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The main page for all the general shenanigans that happen on the channel. Some series have their own pages due to their sheer length.

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    Super Smash Bros. Brawl 

Subspace Emissary

Episode 1

  • At the end of the very first match — an Emile/Jon double Kirby on Mario Curb-Stomp Battle — Emile gets his mitts on a bumper and throws it straight down, knocking Jon right off the edge of the stadium. Emile then gently floats down, hits the bumper, and is flung off the side himself, all in Slow Motion.
    Tim: Super Kirby massacre!
  • Emile calls his cat, "Mah Boi".
  • "He had stickers in his underpants!"
  • Emile and Jon 'wombo combo'-ing Mario.
  • This hilarious exchange after the first match:
    Emile: And with that PILLARS!!
    Tim: And we cut to… pillars.
    Emile: God this place is just so dark and dank, [at the same time Pit's name appears] this place is the pits.
    Jon and Tim: [both groan at the same time] So nice, you had to say it twice, right?
    Emile: I know! Hey, you rhymed! You made a pun yourself!
    Jon: Rhyming is not a pun.
    Emile: It is in my book. [Tim starts laughing]
    Jon: You have a really weird book.
    Emile: I don't read!
    Jon: I know! That's why it's a weird book! I'm assuming it's drawn in crayons, and has one of those pop-up things...
  • Emile admits that he always thought Palutena was pronounced "pollute-ina." The guys decide that Pollute-ina sounds like a Captain Planet and the Planeteers villain.

Episode 2

  • At the very start, Emile ends up making yet another pun:
    Emile: So, we're going to be starting off here on the Sea of Clouds. Told you we'd be 'seeing' you guys-
    Jon: No. Don't you dare.
    Tim: [groans]
    Emile: [As Zelda and Kirby are travelling over the clouds] Jon, you need to get your head out of the clouds.
    Jon: [groans] They just keep getting worse. Where's- I need to throw something at you now...
    • It gets better when one remembers how the first episode ended.
      Emile: Join us next week when we tackle, ze Sea of Clouds. ''Sea'' you guys then!
      Jon: No.
      Tim: Nooo.
      Jon: Nooooo.
      Tim: Nooooooo!
      Jon: I'm leaving now. [end of episode]
    • Later on, Jon makes a "just hanging around" joke while hanging off a ledge, and gets hit right away.
      Emile: You see?! When you make bad puns, you just get punished!
  • Extremely early into episode 2, the guys somehow start talking about how royalty works, when the original topic of discussion was the character select screen. It's because Tim choose to play Zelda because he wanted to be the prettiest princess, and then Emile asked if that would make Josh the prince, since Tim was his wife in the "Meet JoshJepson" song that he's still obsessed with, and... yeah.
  • Their rule for giving everyone a chance to play is to switch off whenever they reach a selection screen. The reason it's funny is because there are times where the entirety of one of their sessions was running forward until they hit a Cutscene.
  • Jon does find a way to kill Emile: break blocks beneath him when he's player 1 to drop him to his death.
    • And later, while he's not playing, Emile keeps rooting for Jon to enter the wrong door and fall into a lava pit so he and Tim can take damage. And whenever they do fall into the pit, it's a moment of funny in and of itself.
  • Emile and Jon during a battle with loads of Mites:
    Jon: Ha ha, maniacal laughter...
    Emile: Oh God, we have Mites.
    Jon: Pikmin! It's Pikmin!
    Emile: Attack the portal! ATTACK THE PORTAL!
    Jon: I'm busy, attacking not-the-portal!
    Emile: HAAAAAAH! [destroys the portal] HAAAAA-boom. I made the portal go boom.
  • At 10:15, Jon has fun with the cannons, while Tim just stands off to the side, waiting.
  • Pretty much the entirety of the Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong level.
  • During one section, some text pops onscreen to say "No commentary for a few seconds" as the commentary cuts out temporarily. A while later, with no explanation, the text appears again, even though there's still commentary going on.

Episode 3

  • During the start of episode 3:
    Tim: "Could this get any worse?"
    [Primids appear]
    Jon: "And then it does."
    Tim: "We need someone like..."
    [Pig King Statue appears]
  • Emile tries to make out with polo shirts.
  • While outrunning Porkynote , Emile decides to annoy Jon:
    Emile: "We're really outrunning him, so you know what? MOVE FASTER POKEY!"
  • Defeating Porky results in a slow-motion shot of Lucas (Emile) being launched away. As Jon says, "To space!"
  • Emile names one of the Bytans Joe, and then when he explains the joke, the pun is so bad it completely stops the commentary. Joe Biden.
  • Jon singing the "Ninja Rap" by Vanilla Ice while playing as Squirtle.
  • Emile taking the opportunity to get in "DOH, I MISSED!" at the best possible moment — just as Wario appears and misses Ness with his Dark Gun.

Episode 4

  • The Beige Prose opening of Episode 4.
  • Emile and Tim backtracking to get a Stock Ball... and Tim immediately dying.
  • "Speaking of Majora's Mask, here's Twilight Princess."
  • During the fourth episode, they get their turn order mixed up again, and captions note that Tim should be playing that round. When they see that it's Yoshi's debut, Jon then hands Tim his controller so he can play, ironically and unknowingly fixing the order in the process.
    • Doubles somewhat as a Heartwarming Moment.
    • Gets even better in the next episode, when the turn order just gets totally freaking screwed over by their mistake.
    • And when they figure this out, they end up having to let Tim play 9 turns in a row to sort it all out.
  • After Tim misheard "Venture" as "Vengeance", Jon had this insight to offer:
    Jon: "You know what? If I think vengeance, I don't think Yoshi."
  • Emile jokingly calls himself a suicide bomber and then gets blown up by a Bob-omb.

Episode 5

  • The gratuitous fanservice shot of Zero Suit Samus descending from an air vent:
    Jon: "That's the most scandalous—"
    Emile: "Rated T for Teen!"
    Jon: "That's probably actually what got [the game] a T-rating, to be honest."
  • At one point, Emile and Jon are too busy arguing to notice that Tim died three times in a row. It's not until they see the game over screen that they realize what just happened.
  • "I want a bow that shoots bows!"
  • Tim singing Jon's "I am an asshole" song. He's supposed to be the nice one!
  • The return of the fake aliases "Pedro Martinez III Esq." and "Thomas Jefferson".

Episode 6

  • The episode starts off with Emile hurting his foot while getting into position.
  • A bit of an Ironic Echo: at one point, after Tim gets two game overs in a row and starts sounding dejected, Emile tries to sound "caring" and says "Are you okay?" in a voice that Jon (and possibly Tim) perceives as mocking. Later on:
    Emile: "You're going to pay!"
    Tim: [mocking voice] "Are you okay?"
    • Even better is that Emile doesn't realize it's an Ironic Echo and only thinks of it as a rhyme.
  • There was a moment in the last cutscene of episode 6. Bowser shows up to take one of Dedede's (character) statues and TRG wonder who he was there for.
    Emile: "Guess who Bowser's here for! I'll give you a hint, it's not Luigi."
  • Jon's impersonations of Squirtle were a quick chuckle. His impersonation of Squirtle with a Super Mushroom was a laughing riot.

Episode 7

  • The entirety of the intro to Episode 7, which includes the guys introducing themselves as characters from Home Improvement to the Wii crashing on them. The fact that they're recording at Jon's house instead of a hotel for once, so they can be as loud as they want, doesn't hurt either.
    • The Home Improvement opening is made even funnier by how Tim doesn't get the reference and goes Off the Rails into a completely different parody, as well as Jon having a very noticeable voice crack while saying "I don't think that's how Home Improvement went."
    • Best part about the crash: it takes them around 30 seconds to notice it. They manage to go on a tangent about Back to the Future of all things, all with the droning crash noise in the background.
  • The ending with Jon as Billy Mays pitching Silly Putty.
    Jon: "So...this has been... Billy Mays."
    Emile: [Beat] "You're not Billy Mays."
    Tim: "Helllllllloooooooooo, yeah, that's right!"
    Jon: "Billy Mays here for Silly Putty!"
    Emile: "Mighty Putty!"
    Jon: "I keep doing that!"
  • Somehow, Emile and Tim end up using up nearly all their lives in the span of a few seconds.
  • Emile telling Tim to grab the hammer before Charizard does in the battle against the latter. Charizard does get the hammer... and then promptly ends up falling off the stage.
    • Emile and Jon sound so similar that it might have been either of them. It's such a dry observation that it makes the actual sight of Charizard wielding the hammer look that much more ridiculous.
    Jon: [nonchalantly] "Someone should grab that hammer before Charizard does."
  • The Call-Back where part of the (in)famous "Meet JoshJepson" song was sung again.
    • Made even funnier when it's Tim singing the "Tim, his wife!" part, since he had such a negative reaction to it at first.
  • "Say hello to my nipple knives."
  • The entire 'go be Canadian somewhere else' exchange (with Tim on Jon's side).
    • "Like in Canada? Where we are right now?!"
  • There was also Jon commenting on one of their (many) failures over the course of Subspace:
    Jon: "Since we're explaining things we got wrong in the first place... we know how to fight Greaps. We're just stupid."

Episode 8

  • Episode eight's intro, with a particularly jerkish but true Take That! from Emile.
    Tim: "I'm Dumb. This is Dumber, and over on my left is Dumbest."
    Emile: "WHY AM I DUMBEST?"
    Jon: "I'm rolling with this!"
    Emile: "Clearly, I'm not the dumbest if I've managed a channel that's gotten further than both of yours combined."
    Tim: "OHH!"
    Jon: "Once again, as I've stated in the past, what a douche!"
  • During the battle with Galleom, Emile began shouting attack names for each move the monster did.
    • "FALL ON FACE!"
  • Everyone's reactions to how Jon somehow survived the first battle against Galleom despite being hit by almost every attack used by the boss.
  • The group's reaction to Charizard pretty much One-Hit KOing Galleom in the second battle with a single move.
  • The entirity of the scene where Emile and Tim kept dying on the elevators.

Episode 9

  • When Ridley appears in episode 9, what does Jon say?
    Jon''': "Hey guys! It's Ridley and I've stopped falling!"
  • Emile says that Zero Suit Samus's name is technically inaccurate, as she's actually wearing a suit. Jon replies to this with "It's not a birthday suit." Emile brings up that it's Jon's birthday.
  • Emile's reaction to the stage they will be doing next time when he realizes what happens at the beginning of the stage. Jon's reaction makes it even better.

Episode 10

  • Fun with Pikmin! (OK, more like fun with Steve, but...)
    • When ROB flings the Pikmin off of him, Emile yells "NO, STE-"...and then denies it.
    • Jon cheerfully re-enacts a conversation between Olimar and Steve while Emile (fake) sobs in the background.
    • Emile reeeeeeally doesn't want to play as Steve. Jon is enjoying this way too much. (Maybe because he can't actually kill Emile in this game, and this is his way of getting revenge?)
    Jon: (Emile: "NO!") "YES! So," ("No!") "so I've got both controllers in my hands right now, cause I'm not letting Chugga touch—" ("No! No no!") "—it just yet, and I believe it's Chugga and Tim..." ("Give me that... NO!") "and Chugga is player 1," ("Give me...") "so he is playing as Olimar." ("No, why?! No...") "So Tim, who would you like to be?"
    • Emile throwing Pikmin off the stage while yelling "DIE! DIE! DIE!"
    Jon: "You're starting to scare me, actually."
    Emile: "Starting to?"
  • Jon as Captain Falcon.
    • "Falcon's nipples, they are very prone to explosions, it is very messy. Captain Falcon apologizes in advance."
    • "MAJESTIC!"
  • Tim made an epic recovery while playing Captain Falcon... without actually knowing he was playing as him.
  • "I "meta" game? Like what, at a club?"
  • Emile's midichlorians were off the scale, and he might fulfill that prophecy~
  • "That was funny, whatever it was."
  • Anytime Nana gets killed in the stage, especially Jon's reactions to it.
  • The Glices frankly epic combo abilities in The Glacial Peak.
    • And then they do it again in The Great Maze!

Episode 11

  • Emile finally uses a Smart Bomb correctly... only for an enemy to knock him into its explosion anyway.
    Jon: "You two doin' okay in here...?"
    Emile: "We're monkeys!"
    Jon: "I-" [beat] "I know."
  • Tim and Emile are fighting the false princesses and throw a Deku Nut, but they accidentally end up only stunning themselves with it.
  • Jon realizes that since they're in his house, he can kick Emile and Tim (mainly Emile) out whenever he wants. He's overwhelmed in awe.
    • So awed, in fact, that for awhile the only thing you hear him say is:
    Jon: "I can kick you out of my house! I- I can kick you out of my house! Oh man!" [reverently] "I can kick you out of my house..."
  • The guys discuss Hawke's sticker and Emile asks if his first name was Mike. Mike Hawke. Figure out why that's funny. But wait, there's more. After that, Emile and Jon simultaneously kick Emile (yes, Emile actually helped Jon with this) out of Jon's house, leaving Jon and Tim alone to sign off for that episode.
  • More puns from Emile after Snake (Tim) gets a mushroom:
    Tim: "I can't fit through the door..."
    Emile: "It's Anaconda!"
    Jon: [Beat] "Really?"
  • Yet another Emile pun, but Jon sees this one coming a mile away.
    Jon: "How dare you talk over David Hayter!"
    Emile: "I guess that makes me a..."
    Jon: "No, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!"
    Emile: "...HATER!"
    Jon: "AUGH! I knew you were gonna say it immediately."

Episode 12

  • Emile's return. Jon and Tim introduce themselves and start wondering if they're missing someone. Then:
    [knocking at the door]
    Tim: "Oh no!"
    Jon: "Dude, dude!" [opens the door] "I... Jeez, are you okay?"
    Emile: "Next time you leave me out there, move faster, Pokey!"
    Jon: "Oh you... you're going back outside, now!"
    Emile: "For another week?!"
    Jon: "I unlock the door and everything, and this how I get treated!"
  • Duon. It takes Tim and Jon six tries to defeat it.
    • Here are some of the highlights from the Duon battles:
    Jon: "And I hope that I don't di-" [dies] "-iie. Because that's our last life."
    Emile: "You still have Falco."
    Jon: [as Tim is launched into the background] "Yeah, but now if Tim dies—" [notices Tim dying] "—like that."
    Emile: "Pffff. Brilliant! Every time we mentioned something going bad, it did. When will we ever learn?"
    Emile: "You're pitiful! You're pitiful!"
    Jon: "Thank you, Al."
    Tim: "It's truuue!"
    Jon: [dead serious] "Tim? We have guns."
  • An unfortunate yet hilarious moment of battle choreography: against a group of sword-wielding Primids, Emile (Pikachu) comes across a smart bomb and a green shell. His approach knocks the shell at an enemy, who hits it back with its sword, which knocks Emile into another enemy, who knocks him off the stage. The shell also hits the Smart Bomb, which sets it off, catching multiple Primids and Tim (Samus) in it, which ends up killing Tim. No one in the group could work out what just happened, how many lives were lost in the confusion, or whether or not Emile improperly used another smart bomb.
  • After discussing Superman 64:
    Emile (to Jon): "Dude, this [episode] could come out a year from now and you would not be that far [into your LP of Superman 64]."
    Jon: "Well fuck you, too!"
  • Jon pointing out that an upcoming segment of the game will feature the return of Captain Falcon, meaning the return of Olimar and "Steve" as well. Emile is horrified at this, especially when Jon points out that Emile's next turn would have him playing that segment.
  • Jon's unexpected Big "WHAT?!" when Emile mentions he doesn't like the music currently playing.
    Emile: "I never liked this song that much."
    Jon: WHAT? I love this song!"
    Emile: "It... sounds like someone farting."
    Jon: "It's called jazz music."
    Tim: [At the same time as Jon] "You know, in the bathroom!"
    Emile: (Laughs) "Tim!"
  • Tim singing "In the bathroom" in an effeminate, vaguely English accent. "Een the b-ah-throom!"
    Jon: "In the b-ah-throom?"
  • Some time after discussing Fox and Falco crashing their Arwings (right before the infamous Duon battle), we're treated to this exchange:
    Emile: "And robot Dialga is like... Siamese twins with robot Palkia."
    Jon: Oh, there's Falco. He just felt like showing up."
    Emile: "He just jumped out of the plane again."
    Jon: [Chokes back laughter] "He just — I hope those things have autopilot, otherwise..."
  • Emile trying to take a stab at Jon's update schedule for the second time in two minutes:
    Emile: "You know what, no 'move faster, Pokey'. Your letting me back in the door and remembering me was like your upload schedule."
    Jon: "Was that actually supposed to be funny?"
    Emile: "Maybe~"
    Jon: "That means no, right?" [Tim stutters] Tim has nothing to say on the subject!"
    Tim: "I don't know — I can't believe there's a vegetable..."
  • Emile pointing out Jon's borderline psychopathic tendencies... and Jon doing nothing to dispel the image.
    Emile: "You blew his head off with a missile!"
    Jon: "He didn't need it."
  • The commentary on Sheik.
    Jon (probably): "She's my dream man!"
  • The entire ending on episode 12. The guys just seem so awed by the epic fail of the Duon fight, you can hear it in the way they're talking.
    Emile: "Dude, we need to give them at least some content."
    Jon: "That was content! Just not very good!"
    Tim: I... I-I-I... zoned out."
    Jon: "Stop the video now."

Episode 13

  • The Steve abuse continues on in Episode 13. "Someone grab his controller!"
  • More Captain Falcon moments from Jon:
    • Captain Falcon is BATMAN!
    • "Captain Falcon is parallel parking."
    • Jon praying that Meta Ridley gives him a chance to Falcon Punch him. Meta Ridley grabs the side of the Falcon Flyer and starts dragging it down while shooting fireballs. Jon, seeing his chance, yells "I LOVE YOU RIDLEY!" and makes his move... Only to get hit by a fireball and killed.
  • In episode 13, Jon and Tim are picking their characters for a stage, and Tim chooses Fox.
    Jon: "So I've got two of my favourite characters, and you've got… two… I guess… do you like Fox?"
    Tim: "Yeah, I love him! …Well, not like that…"
  • Tim singing about Subspace to the tune of the Forest Maze music from Mario RPG. Then:
    Tim: [still in tune] "We will be here for a very long time…" [Beat] "I have nothing with that that would rhyme…"
    Emile: [also in tune] "What do you mean we did badly on time?"
    Tim and Jon: [laughter]
  • While Jon is carrying a bomb, an enemy appears behind him, and he on reflex throws it at the enemy. The enemy was a Metal Primid. Metal Primids reflect projectiles. See if you can guess what happened.
  • At the end of episode 13, Emile proclaims he is going outside again. Jon and Tim don't believe him, until he actually leaves again. They are dumbfounded until:
    Tim: "...Now hiring: Spot for The Runaway Guys!"
    Jon: "Send your resumés to-" [episode cuts off]
  • They joke about Diddy's banana throwing animation and talk about him being high class while using ridiculous voices.
  • Ganondorf getting married to Master Hand.

Episode 14

  • Luigi's Epic Fail in Episode 14:
    Jon: "Save your brother."
    Emile: [while doing so] "I don't wanna save my brother, then I might actually get to be the main characterr—" [falls to death]

Episode 15

  • Later in the episode, it becomes obvious that Tim is having a heck of a time with the game. Highlights include:
    Emile: "So we have to get to a save point or you have to get a game over if you want Jon back."
    Jon: "So what you're saying is, I'm gonna be here awhile."
    Emile: "Uh… well… he can die pretty quick."
    Jon: "I was trying to be nice."
    Emile: "I'm actually amazed! He didn't die on the way to the save — that sounded really…"
    • Tim on the elevators:
      Emile: "Go down. Go down." [Tim walks away] "Tim. Okay, fine."
      Jon: "Go in the ELEVATOR!" [Tim walks through a door] "TIM."
    • An unintentional Shout-Out to the NSMBW Let's Play:
      Tim: "Byyyye guuuuys!"
      Jon: "TIM!"
      Emile: "Ti—" [Bursts out laughing] "I'm loving this so much!"
    • The guys realize what the episode consists of:
      Jon: "Yea— aww damnit, Tim! I should stop yelling at Tim. I feel really bad."
      Emile: "That's like all this video's been. It's just like TIIIIIM!"
    • The elevators (and Tim) continue to foil Jon's plans.
      Jon: "Elevat-TOR. Tim, get in the elevator." [He does so.] "Go up." [He does so.] "Yes." [Tim sends the elevator down.] "That's down, Tim. I wish I could control the elevator! Boy, howdy!"
      Emile: "Go back to the elevator." [Tim gets in the elevator with Jon... and goes up. Emile laughs.] "Ti-i-im!"
    • But the best is, perhaps, the fact that the only thing Tim says in his defense is:
      Tim: "Yay!"
  • Jon as Captain Falcon hitting an enemy repeatedly with a fan.
    Jon: "Captain Falcon is your biggest fan. Captain Falcon is not above making bad jokes!"
  • You don't even need to look further than the intro for the first one of episode 15. First the guys decide that Tim is his own wife and then they start singing the Captain Planet theme. Sort of.
    Emile: "Gonna take pollution down to zero! Go to hell and… I don't know the rest of the words."
    Jon: "'Go to hell'? That is not in the Captain Planet theme! What is with you?"
  • Jon walking right into Tim's hands:
    Jon: [In his 'Captain Falcon' voice] "Captain Falcon has returned! I'm sorry, I had to go use the washroom. It takes awhile to—"
    Tim: "In the washroom!"
  • In the process of fighting Kirby, Jon proves Freud right and Emile makes things worse.
    Jon: "Captain Falcon has tripped! Doing a seductive pose for you, Kirby!"
    Emile: "You threw paper at him and he died..."
    Jon: "Why is the taunt button so sticky!?" [Tim laughs] "What did you guys do to this controller!?"
    Emile: (Quietly) "In bed."
  • Emile's insane giggle.
  • Emile turning the tables on Jon:
    Jon: "Captain Falcon is back but not being controlled by Captain Falcon."
    Emile: "You are so dumb."
  • When Dark Yoshi appears: "SO UNHAPPY."
  • In the Skyworld part of the Great Maze, Tim is playing as Lucas and is struggling to make a jump. Eventually he hands the controller to Emile, who completes the jump successfully. Tim takes control again...and promptly falls off and has to do the jump again.
  • Episode 15 also features the group having a rematch with Duon. Emile and Tim manage to get it down to just a sliver of health on their first attempt, but it lives up to the trouble it gave them in their original fight with it by killing Tim (who was player 1 at the time) right as Emile was about to finish it off.
    • After reloading from the previous game-over, Emile somehow manages to land on top of Duon as if it were a platform. He spends the next few seconds simply standing there smacking it with a paper fan before it manages to shake him off.
  • Emile feels it necessary to scream "COME!" after defeating Cyber-Snake (Emile was playing as Meta Knight, who says "come" as one of his taunts).
  • There's also the episode's ending, which combines hopelessness and continued trolling.
    Emile: [Trying to wrap things up] "So, this has been..."
    Jon: "A train wreck. It has been a train wreck. GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY."
    Emile: "This has been a train wreck with the chuggatrain."
    Jon: "The truggachain?"
    Emile: "Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-trainwreck!" [Beat] "OH MY GOD. WE WEREN'T RECORDING ANY OF THAT?"

