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Funny / Science Court

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  • Pretty much anything with the jury. With each new jury, the animators seem to try to top the zany look of the last.
    • This would also count as a Couch Gag.
    • One episode dealing with ice had the jury be comprised of Professor Parsons' puppets...and when he realizes this, he starts to freak out on the witness stand.
  • Any time where Doug Savage loses his wig.
  • Professor Parsons playing with his dinosaur puppet and then realizing that the camera has started rolling.
  • J.C. Cramwood, who is constantly smiling and promoting himself with his boisterous voice, except whenever somebody mocks his work.
  • Jen Betters consoling Doug Savage
    Jen: Mr. Savage. Are you crying?
    Doug: Yeah. (snif) But that doesn't make me a baby!
    Jen: Well, crying's not a sign of being a baby.
    Doug: (looks surprised) Oh. Well, what about playing with plastic multi-colored stacking cups?
    Jen: Okay, you're pushing it, Doug.
  • From the Particles episode:
    Doug: Cramwood, did a brass plaque made by Sonia Sondheim fall on top of you?
    Cramwood: YES!
    Doug: Was it supposed to?
    Cramwood: NO!
    Doug: Your witness, Ms. Krempel.
    Allison: We have no questions.
    Doug: I rest my case, Your Honor.
    Judge Stone: Ms. Krempel, your closing number- I mean, closing argument, please?
  • Doug's closing argument in the Electric Current episode:
    Doug: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: you have been a great jury. Remember the time you all mumbled when somebody said something? That was great. Mary's guilty. And remember the thing with the thing, and everybody was there? Thank you.
    Judge Stone: Very subtle.
  • From the Sound episode, when JC Cramwood sounds off the cannon marking the start of the Sciville bicentennial.
    JC Cramwood: THREE! TWO! ONE! (Dead silence) .....Well let's try it again. THREE! TWO! ONE! (Still nothing) OH NO! THE PARTY'S RUINED! (No sooner does it finally sound does he go back to smiling deliriously as usual)
    • Even more hilarious is even though everyone is enjoying the celebration like it's the Mardi Gras, the lady running the even throws a fit over the cannon having been fired a mere ten seconds too late.
    • From the same episode, Doug calls the little redheaded girl Micaela to the stand, much to the confusion of her and the rest of the courtroom. Fred then types: "Micaela: Usually just watches. What's Doug up to?"
  • In "Work and Simple Machines", the defendant is pitted against her boss as well as her coworker, Joe Schmoe. Judge Stone is understandably incredulous when he confirms that that is in fact his real name, and she and the courtroom have a hard time containing their laughter upon hearing it.
    • From the same episode, Doug Savage apparently forgets what his own middle name is, introducing himself as Douglas T. Savage, only for Fred to say he thought it was Douglas M. Savage, and Doug immediately requests it be stricken from the record, only to find that Fred was simply messing with him. And then Douglas makes a dramatic exit without any prompting;
    Doug: You people have been great. My name is Douglas W. Savage, good night! (Steps out the door)
    Fred: "W."???
  • Any time Judge Stone gets in on the silliness happening in the courtroom.
  • In the episode about Soil, in order to show different types of worms, a fourway screen shows three worms and Mr. Savage, this fourway screen appears at the end of the episode
    • In the same ep, The LFI ramming into the jury box (with an arm flying off from it)
  • In the episode about Rockets, Cramwood showing off his No Indoor Voice causing a nearby picnicking couple to flee (JANE SOLD ME A ROCKET THAT WON'T WORK IN OUTER SPACE! AND THEN SHE STOLE MY FROG!) and Doug Savage introducing himself as Fabius Adowsky, Abalone Diver to Cramwood (who then corrects him)
  • In "Gravity", Judge Stone tells Doug: "I wanna take a short break, and Mr. Savage, I want you to think about this:", and holds up an embarrassing photo of naked baby Doug.
    • At closing arguments:
    Judge Stone: Mr. Savage, this is usually pretty painful part for you, so why don't you go first and get it over with.
