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Funny / Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

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  • Several of the joke rules from the legacy armies are quite amusing. (All these joke rules have been retired. A little disappointing for those of us who like a good laugh, but probably better for the game.) A few examples:
    • High Elf Dragon riders get bonuses unless their opponent can make them laugh.
    • If Settra is your general, he has an ability that requires you to point across the battlefield and say "war" in a commanding tone for an army-wide bonus. However, if you kneel for any reason during the game, you instantly lose. SETTRA DOES NOT KNEEL!
    • Brettonian Grail Knights get to re-roll saves if the player yells "For the Lady!" and drinks a toast from a goblet.
    • Kurt Helborg gets rerolls to hit as long as his player has a more impressive mustache than his opponent.
    • If you complain about something while using Dwarf Longbeards, they get a bonus. According to the rules text it's because they join in.
    • Marius Leitdorf gets bonuses if you pretend to ride an invisible horse.
    • Great Unclean Ones have an ability that requires you to roll a seven on the charge and then yell "Seven!" in a mirthful way for an attack bonus.
    • Konrad Von Karlstein gets bonuses if you talk to his miniature during the game, with an additional bonus if the miniature actually talks back to you.
    • If you roll a 13 on the 2D6 roll for the Screaming Bell's ability, you istantly win the game. Since this is virtually impossible to do, it means that you cheated with some kind of tricked dice, but as the rule states "A true Skaven general doesn't care about that".
    • King Thorgrim Grudgebearer requires you to actually keep your own Book of Grudges to sign the names of all the people you lost against, so that your army will get boosts when playing again against one of them.
  • The teaser trailer for the Sacrosanct Chamber of the Stormcast Eternals, the mages and artillery support who were released with Second Edition, starts off with Vandus Hammerhand pleading with Sigmar that he can't just solve all his problems by opening more Stormcast Chambers. The God-King's response is... interesting.
    Sigmar: THE HELL I CAN'T! *slams his hand down on a button marked "OPEN ANOTHER CHAMBER"*
  • Warhammer Community's listing of why Warcry is the most Warhammer game ever includes this little gem:
    It's not called Diplomacyhammer - And not just because that's a rubbish name.
  • The (obviously) non-canon comic Roll Models, following the adventures of Stormcast Eternals Nhillus, Brightheart and their human friend Johann are rather amusing;
    • How did Brightheart become a Stormcast? An epic Last Stand against insurmountable odds. How did Nhillus become a Stormcast? He heard about Bloodthirster daemons, and (without knowing what they are) decided to break it's face WITH HIS FACE!!!!!
    • After Nhillus and Brightheart's Chaos counterparts fail to spill blood in Khorne's name, one of his daemons show up with new orders: Khorne demands the skull of...Archibald, the Gryph-hound.
      Daemon: Never has Khorne seen a skull more worthy!
    • Johann eats a suspicious mushroom, and gains visions of being a small figure, moved around by the Gods themselves, whose fate was decided by the toss of a die.
    • While confronted by a host of Chaos, the Kharadron armada comes to our heroes rescue...waving banners that say "Go, Stormcast!". Sigmar apparently couldn't afford anything beyond moral support.
    • At one point, while fleeing from a horde of chaos spawn, the group are confronted by a heavenly light, and someone claiming to be Sigmar who will take them back to Azyr. Said someone is a Lord of Change with a fake beard.
      Hey guys, it's me, Sigmar. I love hammers and lightning. Follow me to Azyr, or whatever.
      • Even better, when Brightheart remains unconvinced, the Lord of change points out that her choice is between making a deal with it, or facing a horde of daemons alone. She takes the deal.
      • The Lord of Change takes them to an immense labyrinth somewhere in the Realm of Chaos. Nhillus solves it in typical Nhillus-fashion by breaking down every wall, and threatening to do the same with every wall in the Ninth Realm until he finds the exit. The Lord of Change wisely decides to let send them to be someone else's problem.
    • Nhillus reenacts the Realmgate Wars. With finger puppets.
      Archaon: I'm super evil! I'm going to do evil stuff all over the Realms!
      Sigmar: I HATE evil stuff! Get your filthy chaos hands off my stuff!
    • Brightheart is halfway through explaining how dangerous the Garden of Nurgle is, and that you can't touch or speak with anything, when Nhillus speaks with something, and is kidnapped by a group of Nurglings who want to make Stormcast Soup.
    • Magniloquous, a fellow Stormcast, fails to listen to Brightheart's advice on deployment and finds out the hard way that while lightning won't hurt the chosen of Sigmar, it still affects their hair.
  • Nagash inflicting horrific punishments for simple things is definitely a big source of grim humor. Such tendencies should be beneath him that it's actually hilarious and shows how petty and envious Nagash really is.
