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Playing With / Animesque

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Basic Trope: Non-Japanese media looks Japanese.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob is an animated series produced in the United States, yet contains several tropes which can be applied to the Anime medium.
  • Exaggerated: Alice and Bob is exactly stylized and written like an anime with even the original dub being in Japanese... When it was produced in Brazil. It is also originally titled Arisu To Bobu.
  • Downplayed:
    • One scene in Alice and Bob is an Art Shift as a tribute to the anime genre. The rest of the series doesn't look like anime.
    • Only a few characters, particularly the Japanese ones, are drawn in this style.
  • Justified:
    • The setting of Alice and Bob is a Japanese city.
    • It's a tribute to, or fanmade content of an originally Japanese anime series.
    • Alice and Bob was made by an anime creator who moved from Japan.
    • Alice and Bob was partially made by a Japanese anime studio.
    • It started as a Show Within a Show anime that has been defictionalized.
  • Inverted:
    • Arisu to Bobu (アリス&ボブ) was created in Japan, yet looks like Western Animation.
    • Disneyesque
  • Subverted: Art Evolution has the series quickly build its own style separate from anime.
  • Double Subverted: ...Then the production cast changes and it reverts back to Animesque.
  • Parodied: Arisu to Bobu (this time a direct English title) is an animated series produced in the United States. All Japanese Visual Arts Tropes that are featured in the show are exaggerated, with everyone acting like over-the-top stereotypes of Japanese anime.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Constant Art Shift makes it so the show never really seems to know whether it's Animesque or not.
    • The show is made in Japan, but is based on a Western Animation, which itself is Animesque
  • Averted:
    • Arisu to Bobu is an anime produced in Japan.
    • Alice and Bob is Western Animation that does not look like anime.
  • Enforced: "Everyone loves Anime now! Let's make our show like an Anime to appeal to the audience."
  • Lampshaded: "W-Wow! Bob, what's with that humongous vein on your face?"
  • Invoked: Genre Savvy Otaku Surrogate Alice uses Magical girl powers to make the show look like an Anime.
  • Exploited: Anime fans/Genre Savvy Alice and Bob add peps to their life after realizing they're stylized like Anime, beginning to include Anime tropes and patterns to make their life more entertaining.
  • Defied: The characters collectively refuse to abide to traditional Anime behaviors and patterns.
  • Discussed: "This life is thrilling, you know? Whenever someone feels a strong emotion, BAM, there we go, a funky visual representation of it on your face other than your expression."
  • Conversed: "I thought the show was created in Japan at first... It looks so much like an Anime!"

Back to Animesque, but you gotta be a Tsundere!
