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    A Measured Response 

The Sarkeesian Effect: A Measured Response

  • In a heavy Black Comedy moment, Harris juxtaposes Davis Aurini's claim that white slaveowners treated their black slaves "extremely well", with the infamous scene from Roots (1977) where Kunta Kinte is whipped into accepting his slave name of Toby.
    "Five-Star Treatment! White folks do slavery the best!"
    Kunta Kinte
  • The Running Gag where Harris recites "Fifteen thousand dollars" in increasingly silly voices is also great, especially when it gets up to "ELEVENTY BILLION CANADIAN US DOLLARS".
  • While showing some footage of Jordan Owen lying on a couch, Harris jokes that "If Atlas shrugs any harder, he'll fall off his dad's fucking couch."
  • Harris breaks down laughing mid-sentence when he notices that Aurini moved his toy skull to a different part of his apartment between shots to make sure that it's always visible in the video background. And then he laughs even more hysterically when it happens for the second time.


  • The gag in the very first shot spoofing "A long time ago...".
    "Right now, on the Internet, directly in front of your face..."
    • Which is then followed by a bunch of guys...or more likely, Harris looped over himself... humming over a cheesy synthesizer version of the theme song in a silly way.
  • Harris considers that with the way the "manosphere" harps on Anita Sarkeesian so much, they might as well make her a dictator. Harris considers a satirical design for the "Feminist Frequency" logo as a Nazi-style flag.
  • Harris' statement about the Alt-Right detractors, "I would call them 'The Dark Side' but... they're all white".
  • Harris calling Far-Right YouTuber, Rocking Mr. E (Pronounced 'Rocking Mister E' and 'Rocking Mystery'), "Rocking MRA".
  • While Rocking Mr. E rants about why he hates the Sequel Trilogy due to being "woke", there's still shot of Rey looking up with a troubled expression. Harris thinks Rey is really reacting to Rocking Mr. E's rant.
    Harris: He spends a good long time holding on this picture of Rey. I like to think she is reacting to what he is saying...
    Mr. E: ...SJW's reacted to Avengers: Age of Ultron; Trolling, harassing and bullying Joss Whedon on Twitter. Although Whedon denies he left Twitter for this reason...
    Harris: In this part, she's probably thinking, 'Why is he talking about Joss Whedon being harassed on Twitter by idiots? I thought this video was about Star Wars. UNSUSCRIBED!
  • Harris makes a big deal about some Star Wars PEZ Dispensers he bought online and promised to try one later on in Part II (see Brick Joke in Part II)...


  • Harris mentions Davis Aurini's website hawking testosterone cream. After a written rant where Aurini compares paying money to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters being akin to auto-castration...
    Harris: [chuckles] It's literally the same thing as cutting off your balls... [Beat] ...So that's what the cream is for!
  • "Davis is part of the proud, several-month-old tradition of the Men's Right's Movement where you pretend to be fucking stupid and incapable of remembering people's names for attention..."
    Red Pill Philosophy: When... um... the girl... meets the black dude...the... uh... the co-main star of the movie...
    • This leads to Harris mocking this "Forgotten Name" tendency...
      Harris: Take the fucking Red Pill like the scene in The Matrix where... the black guy... offers... uh... "John Matrix"... the pills? Did I mention that "All Lives Matter"?
  • After initially commending Aurini for managing to make a movie review that actually focused on the movie, Harris reads the rest of the review... as it devolves into a very overwrought misogynist rant about women which is so over-the-top that "Duel of the Fates" from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace plays over it. This is interspersed with overlays of Harris' reactions (while inexplicably shaving).
  • The Brick Joke involving PEZ set up in Part I finally arrives!: Harris finally tries a PEZ for the first time from an R2D2 dispenser (which looked a bit like fellatio, cue the sax intro from the George Michael song, 'Careless Whispers'), Harris recoils at the taste of PEZ.
  • Harris at one point states his intention to argue with people about Star Wars for the rest of his natural life.
    Harris: [in a harsh whisper] I LIKE THE PREQUELS AND I WILL FIGHT YOU!
  • The whole bit where Harris focuses on a very strange racist infographic involving scenes from The Force Awakens interspersed with pics of "...white women having... a lovely time... with black penises"... in particular, BB-8 being considered the only character for white men to relate to and labeled, "THE LITTLE WHITE CUCK-BALL"!
    • Harris complimenting the creator of the infographic for their "...preparedness," given that they were apparently very afraid of a world where white women prefer black men but they also had to have had a stockpile of the above-described images in order to create the infographic collage.

The Sierra Effect: A Measured Response

  • Harris loses it when listening to Jordan Owen going into weird detail for several minutes about how Anita Sarkeesian smiles and the shape of said smile in a bizarre "scientific racism" - like fashion.
  • When Owen is filming himself and looking dejected, he states that he's going to spend some time with someone for Christmas. Harris claims this "someone" is likely Owen's favorite stripper, "Molly", at the local club (we then cut to that bit from 'The Sarkeesian Effect: A Measured Response').
    • Right after that, we get this burning question by Harris concerning Jordan Owen and his penchant for strip clubs...
      Harris: If a Libertarian masturbates to completion, would that technically make that dick... A "FOUNTAIN HEAD"?