Episode 16

  • The opening to episode 16.
    [Someone claps]
    Jon: "That was a weak clap."
    Tim: "Sometimes that happens. The palm just hits the wrong way."
    Emile: "Weak claps, a good omen for things to come."
    Jon: "Uhhhhhhm..."
    Emile: "OOOH! I didn't realize what I just-"
    Jon: "Go in the door, now!"
  • Episode 16 also sees the creation of Cyber Steve.
    Jon: "Come with me if you want to live. But you must get there by sunset."
    • In a meta example, Jon gets home the same day it was uploaded and already there were a ton of fan pics.
    • Emile points out the hostered weapons some characters never use, such as Ganondorf's sword and Captain Falcon and Snake's handguns.
    Jon: [in Captain Falcon voice] "Captain Falcon doesn't need a gun, and Snake has, like, thirty other weapons."
  • Jon's reaction to Cyber Captain Falcon is to speak in a robot voice as Captain Falcon.
    • "Show me your Robo-Moves!"
  • While battling Cyber Pikachu, Jon gets killed and then Cyber Pikachu taunts him.
    • Pretty much every instance of the Cyber Pikachu fight. Watching Emile and Jon being pwned by a little rat = Priceless.
  • While attempting to climb a jungle area full of mines, Tim fails horribly.
    [All the while, Emile is laughing in the background:]]'
    Jon: "Watch out-"
    [Tim hits a mine] "-for the mines. Watch out for those mines too!" [Tim hits another mine] "There we go."
    Tim: "Just gonna hit every single one on the way up..."
    Jon: "Okay, lemme shoot this one. Or use your lightning bolt. Up-B."
    Tim: "Oh yeah."
    [Jumps into the mines]''
    Jon: "THAT'S NOT UP-B!"
  • The rotation comes back and bites the guys in the collective ass:
    Jon: "Lucas went right— why are you going left?"
    Emile: "T-Tim? Tim? Tim!"
    Jon: [to Emile] "It's you, you idiot! You're Peach!"
  • Episode 16 also features an impressive (and hilarious) number of Call Backs:
    Jon: "We have to go up."
    Emile: "Uh... Tim does not do well with up."
    Jon: "I don't trust [Tim] with doors anymore, man!"
    • There's also this lengthy conversation on jackassery:
      Tim: "--and you're a jackass!"
      Emile: [Beat] "I am?"
      Jon: "Congratulations!"
      Emile: "Achievement unlocked! Jackassery!"
      Jon: "I don't think that's really an achievement."
      Emile: "Well for you it is."
      Jon: "That's normal for me."
      Emile: "It's normal for you to be a jacka— oh, I guess in these recordings that makes sense."
      Jon: "According to the internet, I am an asshole."
      Emile and Tim: [singing] "I am an asshole, I am an asshole! I am such an asshole!"
    • During the rematch with normal Ridley, after Jon questions how Slowbeef and Diabetus can keep up their Ridley voice, Emile attempts to imitate the voice himself.
      Emile: [trying to imitate Diabetus' Ridley voice] "OIHM RIDLEY!"
      Jon: "Wow! I... don't know what to classify that as."
      [Tim moans as his character is knocked off screen]
      Jon: "Charizard killed itself in response."
    • Jon and Emile feel a certain catchphrase is getting a little stale:
      Jon: "We've already used Yoshi. Numerous times."
      Tim: "Yoshi! So happy!"
      [Emile and Jon groan]
      Emile: "We couldn't just... not say it?"

Episode 17

  • Episode 17 consisted of nothing but nods. It doesn't even take two minutes for it to start.
    • The start of the epidemic:
      Jon: [singsong] "Down, down, down. Down Tim, please. There's going to be gas."
      [Emile starts saying something suspiciously like 'In']
      Tim: "Ya know, in the bathroom!"
      Emile: [Laughs] "I knew that was coming! I felt it coming!"
    • A detour to Delfino:
      Jon: "I guess you just have to go higher up."
      Emile: [not paying attention to the game] "Higher! Higher! I'm a Chuckst—!" [He flies offscreen]
      Jon: "Speaking of Chucksters, you got chucked off the screen."
    • Emile and Tim cave:
      Jon: "Yeah, so basically to the left of where the gold box was."
      Jon: "No, because we could have just paused and looked at the map and—"
      Emile: [slowly] "To the le…"
      Tim: "To ze left."
      ' "I wasn't gonna say it though, Tim said it. Can't blame that on me. Tim said it, not me!"
    • More jokes at Tim's expense:
      Jon: "Good counter, whoever that was… Tim."
      Emile: "That was Tim. Considering his run with the ladders—"
      Jon: "You did know you were Marth this time, right?"
    • An Accidental Innuendo that goes to a familiar place:
      Jon: "Are you punching Tim?"
      Emile: "No! I wasn't punching him!"
      Tim: "His arm just happened to be moving in a certain, like, back and forth--"
      Emile: "Umm..."
      Jon: "That's it. Make it sound worse than it actually was."
      Emile: "Saying my arm is moving back and forth in a rhythm. Yeah."
      Tim: "Oh!"
      Jon: "Bow chicka bow wow!"
      Emile: "With Tim?"
      Tim: "His wife!"
      Emile: "Aaaaahhhhhh!"
      Jon: "YES! Yes!"
    • Emile's fascination with mushrooms backfires:
      Emile: "I want the mushroom! I wanna eat the mushroom! I wanna—"
      Jon: "You would want to eat the mushroom..."
      • For added hilarity, it was a poison mushroom that directly led to Olimar's death. He probably shouldn't have eaten that mushroom. note 
    • Emile makes the mistake of saying 'troop' in front of Jon:
      Jon: "I'm impressed, actually."
      Emile: "I went through an army of Floows and beat Cyber Peach. No deaths. I- I trooped through that." (Beat) "No. No no no!"
      Jon: "You trooped through this?"
      Emile: "No! No! No!"
      Jon: "To Olimar! So you're picking Olimar, right?"
      Emile: "Screw. You. So. Hard." [Picks Olimar]
      Jon: [mumbling] "And he did it anyway..."
    • After they pick Wario as their wild card:
      Emile: "I love the German fat man."
      Emile: "NO! I didn't mean it like that!"
      • After a few remarks from Jon and one remark from Tim, Emile finally counters with, "Hey! At least I didn't call one of the other Runaway Guys 'gorgeous' publicly." Cue Tim groaning loudly.
    • Jon seizes an opportunity:
      Jon: "Usually your stuff is non-sequitur to me."
      [Emile drives Wario offscreen and dies]
      Jon: "Well then. I think you missed."
    • More mushroom humor:
      Jon: "Remember, don't stab the chickens."
      Emile: [Lightly] "As long as you don't eat the mushroom."
  • The Indiana Jones singalong. Followed shortly by:
    Jon: [along with the theme music] "Jump out right now, or you'll die—" [Tim fails to take this advice, killing Fox off and nearly killing Marth. Emile laughs maniacally. Jon is still in tune] "And we did die because we missed the stupid jump. Let's go in the door~"
    • The best part may be that you can hear Tim singing "On the toilet seat!" just before the incident.
  • Speaking of 'Tim, his wife'...
    Jon: "There goes Nana."
    Emile: "I lost my wife! I'm gonna have to marry a new woman at the end of this area."
    Tim: "That's why I'm here."
    [Later, as Emile (solo) enters a door]
    Jon: "Well, you get Nana back, right?"
    Emile: "No! I wasn't able to find a woman within ten seconds!"
    [Peach hits him into the air]
    Jon: "You found a woman but she's kicking your ass."
  • Jon taking reverse psychology to its logical extreme.
    Jon: [as they're switching off] "It is me and you, but since there's only one character... hold onto this controller and do nothing with it."
    Emile: "Don't shove it up your ass."
    Jon: "Yes, that is exactly what I was going to do. How dare you take that option away from me."
    [Emile laughs and Tim groans]
  • Emile lampshading the (copious) Ho Yay.
    Emile: "Hey, at least I didn't call one of the other Runaway Guys 'gorgeous' publicly."
    Jon: "Dun da-dun dun."
    Tim: [groans] "Touche."
    Jon: "He actually saw that."
    Emile: "E-yup."
  • Jon and Emile continue their crusade against the Great Maze.
    Jon: (As Tim and Emile are repeatedly getting frozen) "Really? I'm, like, getting deja vu."
    Emile: "That's the idea of the Great Maze. You get to relive all the great memories you had of this annoying enemy configuration the first time."
    Jon: "Remember that time you got stuck and died constantly? Well here you go again."
  • Then, there's this little gem...
    Emile: "Tim is Zelda."
    Tim: "I wish."
  • Emile comments on the Scenery Porn of the game by singing "Circle of Life"...really badly. Jon says that The Lion King is ruined for him.

Episode 18 (Story Finale)

  • The guys's brains are broken when Tim enters as Yoshi and instantly has 184 damage, without coming in contact with anything that can deal damage.
    • "184 is the real meaning of life."
  • Jon and Tim both die...about 30 seconds after exiting a save point room.
  • Jon, as Lucas, manages to use a Smart Bomb to kill Rayquaza. Emile is visibly irritated by the fact that Jon was able to use a Smart Bomb correctly as Emile's best character.
    Emile: "So — so you did the smart bomb right with my best character..."
    Jon: "Hahaha, the irony!"
    Emile: "Now I really have to prove myself." (Beat) "Well, I kinda did."
    Jon: "Yeah, 'cause you hit nothing."
    Emile: "I hit Tim..."
    • On a related note, there's Emile's last chance at using a smart bomb.
    Emile: [Notices and picks up a smart bomb] "Oh baby!"
    Jon: "What'd you get? Oh! This is your chance! Show us your moves!"
    [Emile throws the bomb, misses Tabuu, and immediately gets killed]
  • During the battle with Cyber Ike, Ike seems to fall off the stage and kill himself, only to Aether up to safety just in time. Meanwhile, on the other side of the stage, Yoshi (Tim) kills himself instead.
  • "I'm playing with my snake."
  • Anytime Emile rolls into the spikes.
  • Garth Brooks and Martha Stewart.
  • Jon is playing as Lucas and Tim as Captain Falcon:
    Jon: "I feel weird not being Captain Falcon right now, not gonna lie..."
    Emile: "You're not doing the voice enough."
    (Captain Falcon dies)
    Jon: "Falcon agrees with me! He's like, 'He's right. I should probably just kill myself.'"
  • The final battle: Tabuu hits Emile with an instant kill right as Jon (as Yoshi), lands the final blow, freezing Emile in a death animation but leaving him alive and floating in place.
  • Jon's reaction to forgetting Ike for the final battle, especially when he's not in the still in the end credits where it shows everyone standing side by side. He begins acting like Ike is dead and spends the rest of the episode talking about him.
    Jon: "Lo-look, Ike is not in that cutscene."
    Emile: "Cause we never saved..." *Cracks up*
    Jon: "Ike is dead! You guys are dicks!"
    Emile: "He will never fight for his friends again."
    Jon: "Ike, I'm so sorry!"
    Tim: "We were awesome!"
    Jon: "But we killed Ike!"
  • When Emile finishes playing a game in which a sympathetic character lost their life over the course of the game, he will somberly remind us. He did so for the robots of the floating island. Cue Jon saying, in his usual exasperated tone, "Well that's depressing!"
  • During the final cutscene, Tim gets distracted and delivers this superb Non Sequitur:
    Tim: (out of nowhere) "Haha! I didn't think I got that rupee! Hahahaha!"
  • After the credits, as Tim hmms and haws over whether or not they're going to show the extra characters, Emile demonstrates his short attention-span and ability to take things the wrong way:
    Emile: "You said 'we', 'screw' and 'together' so many times in that sentence."
    Tim: "Wow."
  • The return of the monkey hug — with extra dinosaur for good measure.
    Tim: (Reading the translation of Brawl's main theme) "'Now that person stands at my side'. If only we had a camera!"
    Jon: "As they hug each other."
    Emile: "Group Hug!"
    Jon: "Nooo! Arrrgh, not again!"
  • And, of course, there's the fact that the thing that saved the guys in the very end — the only reason they didn't get screwed over by Tabuu — was Yoshi. So happy!
    Jon: "Yoshi was the winner after all..."

Bonus Episode

  • The first time Tim has to fight Jigglypuff. Well, it ended badly. As in Tim died four seconds after the match started.
    • Jon's response is to throw his controller down and leave the house before coming back in a few seconds later to tell Tim he hates him.
      Emile: (right after Jon leaves) "I guess he really did go be Canadian somewhere else."
    • Jon was so emotionally drained by the end of it he started speaking in monotone.
    • The moments right before the first time Tim fought Jigglypuff were even funnier.
    • They die ten times when trying to get back to the door leading to Jigglypuff.
      • Not to mention the gong show (as Jon put it), where they kept getting launched further and further away from the door they needed to go to in order to reach Jigglypuff. All this before the four-second match.note 
      • Solely because of being Tim's partner in the Bonus Episode, Jon's most common death cause was Mega Diddy.
      • Tim died playing as the Ice Climbers... because Nana got on a ledge and Popo didn't. Another time, Tim spawns as the Ice Climbers, and kills himself by walking off stage.
  • Some moments before the second time Tim fought Jigglypuff were hilarious as well.
    • Tim and Jon are readying themselves for the Dark Diddy fight and Emile said "Get ready". They enter and Dark Diddy kills them instantly. Jon's reaction?
      Jon: "Get ready, my ass!"
  • According to the final totals, the wins were spread around somewhat evenly between Emile and Jon, with Tim only winning "least healed". As for the losses, Tim "won" every single one of them. Except for "most healed", which went to Emile.
  • After one of the first of many losses in the bonus episode, while scrolling through the received stickers:
    Emile: "Ike!"
    Jon: "Don't rub it in..."
    Emile: "I'll rub whatever I- NEVER MIND."
  • Captain Falcon is a pirate.
  • Jon winning against Toon Link. Both are blown off the screen. Jon won because Toon Link flew off a second before him. Doubles as a Moment of Awesome.
  • The guys notice that Wolf is giving the players (and viewers, in this case) the finger.
  • Emile grabs a hammer right infront of a breakable wall, as the screen is scrolling. The hammer breaks, and Emile is forced to swing a stick at the wall. Tim had to come to his rescue.
    Emile: "I'M WAVING A STICK HERE!!!"
  • After Tim finally beats Jigglypuff, Emile says he was half-hoping Tim would lose again so he could watch him and Jon fail have a hard time getting back there. Tim proceeds to give this surprisingly snarky comment:
    Tim: (to Jon) "You're gonna go back to hating him now, right?" note 


  • Anytime Emile yells "[X]'s got a gun!"
    "Monkey's got a trophy!"
    "Monkey's got a gun and he refuses to take his medication!"
    "The monkey doesn't have a gun anymore. But he still refuses to take his medication!"
  • Any time Emile blows up a Smart Bomb. Any time.
  • A couple of times, one of the guys will be Player 1 and fall off a ledge, only to realize that Player 1 can't teleport (or "bubble") like Player 2 can.
  • Any time Jon gets a hammer.
  • The guys's reactions to the weird stage layouts for the Cyber battles.
  • Whenever Emile sees a Poppant enemy, he exclaims, "He's havin' a party in his pants!"


    Castle Crashers 
  • When Jake was first introduced, he was labeled as 4 v2.0.
  • As Jon is playing as An Ice Person, he introduces himself with a quote from Mr Freeze...but gets it wrong.
    Jon: "What killed the ice age?—Oh my God, I got it wrong!"
    Emile: "'What killed the ice age? The dinosaurs!'"
  • The ending of Part 1.
  • At the end of the first episode, Emile gives Jon twenty Canadian dollars as thanks for buying the DLC of the game ahead of time. Jon happily takes it and says that the DLC was actually just three dollars.
  • "BROCCOLI!!!!"
  • In episode 2, much like in Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Josh manages to be the Butt-Monkey without even being there, as Jake denies knowing him or having done collabs with him.
  • Tim reworks a Catchphrase: "IN THE FOREST!"
  • After the 'Josh/Jake being Number Four' thing is brought up again, the Guys discuss what numbering the three regular Guys should have, and Jake points out that Tim must be Number Two.
  • At the start of episode 3, the Guys fight a four-way battle royale. Jake is knocked out early and decides to commentate on the three regular Guys' fight. As he is known for Buffy Speak, this gets...interesting.
  • Tim nonchalantly stealing the King's horse at the start of episode 4.
  • In episode 5, Emile and Jake realise they are both members of the "kicked out of Jon's house during an LP" club.
    • They also get into a brief discussion over whether Jake's inclusion would count, since it wasn't exactly Jon's house he was kicked out of, but, in Emile's words, "a place he generally resides in."
      Jon: "Mmm, yeah, that's true, I'm not always there."
      Emile: "See, there's thought behind my words! ... sometimes."
    • The Running Gag that Jake keeps getting lightsabers that he doesn't want.
    • At the end, Jon mispronounces the word hyperbole as "hyper-bowl". Emile corrects him, then the Guys wonder what the Hyperbowl would be, deciding that it's whatever comes after the Super Bowl. Of course, this then leads to Jon bringing up Chris Redfield's football career.
  • In episode 6, Emile accidentally calls Jake "Stephen", then makes a reference to Steve the Trooper, surprising himself by broaching the subject.
  • In episode 8, when the guys reach the ship level, Tim starts singing the theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Emile joins in in his usual style, prompting Jake to say:
  • The other Guys' astounded reaction to Tim having so many hitpoints in episode 11.
  • Emile calls himself a horse. note 
  • Jake's reaction to the Gorgon boss.
    Jake: "Her hair is made out of snakes! It's like the best and the worst things, all rolled together!"
  • While discussing Jake's departure for a Japanese university during the last PvP battle, the others grow concerned that Jake would die during the next Godzilla attack. Then Emile asks him to get Billy Mays's "undead autograph." Which glows in the dark and is legal in at least a few states.
    • From that same episode, Emile's reaction to Jon leveling up in the middle of the last PvP fight.

    WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! 
  • In episode 5, all three Guys keep getting the 'insert a cartridge into a Game Boy' minigame, and for a while Tim is the only one who gets it right. Jon says he's going to go home and practice putting cartridges into his Game Boy in Real Life just to make sure he can still do it.
  • Many of the challenges the Guys have to do while playing microgames in 'Listen to the Doctor' mode in episode 6, especially:
    • Tim gets 'talk to yourself', which as Emile points out is basically just Let's Playing;
    • Jon gets 'sit like a girl';
    • Jon gets 'tell a big fat lie'...
    • Emile gets 'mumbling', and accidentally whispers instead.
    • At the end of the episode, Emile points out the last game they're playing is All for One:
      Emile: "This game requires us all to work together."
      Jon: "...we are already screwed."
  • Emile decides to end off the finale (episode 7) by having all three of them pass around a controller to play a rope jump challenge. It goes on ridiculously long, and after Jon uses weaponised Tempting Fate as before, Emile himself is the one who breaks the winning streak.

