for battle."
Olden Aquifer

"Despite worldwide protests, this historical landmark is now owned by Liandri. Jerl Liandri, President of Liandri Mining Corporation: "We owe it to the people to ensure quality cultural events. We won't settle for less.""
Tomb of Sesmar

"This oil rig has been converted into a Domination Arena. It is located near strange meteorological phenomenon in the northern reaches of Kryllia. Use the architecture to dominate your opponents."
Metal Dream

Console-exclusive ladders (additional maps)

"An ancient Egyptian lion pit into which Pharaohs released disobedient slaves. Long since purchased for Tournament combat, the souls of the dead slaves moan over the bodies of fallen combatants."
Osiris' Tomb

"This arena was originally a repair station for ground-based vehicles until jet propulsion advanced to the point of allowing flying personal passenger vehicles to become an inexpensive reality."

    Capture The Flag ladder 

Default ladder

"An experimental orbital nuclear reactor; abandoned after funding for the project dried up. High radiation levels and waste leakage offer an environmental challenge for Tournament combatants."
Niven Experimental Lab

"This ancient asteroid has been converted to an Arena for the Tournament. It is highly dangerous due to aberrant gravitational properties and, of course, the snipers from the other team."
Facing Worlds

"Ruins belonging to an unknown race, acquired by Liandri Corporation’s Xenobiology Division for research and excavation. Deemed a ‘valuable and entertaining venue’ by the Tournament Board after 17 XD archeologists fell to their deaths."

"Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes."
Coret Facility

"Not all environments are retrofitted Liandri real estate. The Gauntlet is one of a small number of highly stylized combat arenas specifically designed for the Tournament. This particular venue has been customized for teamplay."
The Iron Gauntlet

"This distant wastemarsh of Vandaron 3 is said to be the wettest place in the galaxy. A post dreaded by soldiers due to its remote location, cramped quarters and maddening echo of ever beating rain."
Dreary Outpost

"The Last Command is a fully functional Nuclear Processing Station owned by the LC. This facility’s system oriented layout makes an ideal proving grounds for the Capture the Flag Tournament matches. High Tech voluminous industrial architecture paired with curving maintenance corridors means fighting here will require quick reaction times if your team plans on surviving."
The Last Command

"This volatile world has an extremely low orbit around a superdense gas giant. The resulting gravitational forces have caused the planetary mantle to collapse. Combatants are issued special gravbelts for each match."
The Lava Giant

"Battle around a retired November class nuclear submarine docked in an underground pen. This relic, from the First Cold War, still includes machinegun nests and defensive positions key to victory."
November Sub Pen

Game Of The Year ladder (additional maps)

"This enormous hydroelectric plant used to power the colonies on Vesuvius 9 until a mysterious virus killed everyone off. Now that a few years have passed, Liandri officials have declared the plant safe for combat (safe is relative to Liandri officials)."
Hydro Bases

"The interior of this dual-sided space station may appear incomplete, but much functionality was never completed when funding ran out due to corrupt contractors and irresponsible administrators. As usual, the savvy Liandri location scouts caught wind of this and picked the station up at a discount for inclusion in the tourney."
Orbital Station 12

Console-exclusive ladders (additional maps)

"This location was turned into a burial site after a mysterious plague wiped out most of an alien population. Centuries later the architecture remains but the bones are gone, only to be replaced by the fresh bones of tournament combatants."

    Assault ladder 
"A somewhat antiquated Earth warship, the restored SS Victory is still seaworthy. A dual security system prevents intruders from activating the guns only by allowing crew members to open the control room portal. However, should the aft boiler be damaged beyond repair the door will auto-release, allowing access to anyone."

"Always looking to entertain the public, LC refitted this 200 mph high speed train for Tournament purposes. This time the combatants will have the added danger of being able to fall off a train. Get your popcorn out people and enjoy the show!"

"This ancient castle, nestled in the highlands of Romania, was purchased by Xan Kriegor as a personal training ground for his opponents, hoping to cull the best of the best to challenge him. The attacking team must open the main gates and escape the castle by breaking free the main winch in the library and throwing the gatehouse lever, while the defending team must prevent their escape."

"Nestled deep within the foothills of the jungle planet Zeus 6 lies Mazon Fortress, a seemingly impregnable stronghold. Deep within the bowels of the base resides an enormous shard of the rare and volatile element Tarydium. The shard is levitating between two enormous electron rods above a pool of superconductive swamp water."
Mazon Fortress

"Oceanfloor Station5, built by universities around the globe for deep sea research, almost ran out of money when LC came to the rescue. Jerl Liandri President LC: ‘If we can’t ensure education for our children, what will come of this world?’"
OceanFloor ‘Station 5’

"The tournament organizers at Liandri have decided that the recreation of arguably the Earth’s most violent war would create the perfect arena of combat. Storming the beaches of Normandy in WWII was chosen in particular because of the overwhelming odds facing each member of the attacking force. Defending this beach, however, will prove to be no less of a daunting task."
Operation Overlord

    Final challenge 

Default ladder

"This Martian space station is caught between Mars and its satellite Phobos, resulting in a chaotic rotation. Fortunately, the gravity generators are working well enough to lend a fast paced rhythm to deathmatch."
Phobos Moon

"LMC knew they had found an excellent arena at the very top of a newly constructed Galaxyscraper SuperStructure. Thanks to the modern miracle of super tensile solids, these three buildings reach a staggering 12 miles high at their pinnacle. The thin atmosphere and reduced influence of Earth’s gravity provide an interesting test of the tournament athlete’s ability to adapt and conquer in extreme environments."

"Liandri Corp., in an attempt to recoup financial losses from a failed research station on the arctic moon of Coret, has converted this frozen outpost into a Tournament arena."
Ice Station Zeto

"Thanks to Magnetic Anti-Vacuum Resonance technology, combatants are able to battle outside of Xan’s ‘HyperBlast’ ArenaShip for an extended period of time. Use extreme caution though, one mistake and you’ll find yourself floating in space."

Console-exclusive ladders (additional maps)

"On this Martian space station, you will be fighting Damien, one of the leading contenders to win the tournament after his devastating romp through the lower ladders."
Phobos Moon (new text)

"While experimenting with hyperdimensional travel, one of the testing labs had a fatal accident. It is now a deadly arena, surrounded by warp fields capable of ripping a human apart. Rampage, leader of the War Machine team, is a 5 to 1 favorite to defeat you."

"You've defeated the Skaarj Hybrids in battle, but this one is a full-blooded Skaarj Warrior, and just one step away from challenging for the title of Tournament Champion."

"Thanks to Magnetic Anti-Vacuum Resonance technology, combatants are able to battle outside of Xan’s ‘HyperBlast’ ArenaShip for an extended period of time. Xan is the reigning Tournament Champion, and has never lost a match."