Thunderf00t VS. FemiNAZI Ghostbusters: A Measured Response

  • The first shot is Harris reading a book by Karl Marx (spoofing critic's take on the guy)...
    Harris: ...You're right, Karl; Living is expensive... And we should kill all the white people... Which is what this book says!... [closes book, turns to viewers] Oh! Hello!
  • Harris plays two characters, himself and a satirical version of manosphere / alt-right YouTubers modeled after Davis Aurini caled "The Angry Movie Smasher" note . The Movie Smasher is also has a skull sidekick named "Mort".
  • The Movie Smasher tries his hand at commentary but (via a very flawless split-screen effect) Harris enters and tells him that the rhedoric of reactionaries has become so over-the-top that satire would no longer work and Movie Smasher would be irrelavent as a character. The Movie Smasher spends the entire video interrupting Harris with his own two-cents on Harris' comentary.
  • Movie Smasher pops up behind some boxes and we get this exchange...
    Harris: Stop it! We already agreed we are not doing this.
    Movie Smasher: Oh, really? You know we had to pay extra to Express-Ship this hat, right?
    Harris:"Oh no, we bought a cheap-ass fedora on eBay.
  • Harris' bemusement at how abyssimal Thunderfoot's debate skills are that he makes the pro-Creationism interviewer appear sane and reasonable in comparassion (it also doesn't help Thundefoot's case that Thunderfoot calls the other guy a 'retard' dozens of times).
  • The Running Gag of Movie Smasher having a breakdown after arguing something and going "I'm Rational! I'm Rational!".
  • After Harris states that the new Ghostbusters movie exisisting is not proof that "The Feminists are coming to 'get' us.". The Movie Smasher barges in...
    Movie Smasher: The Feminists are coming to get us!
    [after an exchange between Moviesmasher & Harris about The Vagina Monologues]
    Movie Smasher: NO! THERE'S NO TIME! Take only what is important!
    [grabs "Mort" the Skull and triby hat. Harris, having no choice, flees with The Movie Smasher]

Davis Aurini's Ghostbusters Video: A Measured Response

  • Davis criticizes the term "strong female character" because he believes that, since men are physically stronger than women on average, it is an oxymoron (conveniently ignoring that, as Harris points out, the Ghostbusters are science nerds whose physical strength is completely irrelevant to the film's plot). To illustrate his point, he then shows a clip from The Avengers in which Black Widow knocks out some bad guys, claiming that this results in "cognitive dissonance" for the audience.
    Harris: [snickers] That's right, "cognitive dissonance." Davis has finally done it! After years of testing, he's finally found the most unbelievable, unrealistic member of the Avengers — the woman. And as we know, presenting women as strong and good at fighting is a recipe only for box office disas— [shows a Wikipedia article with the film's 1.52 billion box office result while playing Losing Horns] See? She's weak! So she, like all weak fools, has to compensate by using a gu— [shows a picture of Davis Aurini at the shooting range while playing Losing Horns]
  • Davis' reasoning why Ghostbusters is fundamentally a "male story" is so hilariously reductive that Harris cannot help cracking up at the ridiculousness of the argument.
    Davis: What's this movie really about? When you strip away all of the makeup, the setting, the jokes, the gags, the big-name actors...
    Harris: [laughs] If you ignore everything about the film, apart from the fact that the main characters are male, then Ghostbusters is about being a man. Beat that, feminists!
  • Aurini then inadvertently undermines his "Only men are worthy of being heroic because they're physically stronger" argument by bringing up the non-physical-based inner-strength of Game of Thrones characters, Tyrion Lannister (who has dwarfism) and Varys (an overweight, middle aged eunuch). Harris then wonders why only men can be heroes if physical strength doesn't matter.
  • The crowning moment of hilarity is Davis' attempt to use a naturalistic fallacy to justify his belief that women cannot be Ghostbusters.
    Davis: The reason it's a masculine story is because of the psychological inheritance we received from our ancestors. Men evolved to go out and prove themselves to women, to take big risks, to bite off more than they can chew. Women evolved to find security in the home environment so that they could raise their children successfully note .
    Harris: Oh, of course, it's about having children! That's what women are for, am I right, guys?
    Davis: Because of this, our ancestors were the risk-taking men who would do something like a gamble on ghostbusting being a successful business model.
    Harris: [visibly struggling to keep his composure] We weren't evolved to be Ghostbusters, Davis! Ghosts do not exist!
    Davis: ...our ancestors were the cautious women, who would rather achieve a stable income on Etsy...
    Harris: Etsy?! WHAT?! [laughs] Women were evolved for Etsy... and men were evolved to be Ghostbusters! [laughs even harder]
  • As a parodistic response to the dubious, supposedly testosterone-increasing products Davis Aurini advertises on his blog, Harris creates his own advertisement for masculinity in a bottle:
    Ad: Are you living in constant fear of losing your one source of pride — your #MANLINESS? Worried you'll lose your sexual partner to someone with greater libido or who's... nicer? Are you embarrassed by the male pattern baldness that, combined with your shitty philosophy, causes everyone to keep comparing you to Kane from Command & Conquer? Or are you just looking to get conned out of money by people who know how to play on your insecurities? Well, new from Oxymoron Productions, it's MANNESTRONE! It'll make you feel like the fictionalized version of man you think exists! Man-spread some on your toast today! (cut to Harris spreading some white, sticky goop on two slices of toast) Or, if you're trying to cut down on the unnecessary bread carb gluten tutens, just pour it directly into your gaping mouth hole... (cut to Harris doing exactly that) DECADENT! SLUT!
    Harris: Finally... MANHOOD! (smears goop all over his face)
    Ad: MANnestrone: it's not sponsored by Davis Aurini. It can be yours for the extortionate price of 15,000 $ a month!