    Sonic Adventure 
  • Running Gags:
    • The general roles the guys have in the LPs get reversed for this one. Normally Tim messes up while Emile goofs off, leaving Jon the one who actually focused on beating the game. Here, though, Emile is prone to making mistakes and dying, Jon is more focused on messing around as much as possible, and Tim is the one focused on beating the game.
    • The fact that Jon is basically playing through the game as if he's streaming.
    • Nearly every teaser image for each video's thumbnail features one of the Sonic characters making a ridiculous facial expression.
  • Episode 1: Ridiculous Relay:
    • Emile begins the LP by losing lives. Before they even started the first stage. The ones of most important note were...
      • Losing to Chaos Zero on the first hit!
      • And then drowning in the pool (although this death was intentional, the humor comes from Jon and Tim's incredulous reactions that it's even possible).
      • And then after all that, Emile manages to run into the first enemy in the game. Good start.
  • Episode 2: One City at a Time:
    • At the end of the episode, Jon takes over as Sonic and starts spin dashing behind an NPC to make him do some squats. When he lets go, Sonic shoots off and suddenly starts moonwalking.
  • Episode 3: Hedgehog's Best Friend:
    • The entirety of the episode has Jon controlling Sonic and running around with a mannequin. The sight of Sonic sitting on top of a driven car while carrying a mannequin over his head the entire time is as funny as it sounds.
    • The description is quite accurate.
      Description: We give the control to Jon and immediately regret it...
  • Episode 4: Proton and Gamble:
    • Once Jon actually does play a level, he ends up in the sewer and wonders where Tails went. Cue Tails dropping in. Literally. And then he slowly slides down a slope while trying to walk up it.
    • In a meta sense, Jon flies through rings.
    • Jon finishes the level and just after Sonic poses, Tails drops down right in front of him.
    • At the end of the episode, when Emile takes control, he shows off stopping the door on the train from closing using the ice key.
  • Episode 5: Cracking Knuckles:
  • Episode 7: Chao Chaos:
    • Jon gets the employee card stuck near an NPC, meaning he's unable to pick it up until it respawns where it was obtained. So, instead of going to Speed Highway, he spends the rest of the episode showing off the Chao Garden. Most specifically, the Chao they had raised in practice sessions. His name is ÇカÆÜnote .
  • Episode 8: Runaway Highway:
    • Jon forces ÇカÆÜ to take a swim despite him hating the water. When he starts smiling, Jon is very satisfied:
      Jon: "I've made him happy. This is what I've done. Mom and Dad would be proud of me. This is for years of love, Mom and Dad! 'Preciate it! Love you, too!"
    • Before heading to Speed Highway, Jon goes back to use Old Man as a disguise:
      Jon: "People know what to expect when they hear Sonic the Hedgehog. But Sonic the Old Man? No one expects Sonic the Old Man!"
  • Episode 9: Blood Red Mountain:
    • Emile repeatedly attempts to bring the Old Man Mannequin with him to the Mystic Ruins only for them to end in failure. At one point while carrying him a cutscene occurs and this causes him to glitch out of the game.
    • Emile winds up missing a pair of monkey bars needed to progress during Red Mountain and ends up falling to his death. And then he winds up glitching through the whole level in the process.
  • Episode 10: Sky Decked:
    • Jon comments every time the weather changes on the Egg Carrier with "Happy clouds!" or "Angry clouds!" in a Sesame Street-like voice.
    • Unlike the previous levels, Tails actually keeps pitching in to help out Sonic for once. This includes grabbing shields and taking out a giant cannon after Tim struggles to get the timing right.
      Emile: "Tails got tired of waiting and just took care of it for you!"
      Jon: "Tails is like, 'Fuck it. Sonic ain't gonna do anything.'"
  • Episode 11: Below Deck:
  • Episode 12: Breaking the Ice:
  • Episode 13: Sonic Lost World:
    • Jon reaches the part where Sonic has to run away from a boulder a la Indiana Jones. What happens next needs to be seen to be believed.
    • This particular stage seems to be prone to even more glitches than usual, repeatedly killing Jon for ridiculous reasons, and at one point, a button just refuses to be pressed.
    • When Emile takes over at the end, he removes any dramatic tension from the flashback section by jumping all around it and repeatedly missing the spot where the cutscene triggers.
  • Episode 14: Egg on Your Face:
  • Episode 15: Dodge Viper:
    • Tim's first fight against the Egg Viper ends with him phasing through the floor, which Emile and Jon react to with simultaneous big whats; the ensuing slow-motion replay drags out both Emile and Jon's reactions.
  • Episode 16: Tailing Off:
    • Emile exploits a glitch to get Tails to start cheering as he's killed by Robotnik at the end of the first boss fight.
    • Later on, Emile uses Tails's ability to fly to completely break Windy Valley by just flying over the entire stage, which is made even funnier due to both Jon and Tim's disbelief.
      Emile: (jumping off the edge of the starting platform) "I am Tails, so fuck you, level design."
  • Episode 17: Heads or Tails?:
    • Right before Old Man's reappearance, the guys fail to notice another man walking in midair. Several commentators did notice it however, and all the surprised comments about them missing out on what happened are amusing to read on their own.
    • More fun with the Old Man, as this time Jon accidentally winds up causing him to glitch through the ground and disappear. Then he later drops him down a sewer.
    • When the guys talk to a NPC that's standing next to Big, he comments about a ladies' man going on dates with multiple girls, leading the three to assume that Big's the one he's referring to.
      Emile: "Big goes out with different girls every day of the week? Man, I'm not surprised."
      Jon: "He calls them all Froggy, too. It's very strange."
      Tim: "Well, there's a reason he's called... ummm, nah, nevermind."
      * All three of them start laughing.*
      Emile: "There's also the reason why they say... he has a rod."
      Tim: "And... he catches 'fish' with it."
      Jon: "Oh my god, guys."
  • Episode 19: Lost Script:
    • During the penultimate level of Tails' story, Emile manages to waste every single one of his lives, leaving Tails on his last life.
  • Episode 20: The Tail End:
    • The sarcastic response to Tails trying to muster the courage to challenge Robotnik:
      Tails: "I've changed a lot since I started hanging with Sonic..."
      Tim: "Yeah you have, you're so brave now."
      Jon: "I've gotten brave, I've crashed multiple planes, I've been shot at, I've almost been turned into a robot. Sonic made my life great!"
    • For the rest of the Tails section, the guys (especially Jon, who has to fight the final boss) become extremely paranoid that they'll wind up losing their final life and end up getting a Game Over. It never happens.
    • The guys have a blast with Robotnik's dialogue. At one point, he starts (rather pathetically) yelling after Tails to wait for him, causing Jon to come up with the Alternative Character Interpretation that he's acting out only because he has dependency issues. Shortly after that, Robotnik angrily yells, "You little fox!" which Emile and Jon both note that it suspiciously sounds like he's trying to yell something else instead.
  • Episode 21: Unlike Sonic...:
  • Episode 22: Breaking Vegas:
    • When Knuckles is given a vision of the past, Emile ends up blocking the path of a bunch of echidna NPCs. They end up crowding around Knuckles, and the guys decide to hold a "Knuckles party" to see how many will join in. They make it up to six before the other echidnas start actively avoiding them.
    • Emile attempts to climb into an elevator as Knuckles when he's following Robotnik, but yet another glitch occurs and leaves Knuckles climbing the air. Even better is Tim's choice of Shout-Out:
      Tim: "WHAT IS THIS!?"
  • Episode 23: Ya Dig?:
    • More glitchy antics when Emile winds up unintentionally running around on the roof of a cave in the Mystic Ruins.
    • At one point in the Mystic Ruins, Knuckles is at the very top of one of the pillars at the Master Emerald shrine. The camera angle makes Knuckles look like he's "asking his master for a treat".
      Jon: "Knuckles, no begging at the dinner table."
    • After his first death in Red Mountain, Emile is deposited right near the last emerald shard he's been looking for with it in plain sight at one point — and he completely fails to notice it. There's even an annotation on the screen when it comes up that says "Hi, there!", adding to the hilarity.
    • While gliding around searching for the aforementioned shard, a pillar of lava erupts from underneath Emile (who has 0 rings) and hits him, giving him an instant death - and then to add insult to injury, the hit knocks him over into a pit as well.
  • Episode 25: Overused Time Travel:
    • Jon's "Knock Knock, it's Knuckles" tangent:
      KNOCK KNOCK, where's the key I have it somewhere in my pocket hang on a sec..."
  • Episode 27: Hammering Hedgehog Heads:
    • Jon attempts to walk up a missile, but he has to do so very slowly to gain any traction. Jon ends up moving so slow that the video is sped up to make Amy move at a faster speed, causing the guys to talk in incomprehensible chipmunk voices. Fans of the LPer raocow will feel right at home.
    • In the middle of it, someonenote  says "If you can understand this, then like, comment, and subscribe" in a super slow voice, so that when it gets chipmunked, it could be heard clearly on the video.
  • Episode 28: Endless Hallway:
    • Jon messes around with the aforementioned missile some more, this time by stranding a Chao on it before throwing them off.
      Jon: "Once you learn how to get down on your own without being thrown off the cliff, then you can have a name!"
      • Then he decides to leave a few Chao on there so they can befriend each other; Emile calls him out on it and insists he wants to ruin their lives.
    • By the time Jon actually starts a level, Amy has to move levers around, but her jerky animation combined with the controls make the guys assume she's twerking. And right after that, Emile's innocence strikes again by joking that Amy can move on in the level that she's finished her lamaze class for the day:
      Jon: "Do you know what a lamaze class is?"
      Emile: "No. I thought it was a type of exercise?"
      Jon: "... for pregnant women."
    • Jon has some fun screwing with Zero. First, he stays up on a ladder that Zero can't follow him up on, and spends some time moving up and down on it while Zero tries to jump after him with no luck. Later on, he attempts to stay up high in a small alcove that Zero continues to try to jump up to, again with little luck — only to suddenly make a successful jump and go into the alcove after Amy, causing Jon, Emile, and Tim to all freak out.
      Jon: “You can’t do that, that’s not how physics works!”
    • Jon's screws around in Hot Shelter and explores every single bathroom stall when he arrives at one. Even funnier, Tim nearly forgets to say his Catchphrase during this when they first enter. Later on, they find a room full of urinals and Emile comments that they were in the women's room, making Jon literally pause the game before he clarifies what he meant.
  • Episode 29: Geared for Success:
  • Episode 30: Long Arm of the Hammer:
    • Emile returns to the Egg Carrier to collect Amy's second powerup. When he takes her down the elevator into the ship, it closes early and goes right through her feet.
    • Emile plays the hammer minigame to get said power up. After all the trouble Jon had when he played it, Emile beats it on the first try.
  • Episode 31: From Zero to Hero:
    • Emile makes a pun about what the exit would be called on the Egg Carrier, calling it the "egg-sit", he then proceeds to tell a story about how he made a bad pun on Twitter and Mike Pollock responded to it.
      Mike Pollock: Some day you'll make your kids very ashamed, and me very proud.
  • Episode 32: Pure Insanity:
    • The episode proves to be appropriately named, as we have Big the Cat goofing around Station Square (due to Jon, of course) looking for Froggy... It has to be seen to be believed.
    • Jon's intro, where he describes in full detail how Big's stages are a fan favorite and how much of a beloved character Big is. Also becomes Hilarious in Hindsight now that Big is more well-liked.
    • Jon starts his turn as Big caning someone with Big's fishing rod for not telling him where Froggy is; done all in character, of course.
    • The running gag of Jon messing around with the mannequin of the old man comes to a head with Emile saying Jon will essentially be broken from glee between the mannequin and the Big voice; he gets proven right when Jon becomes incredibly giddy when Big throws the old man vast distances.
    • Jon was a riot the whole episode through and through, considering he spends practically the whole episode doing an impression of Big.
      Emile: "Are we going to see any progress in this video at all?"
      Jon (as Big): "Nooooope, not at alllll!"
    • Tim title-dropping the episode after the above after Emile claims he called Jon's breakdown.
      Tim: "I know what I would call this. Pure insanity!"
      Episode description: You said it, Tim.
    • And to make things even better? The official Sonic the Hedgehog Youtube channel commented on this video, saying it only gets better from here.
  • Episode 33: Necessary Upgrades:
    • Emile dies. In the racing mini-game. As BIG THE CAT.
  • Episode 34: Cool Cat:
    • Emile tells how a lot of kids he knew that wanted to play Sonic Adventure but didn't have the system for it thought that Big the Cat had a sword, and that whenever he told them it's not the case, they would wonder if he wielded a gun instead. He concludes that people do indeed confuse him for Duke Nukem.
      • Following that, Jon (in Big's voice, of course) accidentally says that Duke never had a gunnote , confusing Emile.
    • Emile lampshades that you'd never know he and Tim had been playing as Big since Jon keeps commenting as him even though he's not in control anymore.
  • Episode 35: The Cat Who Swims on the Ground:
    • Emile starts trying to "counter" Jon's goofy Big voice by making a bunch of bad puns. Jon is not happy about this and starts telling Emile to shut up while still staying in-character.
    • They start calling Big's fishing rod a sword-gun in reference to the last episode.
    • Tim manages to get too side-tracked while exploring the underwater section of Emerald Coast and ends up accidentally drowning Big when he's stuck in a cave.
    • They make fun of how much time they've been wasting while playing as Big.
      Jon (in Big's voice): "What's the timer at on the video? I'm really curious. How long have we been playing as Big the Cat?"
      Emile: "Actually, exactly 59 minutes."
      Jon (in Big's voice): "Amazing."
  • Episode 36: Hot and Sheltered:
    • This gem from Tim:
      Emile: "Is Froggy your wife?"
      Jon: "No, Froggy's a guy."
      Tim: "Froggy's the LUBRICANT!"
    • The Cat shenanigans continue. Jon starts using the voice even when talking as himself and not as Big.
    • Jon gets his line broke while trying to reel a fish in, meaning all three guys have lost a life playing as, of all characters, Big.
    • At one point, Jon gets stuck in a room with the camera facing the wall. After a few moments of struggling to find his way back out, the door opens with Big staring right at the camera, making them all freak out.
  • Episode 37: One Big Problem:
    • Jon, in character as Big, repeatedly urges the viewers to buy his memoir and audiobook on too many platforms to count. This gag becomes so spectacular during the credits that Jon is no longer able to convincingly keep up the impression.
      Jon (as Big): "Buy my book."
    • Knowing that Jon will probably keep playing as Big, Emile takes the XBox controller and removes the batteries from it. You don't have to Take Our Word for It either; you can actually see the "Please reconnect the controller" message on-screen!
  • Episode 38: I Came from an Egg:
    • Jon, following up from the Big run, starts doing a robot voice for E-102 Gamma. It only gets worse when he starts messing about with his running mode (or rather, car mode).
    • The three's reaction when Jon realizes that Gamma and his three fellow E-100 robots happen to have the same colors the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wear.
    • When Froggy appears on Eggman's monitor during the E-100 robots' mission briefing, Jon busts out the Big voice one last time.
      Emile: "Even when we're done with Big the Cat, we're not done with Big the Cat."
  • Episode 40: Flying Solo:
    • Emile wins the fight against Sonic in about thirteen seconds by doing nothing but firing his gun while Sonic runs in a straight line back and forth.
      Emile: "So, you know how Eggman has so much trouble taking out Sonic? I really don't know why."
    • At the very beginning of Windy Valley, Emile accidentally blows up the bridge he's standing on, resulting in him using Gamma's hover mode to very slowly fall to his death.
    • Emile explains that the reason Gamma was put into the game was because Sonic fans had been asking for someone that can shoot people, and Sega found it too unorthodox to give a Sonic character a gun.
    • Toward the end of the episode, Emile tells Jon and Tim about how white he is by saying that when he first heard the song Pretty Fly For a White Guy, he thought it was about a pretty fly (as in the insect) being given to a white guy. What makes this funnier is the fact Emile is the least white of the guys.
      Emile: "[...] And considering that I'm not even white..."
      Jon: "Well, I mean in skin tone you are, and in mentality, my god, you definitely are."
  • Episode 41: Solid Ground:
    • During his run, Tim hits zero lives. He then purposefully avoids getting any new lives, because he knows it'll make the next stage Jon plays harder for him. Which leads into...
    • Jon getting a game over. You know that little wooden raft that leads to the Egg Carrier? The water there can kill you, apparently. Jon, somehow falls IN THE TINY GAP BETWEEN THE RAFT AND THE PLATFORM, and he did not take this well at all.
      Jon: "WHAT?!"
      Emile: "YOU GOT A GAME OVER!"
      Jon: "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
      Tim: "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen!"
      Jon: "Game, come on! That's fucking bullshit, and you know it!"
      Emile: "Jon, you just got shipped."
      Jon: "Don't make me throw this controller at you, Emile. You fuckers working together to make sure I get a game over, not cool!"
      Emile: "Why would you throw that at me? It's not our panel yet!"
      Jon: [defeated sigh]
      Emile: "I didn't think you were going to die to that, to be honest..."
      Jon: "I shouldn't have died to that, LOOK AT THE GAP, it's not even big enough for me to fall through! HOW DID THAT KILL ME?! That makes NO SENSE!"
      • The fact that this is the only game over they've gotten in the entire series, and it's because of a glitch in the overworld that wasn't even Jon's fault.
  • Episode 42: Out of Beta:
    • Emile spends a good two minutes setting up a joke at the end of the video, hampered by his lack of knowledge on how to work an Xbox. The end result has to be seen to be believed.
  • Finale: Sonic Drivin':
    • When trying to score the last hit on Perfect Chaos:
      Jon: "This is for Big the Caaaaaaaaat!"
      (fails to get the hit)
      Jon: "Not enough."
      Emile: "How fitting for Big the Cat that it wasn't enough."
    • Emile questions Tails after the final battle:
      Tails: "All's well that ends well, right?"

    Pokémon Snap 
  • General:
    • Complaining about how Oak's criteria for picture makes no sense, and being dumbfounded when a picture does a lot better or worse than they thought it would.
    • Whenever Oak seems to enjoy a picture of a Pokémon fainted or being attacked. "It's dead! Well done!"
  • Episode 2: Explosive Fruit
    • In a MAJOR Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! moment, Tim hatches a Moltres... and proceeds to IGNORE IT and take pictures of Charmander until Jon and Emile start yelling at him to take a picture of the legendary Pokémon.
  • Episode 3: Going Down the River
    • One of the Pictures taken is Magmar behind an evolving Charmander, making it look like the Magmar is being summoned from Hell.
    • Tim accidentally submits only 2 pictures from the beach course.
  • Episode 4: Raise the Grade
    • Another Magmar picture, this time of a "Mating Ritual" as Emile put it.
    • Tim took 31 pictures of Charmander and runs out of film almost immediately after.
  • Episode 5: Flushin' em Out
    • Jon proceeds to reveal the reason he and Reese got Bagel. They saw how well behaved Kirby was and decided to get a cat. They ended up with Bagel. As Jon put it... "Whoops".
  • Episode 8: Give Me a Sign
    • Tim unmasks one of the Bulbasaurs in the Cave stage as actually being a Ditto for the first time, only to then ignore it and start throwing Pester Balls at the other Bulbasaurs.
    • Jon and Emile arguing over Emile calling the blanket he's wearing a "Jedi cloak", and the improbabilities of using it as a weapon.
      Emile: "Well, Jedi craft their own weapons, and maybe my weapon is just..."
      Jon: "Your weapon is a blanket?"
  • Episode 9: We Are the Music Makers
    • Tim being completely obtuse to the hints from Jon and Emile after getting the Vileplume.
  • Episode 10: The Mysteries of Life
    • Emile and Jon notice that Tim saved Electabuzz from getting blown up by Electrode, and then ran into it with the vehicle. Emile then proceeds to go on a tangent about how he wonders if anyone's ever been saved by getting hit by a car, including if they got hit by a car while on their way to something they thought was a family gathering but was actually a murder ambush. Jon is kind of dumbfounded.
      • It then dissolves into a conversation about Emile's other life questions, including such gems as "Is holding the door open for someone at the gym stealing burnt calories from them?" and "If you ate nothing but laxatives for a day and then ate corn, would the corn be good enough to eat afterwards?"
      Emile: "Could you, like, swallow a string long enough that you could like, floss... yourself?"
      Jon: [clearly disgusted] "NO!"
      [Tim and Emile start laughing]
      Jon: "Oh my god... are you just the Darwin Awards personified right now or what?"
      Emile: "I don't know what that is."
      Jon: [defeated sigh])

