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Rain Aura

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The appearance of a faint white or grey fog or glow around and above objects and people during a rainstorm. This is a representation of a real-world phenomenon — a kind of mist generated by the shattering of raindrops impacting on a surface — which normally can only be seen under the right angles and light conditions, but which in anime can be seen all the time during a rainstorm. Adds an almost otherworldly air to rainy scenes, but also makes drawing rain much easier.

For technical reasons, this trope is more ubiquitous in animation than in live-action productions. Also, in the former, it can also take the form of white outlines surrounding characters and objects.

Might be the cause of Mysterious Mist, a distinctive mist present during an otherworldly scene to emphasize something important. It frequently accompanies Gray Rain of Depression.

Compare and contrast Natural Spotlight, when importance is conveyed by a glow from sunlight. Contrast Cue the Rain, when a situation going From Bad to Worse is signaled by it starting to rain.


Anime & Manga

Fan Works

Films — Animation

  • Flavors of Youth: The rain that accompanies Xiao Ming's contemplative narration as a young adult living in Beijing causes the city's sidewalks and roads to exude a faint greyish glow.
  • Voices of a Distant Star: The trailer has an overall melancholic feeling produced by the tender scenes between Mikako and Noboru, the beautiful piano soundtrack, and the lightning. At one point, after a Tracer mecha is seen going away to space, a brief shot of rain falling on a pond and producing a white mist is shown. It represents both characters' sadness over Mikako having had to leave each other behind.


  • Crónicas de un gato a medianoche: Poignantly subverted in "Cuerda floja"translation. The character notes that being so high above the city means that the light rain soaking her doesn't produce mist (which is a metaphor for her past suffering) but a breathtaking myriad of colors.
    "And the mist. The mist has disappeared as if the altitude scared it away. As if up here, it was no longer able to numb my mind. As if it could torture me no more."


  • Les Misérables: This is simulated using a fog machine for the song "On My Own", in which Eponine sings about how the rain makes the pavement look like silver.

Video Games

  • Plants vs. Zombies: In the Fog levels, a white Fog of War invades your lawn. It's much more pervasive in the last level; the full-on rainstorm obscures the screen but, during the lightning flashes, you can see that the fog occupies all but the first two squares on the left.

Western Animation

Real Life

  • Go somewhere that's at once miserably hot and horridly humid. Stir in one (1) cloudburst. Observe the steam rising from the pavement. Repeat as necessary.
