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Quotes / The Great Nerf War

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    Season 1 
"We've been over this plan so many times that you could do it in your sleep with toasters on your hands and a plumb in your mouth."
1st Sgt Donnie McSaint, Rusted Trust

"Make them think that the sound of our charging hooves is thunder and then show them that there's nowhere they can hide from our lightning!"
1st Sgt Donnie McSaint, Rusted Trust

"If you can't hit them in the head don't bother shooting at all"
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Undead Dread

Captain Sullivan Edgar, Undead Dread

"Zombs away!"
Cpl. Oliver Rhodey, Undead Dread

"Now who was the last one out that didn't lock the door?"
Pvt. James Brickwall, Undead Dread

"I'm not perfect!"
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Undead Dread

"I hate to admit when a Peace-Bull is right! So I won't"
Commander Nhine, Undead Dread

"Just keep in mind the old German saying that my Omi used to tell me: you always keep one eye on the sun, the other ear on the moon"
"Yeah, my grandma used to say awesome, confusing stuff too"
1st Lt. Kristoph Baineswolf & Cpl. James Birckwall, Lost in Frost

"Those aren't yours"
Solomon, Fate Ain't Late

    Season 2 

"My dear 59th Company, war is like business, it's really not personal. But somewhere along the lines, both primary goals of the Peace-bull and the Belligerwitch have become about the men, and not their ideas. In a certain tyrant's pursuit for my mounted head, I've watched our brothers and sisters fall by the wayside. And because of that, we've exchanged the hunt for peace for the hunt itself. This is why I stay behind. To not only give you time to travel to safer havens, but to bring this war back into perspective. Peace is the mission, failure not an option. As I fight till my last breath, I hold close the memories and the pride of my valiant 59th. Operation Phoenix is now in effect, the first stage: ascend from these ashes. - Your Former Captain, Sullivan Edgar."
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Fight By Candlelight

"Hey! Somebody grab me my tool belt."
"Why do you need that?"
"It's got a gun in it, stupid!"
Tech Sgt. Victoria "Vic" Ross, Convoy Ploy

"Well, are you going to let us in or is this stand-off going to continue until all nerf breaks loose?""
Sgt. William "Harry" Harrison, Deceased Feast

"Except for that one time, but we don't speak of that"
Chester „Murph“ Weezy , Deceased Feast

"Revenge is like a snowman without a carrot nose. Pointless."
Sgt. William "Harry" Harrison, Snowball Brawl

Pvt. James Brickwall, Snowball Brawl

"It's a glorious day to be removing some hate from the world, Captain"
1st Sgt Donnie McSaint, Snowball Brawl

Florentine, Apparition's Mission

    Season 3 

"Oh, I wasn't doing you any favors, believe me. You think I crippled the Belligerwitch? I've unleashed them! Commander Nhine was hardy irreplaceable and now that there's room at the top, well... Nature abhors a vacuum, my friend. And after what I've done it won't be long before one of Nhine's Officers takes up the mantle. Could be New Mexico, perhaps. Or Bubba Boom. Or maybe one of the Sub-Commanders from out in the east... It doesn't matter. Nhine was weak and whoever rises to power in his place will be infinitely more vicious, more cruel, more deserving. You better dig your heels in good and hard because the coming storm is going to knock you flat. But you don't need to take my word for it, you'll find out for yourself soon enough"
Florentine, Devised Rise

"Add some chocolate! Chocolate makes everything better."
Tech Sgt. Victoria "Vic" Ross, Split Hit

"Bulls, find a tree and hug it!"
Sgt. William "Harry" Harrison, Split Hit

"Brainwashed Zombie Dinosaur Hunter? Yeah, that's gotta be a T-shirt"
Tech Sgt. Victoria "Vic" Ross,Reanimation Starvation!

"I ain't worth a man's live"
Captain Sullivan Edgar,Reanimation Starvation!

"Looks like a Deja Vu all over again"
Florentine, Behold the Cold

"Under my leadership we easily could have shown up at your doorstep and annihilated you all, But an amputation such as that leaves too much to be desired. Physical defeat is not enough. It leaves room for healing. I want emotional defeat as well, so that nothing would grow back in its place. A defeat that washes over you all, slowly drowning you in your losses. That is defeat."
Lyssipe Jade, Behold the Cold

"Sasquatch saved my life. That's it! That's what I'll call my book!"
Corporal James Brickwall, The Good Withstood

"You all know what radio channel to stay on, right?"
"59th. Peace-Bull? See you tomorrow, whenever that is"
Captain Sullivan Edgar, The Good Withstood

    Season 4 
"The name’s Brickwall, friend of Bigfoot!”
Corporal James Brickwall, Sic 'Em Brick

"Remember, this changes lives as well as take them”
Agent Kodiak,Viva la Espuma (Long Live the Foam)

"You think someone just found this old, creepy house and this old, creepy road and build the story around it?”
Cpl. Oliver Rhodey, Forebode's Road

"Oh, I'm not crazy, I'm good"
Florentine, Forebode's Road

"Alright, Jenkins... Bravest man I ever knew, this is for you"
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Monster Roster

"You're starting to sound like Brickwall"
"That's a compliment!"
1st Sgt. Donnie McSaint & Cpl. Wattson Lewis, Suit Pursuit

" Oof, that might have done some brain damage. I mean, I should know, you sure used my brain for a lotta damage."
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Jaded Raid

"The bad guy ain't supposed to be the better fighter"
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Jaded Raid

"Alright, keep a sharp eye. Especially you"
Sgt. William "Harry" Harrison, Jaded Raid

"It wasn't some fancy order name like... Operation Eagle-Wing-Flappin', or something like that. It wasn't some fancy mission that was top secret. No, no, no, this was just somethin', just somethin' that came to me in the heat of battle. The good withstood and I told them 'scatter to the wind'."
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Full on Bull

“Hey, this is adventure! Sometimes you don’t know what somethin’ is when you’re in it, but know—that’s what you’re in. Remember runnin’ around as kids, fightin’ this and rescuin’ that? Embrace that mentality. Embrace your adventure.”
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Full on Bull

"Throughout this war, in the bleakest of moments, we -Peace- have consistently slipped through the cracks of your tribulations. If that has not become abundantly clear to you by now, well, I guess I just hit you in the head too hard, Lysippe."
Captain Sullivan Edgar, Full on Bull

    Season 5 
"It's so cool that we have these brainwashed civilians with us. But also, they're kinda creepy"
Deacon, Belligerwitch Bridge
