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Playing With / The Precious, Precious Car

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Basic Trope: Something went wrong with someone's most prized automobile.

  • Straight: Harry Oswalt owns a prized Suzuki Katana imported from Japan. It gets wrecked in a horrific crash when Pete Perkins takes it for a joyride and crashes it into a construction site.
  • Exaggerated: The Oswalts own a lot of cool vehicles. They all get wrecked in increasingly horrific crashes.
  • Downplayed: Pete accidentally scratches a little bit off the Suzuki Katana, but nothing that can't be fixed.
  • Justified: Harry had been bragging about it for a while, so apparently fate and chance conspire to ensure it is irrevocably destroyed.
  • Inverted: Somehow, Pete's rusty bucket of bolts gets repaired into a Fox-body Mustang by Harry after he sends it on some ludicrous crash course.
  • Subverted: Harry watches over his Suzuki Katana, but he then watches in horror as a street sweeper runs it over... And harmlessly cleans it.
  • Double Subverted: Harry then tries riding it, but it crumbles. And the driver of the street sweeper lets out an Evil Laugh as he drives the street sweeper into the metro station's stairway...
  • Parodied: The Suzuki Katana's Vanity Plate reads: "2BREKT"
  • Zig-Zagged: Whether the Suzuki Katana survives or gets trashed is Depending on the Writer.
  • Averted:
    • The Suzuki Katana isn't destroyed.
    • Harry doesn't really care much for the Suzuki Katana.
  • Enforced: Catharsis Factor for any jerkass who owns their prized vehicle. Also, Finagle's Law.
  • Lampshaded: "Always my bike! Argh, what is it with these people wanting to wreck it!?"
  • Invoked: Pete plots to destroy the bike in any way possible to get back at Harry after some slight.
  • Exploited: Harry knows that his bike is eventually gonna get wrecked, so he makes sure to drive it to a bank robbery, let the robbers jack it from him, and blow up the bike as they try to get away.
  • Defied: Harry ensures that the bike is locked in a maximum security storage unit so tight and secure that it makes The Alcatraz look like a Cardboard Prison.
  • Discussed: "Man, is it me, or does Harry's bike keep getting trashed every other day of the week? Guy must've been driven crazy with all these crashes..."
  • Conversed: "HAHA! Up yours, you fucking jackass! I love seeing rich, smarmy assholes get their comeuppance with their vehicles being trashed! Especially when they start crying, too!"
  • Implied: Harry complains about some bike constantly getting trashed. We don't know if he's actually attached to it, or if it's just a common nuisance Harry has to deal with.
  • Deconstructed: Repeated damages to Harry's Suzuki Katana help build it up more and more to the point of being completely impervious to any and all sorts of damage towards it.
  • Reconstructed: Somehow, Harry's Suzuki Katana gets launched into space and lost to drift in the void forever.
  • Played for Laughs: Harry's Suzuki Katana gets a ludicrous and embarrassing paint job.
  • Played for Drama: Harry's Suzuki Katana is the one thing he bought with his own hard-earned money (especially considering he's a straight up Lazy Bum at other times), and to see it wrecked drives him down the Despair Event Horizon.
  • Played for Horror: Harry's Suzuki Katana has a lot of horrific accidents behind it, with Cruel and Unusual Deaths soon to follow. Him being the latest accident is only a matter of time.