  • Running gags:
    • Almost immediately, Jon singles out a single red pikmin, whom he names 'Esteban'. Emile, interestingly enough, never commented on the importance of this name until Episode 11, where he revealed that he wanted to let the joke run its course.
      • Later on, he adds other recurring names to this, such as the highly uncooperative Derek (read: any single pikmin whose artificial incompetence makes them stand out). There's either a lot of Dereks, or Derek keeps changing teams.
    • For once, Jon is subject to being the clueless player, while Tim and Emile are the ones trying to help him and snark at his mistakes.
    • Any time the game does things that it clearly shouldn't be doing, whether it's bizarre enemy behavior or strange glitches that make no sense. It is the King of Bugs playing, after all...
  • Episode 1: Throw People at Walls
    • Unsurprisingly, the comments section for episode 1 is filled with jokes and references to Steve the red Pikmin.
    • Jon reads Olimar's dialogue in a voice reminiscent of a different captain.
  • Episode 3: Over the Garden Wall
    • At the beginning of the episode, Jon is going back and forth between the Impact Site and the Forest of Hope on the Map Screen, making the S.S. Dolphin look like it's taking Olimar on the ride of his life.
      Jon-as-Olimar: "Captain's log, Wednesday. I don't think I have the steering wheel yet. I'm still trying to figure out how this thing works. The Pikmin seem to be putting up with me driving everywhere. Hopefully they don't notice that I am not drunk."
      • Emile later admits Jon had encountered his favorite thing to do in Pikmin on the map screen.
    • Jon ends up tossing a pikmin OVER a wall. MORE THAN ONCE.
  • Episode 4: Snagret Surprise
    • Jon leaves his first Pikmin behind to be eaten by predators. Said Pikmin is named Mitch. With each subsequent time he leaves Pikmin behind, fanfiction author KhaosOmega writes down more names to join Mitch.
    • Jon tries to get a large squad of Reds and Yellows across a narrow path between two water pools, yelling "CHAAAARGE!!" as he does so. Several Pikmin fall off into the water on both sides, and Jon fights with the camera trying desperately to call them to safety, only for the lack of any slopes for the Pikmin to exit the water from to lead to all of them drowning. As Jon dejectedly starts walking away from the scene the first of three Burrowing Snagrets erupts from the ground directly in front of him. And just as he's landing the finishing blows on it, the second Snagret surfaces and starts eating Pikmin off the first Snagret's body. And while trying to deal with it, the third and final Snagret joins the party.
  • Episode 6: Change the Bull to a Gill
    • When Jon sees the Breadbug stealing a pellet, he throws a pikmin to see what would happen. Instead of dragging the pellet and pikmin to its nest like it normally does, the breadbug suddenly digs underground. Emile even has to admit that things should not have happened like that at all.
  • Episode 7: Pearly Whites
    • While trying to build up his blues, Jon notices a single blue toting a red pellet who somehow managed to get stuck in a wall.
      Jon: [Beat] "Does this normally happen, Emile?"
      Emile: "I've... never seen it."
      Jon: "Oh my God--!"
      Tim: "Is that Wally?"
      [Silence as everyone processes this, before Emile loses it.]
      Jon: "Oh. Good. Great. Fan-tast-tic."
  • Episode 9: Found My Sign
    • Emile regaling Tim and Jon with the Insane Troll Logic used by his teenage self about why video game music is better than mainstream music. The latter calls Emile an idiot for it.
    • Near the end of the day, Jon is doing some last-minute roll call, as his present Pikmin count vs. Pikmin in the field total is 83 to 84. He blows the whistle on a couple of Pikmin loafing around, and he ends up having 85 pikmin in his party, one more than the amount of Pikmin in the game world.
      Jon: "What is with this!? COME ON!"
  • Episode 10: Egg Beater
    • The various misadventures of Frederico, the Pikmin who just really wants to swim... despite being yellow. Much to Jon's ongoing consternation.
    • Another yellow Pikmin goes over the wall Jon's trying to bomb... and decides to aggro one of the Fiery Blowhogs instead.
  • Episode 11: Distant from the Spring
    • As it turns out, Emile did notice Esteban, and just didn't say anything because he didn't want to ruin the magic of Jon's joke. This went on for long enough that Jon was actually beginning to grow concerned about Emile not noticing what he was doing. Emile didn't even volunteer this himself, he only said anything after Jon pointed it out.
    • Jon's utter frustration with how the in-game map works. Specifically, he hates the fact that the map changes based on which direction you're facing, in spite of the fact that there's an arrow in the upper right corner that tells you exactly that, thus making that effect pointless.
    • While attempting to retrieve a pair of bombs, Jon's two active Pikmin (one red) take an impromptu bath instead. As he whistles them to safety, one of the bombs abruptly shrinks and vanishes before their eyes. note 
      Jon: "Why did one of the bombs disappear?"
      Emile: "I didn't... see it disappear..."
      Tim: "It was like a Shy Guy."
      Jon: [extended sucking noise of forcibly containing frustration] "Right. Allllriiiiiiiiight..."
  • Episode 13: Venus Flytrap
  • Episode 14: Smorgasbord of Nectar
    • While swarming a drop of nectar, a flowered yellow trips right as Jon's swinging the whole swarm around, making it seem like the poor pikmin got flung aside by his own comrades in the rush to drink.
      Emile: "They threw the yellow out!"
      Jon: "No food for you, Jimmy—!"
    • Moments later, as they're moving forward — with a red leaf tripping and prompting an "Esteban, get back here!" from Jon — the crowd moves past Olimar to reveal a face-planting yellow, leading to more disbelieving laughter from Emile at how they threw him out again.
      Jon: "God, they hate Jimmy. My apologies to all Jimmies out there."
    • Later on, Jon manages to one-shot the Puffstool. Awesome yes, but Jon, being Jon, manages to experience the infamous Crushing Glitch, where almost 30 Red Pikmin phase through the ground and die. Somehow, none of the guys noticed this as it happened, leading them to wonder how Jon lost that many Pikmin to it.
  • Episode 15: Beady Long Legs
    • Emile attempts to start the episode by Tempting Fate, asking how bad getting the last part could possibly be. Jon calls him out on it, revealing that his cohosts went and had a brief discussion without him, so he already knows This Is Gonna Suck. Emile's attempt to defend himself doesn't go well:
      Emile: "I will tell you, that meeting was about... paintings of pickles."
      Jon: "Well, now I definitely know you're lying—"
      Tim: "I'll just let him... I'll just let him keep... burying... the hole deeper..."
  • Episode 16: Puzzle Solver
    • After a bunch of yellows walk right into the water while carrying a part, Jon attempts to whistle them all back to safety, only to find that the walkway is a little too high for them to reach. So he makes the trip back, whistling all the way. In the end, only one of the drowning yellows makes it back to the beach. Fans of StephenPlays likely remember this scenario all too well...
      Emile: "Ohhhh, you saved — you saved one!"
      Jon: "Hooray."
      Frederico: [promptly jumps right back into the water]
      Jon: [whistling him back to safety... again] "GET OVER HERE!"
      Tim: "He's like, 'I don't wanna live if all my friends are dead!'"
    • At the end of the day, Jon puts all of his pikmin back to double-check numbers. During the sunset cutscene, a straggler appears climbing up to the Onion.
  • Episode 17: Dance in Circles
    • The title stems from how the pikmin deal — or fail to deal — with a Broken Bridge preventing them from carrying anything on a particular offshoot back to base. Despite Jon's team being made up of blues which should be able to walk right through the water. While Emile points out that this makes sense for the ship part, Jon shoots back that the problem shouldn't extend to smaller items like enemy corpses, which is what prompts Olimar reflecting on the pathfinding problem in the first place.
      Emile: "I like that pikmin dancing with a corpse."
      Jon: "Swing your partner, do-si-do... Where it stops, nobody knows! We're not gonna do our jobs 'cuz we're a bunch of lazy slobs! One, two, three, four, one-two-three-four~"
    • Jon also struggles with Shearwigs, with one in particular drawing out the struggle for an impressive length of time before he's finally able to bring it down.
  • Episode 18: Zirconium Rotor
    • Jon's utterly flummoxed when a team of blues head the exact opposite direction than he expected, having apparently decided to carry their spoils into unexplored territory.
  • Episode 19: Impressed?
    • After the previous day's pathing problems, Jon naturally expects the retrieval team for the Pilot's Seat to take the worst possible route — right through that same area and into Bulbear territory. To everyone's astonishment, however, when Jon starts working on clearing the path, some of the reds promptly grab the Sheargrubs they just vanquished and carry them back the way they came. They even manage to avoid falling into the water, leading to the AI impressing Jon for the first time.
    • Jon also impresses Emile and Tim with how effectively he handles the Bulbears, luring the babies away and taking down each target with minimal casualties. ...At least until he decides to press his luck tackling the last cluster, and misses that one of the babies is completely hidden by the adult. The results are... unfortunate.
  • Episode 20: Decoy Boy
    • When Jon confronts the Armored Cannon Beetle, it quickly locks on... to a single straggler who's safely outside the stump, looking like they should be out of its line of sight. Yet the ACB clearly knows that they're there and keeps firing away at the wall, ignoring the incredulous captain and horde of reds standing nearby.
    • Jon tackles the raised mini-labyrinth leading to where the UV Lamp awaits. His first time through, he manages to lead a decent amount of yellows through... only to watch most of them tumble right off the final ledge of their own accord.
  • Episode 21: Tripping Underwater
    • Within seconds of starting, one of Jon's newly plucked blues faceplants, with Jon expressing disbelief at them having fallen already. This becomes unintentional Foreshadowing of where the title comes from, when he's shocked at how several blues trip and fall underwater in almost perfect unison.
    • Emile shouts "Where're you at?!?" over one of Jon's achievements, followed by "I'm so proud of you!" He then observes that it feels like it's been a while since he busted out that particular Catchphrase during a TRG project — but Jon misunderstands:
      Emile: "That's the first time I think that I've said that on this channel in years. It's just that exciting, it just brought that back out of me—"
      Jon: "Ouch. Thanks, Emile."
      Emile: "No, I meant the 'Where're you at?'"
      Jon: "Oh. I thought you meant the 'I'm so proud of you'."
      Emile: "I am proud of you every day... that you don't sleep in."
      Jon: "I—wow. So never."
  • Episode 22: Every Day is an Adventure
    • Cleaning up the stray sprouts scattered around the Distant Spring proves much harder than originally anticipated when one retracts into the ground to avoid some Sheargrubs, but remains on the map, much to the Guys' bewilderment. All the more so when it pops back out, having lost its flower. note 
  • Episode 24: Round Two
    • The trio repeatedly noting the Soundtrack Dissonance that results from how the music keeps shifting between calm and dramatic throughout the fight, due to Olimar getting just a shade too far away from Emperor Bulblax. In fact, the endcard of said video even replaces the jazz cover of the Forest of Hope heard at the end of most videos with a continuous back-and-forth mix of the Final Trial music and the Emperor Bulblax's theme.
  • Episode 25: Most Prized Possession
    • While arming his team at the start, Jon finds bomb rocks for all but two of his yellows. As Emile's noting this, one of the yellows promptly pulls a bomb out of thin air, much to his shock. As Jon speculates that the tin cans around the final boss arena are infinite spawners, the other yellow does the same trick.
      Tim: [softly, almost reverently] "That's..."
      Jon/Tim/Emile: [in unintentional unison] "Cool..."
    • Jon's reaction to seeing that the final ship part is a piggy bank.

    Star Fox 64 
  • Running Gags:
    • The guys poking fun at how often the characters in the game reference Fox's father in some way or another, whether it be Peppy, Wolf, or Pigma.
    • Jon introducing each playthrough Emile does as a number that comes after 64 (65, 66, 67, etc.)
    • Emile making unusually dirty jokes that more often than not digs himself deeper than he would if he had stayed silent.
    • Emile's uncanny ability at accidentally shooting Falco (to the point of Dan making a "Hey Einstein" counter). He even shoots him down at one point! "STOP SHOOTING FALCO!" pretty much becomes Jon's Catchphrase for the rest of the LP.
  • Episode 1: Friendly Rivalry
    • While the guys are talking about which member of the Star Fox crew they are:
      Tim: [As Peppy is on screen] "Hey, it's me!"
      Emile: " really are a lot like Peppy to our team! So like, you're Peppy, I'm Fox—"
      Jon: [As the camera moves to Slippy] "Th-this is you, this is actually you, Emile."
      Emile: [With a high-pitched voice] "I'm not Slippy!"
      Jon: [Impersonating Slippy's voice] "Slippy here. I'm OK."
      Tim: "WOAH-oh, he totally is!"
      Jon: [Bursts into laughter] "It's official, two-to-one baby!"
  • Episode 2: Asteroid Field
    • After hearing Emile repeatedly refer to Peppy as Pippy in the first episode, Jon accidentally calls him the same thing here, much to Emile's delight.
    • Peppy comments on Fox becoming more like his father right as Emile blunders into an obstacle, spurring jokes about James being just as clumsy.
  • Episode 3: Fortuna
    • While shifting his weight, Jon accidentally steps on his bag of throat drops and apologizes for the noise it makes, spurring this response:
      Emile: "I always wanted your foot on my... lozenges."
      Jon: "Your lozenges? I bought them."
      Tim: "There's another Twitter quote for you..."
      Jon: "I'm going to rub my foot all over these now, 'cause they're mine."
    • Emile reads out the stage abbreviations on the score display (CO, ME, FO) at the bottom of the map screen:
      Emile: "Come fo'... come fo' who?"
      Jon: "Come..." [laughs] "Come for... love. Comfort love."
    • As he flies into Fortuna, Emile immediately starts firing on the base until Jon chides him. After the match with Star Wolf... doesn't go as planned, Emile comments on the way out that "Maybe I should've just shot the base." Jon agrees that it might have saved time.
  • Episode 4: Robot Bosom
    • Emile gets his answer as to what he's supposed to be coming for:
      Emile: "Come fo'..." [SX appears] "Come fo' SEX!"
      Jon: "Oh boy... We did not need to encourage him on that."
      Emile: [making a restore point] "Ahahahaha, come fo' sex~"
      Jon: "And then he made a save so he can look at that screenshot every time."
      Emile: "I didn't actually mean to do that; I just rocked in my chair from excitement and hit the trigger."
    • Emile comments on the boss's design:
      Emile: "I hope we shoot the nipples at some point. OH GOD!" [Gets hit] "That's what I get for saying that!"
      Jon: "Stop focusing on the boobs."
      Emile: "I mean, it said 'come for sex' and now there's boobs!"
      Jon: "Keep it in your pants, Conroy. KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS, CONROY, come on."
      Tim: "You're the first one who ever...never mind."
  • Episode 5: Saving Slippy
    • Chugga's Lost innocence #whatever: Emile doesn't know what an aphrodisiac is.
      Emile: "Come fo' sex Ti... tive. Come fo' sextive." [chuckles] "Sexitives: it's like laxitives, but for sex."
      Jon: "Uhhhmm... so an aphrodisiac, got it."
      Emile: [bursts out laughing] "Pffha-ho-ho-ho-ho~"
      Jon: "Wow. Why is that the 'Oh-ho-ho-ho'?"
      Emile: "Well, I don't actually know what an aphrodisiac is—"
      Jon: "Oh, for the love of God, Emile—!"
    • Their riffing off of Fox's line as they enter Titania:
      Fox: "I can't leave Slippy hangin'!"
      Jon: "I can't leave him hangin', dude, he's got a high-five going and he's not — no one's reciprocating!"
      Emile: "Bro—!"
      Jon: "—without a high-five! I can't leave my bro-man hangin'!"
      Tim: "Trust me, he wasn't hanging anyway."
    • Emile brings up how he's been making a lot of dirty jokes this playthrough:
      Jon:: "I don't know what it is about Star Fox that's making you a filthy human bei-"
      Emile: "Maybe it's bringing out the Furry in m- oh, God no!"
      Jon: "WOW! Wow!"
      Tim: "Well, I'm glad you said it so I didn't have to."
      Emile: "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"
      Jon: "There's no Krystal in this game! You going for Slippy?!"
      • Right as Jon asks if he's going for Slippy, Slippy hails for help, shouting about being hit.
      • Even better, they start discussing what an attraction to Slippy would be called because he doesn't have fur. Chugga eventually settles on Slimy.
    • When they arrive at the boss, Emile opens fire on his Arwing, much to Jon's dismay:
      Jon: [in the Daisy voice] "Hi, it's me, I'm Slippy, I'm stuck here — Don't shoot Slippy! He's been through so much!"
      Tim: "No, do shoot him."
      Jon: "He wants your love, Emile, give it back to him!"
      Emile: "Oh, dude, he was actually hanging off of the boss!" [laughs] "I couldn't leave him hanging."
      Jon: [in Slippy falsetto] "Foooox, where's my high-five?"
      Emile: [equally high-pitched] "I have tears in my eyes!"
      Jon: [still as Slippy] "The dudes around here kinda suuuuUUUUccck! They're squares, man!"
  • Episode 6: Daddy Issues
    • Once again riffing off of the planet abbreviations (CO, ME, FO, SX, TI, BO, VE):
      Emile: "Come fo' sex... tibove. It sounds like some kinda, like... festival, like, 'Come down to Sextibove!'"
      Jon: "I honest to God am surprised you went there; I thought you were going to make a cow reference. 'Come for Sexti-Bovine~!'"
      Emile: "Sexti bovines...!" [Beat] "...But Slippy's not a cow."
      Jon: "I was waiting for it! I knew it! I knew it! That's a confession!"
    • Emile, Jon and Tim's reactions when they realize Emile went from being Slippy to having Perverse Sexual Lust for him.
    • Peppy and Wolf being obsessed with Fox’s father, to the point where they can’t shut up about him.
      Tim: [as Peppy] "Hey, Star Wolf, you're gonna hafta come have a cup of coffee with me, and we can talk about Fox's dad one of these days."
      Jon: [chuckles, then as Wolf] "Hey, Peppy, how do you feel about Fox's father...?"
      Tim: "Well, he was an asshole, if I'm being honest, but... I'm not gonna say that to him."
      Jon: "He... he left you to die, I see. Okay, cool. We have some things in common, I see."
    • Emile’s reaction to the game having no continues at all.
  • Episode 7: The Second Attempt
    • Jon's opening line:
      Jon: "Welcome back to Star Fox 65! It went so well in Star Fox 64 they tried it again~!"
  • Episode 8: All The Way Home
  • Episode 9: Obsessed With Death
    • Previously, Emile took out all of Star Wolf except for Pigma and everyone wondered if either Wolf or Pigma would return for the rematch against Star Wolf.
      Jon: (as the cutscene of the one remaining ship of Star Wolf entering begins) "Here we go."
      (Emile skips the cutscene)
      Jon: "We don't know who it is because you skipped the cutscene."
      Emile: "We'll find out when he talks 'cause he won't shut up about my father, I'm sure."
      Pigma: [immediately after Emile says that] "Daddy screamed REAL good before he died!"
    • This immediately led back to jokes about Peppy's obsession with Fox’s father.
  • Episode 11: Alternate Route
    • Jon escalates the game's numerical designation again:
      Jon: "Alright. Welcome to Star Fox 66."
    • As they return to Corneria City, Emile's observation leads into him and Tim sharing an Ice-Cream Koan:
      Emile: "All these buildings are leaning."
      Tim: "Yuuup. Leaning towers of pizza. ...Without pizza."
      Emile: "Without pizza, there is no love."
      Tim: [somberly, as Jon snickers] "Without love, there is no pizza."
      Jon: "This is deep conversation we're having today."
      Emile: "You never know if you are not walking. If you laugh, you will never shine."
      Jon: "Thanks, MouthSmash."
  • Episode 14: Harder Boss
    • Jon once again introduces the game with a different number... only it's one he's already used.
      Jon: "Welcome back to Star Fox 66! Everyone's favorite entry in the series, it's the one where Slippy finally gets to be a real character."
      Tim: "And all the Jedi die."
      Emile: "I thought you were gonna say, like, something along the lines of 'Where Slippy actually gets his say' or something 'cause he was moving his mouth right then."
      Jon: [chuckles] "Slippy's a real boy now! Hooray!"
      • Upon realizing his mistake after seeing the game's scoreboard:
        Jon: "Actually, you've played this three times; this is Star Fox 67. You lied to me! You told me it was 66!"
        Emile: "B-but you don't count the first time, 'cause it's 64!"
        Jon: "64, 65, 66, this is your fourth attempt."
        Emile: "I thought it was third attempt."
        Jon: "Your score's on there three times."
        Emile: "Oh."
        Jon: "I've been lied to! Slippy's already a real boy! Damnit!"
    • While flying through Corneria again, Emile mentions that he prefers the boss behind the waterfall, as he finds the default boss harder despite it being on the easier route. Naturally, he misses one of the arches and has to take that one on again... and almost instantly destroys him.
  • Episode 15: Hey, Einstein!
    • Emile's uncanny knack for firing on Falco leads to the establishment of an 'Einstein' counter. By the end of the episode, he's accumulated four points.
  • Episode 16: Nice Maneuver
    • After Falco comments that Fox looks better in a tank, Jon jokes that it's because it's harder for Fox to reach him from down there. Mere minutes later, Emile manages to shoot him down while trying to take down his pursuers.
      Falco: "I can't shake this guy!"
      Emile: "His name is Fox!"
      Jon: [laughs until...] "You took him down!"
      Emile: [at the same time] "I shot him down!"
      Jon: "Damnit Emile—!"
    • When the guys head to Bolse, Emile and Jon realize that Leon will be targeting Fox when Star Wolf arrives because the former had shot him down in the last phase. This leads to this quip from Tim:
      Tim: [pretending to be Leon] "Annoying bird! I'm the great-wait a minute, where's the bird?"
  • Episode 17: Spicy Candy
    • Jon's incredibly silly Andross voice during the boss fight, complete with weird phrases such as wanting to give Emile coffee and candy.
      Emile: I'm never going to have you play a serious game that I like, because you're just gonna ruin it forever because of how you are!
      Jon: (bursts into laughter) Oh yeah! (switches to a Mickey Mouse voice) They'll pay for this!
  • Episode 18: Aquas Ocean
    • As Emile wonders whether or not he should make a Restore Point before Aquas...
      Tim: "I don't know if it matters. I mean, if you want to."
      Jon: "Can he even fail Aquas?"
      Tim: "Yeah! Well you can die."
  • Episode 19: Toxic Waste
    • The Guys imitating the Sarumarine captain's pirate voice, with Jon delving into Mr. Krabs territory. He even throws in a SpongeBob and Squidward impression for good measure.
    • Emile has to destroy the boss's exhaust pipes in order to take it down; the problem is, he can't tell where the exhaust pipes are despite them being right in front of him, so Jon has to state the obvious to make things easier.
      Emile: "Is the periscope the exhaust pipes?"
      Jon: "No, that's a periscope."
      [Emile shoots a cannon]
      Emile: "Is that an exhaust pipe?"
      Jon: "Emile, you're making me real sad right now."
      Emile [high-pitched]: "I don't know, okay? I don't see them!"
      Jon: "Let me put it this way: when he comes back up, look for what's SPITTING OUT EXHAUST."
  • Episode 21: Area 6
    Slippy: [As Fox's Arwing is spiralling out of control and the death music plays] "Whew! You're all right!"
    [Fox's Arwing explodes]
    Slippy: "Nooooooooooo!"
    Jon: "Nooooooo! I was wrong!"
    Tim: "Hello, it's your dad."
  • Episode 22: Tim's Turn
  • Episode 23: Andross’s Homeworld
    • The entire episode is Emile failing miserably against Star Wolf. The timing of their quotes, as usual, is uncanny. Like when Fox is killed when he's the only guy left. As he explodes:
      Andrew: "You're not welcome here!"
  • Episode 24: Tim For A Little Payback
  • Episode 26: Back For Solar Revenge
  • Episde 27: Forever Train
    • Shortly after the episode begins, combining Peppy's lines of "Try a somersault" and "Try hovering" into "Try a hoversault" (and Tim chiming in with "hoverpepper") prompts the lead-in to another Chuggaism discussion:
      Emile: "There's another random topic that those words made me think of: Was I the only one- when I was like six years old- who thought that Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka was really hot?"
      [Beat (or Stunned Silence?)]
      Tim: "No."
      Jon: "Which one is that...?"
      Emile: "The blonde, bratty one."
      Jon: "The... blueberry?"
      Emile: "No. The one who dies in the golden goose room. 'Dies?!'" [Laughs]
  • Episode 28: Rest of the Run
    • Near the very start of the episode:
      Emile: "Okay, I have a story that I have to tell."
      Tim: "Oh no."
      • Said story is about the movie Satellite Girl and Milk Cow. As Jon marvels over the name, Emile mentions that one of the characters is a talking roll of toilet paper, instantly pinging Tim's interest. The main reason he wants to tell the story, however, is to mock Masae for mispronouncing the title — which Jon immediately calls him out on.
        Jon: "You have no room to speak on this... You have no right to make fun of her for that."
        Emile: "I mean, I have good company, then."
    • Emile rams directly into Falco, prompting a furious response that Jon then expands upon:
      Falco: "Get out of my way! Crud!"
      Jon: "Crud! Get out of my way! I hate you! God, stop shooting me, Fox, you damn Einstein! I'm on your side! Your cat farted on me. Oh man."
      Emile: "Wait, did he?!"
      Jon: "I think. Unless Ti— unless Tim farted."
      Tim: "I did too, so maybe—"
      Jon: [as Emile loses it] "Everyone's farting. Great."
      • This leads into Jon revealing that one of Bagel's strategies for waking him and Reese up is 'cropdusting': running up, farting and leaving. Emile expresses disbelief, while Tim shortly comments on how impressive it is that his cat can fart on command.
        Emile: "Man, so Lucah makes bad puns for you when I'm not there, and Bagel farts for Tim when he's not there."
        Jon: "Great."
        Emile: "It's like we're always with you, Jon!"
        Jon: "No wonder I'm always angry."
    • At one point, Emile is navigating a difficult segment on Venom 1 while low on health. Jon isn't worried, because he's about to get a health extension and there's a checkpoint nearby, even saying that he could crash and still be fine. Emile does get the extension, only to immediately crash into several pillars and die.
      Emile: "How dare I get comboed!"
  • Episode 29: Punch It
    • The video opens with Jon effortlessly handling Fortuna. Star Wolf attempts to taunt Fox about killing him... seconds before Jon blows him to smithereens.
      Wolf: "You'll be seeing your dad soon, Fox!"
      Jon: "Wait, did he say that as he died?!"
      Tim: "You'll be seeing my dad soon, asshole!"
  • Episode 30 [Finale]: Versus Mode
    • Since Falco is locked to Controller Port 4, and the Guys don't know whether there's any way to change port assignments on the Wii U version of the game, Jon ends up playing Slippy instead.
      Jon: "I got demoted..."
    • This exchange:
      Emile: "How did you kill me?!"
      Tim: "Very carefully."

