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Playing With / Poor Communication Kills

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Basic Trope: A person's failure to communicate with another character leads to problems.

  • Straight: Bob doesn't tell Alice about an upcoming event, leading to Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure.
  • Exaggerated: Bob refuses to tell Alice about anything of importance, and it always leads to big rows whenever Alice finds out his secrets from her other friends.
  • Downplayed: The problem is something minor, and Alice is annoyed she wasn't consulted about it when she finds out, but otherwise doesn't make a big fuss about it.
  • Justified:
    • He tried, bless his soul, but there was a language barrier involved.
    • Bob doesn't trust Alice enough to tell her his secrets, or he doesn't think it's important enough to tell her.
    • Bob doesn't think Alice will believe him.
    • Bob has a mental illness that makes him very sensitive to rejection, and assumes that Alice would think less of him if she knew.
    • Bob (and friends) underestimated how bad Alice would take the secrecy behind her surprise birthday party.note 
    • Bob thought Alice had been told by Jim, who thought she had been told by Fred, who…
  • Inverted: Bob tells Alice about something, and this leads to problems because Alice has such Loose Lips that it gets people killed when the wrong person hears about it.
  • Subverted: It later turns out that the problem would still have happened regardless of proper communication.
  • Double Subverted: ...but then it later turns out the problem wasn't inevitable after all.
  • Parodied: Bob is literally unable to tell her about anything. His mouth just suddenly stops working whenever he speaks to her!
  • Zig Zagged: Bob informs of her of something important one time... but keeps quiet the next time. Only to inform her of another important thing without hesitation.
  • Averted: No communication failure and therefore no problems.
  • Enforced: "Everyone's getting along... boring. Let's have Bob keep quiet about this, so Alice can be mad at him later."
  • Lampshaded: "Why didn't you tell X about Y?"
  • Invoked: Charlie, who wants to sabotage Bob and Alice's friendship, takes steps to ensure they don't communicate.
  • Exploited: Charlie manipulates Alice into hating Bob due to his refusal to communicate.
  • Defied: Bob makes good and damn sure to communicate all relevant information to all parties involved.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob's refusal to tell Alice anything of importance drives a wedge between their relationship. It eventually crumbles due to Alice having her trust in Bob broken beyond repair.
    • Bob has low self-esteem but keeps quiet about his problems, believing that others would think less of him. Without anyone to talk to, Bob's issues just worsen and eventually he breaks completely.

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