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Narm / How I Became Yours

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Jackie Diaz's lack of artistic skill, her blatant tracing, and her poor spelling and grammar make for a great webcomic to laugh at.

  • Aang glowing avatar-style when having sex with Toph is unintentionally funny as well as horrifying when you consider what he's capable of in the Avatar state.
  • Azula asking the badly Photoshopped turtleduck to be her friend, especially how the photorealistic turtle duck clashes with the traced cartoon-style Azula.
  • Zuko and Mai's argument over her intercepting Katara's letters, ending with Zuko banishing Mai from the Fire Nation palace. What's meant to be a dramatic scene is ruined by random misspellings like "dander" for "danger" and "chard" for "charred". Not to mention Zuko gets upset at being called a "chard monster", even though part of his character arc from the show revolves around him getting over his insecurities about the scar.
    • Another example of humorous typos ruining Zuko's dialogue comes earlier, as he stares over the ocean and waxes poetic about his earlier romance with Katara... and he thinks to himself "I miss u."
  • The humongous monologues that take up good chunks of the page can get really ridiculous, especially when minor characters such as a monk who speaks with Aang suddenly launch into these lengthy tangents.
  • Azula spying on Sokka is supposed to be romantic, but it's much harder to take seriously when she does it in a bright pink dress.
  • Aang, Zuko and Iroh make some rather ridiculous faces when they see Azula, spoiling the moment in which they're genuinely shocked to see their former enemy alive and well in Katara's home.
  • That spirit-world monster that looks a bit like the Hell Knight from Doom³ looks kinda freaky, except its horrifying bellow is labeled as "*loud random screams*"
  • After Mai hits Azula in the chest with a knife, nearly killing her and resulting in the drama for Chapter 5, said drama is ruined by Sokka's Big "NO!" unfortunately coming out as a Big "NAAOOOO!"
    • Speaking of, the suddenness of the stabbing would be fairly dramatic and shocking... were it not for the fact that the knife hits Azula directly in the cleavage, lending to the image that she's been stabbed in the boobs.
  • Zuko and Sokka's sparring match turns incredibly goofy by way of their ridiculously stiff fencing. With the en garde pose. And yes, they are indeed fencing with a broadsword and a katana.