    Luigi's Mansion 
  • Episode 1:
    • Because of them talking over the tutorial, Tim never learned to hold the button to release a flash of light. Due to this, he is constantly missing the timing of capturing ghost. Speedy Spirits especially, due to the fail to catch on the first stun, they go away for good.
  • Episode 8:
    • In the laundry room Tim accidentally opens a trap door and causes Luigi to get crushed by it multiple times. Later he discovers a Boo and starts sucking up his health, nearly succeeding in capturing him until it escapes (despite having 0 hearts!). Tim attempts to follow but is so caught up in the moment that he tries following through the trap door again, causing Luigi to get squashed flat once more.
  • Episode 9:
    • At one point, Emile gives his musings on the "universe is a simulation" theories, leading to a hilariously accurate accidental summary of a completely unrelated game:
      Emile: "What if we all committed crimes, and our prison is this lifetime, and we're being tested to see if we're actually evil people or could've done good things under other circumstances?"
      Tim: "You're dangerously close to a real game's plot. You guys know what I'm talking about."Explanation (spoilers)
  • Episode 11:
    • Emile notices a texture in the Kitchen is wrapped incorrectly, making the label "food" read backwards into "boof". What makes this more amusing is that if you look closely, this only happens to the box shelved above the stove. The ones in the fridge are rendered properly.
  • Episode 13:
    • While Tim fights Bogmire, Emile wonders if he will ever accidentally predict the events of the apocalypse in one of TRG's videos. He then decides that said apocalypse would involve horses rising up against humanity, and it will be called "The Horsening."
      • Which then actually does turns out to be Harsher in Hindsight, since this was recorded a few months before the Covid-19 pandemic, and Jon suggests that the apocalypse will more realistically be something like a deadly virus.
  • Episode 15:
    • This is the first episode where Tim meets Biff Atlas, and every time he is in the same room as Biff, Jon voices Biff with an exaggerated Arnold Schwarzenegger impression (with a bit of Hans and Franz thrown in for good measure). The ramblings get pretty ridiculous until Tim finally catches Biff two episodes later.
      Jon (in episode 16): LOOK AT ME! I'M SO BUFF!
  • Episode 16:
    • Jon goes to look up how many rubies exist in a playthrough, only to encounter a RWBY x Luigi's Mansion crossover fanfiction instead.
    • While Tim searches for hearts to heal and checks a toilet, Emile wonders if someone has ever pooped out their own heart. Jon's response is hysterical.
  • Episode 18:
    • While Tim is catching a Boo in the washroom, they note its HP reached "69 in the bathroom". When it drops to 37, Emile offhandedly says it's "20 less than a ketchup".
  • Episode 19:
    • Early in the episode, Tim decides he wants to reset a few times to try and catch a Speedy Spirit. Jon decides to go use the restroom while he's doing this, leading to this exchange after a reset:
      Emile: "So now that Jon's gone, we can say all sorts of bad stuff about him."
      Jon (in the background): "I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!"
      Tim: "He can still hear us."
      Emile (calling out to Jon): "What?"
      Jon: "Yes."
  • Episode 21:
    • After clearing the Safari Room, Emile tells a story wherein he accidently perpetuated a hoax about a cut ghost boss that threatened to behead Luigi and hang it up his wall because a commentor asked him to share it in the video and Emile did so without confirming the validity of the rumor. He felt very embarrassed when a lost media Youtuber states that the only source for the rumor was Emile. This elicit a blunt response from Jon:
    Jon (exasperated): "THIS IS WHY YOU FACT CHECK!"
  • Episode 27:
    • Emile decides to use the bathroom while Tim is wandering around. Jon starts singing along to the music, only to be interrupted by Emile audibly moaning from the bathroom. Cue an improvised song wondering why Emile moans when he pisses.
  • Episode 28:
    • Following an exchange about Emile wanting to go up on top of the roof of his house one day:
      Emile: "Man, I'm sure glad I just say whatever stupid thing comes to mind because you tell me instantly why it's not a good idea and what I should do ahead of time."
      Jon: "I'm beginning to wonder if you are the Bubble Boy and we should put you in a bubble, because I do fear for your life sometimes."


Running Gags

  • Anyone can control the truck on the map screen. Naturally, this leads to plenty of moments where somebody takes the wheel and takes them off on a wild ride.
  • Jon yelling at Chef Bagel whenever things get chaotic or he starts struggling with something.
    Tom: I love that you're essentially just yelling at your cat.
    Jon: See, I just yell at whoever I am, and I'm living vicariously as my cat right now.
  • Every time Jon or someone else says something to the likes of "Tim, press the button."

Episode 1 - "What is Cooperation?"

  • The title itself is hilarious in that it's basically a jab at their own chaotic coordination, especially in a game that is notoriously demanding with it.
  • Tom dramatically declares that while they survived Dokapon Kingdom, this will be the thing that tears The Runaway Guys apart. Emile disagrees, suggesting that this will straight up kill them:
    Emile: "I've seen Jon cook hot dogs and have to call the fire department."
    Jon: "...No."
    Emile: "You took a picture saying like 'Today's great' and showing firefighters in front of your house, and then you mentioned, like, cooking hot dogs."
    Jon: "I — that wasn't me cooking. Those were years apart!"
    Tim: [over laughter] "Here we go."
    Emile: "I don't know; time flows differently up north—"
    Tom: "It's already begun—!"
    Jon: "No, this is normal—!"
  • They unlock a new chef design that's a near dead-ringer for Emile.
  • The episode ends with Jon hijacking the truck and driving North (to Canada, apparently), and Emile yelling that it's 1993 so Canada doesn't exist yet.

Episode 2 - "Shove My Friends"

  • As Emile considers which of his lookalikes he should play as, he mentions that he's always wanted to be in a video game. Jon points out that his cat Bagel has gotten into two different games, and one of his emotes is a mask in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
    • Hilariously, later in the episode, they unlock a new chef: an orange cat that they immediately dub Chef Bagel.
  • Jon drives the truck into water on the map, causing Tom to make a Large Ham drowning impression.
  • The title stems from Emile complaining about how, while he's able to shove the other players around, he isn't able to shove around random strangers on the street.
  • The group tries to come up with their own blend of Hash House Lingo to help co-ordinate the burger level. Keyword being "tries".

Episode 4 - "Desert Bus"

  • The first level takes place on two trucks driving down the highway. Jon immediately walks off the edge of one of the trucks and dies.
    Jon: I had to know. I had to test it.

Episode 5 - "More Conveyor Belts"

  • Emile brings up an incident where he overheard a conversation Jon had over the phone with his sister. One that was mostly mundane save for the part where she casually asked what he was going to do with the moose their father shot. Jon lampshades that it's just as bizarre to him that Emile remembers a random phone call from years ago.
    • Recalling this sends Emile into a giggle fit akin to the 'poots' incident, with Jon calling him out on it... only causing him to laugh even harder.
      Jon: "You're laughing because of that conversation, aren't you?"
      Emile: "SHUT UP!"
      Emile: "I'm sorry, I'm a very simple boy! It's just my mind wanders and I'm like heh, shooting moose."
  • After Emile brings up the phone call three times over the course of one stage, Jon jokes about him cutting up the video to snip out the evidence.
    Emile: "Dan, that's up to you!"
    Jon: "Dan, don't you dare do that! Don't you dare, Dan!"
    Dan: [through subtitles] I wouldn't dream of it, Jon.
    • This leads to plenty of Fun with Subtitles, as Dan proceeds to respond to the Guys' continuing tangent of speculating on how he'll respond to the duo's conflicting orders.

Episode 7 - "No Bacon Double Cheeseburgers"

  • The title stems from Emile giving Jon grief for being a Picky Eater, over Jon's protests that his actual wife has acknowledged that he's gotten better:
    Jon: [pausing the game] "I will pause and look at you to say don't you start with this."
    Emile: [completely ignoring said warning] "Okay, but still, like - when it comes to, like, going to Japan, for instance..."
    Jon: "G-going to Japan is not a normal incident!"
    Emile: "No, listen, listen, listen—!"
    Jon: "We're not like, 'Yo, we wanna go for food. Japan? Let's go!'"
    Emile: "I've been talking to Reese about how she wants to go to Japan, and your logic is like, 'Uh, you know, it'd make my wife really happy, and I'd get to see lots of things I wouldn't get to see in my own country, not to mention the cool arcades. But man, that country ain't got enough bacon double cheeseburgers!"
    Jon: [over Emile's laughter] "Oh, yes, that's clearly something I've said, you asshole!"
    • The best part? They still managed to get 3 stars on the level despite all the infighting.
      Tom: "How do we still have synergy during this?"

Episode 8 - "Slip and Slide"

  • After struggling with the Ice Physics of Stage 3-1, Emile jokes about how he "used to like this game," before confessing that he'd only ever played the first two worlds, and this was the first level he had never actually seen before. Much to Jon's astonishment, as they quickly realize that none of them have actually completed the game.
Jon: "Ohhh. Oh-Oohhhhhhhhhh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
Tom: [over Jon's continous groan] "I haven't finished the game either, so this is blind for everybody."
Emile: "Surprise blind Let's Play! Not even we knew about it!"
Jon: "Oh noooooooo..."

Episode 9 - "Clustertrucks"

  • The title of the episode comes from level 3-3, another highway level demanding both soup and fried fish and chips. To say it's chaotic is an understatement.

Episode 16 - "Gated"

  • The guys replay 3-3 to get a higher score, this time with the tactic to grab as much ingredients as possible to make food ahead of time. In an attempt to turn in a finished Mushroom Soup, Tom dashes towards the truck as it's about to go to the other side, only to fall off and lose the soup. Jon pauses the game to process what happened while the guys laugh the entire time.
    Tom: I tried...
    Jon: I was doing so good in a truck by myself...
    Tom: And then Tom comes along!
    Jon: ...And then Tom comes along and throws my soup on the street!

Episode 17 - ""This is fine.""

  • The intro:
    Tim: Is it possible to overcook water?
    Jon: Yes, it's called Steam.
    Tim: Oh, which I played this on...not.
  • In one attempt at 3-3, Emile tries to help out Jon and Tim by leaving them ingredients. Unfortunately, he drops so much fish on the floor that it starts getting in their way.
    Jon: There's too much fish here! I literally can't put anything down because there's so much fish here! I don't know where the fire extinguisher is!

Episode 18 - "No Dashing"

  • The Guys spend the first minute of the episode discussing strategy for stage 3-4, ultimately agreeing to keep dashing to a minimum to avoid knocking each other off the platform. Then, almost immediately after starting the stage, Tim, Tom, and Emile all manage to fall into the water and drown.

Episode 25 - "On the Cusp"

  • The exchange that happens after the group takes a break from Level 5-4:
    Tom: "We had a rest. We had time to plan. We've got a strategy."
    Jon: [Beat] "No we don't actually. It's literally the same plan as before."
    Tim: "Yeah, basically."
    Tom: [over Tim] "I'm throwing tortillas!"
    Jon: "Well, okay. The plan is to kill Tom a lot."
    Emile: "Tomalot!"
    Emile: "It just sounded funny, okay? I'm trying to keep the mood up."
    Tom: "I mean they need ... Look, they need to throw a virgin into a volcano."
    Jon: " ... Then why are you jumping in?"
    Emile: [stiffled laugh] "Well that's more about your relationship than I ever needed to know."
    Emile: "Says the video game collector out of all of us."
    Jon: "Says the married man out of all of us!"
    Emile: "Shu... Shut up!"

Episode 28 - "Four Square Meals"

  • The four take on 6-2 and three star it their first try, starting off on a high note. Then, 6-3 proves to be That One Level and stumps them for the rest of the video.
  • Emile taints a pot of soup, so Jon decides to drop the pot into the river. Jon promptly throws himself in instead of the pot, then Tim picks the pot up and runs into the river with it.
  • Jon pulls off an amazing last second food delivery, which would have put them above one-star...only for the game to not count it.
    Jon: What? It was literally on screen! GAME, COME ON!!

Episode 32 - I Love Soup-y

  • Emile thought "cuck"note  was some cutesy way to say "cook", and tried to use it in the completely wrong way. Cue exasperation from Jon.
    Emile: I'm gonna cuck myself up a delicious meal!
    Tom: That is a brand new sentence.

Episode 38 - ""How the Tim Stole Christmas""

  • The episode's title comes from near the end, where Tim shoves himself through two presents to get to the door and exit the cabin. The Guys have a laugh and joke that Tim was having none of it, stealing the gifts and running away.
  • The outro:
    Tom: Next time...
    Emile: We kill each other!
    Tom: Versus! We're using our knifes and spatulas and forks as combat weapons!
    Emile: We have knives!
    Tom: You did a visual gag-
    Jon: Why do you have a knife?
    Emile: It's Masae's.
    Jon: Why do you have Masae's knife?
    Emile: She left it.
    Jon: Why did she leave her knife?
    Emile: Cause she...can fight well enough.
    Tom: Why is it red?
    Emile: ...Oh.
    (Jon bursts into laughter)

    Nintendo Land 

Pikmin Adventure

  • While Emile's running around the main plaza showing off some of his collection, Jon abruptly realizes that the Blue Falcon is a fetching shade of violet.
  • Episode 2 opens with a random tip about how the player Pikmin can ignore Olimar's whistle, and everyone discussing how that would have been useful to cover back in the tutorial.
  • Emile brings up how he used to call Pikmin losing their buds 'deflowering' until viewers explained what that meant to him.
    Emile: I learned everything I know from Youtube comments, guys!
    Jon: That is not anything to be proud of.
  • Jon wonders what would happen if the group played Halo sometime. Emile (who rarely plays first-person shooters) claims he wouldn't be so bad because of how much he plays Splatoon, causing the others to give a round of Blatant Lies about the franchises' similarities.
    Tom: Yes, yes, the bullets have drop-off!
    Jon: Keep shooting the ground Emile, keep shooting the ground!
    Masae: Shoot the wall, it helps, I promise!
  • After clearing one stage, Emile's Open Mouth, Insert Foot tendencies strike again.
    Emile: Masae, you make a good chair.
    Masae: (Beat) What?
    Jon: You were the first one in the ship, we were all sitting on you.
  • Episode 4 opens with Jon and Tom singing "The Humans Are Dead", with Emile briefly derailing into a different song.
  • Upon finishing Mission 9, Tom elects to stay outside with 'his son', a rock. As the cutscene begins, he casually pitches him away.
    Masae: You killed him!
    Tom: He told me his beliefs and I disowned him.
    Jon & Masae: Wooooooowwwww…
    Tim: Okay, boomer.
    • Emile then suggests that 'baby boomers' are jealous of millennials for having a cooler-sounding nickname. Tom notes that he has a way of wiggling with anticipation whenever he's waiting to see how a joke lands.
      Tom: I like the motion you do when you're waiting for the reaction to come.
      Masae: [sounding very reluctant] Yeah... Emile does this little wiggle where he just like, kinda... from his butt up to the top of his head, he does this wiggle—
      Jon: Don't tell 'em how his BUTT moves—!
      Masae: They wanna know!
      Jon: I know they do, but they SHOULDN'T!
  • Around twelve minutes into Episode 10, Tim lets out an extremely noxious fart. Slowly, the stench reaches Masae, Tom, and Emile who all react in horror. Yet Jon doesn't react as badly because of how he trained himself to shut off his senses and not breathe through his nose.
    Tom: This is against the Geneva Conventions, Tim!
  • After completing all the missions, they try out Versus Mode, with Emile offering to let the others finally play as Captain Olimar for a bit. Masae considers it. Then they discover just how unbalanced Versus Mode is when it's four against one. Suddenly nobody's interested in switching anymore.
    • After the second map doesn't unlock, they theorize that the Olimar player needs to win. So they replay it, with Masae, Tim and Tom fooling around while Jon is the only one trying to stop Emile. They almost win regardless.

    Killer Queen Black 
  • Just the fact that one of the very first things Jon has to do is clarify for Emile that no, the game is not a JoJo or Queen reference.
  • After Jon successfully takes out the enemy queen in Episode 3, he declares this:
    Jon: She won't be needing [her foot] anymore... in jail! Death jail!
  • At the end of the episode, Tim declares he thought of a really good pun. After he is encouraged to say it...
    Tim: Well hopefully this video can generate some... buzz for the game.
    Jon: Uugh.
    Emile: Aaaaah!

    Secret of Mana 

Running Gags

  • Dialogue frequently gets misattributed, leading to lines getting read in the wrong voices, often with humorous implications.
  • Emile's attempts to show off what happens when a Mushboom gets whacked, only for RNG to keep working against him. (He eventually does get it right, however.)
  • Emile believes that Randi, being The Hero, will inevitably end up with Tyna (the Girl) in the end. He's Wrong Genre Savvy in this case as she already has a boyfriend, but his persistence turns Randi into an Abhorrent Admirer who Jon-as-Tyna is constantly shutting down. Emile clarifies in Episode 12 that he isn't actually attracted to Tyna; he just likes to poke fun at the Dogged Nice Guy character archetype and always likes to hit on the female characters for fun.

Episode 1: Remove the Sword

  • The game kicks off well when, right after making fun of the concept of spelling words like 'colour', Emile struggles to input the main character's name.
    Jon: [as Emile accidentally deletes the A he'd worked so hard to input] "All this work — all this work to spell Randi!"
    Emile: "It's 'B' to select, why is it 'B' to select?!"
    Jon: [stage-whispering] "It says on the screeeeeen."
    Emile: "Oh."
    Jon: "It says on the screen. Square thought people knew how to read words when they made games."
  • Emile's dramatic narration of the opening gets derailed by "the ultimate weapon - the Pause Menu".
  • After Emile repeatedly sasses how the word 'Bandanna' is spelled, Jon looks it up on and finds that 'while both spellings are acceptable, bandanna with two n's is always listed first, making it the preferred spelling.'
    Emile: "I've been spelling it wrong for twenty years...!"

Episode 2: Meet Jon's Wife

  • Jon's Captain Olimar Falcon voice returns for Jema, in all its sassy glory.
  • The Guys are amused by the fact that the first Sage is named Luka, meaning that they'll be meeting up with Jon's wife.
  • Emile predicts that Neko will be an anime catgirl.
    Jon: "Well... two of those three words were right."
    Emile: "Catgirl, got it."
    • Both he and Jon read Neko's greeting at the exact same time. Emile offers to bow out, admitting he intended to give him an exaggerated 'kawaii desu' voice; Jon tells him that he has to do it now, because it saves his voice.
  • "That's Major Dyluck. How unfortunate for him."

Episode 3: Earth's Belly Button

Episode 4: Saving Tyna

  • Faced with some masked figures that continue the Visible Silence trend, Jon continues voicing their dialogue as "Dot dot dot"... while muffling his voice with a hand. Doubles as Hilarious in Hindsight since this was recorded almost a year before Emile's LP of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which features a similar Running Gag of reading the dialog of masked NPCs in a muffled voice.
    • Emile notes that he's leaving two dots out; Jon points out that there's actually six in each "......" line.
      Jon: [all muffled] "Dot dot dot! You can't get through! How stupid are you? Get outta here! Randi, we already told you about this! Get outta the house!"
  • Rather than using The Girl's Canon Name of Primm, Jon randomly picks a few letters and comes up with Tyna, pronounced 'Tina'. Tim notes that this makes the duo's names Randy with an I and Tina with a Y.
    Jon: "Okay! You can call me Tyna! But spell it right."
    • In addition, Emile observes that a possible pet peeve of Tyna would be that people call her "Tei-na" when she goes to order at resturants. No doubt he's speaking from all the experiences of being called "Emily".
  • After some minor difficulties getting Jon into the game, with him and Emile accidentally switching characters, they go through a cutscene... and Randi starts freaking out, moving around without any input from either of them. Checking out the controllers reveals that the power gauge for Jon's is also glitching out, vibrating rapidly back and forth between fully charged and low-but-charging.
    Emile: "Uhhhhhhhh... Well, that's something you don't wanna see."
    • The culprit turns out to be an 8Bitdo controller that was charging.
      Emile: "8Bitdo, more like 8Bit D'oh, I missed!"

Episode 5: Don't Call Me Tie-na!

Episode 6: Out Cold

  • Having gotten whacked at the end of last episode, Jon spends his entire time as a ghost speaking in an exaggeratedly 'ghostly' voice.
  • Emile relates a story about a girl from his history class who, upon learning that Napoleon had Joséphine killed, declared that she would have haunted his nightmares, saying things like "You are short." This leads to Jon being very surprised to find that he was actually 5'7". ...Among learning other things:
    Jon: "He's taller than Louis XIV, which is 5'5". Shorter than Hitler."
    Emile: [sputter-laughs]
    Jon: "Look, it gave me three people — 'People who searched for Napoleon also searched for Hitler, Louie XIV of France and Joan of Arc!' What are you people Googling?!"
  • Emile and Jon discover that the Cannon Man forbids ghosts from fast-traveling.
  • Tyna doesn't take too kindly to Randi wanting to explore Kippo Village before reviving her.
    Jon: [spookily] "Go in the Inn! You're walking past it~"
    Emile: "I want to talk to everyone!"
    Jon: "I will haunt your assssssss~"
    Emile: "What, you're going to go in it like Moaning Myrtle in the pipes?"
    Jon: [normally] "Oh my God, no." [back to ghost voice] "I'm gonna hire a ghost to haunt your buuuutttt~ Your farts will always go 'Ooooh~' at you."
  • As Jon sells their old equipment: "I'll miss you, Kung Fu Suit. We did so many great things together, like die."

Episode 7: Dwarf Village

  • Emile finally manages to whack a Mushboom. To Jon's disbelief, this doesn't trigger some special animation — he just wanted to show off the announcement message of "Mushboom gets whacked!"
    • "[Monster] gets whacked!" promptly starts popping up more often as they explore the cave, leading Emile to speculate that whacking the Mushboom broke the curse on their critical hit chance.
  • Emile's voice for Watts makes him sound as though he finds nothing unusual about the Mana Sword's power enchanting his hammer.

Episode 8: Sentient Pineapple

  • Immediately after the cutscene involving the sprite kid trying to scam Randi and Tyna out of their money, Emile and Jon conclude that now since there's nobody on the stage, they can do a show.
    Jon: "Ladies and gentlemen, step right up, the world famous Randiiii!"
    Emile: "Woooo!"
    Jon: "Randi, what are you going to do for the people?"
    Emile: [as Randi] "Walk!" [Starts walking on the stage]
    Jon: "BOOO, GET OFF THE STAGE! This show sucks, everybody-"
    Emile: "Waitwaitwait, the grand finale." [Beat] "Running!" [Starts to run on the stage]
    Jon: "Boo, get off the stage, your meter keeps shrinking down!"
  • Emile's voice for the Elder accompanying the sprite kid eventually devolves into a Shaggy impression.
  • After Emile reads the dialogue excerpt "My NAME is RANDI!" with extra emphasis on "name" and "Randi", Tim replies "Okay, John Cena."

Eppisode 9: Good Guide

  • Chugga deals 69 damage to an enemy. Then...
    Emile: "Must be nice being on the receiving end of my 69."
    Tim: "I'll save that for Twitter later."
    Jon: "I'm just... slowly staring at him right now for having said that out loud. It will sink in eventually that sometimes he should be careful what he says out loud, let alone in a recording."
    Emile: AHH, IT BURNS!
    Jon: "Back to the game."
    • And then, a couple minutes later...
      Emile: "Well, okay, can you truly be on the receiving end of a 69 if, like, you're both in like the same-"
      Jon: "REALLY, Emile? It's been like 3 minutes!"
      Emile: "My brain was processing it."
      • Still later...
        [Emile makes a laughing sound]
        Jon: "Are you still laughing about it?"
        Emile: No, I'm just thinking about things. Like-"
        Someone accidentally pauses the game
        Emile: "Like the pause menu!"
        Jon: "Like the pause menu."
        Emile: "I wanna play Wheel Of Fortune."
        Jon: "You wanna play Wheel of Fortune?"
        Emile: "That'll make me seem smart."
        Jon: "Eh, uh, will it? Is it?"
        Emile: "No, I'm having a great time here. I don't- I don't mean to come off like that. I'm just... I don't know, my mind is wandering a lot right now."
        Jon: "I've noticed that."
        Emile: "I feel kind of frazzled."
        Jon: "And an interesting direction it's wandered."
      • Then they decide the whole conversation is because the pink clouds in the forest are toxic and messing with their minds.

Episode 10: Little Spikey

  • After Ellinie the witch sends Dyluck to Thanatos, Emile imidiately concludes that he's dead and now Randi can date Tyna. After being rebuffed, he decides Randi is going to settle for dating Jokernote .

Episode 13: Meeting Thanatos

  • When voiceing Thanatos, Emile gives a serious voice to the character at first, but stop himself mid sentence and voiced Thanatos like how another character named Thanatos would speak.

Episode 14: Scorpion Army

Episode 16: Spring Beak

  • The comments wasted no time in pointing out that an enemy cast Silence Lv 4 on Randi (Emile's character) right after Emile made another 69 joke.
  • In a village of mushroom people, Emile says "I love these little fun guys". The episode ends there, as if the video itself is having a Lame Pun Reaction.

Episode 20: Threw the Book

  • Just as the Guys are discussing the naked centerfold Easter Egg animation the book enemies have, Jon gets it to show up.

Episode 29: Cute Boss

  • Emile makes Tyna's name pronunciation into a Brick Joke, turns out even her boyfriend Dyluck calls her "Tie-na".

Episode 31: Not Impressed

  • Emile's reaction to the line "Age means nothing, as long as there's love!"
    Emile: No.

Episode 35: Best Ruse of All Time

  • Due to Emile misreading a textbox, he and Jon speculate how cool a plot twist it would be if the Tasnican spy was the king instead of just being after the king, talking it up for a few minutes. Tim, wisely, keeps his mouth shut until The Reveal where... yep, the king was the spynote ! Jon and Emile are dumbstruck that Emile was right the whole time!

Episode 40: Mr. Gigglepants

  • As the title implies, Emile gets into yet another giggling fit, much like the Buzzsaw Man Pants and the "poots" incidents. This time, he starts losing it after seeing the name of a reskin of a floating book monster, which is called "National Scar".

Episode 46: The Mana Tree

  • Emile and Jon's incredulous reactions to the twist that Randi's mother is the Mana Tree.
    Jon: (reading) "That [ghost] was your father, Serin. I was his wife..."
    Emile: What the ff— (begins to laugh)
    Jon: (still reading) "...and am your mother." You're part tree, son.


Game 1

  • Jon and Emile both claim their respective pieces fit them well, Jon with the shoes because of all the Rule 63 art he's been getting on his streams and Emile with the horn because of his being the most likely of the three to suddenly start shouting.
  • When Emile advances to the next board level, his horn piece overlaps Jon's shoes piece.
    Jon: Get yo' horn off my shoes!
    Emile: (giggles)
    Tim: D'uh-... Wow.
    Emile: I'm rather horny- No, I'm kidding!
    Jon: Ugh, pffft. Don't make me step on you.
    Emile: (beat) D'ah!
    Tim: Geez, wow.
    Emile: Geez!
    Jon: That- That one's free.
    • When Jon advanced to the next board level first, Emile said Jon's shoes piece was the first shoes to go to space. To be fair to Emile, Anticipation came out back in 1988. And a YouTube commenter remarked that the shoes were Rosalina's, which was followed by another comment believing the shoes to be silver in color (as Rosalina's are).
  • When attempting to say, "buzz," to give his answer, Emile accidentally says the name of the category instead, being, "science".
  • When Jon's shoes piece lands on top of Emile's horn piece...
    Emile: Step on meee!
    Jon: Told you I'd step- Oh, don't- Don't say it like that! Please! Good lord! I will send Rosa after you! Do not!
    Tim: Oh, damn.
    Chugga: That's even better! No, I'm kidding!
    Jon: (laughs)
  • Are we sure that Anticipation isn't just a game about sensualism? Jon's piece being shoes (and high-heeled ones at that) seems to indicate so.
    Emile: (in the background) Cool, Tim gets to sleep on me now!
    Jon: (beat) I'm just gonna completely ignore what you said, Emile, 'cause that- I'm gonna let that one stand on its own!

    Battletoads Arcade 

Episode 1 - "Big Feet"

Episode 2 - "In The Bathroom"

Episode 3 - "Hi, Grandma"

  • The episode title comes from Emile comparing the hideous, bug-eyed faces embedded in the walls of one level to his grandmother, much to Jon's bafflement.
  • The bizarre timeline of Emile vs. The World.
    Emile: Uh, I've briefly tried Scott Pilgrim.
    Jon: ...Oh, yeaaah! When we were gonna record it, but I was the only one who knew anything about Scott Pilgrim!
    Emile: Yeah.
    Jon: Good times. And then it became impossible to record! And then they rereleased it!
    Emile: And then COVID! (chuckles)
    Jon: And then COVID, yup.

Episode 4 - "Blast 'Em Good"


General/Running Gags

  • Emile referring to Gruntlings as "Not-Klungo".
  • Emile's voice for Brentilda involves screaming out the randomized facts about her sister, like she's reacting in horror for all of the gross (or cool) stuff that Gruntilda likes or does. He also tends to lampshade how some of the facts aren't even disgusting.
    Emile: I-I'm sorry that- okay. Half of the things you say are actually pretty detestable, but the other half honestly make her cool?
  • Extending from that, Emile saying that Gruntilda did nothing wrong, denying her obvious evil by saying kids are awful, and even hitting on Grunty.
  • Jon's hilariously over-the-top imitation of Bottles saying "Wow!" every time he talks about Music Note scores in a world.
  • Emile's bad luck with the Grille Chompas and Big Cluckers, misjudging the timing and/or range and getting hurt or even killed from it.

Episode 1 - "20 Years in the Making"

  • Moles may be shortsighted, but to this degree?
    Emile as Grunty: If Tooty thinks she's fairer than me, I'll steal her looks and ugly she'll be! (Evil Laugh)
    Tim: Okay, Yoda.
    Emile as Bottles: Is that your brother?
    Emile: Uh, no, that's- Up in the sky? (laughs)
  • The comedy of errors that led to Emile writing the game off and not playing it for twenty years. After his cousins gave him a Final Boss Preview, Emile was excited to play the game, but did what he's mentioned his young self doing before and didn't read the opening text properly. This led to him pressing A to try and talk to Bottles at his molehills to no avail, spending two whole hours scouring Spiral Mountain for the "correct" molehill before just giving up. The next day, he opted to skip the tutorial and head straight to the top of the mountain, only to mistake Gruntilda's Lair for the final level and retreat to search Spiral Mountain for the entrance to another level. After another fruitless two hours of searching high and low, he gave up and chose Save & Quit from the menu. This triggers the game over sequence, which Emile mistook for permanently tainting his save file, prompting a complete Rage Quit. After hearing this, Jon points out that Emile somehow spent four hours in-game not thinking to try the B button. Emile defends himself by claiming it was the third game he ever played, which Jon counters by pointing out the B button was designed to be inviting and encourage players to try pushing it.
  • Young Emile's experience with disowning everything Rare-related.
    Emile: I didn't really hear about Jet Force Gemini; I wasn't allowed to play Conker's Bad Fur Day, for good reason.
    Jon: Yeah.
    Emile: I saw Donkey Kong 64 and I went, "Ew, a game about monkeys!" (laughs)
    Jon: ...What?
    Emile: Yeah! I wasn't qui-
    Jon: What did you have against monkeys?
    Emile: I wasn't quite into my love of Donkey Kong yet! I was like, "Wow, it's a stupid game about a monkey!" (giggles)
    Jon: Fair enough...
    Emile: Uh, I didn't play Diddy Kong Racing, because, "Ew, I don't wanna play a game about a baby monkey!" (laughs)
    Jon: (chuckles) Man! (beat) That's called a chimp, Emile! Good lord!

Episode 2 - "Mumbo's Mountain"

Episode 3 - "Termite Time"

Episode 4 - "Treasure Trove Cove"

  • Seems as though Tim's purchased the channel back from Tom and Masae.
    Tim: Howdy guys, NintendoCapriSun here, and welcome back to Let's Play Banjo-Kazooie! I have my slave here playing the game for me, so that all I have to do is commentate!
  • Mixed with CMOA. Within fifteen seconds of entering Treasure Trove Cove, Emile jumps into the water and collects the Blue Jinjo under the pier at the start with no issues, Snacker seemingly not appearing note . Both Tim and Jon are flabbergasted.
    Tim: Oh my god, are you s-
    Jon: I'm so mad! I'm so mad!
    Emile: What, what, what? Was that hard?
    Tim: Uh...
    Jon: Tim, you wanna break it to him, or am I doing this?
    Tim: Uh, that's, like, famously one of the hardest Jinjos to get in the game for... reasons.
    Emile: Oh. (laughs)
    Jon: Yeah. Straight-up, like, every person... in, like, that plays this for the first time, or most everyone, struggles with that specific one, for a reason you didn't even see!
    • Meta Funny when the Top 10 moments for the LP came out, this was number 2, the only one that beat it out was Jon's Bottles Wows.

Episode 5 - "Learn to Fly"

  • Emile tries to convince Jon to move to the USA to be with him and Tim, but struggles for reasons:
    Emile: When I was trying to think of things to say about it, and I was trying to make it sound like a workplace, I was gonna say, "great health benefits," and I'm just like, "Nope!" (laughs)
    Jon: Yup! You'll win that argument against a Canadian! Congratulations!
  • Emile exits the Salty Hippo right back out the way he came in, but because he was holding up, he gets sucked right back in.
  • Jon gets annoyed with Emile's puns and suggests Tim (physically there with him) should punch him. Tim says he can think of a better punishment than that. When Jon challenges him to come up with the worst punishment he can think of, Tim shocks him by casually coming out with "incineration". Emile then says Jon objecting to that might be the nicest thing he's ever said to him.

Episode 6 - "First Instinct"

  • Tim offering Grunty a new favorite smell.
    Emile: My feet are tired! I got blisters; they could open up at any second!
    Tim: ...Ew. And then Grunty would want to sniff 'em.
    Emile: O-Oh, gosh! That was boils, not... foot blist- ahh, gosh. She probably likes those, too.
  • Emile consistently refers to Nipper as "Nipple", and claims that his beach is a nudist beach.

Episode 7 - "Suck You"

  • Once Nipper retreats into his shell...
    Emile: Bitch, I'm gonna go in there and stab you in your own house!
  • Jon's Fake Brit accent for Snacker creates some pretty good Vocal Dissonance.
    Jon as Snacker: I'd like a cheeseburger, please? Made out of your rear!
  • The end of the episode.
    Emile: I haven't really brushed up on my Barney lore much lately, I just saw that on the wiki.
    Jon: How could you not, you seem like the kind of person who'd be up on your Barney lore.
    Emile: (laughs) I dunno whether I should be ashamed or flattered.
    Jon: Probably both.
    Emile: Okay. Well, that's kind of my default state of existence, anyway.

Episode 8 - "Bubblegloop Swamp"

  • Emile starts the episode by taking Grunty saying that going home will set Tooty free literally, and backtracking all the way to Banjo's house.
  • The absolute horror in Emile's voice when he hears that Grunty's party trick is a scary striptease.
    Jon: Like I said, I'm surprised Rare gets-got away with as much as they did back in the day. It's honestly impressive.
  • Emile's uphill battle against the Flibbits after accidentally triggering their encounter when trying to get another Jiggy close by. They nearly killed him during the first round and the fight as a whole goes on long enough for their full boss theme to loop.

Episode 9 - "Music Lesson"

  • When Emile mentions how all his favorite characters are supposedly the reason why Geno didn't get into Smash, he mentions how people referred to Lucas as a punk-ass bitch.
  • Emile immediately solves Tanktup's puzzle without so much as thinking.
    Tim: (laughs) Yes!
    Jon: How'd y- How'd you know to do that? D'you just... do it out of habit?
    Emile: I just- I j- I just thought to do it! (chuckles)

Episode 10 - "Mr. Vile"

Episode 11 - "Payback"

  • Yet another story of Chugga's Lost Innocence. Emile revealed that he had misinterpeted the trending "Smash or Pass" meme as rating what fighter fans want for the next Smash game instead of its actual context, much to Tim and especially Jon's bewildered exasperation. Emile's justification to why his mind didn't get it is also giggle-worthy.
    Emile: It's scientifically proven that Super Smash Bros. fighters are more important than having sex.
  • Emile's legendary luck finally runs out. It took multiple attempts to defeat Mr. Vile thanks to the minigame's RNG screwing him over multiple times.

Episode 12 - "Neato Cheato"

Episode 13 - "Help the Twinklies"

Episode 14 - "Bad Parent"

  • Being Arizona-born, Emile's definition of winter is, "It's 70° out, but people want to pretend it's winter, so they wear hoodies anyway."
  • Emile and Tim are so unused to snow, that when it snowed for once where they live, and Emile took a snowball inside and threw it at Tim...
    Tim: Was that applesauce?
  • As a kid, Emile knew monsters weren't real, so he was instead afraid that there were bears hiding in his closet.

Episode 15 - "Sled Race"

  • Apparently, walrus blubber is rich in trans fat.
    Emile: He didn't accept me for who I was. So, I changed! I got the surgery!
    Tim: Geez.
    Jon: The magic surgery?
    Tim: The walrus surgery.
    Jon: The specie-changing surgery.
    Emile: Pfft! It'll happen one day. Don't act like it won't.
  • Emile ends up getting killed by a Sir Slush's snowball while the Wading Boots animation is wrapping up. Cue Emile screaming and Jon flinching.

Episode 16 - "Need New Shoes"

  • Rather than making the logical conclusion about a snowman...
    Emile: Why does he got a stick up his butt? Oh, he's holding a broom, okay.
    • Made even better when Emile finally finds the Blue Jinjo.
      Emile: It's a plot twist! The stick up his butt was the answer to all riddles!

Episode 17 - "Clanker's Cavern"

  • While Emile is taking in his surroundings, he hovers over Clanker, and...
    Emile: God, your eyes are terrifying.
  • Another moment on par with not knowing of Snacker's existence, where Emile managed to get onto the platform with the Shock Pad before raising Clanker, with the latter being intended as required to reach the pad.
    Emile: Why- Why can I not get up there all of a sudden?
    Jon: You were actually technically doing it frame-perfect? Uh, that's-
    Emile: WHAT?!
  • Twice Emile makes it back to the surface of the water just before running out of oxygen.

Episode 18 - "Fish Farts"

  • The side interface ends up disappearing briefly to call attention to Jon's 3-Up Moon icon.
  • Emile's story of how he was told that Brie Larson played the role of, "the lady in Room," which he misinterpreted as her playing the role of Lisa in The Room (2003).
  • The episode ends right before Emile confronts the spinning blades of doom at the back of Clanker's belly, before anyone has the chance to react.

Episode 19 - "Wonderwing"

  • After Emile's risqué statement of, "who's wiggling my uvula?", Tim thinks someone in Donkey Kong 64 might've said that.
    Emile: Y'know, uh... Wrinkly Kong says it!
    Jon: (wheezes) Ah, yes! The dead ghost of Wrinkly Kong!
    Emile: Tha-That's how she died; somebody touched her uvula.
    Jon: Oh, for fuck's sake!
    Emile: (bursts out laughing) You know me! Nintendo lore expert? You can trust what's coming out of my mouth!
  • According to Jon, Jules looks like a goth edgelord, and Emile looks like the kid who gets called Poindexter in school.

Episode 20 - "Gobi's Valley"

  • Trying to cross the incredibly narrow walkway to Brentilda and Cheato provokes Emile to repeatedly say, "freakin' hell."
    Emile: That's where I am. I'm in freakin' Hell.
  • Emile briefly enters Mad Monster Mansion, but changes his mind about doing the worlds out of order again when he's told that he might not be able to get all the Notes without the Turbo Trainers. When he exits, the Guys all have a laugh about Bottles announcing his brand new Note score of 5.
  • Emile admitting that he believed "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" was from the Dead or Alive franchise.
  • Near the end of the video, Emile falls into the damagingly hot sand and slowly cooks to death while Jon keeps listing cartoon shows Jamie Mitchell worked on.

Episode 21 - "Mummy Matching"

  • Emile trying to justify letting Gruntilda mutilate Tooty.
    Emile: Eeehhhhh, y'knooow, she ate the last Oreo the other daaay...
    Jon: Woooooooooow.
  • Jon's story of how he and his sister got into a fight as kids, where she shoved him into the television, and he uppercutted her, giving her a nosebleed. The real humorous part was Jon's dad saying he was actually impressed Jon was able to do that to her at all.

Episode 22 - "Cough It Up"

  • Emile thinks the solution to getting Trunker's Jiggy is to chop him down. Which, as some commenters point out, would probably be the solution if this were Tooie.
  • Emile misses the jump for Jinxy's Jiggy, taking fall damage and nearly getting flattened by the mummy hand, just to add insult to injury. The best part though is both Emile and Tim letting out Big "NO!"s at the same time, Tim's lasting for a good 20 seconds while Emile gives several variations on "OHHH NOOOO!", with the last one being a 50/50 mix of Joseph Joestar and Mario. Meanwhile, Jon is completely unfazed.
    Jon: You alright over there? I heard a bunch of staticked complaining.
    Emile: That's just, uh... That's how it sounds if you're with me in person. Trust me.
  • Jon searches Sakura Quest in Google, but misspells it as Sakura Request, and for some reason, one of the search results ends up being MapleStory.
  • During the last minute of the video, the game chugs because Emile's internet connection is unstable.

Episode 23 - "Taunting Me"

  • The episode starts with Tim trying (and failing) to make a Banjo-Kazooie version of "All Star".
    Emile: Have you been thinking about this all day?
    Tim: Just, all week, actually.
  • The entire time Emile's been playing Gobi's Valley, he failed to notice Bottles and thus, has not gotten the move yet. Jon and Tim get into hysterics the more times Emile passes the Bottles area without noticing, and when he finally does in this episode, he freaks out. Jon, for his part, due to bad connection, became a bit concerned, since from his end, the moment sounded like something breaking and then static.

Episode 24 - "Worst Dad Ever"

  • The description lampshading how lazy Boggy actually is.
    Description: I had a busy day today, I rode on a sled and choked on a puzzle.
  • Calling someone your favorite character has some pretty heavy stipulations...
    Emile as Grunty: If you think I'm rather soft, I'll be waiting in the loft!
    Tim: (scoffs) Wow.
    Emile: Uhh, are you... wanting to sleep with me?
    Jon: N-No, she wants to fight you 'cause you're insulting her, Emile.
    Emile: Oh.
    Jon: She's not sitting on- Sh-She's not hitting on-
    Emile: This is why I can't get a date; that's what I think coming onto me is! (laughs)

Episode 25 - "Manure for Flowers"

  • Jon revealing that somebody actually made an alcoholic beverage recipe for the Mossy Turkey Turner.
    Coat the rim of the glass in turkey gravy
    1 shot of potiguaya
    1 shot of crème de menthe
    Shake well
    Garnish with a piece of turkey
  • Jon brings up the fact that you can pick up Kazooie's eggs if they miss a target. Emile, Tim, and even Dan had no idea that was possible until now.
  • Emile's story of how his cat, Kirby, ate a bee, and the bee stung his tongue as its last dying act, causing Kirby to react like he ate something spicy.

Episode 26 - "Puzzle Password"

  • Tim says that no one under 50 is gonna recognize Neil Sedaka's "Breaking Up is Hard to Do", but then Jon points out that Tim himself isn't even 50, to which Tim says, "that's the problem."
  • Emile beelines it to the Church, but as soon as he gets into the doorway, the timer ends and the door closes on him. ...And he still gets credited for going inside.
  • He meant to say Gruntilda.
    Emile: No, I didn't get rejected! She wants to sleep with me, right?! (laughs)
    Jon: T-Th-The door?
    Emile: Th- Yes! Uh... Uh, tha-that's... That's where I get my wood! (Beat; scoffs) I'm horrible!
    • Tim then proceeds to name the door "Dorothy".
    • Jon didn't hear Emile's joke due to the unreliable connection, but upon repeating it for him and getting a tired and disappointed response, Emile remarks that he would have known Jon's reaction anyway, having known him long enough.

Episode 27 - "Motzand"

  • I wouldn't go flashing that around if I were you, Tim. This is a church...
    Tim: These are the biggest freakin' pews ever, man.
    Emile: Mm-hm. They're the right size for these guys', uh... non-asses.
    Jon: Definitely misheard that for a second!
  • Emile falls from the rafters, and somehow only ends up taking 1 HP of damage because he judiciously used a Beak Buster not knowing it would reset his fall damage multiplier.
  • Emile tells a story of when he accidentally farted in a wheelchair-using girl's face. He was mortified by the incident and realized that it must be a fairly common problem for wheelchair users, since their faces end up at the height of standing people's butts.

Episode 28 - "Napper Nap"

  • Emile's method of trying to get Napper to go to sleep: Beak Busting the table repeatedly while singing a lullaby to him.
    ♪Rock-a-bye ghosty, on the tabletop!
    When I stop singing, you'll sleep like a rock!♪
  • Emile passes the nook leading to the ramp that the Pumpkin needs to climb the house twice without seeing it. Jon steps in quickly to cut it short.
    Jon: Alright, once I'll give him; twice, no. No, come on now.
    • While he was on his way to the gutter to get the Jiggy in it, he completely misses the pipe and falls off the roof, complete with more screaming from Emile and Tim.

Episode 29 - "IN THE TOILET"

  • The comment made on the Church door repeatedly closing.
    Tim: They don't want you in that church, do they?
    Emile: Oh... Appare-Apparently, I'm a heretic.
  • Commenters were wondering if Emile would ever cave and need to be told he can break the Mansion's windows. Then, this happens.
    Jon: Tell us when you want advice, 'cos I don't know if you'd think to try it otherwise. (Emile breaks the window) Good news, you thought to try it otherwise.
  • Upon realizing that he needs Pumpkin Banjo for the last Honeycomb Piece, Emile descends into complete Angrish. Even better is that Jon and Tim explicitly allowed this to happen by deciding not to tell Emile both upstairs windows needed to be broken before the Pumpkin was taken to the house again, wasting his time and forcing an extra trip between forms to open the room and then claim the Honeycomb.

Episode 30 - "Coffin Smash"

  • The episode starts with Emile taking his anger out on Mumbo.
    Emile: (punches Mumbo in the legs) Yeah, that's what I think of y-you and your kneecaps.
  • Out of nowhere, Emile and Tim decide to have a farting contest.
  • Jon Stating the Simple Solution to Gruntilda's beauty problem.
    Tim as Grunty: I don't like stairs much in my lair, they always make me gasp for air!
    Jon: Go on a diet! Do some exercise! Stop flying everywhere!
  • Somehow, Emile tries to draw comparisons between old people being obsessed with gas prices and the Furry Fandom.
    Jon: Wai-Wait! Wait a minute! Hold up! Before you finish this thought, how the hell did you get here from gas station prices?!
    Emile: N-No, I-I-I wa- I was getting there! Maybe because there was, like, so much, like, doom and gloom on the news when, like, our parents were kids, it caused them to, like, have gas price fetishes, or something.
    Jon: No! NNNO! What?!
    Tim: I-I'm not touching this one... with a 10-foot pole.

Episode 31 - "Rusty Bucket Bay"

  • Emile sets foot into Rusty Bucket Bay... and then immediately backs out because his health is under half.
  • Emile nearly refers to a ladder as a "climbey".
  • Emile mentions that he and Tim have been marathoning Legends of the Hidden Temple, and Tim wrote out a script that outlines Rusty Bucket Bay that he reads in an imitation of Olmec.
    Tim: You could go to the Toxic Wastes Dump, which would then lead you to the Chamber of the Giant Box. If you survive the Box, you may find yourself in the Kitchen, with the burning gravy. If you can survive the smell, you may end up in the Dumpster of the Green Jinjo.
  • Jon continuing the Running Gag from his and Lucahjin's LP of Banjo-Kazooie of naming the Grimlet enemies "Chad" and having him invite Banjo to a party every time he passes by. Emile quickly catches on and names the second Grimlet he runs into "Chad 2: Chad Harder."

Episode 32 - "Water 2"

Episode 33 - "Dangerous Workplace"

Episode 34 - "Boom Box"

  • The episode begins with Emile leaving Boss Boom Box's chamber. According to him, he was trying to see if he could poop Eggs from the ladder.
  • Shortly afterward, when he re-enters the arena and Boss Boom Box gives his same dialogue as before, not acknowledging that Banjo had already been there.
    Emile: You know me from last week! (beat) If this is actually where the video splits, that'd be really funny, though, but I doubt it.

Episode 35 - "Egg You Harder"

Episode 36 - "Snorkel the Dolphin"

Episode 37 - "Engine Room"

Episode 38 - "The Hardest Jiggy In The Game"

  • Jon permits Emile to sing his cover of "Reptilia", because he knows old jokes of his that he's forgotten often give Emile strength. ...Emile doesn't even get one verse into the song before he falls into the pit.
  • Near the end of the video, Emile decides that he's only going to try once more, because he's very hungry and wants to go eat. Tim and Jon both lampshade the similarity to a certain incident in their Dokapon Kingdom LP.

Episode 39 - "Mistakes Were Made"

  • The Guys admit that there was a recording error, so everything they are doing from now on is no longer blind. You would not be able to tell by how Emile plays, as he constantly goes the wrong way in the hub world this episode, even with Jon and Tim guiding him. Emile even admits he might have gotten worse at navigating the place.
  • According to Emile, the hottest thing a girl ever said to him was, "You're sometimes funny."
  • Emile gets a kick out of Grunty's first boyfriend being named Greasy Grant, mainly because he knew the name was a reference to Grant Kirkhope.
  • It takes Emile 39 episodes to finally say, "Gruntilda did nothing wrong."
    Jon: Wooow, okay. Maybe let's not go that far! She's literally done kidnapping!
    Emile: Listen, I know she kidnapped and mutilated a child, which, I could go either way on, kids are awful...
    Jon: No! What? Absolutely not, no no no no no no.

Episode 40 - "A BEE?!?"

Episode 41 - "Best Fertilizer"

  • When Emile is ready to make another joke about Paper Mario, Jon immediately steers the conversation towards how long it took Emile to finish Click Clock Wood the first time around because he's sick of hearing the joke.
  • A Jiggy that requires Banjo to fertilize a field by pooping out Kazooie's egg leads Emille to wonder if there were once people who produced delicious poop.

Episode 42 - "Murder the Bees"

Episode 43 - "Feed the Baby"

  • Emile's story of him and Tim marathoning Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM).
    Emile: I felt so bad for Tim when he said Rotor was his favorite character, because in Season 2, Rotor doesn't do anything, and they redesigned him, and he looks horrible!
  • Emile burns through his entire stash of Gold Feathers trying to get a single Note he missed from a Snarebear.
  • When Emile gets bitten by a Big Clucker and gets knocked into the brambles...
    Emile: Oh no no, my ass, my ass!
    Tim: Not again!
    Emile: That ass wasn't for you!
    Jon: Stop shaking what your momma cave you!
    Emile: I was putting out there for Grunty!
    Jon: You're saving it for Grunty?
    Emile: Yeah! I-I'm practicing blowing up balloons with it because that's what turns her on. (giggles)
    Jon: (defeated sigh)
    Tim: I mean...
    • This then leads into a discussion between Emile and Tim on how one would actually blow up balloons with their butt; Emile suggests people would use superglue to attach the balloon to their butthole.
  • When discussing stories of wrestlers taking laxatives to keep themselves in the lightweight class, Emile makes a Call-Back to Pokémon Snap.
    Emile: On that note, magnesium citrate is delicious!

Episode 44 - "Saving Nabnut"

Episode 45 - "Winter is Coming"

  • When Emile looks around for the last few Notes in Autumn, he finds out that a Snarebear is guarding them... and he only has one Gold Feather left. Naturally, he fails to get a single Note.
  • Emile dies to a Chinker in the lobby because he forgot that he was all out of Gold Feathers.
  • Immediately after that, he drowns in Winter because of the sides of the ice hole pushing him downwards.
    Jon: I don't have to say it this time, but wooooow!
  • If that weren't enough, Emile dies again to the Chinker in the lobby soon after, and then drowns again after nabbing the Honeycomb Piece because of the same lip in the ice. And apparently, this wasn't even the first time the Chinkers got him.
    Jon: Well, the good news is [...] you don't have to do it again, but on the other hand, wooooow!
    Emile: You! You rectal cavity, you...

Episode 46 - "All Grown Up"

  • Emile is still reeling from being called a "hairy fool" in the last episode.
    Emile: I love it when people insult me! Especially girls.
  • And yet somehow, Tim's alive.
    Emile: I kill people who don't insult me!
    Jon: (scoffs) "I kill people who don't insult me"?! No wonder I'm still alive!
  • Emile attempts to be an infomercial salesperson, but upon missing the Witch Switch by Beak Busting and taking fall damage, he attempts to sell Jon on Snapped Necks.
  • Emile's impression of a text-to-speech AI from an r/AskReddit video about bad toilet experiences. He recalls being especially amused at how awkwardly it pronounced the word "poop" inconsistently in the same sentence, both over- and under-pronouncing it by saying (as Emile not-inaccurately quotes) "pooohhp" and then "puhp" in successive uses of the word. (The referenced moment is at 5:10 in this video)

Episode 47 - "Back In Time"

Episode 48 - "Blind Playthrough New Game+"

  • The title of the episode comes about as the way Jon describes Emile's miraculous amnesia despite having completed the game in the failed recordings. As Emile himself notes, his playthrough in the redo has been hardly distinguishable from a truly blind run.
  • Emile mentions how Stephen was surprised to learn that he never played Minecraft, to which Tim and Jon are equally as shocked on cue. Emile explains the reason was because when the game first became popular in his teenage years, he decided not to play it because it was popular, and because he thought not playing popular games made him look cool.
  • Once Emile gets all the Notes, Jon says he doesn't have to talk as Bottles anymore, but upon exiting Click Clock Wood...
    Jon as Bottles: Wooooow! I wasn't done at all! I Lied!
  • As Emile goes to leave the Click Clock Wood lobby in Grunty's Lair to collect Honeycombs, Jon breaks spoiler silence to warn him for his sanity that he still needs to be Bee Banjo to get the last overworld Jiggy.
    Emile: Is [Mumbo's] magic going to get weak soon? I want to get that Honeycomb...
    Jon: Double back, double back!
    Emile: What?
    Jon: Double back! Turn around!
    Emile: Yeah, I know, I know. No, I mean, I want to get the Honeycomb from the thing. I can't break that as a bee.
    Jon: DOUBLE BACK! Look around!

Episode 49 - "Grunty's Furnace Run"

  • One of the screenshot squares pulls up an obvious image of Tiptup... from below.
    • In a Funny Background Event, Tim can be heard mentioning that he has panty shots of Pyra, and clarifies they all came from the game and he doesn't actually search for that. Those who've watched his channel will know he mentioned this in his Super Mario Odyssey videos too.
  • The "blind playthrough new game+" situation has one significant disadvantage—in the time since the initial recording for the LP, Emile has forgotten most of Brentilda's Grunty secrets, leaving him getting most of the Gruntilda questions wrong.
  • Failing the first Grunty square twice causes Emile to make a confession.
    Emile: I should know my waifu better than that!
    Jon: Oh my god, are you actually calling Grunty your waifu at this point?
  • The episode ends on a cliffhanger as Emile has to do a timed challenge. ...Said challenge involves Emile having to do the Mr. Vile minigame again, with the appropriate reactions from the trio.
    Emile: Uhhh, minigame time, please don't hurt me...
    Jon: What's it gonna be?
    (scene transitions to reveal Mr. Vile)
    Emile: OHHH NOOOOO!!!
    Tim: YES! Oh, I was hoping for this, baby. Hahaha!
    Emile: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Nooo... Yes!

Episode 50 - "Up the Winding Stairs"

  • Emile's victory quote upon clearing Furnace Fun.
  • The response to Tooty forcing Banjo to finish the fight with Gruntilda?
    Emile: Do we really need to hurt her? We got what we wanted, and she's awesome!
  • Getting the chance to explore an area that we only saw in cutscenes before gets the guys talking about their progress through Xenoblade Chronicles. Emile is rushing to make time for the third game (which was one weekend away from release when the video was recorded), Tim is playing Torna, and Jon gripes in his Bottles voice about still having to get through the first game.
    Emile: It's okay, son, you'll come of age eventually.
    Jon: Uh-huh. Oh, is that how it is? Number one is just growing up, number two is puberty, hence all the boobs...
    (Emile cracks up)
    Tim: Pretty much.
    Jon: And number three is that you're at a college, starting your real life?
    Emile: More like... no, number three is when you're drafted into the military against your will.
    Jon: Oooh!
  • When completing the final Jigsaw Puzzle, which is, naturally, a portrait of Gruntilda herself...
    Tim: I love that picture.
    Emile: I know! She looks so menacing and cool! Tell me, would you not want, like, a fine piece of this?
    (Grunty cackles, right on cue)
    Tim: I should paint that...
    Jon: I'm good, not my type.
  • First, Cheato caught his eye, and now the 100% rewards make him die.
    Emile: These models are made of sex! They are, like, the most beautiful N64 models I've ever seen!
    Jon: (snickers) Jesus!
    Tim: I'm putting that on Twitter.
  • If he wasn't a yandere for Marie, he's definitely one for Grunty.
    Emile: Oh, gosh! I get to bathe in her vomit!
    Jon: (beat) Don't- Why are you so excited-sounding about that?
    Emile: Uh... (chuckles) It's like having a piece of her with me? (laughs) I dunno!
    Jon: Eeewwwww...

Episode 51 - "Grunty Battle"

  • Both times Emile dies to Grunty, it's because a fireball knocked him off the side of the arena. Jon describes it as a rite of passage for all first-time Banjo-Kazooie players.

Episode 52 [FINALE] - "Getting Revenge"

  • Emile ends up getting one last apology in the description.
    Description: Sorry, waifu, but I've gotta destroy you!
  • Emile is set to die from falling off the stage due to a fireball again and actually goes off the edge... but somehow manages to save himself.
    Tim: Wha- HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW?
    Jon: I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead.
  • When the Jinjonator starts pummeling Grunty, Emile gets in one last comment about his waifu.
    Emile: Hey, it's my job to hit that- (breaks down in giggles)
  • During the cast roll, they reflect on the project and Jon mentions that their next one should see them reuniting to record in the same room together. Emile's excitement makes Jon reconsider.
    Emile: Yaaay; I'm so excited to see you and make puns at you and see the vein throbbing in your forehead and roll your eyes at me.
    Jon: Alright, so maybe the next one's not gonna be in person.
    Tim: Aw...
    Emile: Do I need to remind you how many fucking used game stores I drove you to?! (the other Guys crack up) You owe me one!
  • Finally, after trolling Emile several times, what does Jon have to say as his last line of Bottles?
    Jon as Bottles: No more wows for you...

Episode 53 - "Emile's First Reaction"

  • In the past, Emile had made a jab at the melon lady.
    Emile: I dub her... Melanie!
    Tim: Duuuuude! What?!
    Jon: That is- That is probably her production name.
  • One thing Emile forgot about the game over cutscene is Mumbo falling in love with Grunty, which makes him collapse in laughter.

    TMNT: Turtles in Time 

Episode 1 - "BACK IN PERSON!"

  • Emile tries to get the Guys to sing the theme song in unison. Jon ends up singing about the seizure warning, Emile sings Tim's usual Toilet Humour lyrics, and Tim tries to sing the actual theme.
    Tim: Why are you singing dump lyrics? Oh wait, actually, why am I not?!

Episode 2 - "Spanking Babies"

  • Emile's exercise story that went horribly wrong.
    Emile: I've been in physical training for a few years now? Um...
    Jon: 'Kay.
    Emile: Y'know, I, um... And they have me do all sorts of exercises that I— Ahh, dammit. I thought I hit 'em. Uh, they had me- They have me do all sorts of exercises that I would totally never do on my own, or even know about. And the other day, they wanted to get my blood pumping before we got started. Y'know, as typical.
    Jon: 'Kay?
    Emile: And, um... my trainer gave me a jump rope. And he was, like, "Here, jump rope for, like, 60 seconds." And I'm like, "Uuuhhhhh..."
    Jon: You never jumped rope before, have you?
    Emile: And he's just like, "Whoa, what's wrong?" 'Cause I have, like, never turned down an exercise before. And he goes... Er, I just go, "I've never jumped rope in my entire life." (chuckles) And he's just, like, "You'll do fine, okay? You'll be good." So... I...
    Jon: (scoffs) I've seen you hula hoop! It probably went terrible!
    Tim: I was thinking that!
    Emile: I... I put the jump rope behind my head, swung it around once; it hit me in the back of the head, flung around, and hit me in the crotch, and I fell over.
    (the guys erupt into laughter)
    Emile: In one swing! That was what it did! And then he went, "...Okay, let's swing the rope around instead."

Episode 3 - "Bad Year"

  • The level taking place in A.D.2020 gets some good laughs out of the guys for its unfortunate timing.
    Jon: Welcome to the distant future of 2 years ago!
    Emile: Heh heh. Good music, though. (beat) Ehm, 2020 was a decent year for music. I guess...
    Jon: (scoffs) For music, sure, 'cos no one... some people had nothing else they could do.
    Emile: Yeah... I think Ed Sheeran had an album come out that year that was really good.
    Jon: Never took you as the Ed Sheeran type.
    Emile: Yeah. And I... Believe it or not, I did not hear about him because he's playing a song in Pokémon Sword and Shield; I knew about him before that!
    Jon: Alright, know what? I was gonna give you some major points; I think I'd not— I was gonna notch you down a couple if that was the case!

Episode 1 (SNES) - "Five Continues"

  • Halfway through Big Apple, 3 AM, Emile and Tim grab two Foot Soldiers and beat them up in complete synchrony.

Episode 2 (SNES) - "Tokka and Rahzar"

  • If only there existed a Mall of Canada to bring Nickelodeon Universe to...
    Emile: There is a Ninja Turtles roller coaster called Shellraiser, and it's one of the most extreme roller coasters in the world, and it's so bizarre that they marketed it toward kids. It holds... world records for how extreme it is; I'm not joking.
    Jon: That sounds awesome; I want to ride it.
    Tim: Yeah!
    Emile: Yeah, it has the steepest drop; it's over 90°.
  • Doubling as CMOA, Emile and Tim's combined efforts makes mincemeat out of Slash.

Episode 3 (SNES) - "Bebop and Rocksteady"

  • Emile's recount of a video where Yoko Ono was singing horribly at a museum and the audience applauding her, with the top comment being, "This is what happens when no one tells you you're bad at something."
    Jon: Look, man. I get- I get not liking Yoko Ono's music, but man... people appreciate it.

    Donkey Kong Country Returns 

Running Gags:

  • The Guys get hit hard with the game's surprisingly vicious difficulty, which forces them to either adapt fast or (more frequently) their carelessness will lead to one of them dying early into a level (and occasionally leading to them staying dead given the rarity of a safe space to safely revive them without a DK Barrel). In an unintentional nod to Emile's statement that DK is the worst character in his own game, this translates into DK dying extremely often (occasionally less than a minute after being respawned), regardless of the players' individual skill.
    • Episode 4 is a prime example of this—while playing as DK Emile dies twice to the World 1 boss, but while playing as Diddy he basically solos 2-1.
  • Jon mimicking the jumping sharks whenever they show up.
  • Jon constantly reminding the others to breathe whenever something they can blow on shows up.
  • Tim leaping into bottomless pits almost Once per Episode.
  • Whenever the DK icon is hit on the Slot Machine Barrel, it's usually bananas, nothing else.
  • Jon consistently complaining about the game's use of shaking the Wii Remote to pound or blow.
  • Whenever Emile and Tim are the ones playing, expect them to die very frequently.
  • Any time the guys die by hitting a wall and falling off the edge.
  • The guys are so used to the game's cruelty that they're shocked whenever the game plays nice.

Episode 1 - "DK is Back!"

  • It's just barely episode 1 and already Emile is calling out DK for being the worst playable character in his own series due to there being very few things he can do that others with better movesets can't—for Returns specifically, Diddy has the exact same moveset as DK but with a smaller hurtbox, better mobility, and an additional ranged attack. It's to the point that Emile calls Kiddy Kong an objectively better DK for having additional utility as well as all of DK's moves (though Emile makes an additional comment that he means better gameplay-wise and not character-wise).
  • Emile mentions a life dream that he’s had since he was four: vandalizing a Bemis brand toilet by scratching off a few of the lines to make it say “Penis”. He even contemplates doing it to his own toilet, which happens to be the right brand.
    • The other Guys are so confused by Emile wanting to vandalize a toilet that they end up not paying attention to Emile explaining why, making him have to explain it again.
    • Right after that, Emile mentions another life dream of his: line up several mailboxes in a row, then drive by and hit them all with a baseball bat. Jon concedes that this does sound pretty fun.
    • Tim's own life goal—pull off a real-life Vehicle Vanish (specifically behind a train).

Episode 2 - "Rambi"

  • Jon and Emile get a kick out of Cranky's angry voice grunting, which leads to Emile talking about his late grandfather, including the part how he had a third nipple.

Episode 6 - "Stormy Shore"

  • Jon ends up wasting a barrel to throw at a Snippy and Pinchly instead of breaking open the sandbag just after them. Thinking it contained the last Puzzle Piece, Tim and Jon attempt to backtrack to the sandbag with another barrel on hand. It almost works, but Jon ends up taking damage and dropping the barrel just before he could reach it.

Episode 7 - "Tidal Terror"

  • While playing through Blowhole Bound, Jon shares an unpopular opinion how he doesn't like the song Aquatic Ambiance from the original Donkey Kong Country game. As Jon is the only one in the level, Emile asks for his opinion on Forest Interlude from the sequel. When he asks what song it was, he ends up singing it, which distracted Jon and ended up getting him killed.
  • As the title implies, Emile and Tim play through Tidal Terror, which was the level Emile could not beat when playing the game. Their many attempts to play the level go as well as you'd expect.
    • On the first try, Emile actually does pretty decent, only resetting after softlocking a Kong Letter. Tim, meanwhile, stands right in front of the tidal wave, not realizing it isn't just in the background until DK is dead yet again.

Episode 9 - "Wonky Waterway"

  • The return of Anime Cat Girl Emile.
  • After accidentally killing an enemy they needed to reach a Kong Letter, Emile and Tim decide to turn left so that the enemy respawns. Tim doesn't stop, however, and proceeds to barrel off the side of the pier at the start of the stage.
  • As Emile and Tim proceed through Wonky Waterway and start to lose a lot of lives, they discuss running out of money as well (Jon wished to horde Banana Coins to reach the cap of 999).
    Jon: I want to be the richest Kong around! I want to be Bluster Kong!
    Emile: That reminds me of "If there's one thing I learned from watching two-thirds of that MC Hammer documentary, it's that money never runs out"!
    (Emile and Jon laugh)
  • Emile and Tim are staring down a puzzle piece that is seemingly over a bottomless pit, but they've already used up the barrel they could've thrown to reach it. Emile decides to sacrifice himself by jumping down to the puzzle piece... cue the camera panning down a little to reveal there's solid ground beneath him.
    Emile: That was mean!
    Jon: That's dirty.
  • As Emile and Tim start racking up a large amount of deaths, Jon asks if they wanna tap out so he can play. They don't, and eventually Emile manages to reach the end. On the next level, Jon intentionally sets off an instakill trap at the start just to show it off. Emile promptly turns his question around on him.

Episode 10 - "Damp Dungeon"

  • Emile tells a story about a teacher who was telling him that chocolate can kill dogs and aspirin can kill cats. Thinking she was going to go on listing animals' "weaknesses," he asked the teacher, "Really? What kills monkeys?"

Episode 11 - "Temple Topple"

  • Emile tells a story about how kids in high school used to call him "Bob" because they didn't want to bother remember his unusual name.
  • Emile and Jon realize they missed the "K" at the beginning of the titular level, so they have to replay it. Upon grabbing the KONG Letter again, this happens:
    Emile: Alright, I guess we'll see you back at the end. Unless something funny happens!
    Jon: Which it probably won't.
    Tim: Well, you never know.
    Jon: And then we died.
    (Emile, while riding Rambi, promptly falls into a pit and both of them die)
    Jon: I'M DOING THIS! [...] You're not allowed to drive the rhino anymore! You've lost rhino privileges!
    Tim: You forgot how to drive.

Episode 13 - "Grip and Trip"

  • The Failure Montage involving Emile and Tim during their playthrough of Grip and Trip, in the notorious Cave world. They miss ledges and die so often that Jon tags in for Tim during their replay to grab a KONG Letter they missed.
    • Not only does Emile grab both KONG Letters during the replay, but Jon himself dies shortly after the "N" is grabbed. Emile beats the level on that same attempt, after which he lampshades that Jon tagging in made basically no difference.

Episode 14 - "Crowded Cavern"

  • A quip from Emile about crashing into the ceiling despite DK "barely rubbing his eyebrows on it" leads to a Seinfeldian Conversation on rubbing your eyebrows on walls, leading to Emile and Tim both going to the walls and actually doing it when it's not their turn to play. Apparently Chugga likes rubbing cool things against his head, as he's done with bell peppers in the past.
  • After Emile and Tim's Failure Montage on Grip & Trip, it gets even worse in Crowded Cavern, and the two end up burning through all of their lives in one level, leading to their first (and only) Game Over. Jon, having had enough watching the two suffer, takes matters into his own hands and solos the level with significantly fewer attempts.

Episode 15 - "The Mole Train"

  • As Jon drops Emile so he can play through Jagged Jewels without wasting lives:
    Jon: Get out of my video game.
    Emile: Fine, I didn't want to be in your stinky video game anyway.
  • Upon losing a life in Jagged Jewels, Jon realized that he forgot to go to Cranky's Shop to stock up on lives, even after being reminded by Emile to stock up by asking if he was going to do it in one life. Turns out Jon completely forgot that Emile and Tim burned through 30 lives in Crowded Cavern, and thought that Emile meant what he said as a joke.
    Emile: You forgot one thing: I have played since then!
    Tim: Huh, me too.
    Emile: It was a group effort, to screw up Jon.
    Jon: Thanks, guys. Appreciate it.
    Tim: Yeah, pretty much.
  • The guys clear World 4 and make it to the halfway point, as Jon points out that there is an extra world upon clearing every K stage in the game. This causes Emile to slowly regret their decision to play this game.
    Emile: (Squealing) Why did we agree to do this? We should have played like, Scott Pilgrim or something...
    Jon: To be fair, you-you two are the ones that were like "I wanna play Donkey Kong Country!". I'm not saying I wasn't either, but I apparently was ready for this; you two weren't!
    Tim: Guess so.
    Emile: You didn't count on one thing: I'm not good at video games!
    (Jon and Emile burst into laughter)

Episode 16 - "Clingy Swingy"

  • Emile steps away to feed his cat when it's Jon and Tim's turn in Clingy Swingy. In the background, his voice can he heard a few times:
    • And another time when Jon rants about Motion Controls:
      Emile: Are you ranting about motion controls again?
      Jon: Yeeeeees.
      Tim: Yes, we are. (Snickering) Wow.
      Jon: He knows me so well.
  • Emile tells a pretty relatable story of mishearing lyrics where he thought the words "Mr. Raisen Toast" were actually "Mr. Raisen Toes".
  • Tim does some beatboxing as he watches Jon play through the rest of the level, which makes Emile try to do the same. Emphasis on "try", though, as his attempt at beatboxing is...less than stellar, making it sound like weird noises.

Episode 17 - "Tippin' Totems"

  • Chugga has a massive How Do I Shot Web? moment when, five worlds in, he finally figures out that a player can hold the 1 button on the Wii remote to run. Jon's callout of it is very similar to his reaction to the "Canadianator" incident.
    Emile: So wait, does holding "1" make you run?
    Jon: Yeah.
    Emile: I just learned that right now.
    Emile: That's why I've been missing so many jumps! I was like "Why can you hold"-
    Jon: You weren't running for this entire time?!
    Emile: Dude, I-
    Jon: You- You literally- I have to pause this, I'm sorry; you literally told me you played this game!
    Emile: I did, but I never knew that!
    Jon: And- (Angrish) WHAT?!
    Emile: I just thought like "Wow, there's a lot of jumps that you can only barely make in this game, and the momentum is really hard to work with"! I thought that was to incitivize you to roll.
    Jon: We...are FIVE WORLDS in...and you just to hold one of the two buttons the game uses?!
    Emile: I thought "1" was just grab!
    Jon: I didn't tell you...because you told me you knew how to play the game!
    Emile: (Giggling) I thought I did!
    Jon: How have you not been running for five worlds?! How have you not seen Tim and myself running and thought weird how faster they're going?
    Emile: I dunno, I thought you guys were just better than me! Not wrong!
    Jon: Alright, but like, we've played the round characters, so fucking... Oh my god! HOW?!
    • The fiasco above made Emile reveal that many gamers have turned his lack of knowledge of basic mechanics in games into their own Self-Imposed Challenge runs, known unofficially as "Chuggaaconroy%".
    • In the same sequence, Emile reveals that he knows some people that don't know how to run in Super Mario Bros, which led to the Chuggaconroy% reveals. Jon actually paused the game and gave him a Big "WHAT?!".
    • In a meta example, while Jon is absolutely flabbergasted, the viewers in the comments largely go "Yeah, that sounds about right."
    • And shortly afterwards:
      Tim: So, just making sure here: You know there's a gas button in Mario Kart, right?
      (Emile and Jon burst out laughing)
      Jon: Thank you, Tim! I was wracking my brain trying to think of a retort!
      • This then leads to Emile saying he had a story (which also ends up making Jon lose his focus and fall in a pit) about his first experience with Mario Kart 8: He got to play a demo at E3 with Cody Davies from Zelda Universe, and ended up not truly playing the game because he ran into a wall the entire race. The reason? Emile was looking at his opponent's screen and not his own, and didn't realize he was doing nothing until the final lap because he pressed the same button inputs at the same time Cody did. It didn't help that both Emile and Cody picked the exact same racer, which led to Emile's confusion.

Episode 20 - "Mangoruby Run"

  • During one of Emile's attempts at Blast & Bounce, he falls into a pit while he swears he was holding a button. What follows after is Jon acting like a mother figure while Emile acts like a whiny kid.
    Emile: NO, I WAS PRESSING THE BUTTON! (angry noises)
    Tim: (laughing) You thought you were pressing the button!
    Emile: (whining) I was... I was, Mommy, I was... He's being mean to me...
    Jon: (acting like a mother) I'm sorry, dear: You weren't actually pressing the button. The game decreed itself.
    Emile: Can we still go to Chuck E. Cheese's after this?
    Jon: Are you sure you wanna go?
    Emile: Yes... I'll be good...
    Jon: Alright, I'll see if the mouse is available, and I'll make sure he makes your favorite pizza.
    (Emile laughs)
    Emile: It's a very busy schedule and I understand...
    Jon: He's a business owner: Charles Entertainment Cheese is a very busy mouse, dear, so I need you to understand that. He's not always available for birthday parties.
  • Every time the guys pass through several blocks in the level with the initials "DK" on them, Emile and Tim cannot help but quote The DK Rap.
  • The numerous attempts that Jon uses to try and get the first Puzzle Piece in this level (which is very hard to obtain without Diddy Kong), which turned out to be All for Nothing as they miss the last Puzzle Piece, and Jon finishes the stage upon reaching that part of the level.

Episode 21 - "Prehistoric Path"

  • The opening:
    Emile: Welcome back, everybody! We got this ethereal concept called "sleep" ever since you've last heard from us.
    Tim: Yeah it's cool; you should try it.
  • It turns out that Emile not only didn't know you could run in this game, but in the entire Donkey Kong Country series. He thought the games were just hard, and that the only way to speed up was to roll.
    Emile: Oh, actually: Did the other Donkey Kong Countries ''also have a run button?
    Tim & Jon: Yes.
    Emile: Well, that explains why I thought they were so hard!
  • Emile almost gets through Prehistoric Path in one try. Once Jon finally joins Emile, the duo immediately die because Jon forgot he had to duck as well when sharing a mine cart.
    Emile: Okay, you and me together, buddy.
    Jon: Well, I'm not doing anything...
    (As if on cue, the two immediately die because Jon didn't duck, Emile bursts into laughter)
    Jon: Oh wait, actually, sorry I am. Alright, that-that is entirely my fault. Entirely my fault.
    Tim: Well, shoot.
    Emile: Do you need to learn about the down button?
    Jon: I will fucking punch you.
    (Emile falls into a tar pit and dies upon failing to make a jump)
    Emile: Oh god! (laughs)
    Jon: DO YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE JUMP BUTTON? That's why you don't talk shit: 'Cause then you get hit.

Episode 22 - "Weighty Way"

  • Emile and Tim have trouble with a weight puzzle in the background. Emile forgets once again he can run, leading into another hilarious conversation about Jon not trusting Emile to breathe.
    Emile: It's always quicker than I think it is...
    Jon: (defeatedly) It also helps if you run.
    Emile: Oh, right.
    Jon: Goddamn it, Emile...
    Emile: I'M NOT USED TO IT!
    Emile: I'm having to like, unlearn 20 years of playing wrong!
    Jon: (sigh) Breathe...
    Emile: I KNOW to breathe!
    Jon: No, I don't trust you anymore! You keep playing wrong, I'm not gonna trust you anymore!
    Emile: Just because I don't know how to run doesn't mean I don't know how to breathe, too!
    Tim: Mmmm... Well, you...
    Jon: See, even Tim's hesitant, so like...
    Emile: I mean, I think most humans learn to breathe before they learn to run.
    Jon: Most humans don't have to hold down and shake the Wiimote to breathe, though.
  • At the end of the episode, Emile gets up to get his phone without stopping the recording, leaving Jon and Tim to awkwardly wonder if they should stop it themselves.
    Tim: I'm not messing with that thing. I'm afraid I'd blow up the house.

Episode 23 - "Boulder Roller"

Episode 25 - "Perilous Passage"

  • Emile and Jon end up falling off the edge a fair few times in Clifftop Climb due to how almost every platform, including ones that bounce upwards, collapses instantly.
  • Jon consistently tries to blow out candles in Perilous Passage, which often yield nothing, or a simple Banana Bunch. Once Jon beats the stage and collects the Orb, the guys laugh at how they only collected one Puzzle Piece in the entire level.

Episode 26 - "Thugly's Highrise"

  • Throughout the entire video, Jon frequently dies because of Hitbox Dissonance. Some points where he would land a hit on Thugly meant other times he would take a hit and/or dies, leaving Tim to help him learn the fight. It even shows a slow-motion sequence of Jon bouncing on the hot armor on Thugly's back without even taking damage.
    Jon: God damn it, I do not like this boss! It's not even that hard a boss, it's just getting us in the dumbest of ways!
  • Upon finally beating the boss, Jon gets ready to punch out Xylobone after having faced such a difficult boss fight...only to move the Wiimote causing the game to think he moved shook it too early, and only land one hit on it as a result.
    Jon: I'm going to enjoy this...
    Emile: Don't miss!
    (Jon ends up moving the Wiimote in preparation, which counted as an action, meaning DK punched Xylobone only once)
    Emile: You missed! Ahhh!
    Jon: I missed. I wound up...It picked the wind-up. Emile can quo-corroborate this: I lifted my arm back to get ready to go nuts... The movement backwards was counted.
    Emile: Yep.
    Jon Fuck.
    Emile: I guess you're not gonna enjoy that.
    Jon No. No I am not.

Episode 27 - "Foggy Fumes"

  • The end of the titular level Foggy Fumes involves some classic TRG dysfunction.
    Jon: (running back and forth at the finish) Hey, DK. (Emile ends the stage) Did you not see me run to the left and right?!
    Emile: No.
    Jon: I was trying to get you to run over there!
    Emile: No, I didn't!
    Jon: Ah... I even said, "Hey, DK"!
    Emile: I thought you were telling me to hurry up and finish!
    Jon: No!
    Emile: (laughs) You gotta be more specific than, "Hey, DK"!
  • Emile finally calls Jon out for his rampant kleptomania in Slammin' Steel:
    Jon: But the Puzzle Piece!
    Emile: But fuck you!

Episode 28 - "Handy Hazards"

  • There's pessimism, and then there's nihilism.
    Emile: This is the happiest place on earth; you can't be tired.
    Jon: I can't, 'cos the happiest place on earth is my bed. 'Cos I always sleep there comfortably...
    Emile: I thought you said, "the happiest place on earth is when I'm dead," for a second! I'm like, "Jesus!"
    Jon: No! No, my bed!
    Emile: I was like, "Do you need help?"

Episode 29 - "Cog Jog"

  • Upon entering Cranky's Shop to restock on lives...
    Jon as Cranky: So, who hasn't stolen your bananas at this point? Seems like everyone does it now! I'll be doing it tomorrow!
    Emile: It's what all the cool kids are up to these days.
  • The way Jon and Emile simultaneously exclaim "Find!" due to reading the sign telling the player to find the rocket switch, the former especially using his usual goofier voice.

Episode 30 - "Switcharoo"

  • Jon and Tim often end up dying due to activiating buttons accidentally, due to the way the game works.

Episode 31 - "Treacherous Track"

  • Due to waking up earlier than usual, Emile and Jon end up being rusty upon booting up the game again, and die at least twice in the beginning of Music Madness.
  • Jon once again completes yet another Temple level without much problems, leading to Emile calling him a "gamer god".

Episode 32 - "Feather Fiend"

  • During Lift-off Launch, Jon runs into a hot air balloon piloted by the Tiki Tak Tribe, thinking it was part of the background.
    Jon: I THOUGHT THAT WAS BACKGROUND! It's been background in every other part of this game!
  • Jon taunting Colonel Pluck as he waits for him to stomp around gets himself killed.
    Jon: Hurry up! Bangbangbangbangbangbangbang!
    (Colonel Pluck speeds up considerably, as if reacting to Jon's taunt)
    Jon: Oh shit! (Jon dies)
  • In the middle of the fight, the doorbell rings, which makes Jon yell "Good morning!". After he wins, the doorbell rings again, prompting Emile to leave to answer the door at the end of the episode.
    Emile: You just like saying "good morning" a lot.
    Jon: Yeah, for not being a morning person, I sure love it.
    Emile: I mean like, you have to have like, your daily quota of polite things to like, be in Canada or something.
    • After Jon wins the fight, the doorbell rings again, prompting Emile to go begrudgingly answer it. Afterwards, Tim goes to blow his nose, leaving Jon all by his lonesome for a bit. He decides to sing a song as he waits.
      Jon: Everyone's leaving me. (Singing in a weird whiny voice) I'm all alone...
      I was alone,
      I was all by myself.
      No one was looking,
      I was thinking of you, damn.
      Oh yeah did I mention
      that Emile is here now?
      Emile is here now,
      And Tim is here too.

Episode 33 - "Furious Fire"

  • The guys are just shy of 666 Banana Coins upon finishing the Bonus Room, which makes Jon sad. Emile attempts to make a joke about it, getting him killed and Jon to pile on about it.
    Jon: And we don't even have Demon Number Coins; we're so close, so close to demon monkey.
    Emile: Yeah, 444.
    Jon: What?
    Emile: I was joking. (Emile dies to a fireball upon not ducking properly) Ahhh!
    Jon: And that's what you get for joking.
    Emile: I was pressing down...
    Jon: That'll teach you; never joke again! Now I hope you've learned your lesson, Mr. Conroy! We take the number of the beast very seriously around here!
  • Emile sees what he thought looked like an Among Us character in the wall, which leads to him remembering a meme he liked that said "This is a meme from the future, you don't get the reference yet", which he thought also looked like Among Us.
    Jon: Fucking time travelers. Do cool shit, time travelers, not memes!

Episode 34 - Smokey Peak

  • For once, Tim acts as the Only Sane Man in the intro.
    Emile: But first, we need to build up some speed. And I mean, a lot of speed. So, we're gonna shimmy back and forth on this slope over and over again, until we let go of the wall and go 670MPH...
    Emile: ...but first, we gotta talk about parallel universes.
    Jon: Remember to only do a half-A press.
    Emile: An A press is still an A press; you can't say it's only half!
  • Jon getting increasingly frustrated with Emile on not understanding his instructions on getting a Puzzle Piece in Smokey Peak... which turned out to be All for Nothing as they don't get it anyway, since Jon was wrong on how to collect it.
    Jon: Alright, if you want that Puzzle Piece, you break the first part, and then you jump off Rambi.
    Emile: Uhhh, okay. (Emile hops off Rambi then hops back on) Uhh, I can't get that now...
    Jon: You break the first part, and jump off Rambi.
    (Emile breaks through all of the blocks)
    Emile: No.
    Jon: As in—
    Emile: What?
    Jon: The first part of what was in front of you; there were two parts to the piece in front of you. Break the first part, and get off Rambi!
    Emile: (laughing) I still don't understand!
    Jon: Emile: The giant tower that the Puzzle Piece was on is TWO PARTS. BREAK THE FIRST PART, AND GET OFF RAMBI!
    Emile: But I did break the first part!
  • After Jon's outburst, Emile segues to explaining how the Swedish opening to Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue! sounds a lot like it's saying "Shaggy and Scooby-Doo fuck the deer." He originally brings it up with no context, and Jon makes him explain it so that the viewers don't mistake it as something else.
  • After Emile's attempt at controlling Rambi leads to him getting crushed, Tim comments that he's forgotten how to drive. Seconds later, Tim's attempt ends with him running headfirst into an instakill fireball.
    Tim: Oh, I apparently forgot, too.
    • Fireballs seem to be the Guys' bane, as the same fireball gets them on Emile's next attempt. Meanwhile, Tim's next attempt has him nearly charge right into another fireball, only barely pulling back.
  • Emile's grades seem to be getting worse, even retroactively.
    Emile: One out of five!
    Jon: One piece! Good job guys, good job.
    Emile: Still better than I did in school.
    Jon: (Nearly laughing) That's not good dude; that's 20%!
    Emile: It is? No, I'm kidding!
    (Jon lets out a defeated sigh)

Episode 35 - "Moving Melters"

  • Several of Jon's deaths in Bobbing Basalt can be summed up by him bonking into walls or rolling too far off the edge. In one instance, he landed on a basalt platform that just rose of out of lava, causing him to take damage, then plumetting into the lava without realizing he was still alive. A slow motion replay followed, complete with slow, low-pitched voices.
  • When Jon fails the Bonus game in Moving Melters, Emile boasts about how he should have let him do it, calling himself an "old pro", and claiming he's been perfect at the Bonus games. Jon pauses the game and asks Dan to replay a moment in Episode 4 where Emile failed the same Bonus game.
    I gotchu, Jon. -Dan
    • After the clip, Emile escalates things:
      Emile: At that one, I've been good!
      Sure, sweetie. -Dan
      Jon: Dan, you wanna do me a favor?
      Emile: Uhh... Dan, don't forget who writes your checks.
      (Jon and Emile burst into laughter)
      The people must remember what happened. -Dan
      Emile: I'm just saying, good life advice!
      • Upon threatening Dan and boasting about being good at the bonus games, Jon gives Emile his just desserts by purposely sabotaging the game by firing into the barrel in the middle. Meanwhile, Tim is just singing in the background as the two argue.
        Emile: YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT!
        Jon: That's weird! Oh, that's weird, dude! That's weird! How'd that happen? I thought you were an old pro! I thought you were the king! I thought you were the king!
        Jon: How did you not see that coming from like a mile away? How did you not see that coming from a mile away, my dude?
        Emile: I thought you would fight with honor! I thought you would fight with honor!
        Jon: You thought you would— I would fight would honor when you threatened Dan's JOB?!
        Thank you, Jon. -Dan
        Emile: (laughing) I mean, I've done worse.
        Jon: HAVE YOU?! Is the— Is the truth coming out? Have I been the nice one?
        Emile: You were— Yeah, you had to be a dick just so you could stand a chance against my assholery.

Episode 36 - "Five Monkey Trial"

  • The video's very first line:
    Emile: God, maybe I just, like, hate every second of my life around you.
    • The above line apparently caused Jon to Spit Take on his mic, although we don't hear it.
  • Emile and Tim have some wildly different reactions to the rising/sinking platforms of Red Red Rising.
    • Even better, Tim can be heard saying "Bring it on!" in the background right before his leap of death.
  • Most of the Guys' attempts on Red Red Rising, including the winning attempt, have Tim die very quickly while Emile solos the rest of the level. The one time Emile dies first, however...
    Jon: (after Emile falls into lava) Well, Tim, your time to shine!
    (Barely five seconds later, Tim leaps into the side of an enemy and dies)
    Jon: Aaaand he shone.