The Golden One: A Measured Response

  • Harris calls The Golden One "Mr. The Golden".
  • Harris' response to The Golden One's claims that he's only interested in Hitler and the Nazis due to their economic policies is pure Black Comedy:
    Harris: And he's kind of right; Hitler's economic policy was pretty good. He reduced unemployment by opening up lots of new job openings. (shows a picture of the Auschwitz concentration camp with the infamous "Work will set you free" slogan above its gates) I wonder how he did THAAAA--
  • Also, his reaction to The Golden One using Miley Cyrus as an example of how "cultural Marxism" corrupts young women and turns them into "degenerate" sluts.
    Harris: The patriarchy doesn't exist, but cultural Marxism is EVERYWHERE! AND LOOK WHAT IT DID TO HANNAH MONTANA!
  • Harris gets a kick out of The Golden One doing a Skyrim Let's Play and doing this as an excuse to pretend to kill feminists, male feminists, Hillary Clinton supporters, etc.
  • In order to mock The Golden One's obsession with bodybuilding and fitness, Harris spends a considerable part of the video "working out" by doing silly exercises such as bench-pressing a bag of Marvel comics. He is overjoyed when he finally gets to do some intellectual exercise by debunking The Golden One's "alpha/beta male" analogy using actual behavioral biology.
    Harris: That's right! We're at the part of the video where I actually went away and did some fucking research. (puts on glasses while dramatic music starts playing) Now you're in my wheelhouse, MOTHERFUCKEEEEEEEEEER!

#FreeSargon: A Measured Response

  • SargonOfAkkad is miffed and sees being kicked off of Twitter for a perfectly legitimate reason that broke Twitter's rules (in this case, trying to throw off blatantly Neo-Nazi followers with photos of explicit gay-male porn). Harris then asks why Sargon can never look at himself and wonder why his stuff is so popular with White Supremacists.
  • During a podcast with SargonOfAkkad, JonTron goes on an angry rant where he calls Progressives "Communists" and "Bolsheviks" but is so peeved that he mispronounces the first word as "Commulist". Harris takes JonTron's "Commulists" and runs with it as a Running Gag to a hilarious degree.
  • Harris, pretending to be JonTron, tries to do a skit where he's using two small skeleton dolls conversing and a life-sized fake skeleton asks him what he's doing...
    Harris (as JonTron): ...But they're Commulists! They are Bolsheviks!...

Pick Up Aristry: A Measured Response

  • Harris spends the whole video in a tuxedo as if he was some loverboy trying to charm the ladies for a date, all the while mocking the statements of these PUA / manosphere guys.
  • Roosh V tries demonstrating his Pick-Up techniques using dollar store toys. Harris mocks him for this throughout while mis-identifying the toys as LEGO. Later, Harris tries mocking this with some off-brand building block toys of his own... a set he owns of a "...hairdresser in this 'Paris' shirt..." in a hair salon. Realizing he looks like a hypocrite, Harris states "This is the only set I have left since I threw out all my toys when I became... an adult.".
  • The saga of a fellow BreadTuber, Dan Olsen of Folding Ideas, attempting to infiltrate a "top secret" manosphere meet-up hosted by Roosh. (The so-called "top secret" methods are themselves bizarre - Dan has to "prove his loyalty" by... sending a picture of an Amazon receipt for one of Roosh's books.) And in the end, nobody else shows up - it's February in Calgary, no one wants to go out in the cold.
    Olsen: So that's it. I'm the entire meetup for the Calgary chapter of Return of Kings. The Calgary chapter of Return of Kings has a 100% SJW saturation rate. It is intensely compromised. And, as the reigning king of that meetup, I decide "you know what? Let's move this totally-not-beta-cuck meeting to Fatburger."
    ...So I went to Fatburger. And it was delicious.
  • After a genuinely nightmarish statement from Matt Forney about possessing a woman's very being, Harris mocks this by asking in hilarious fashion with a silly villain-voice like some evil Lothario, "SO! ANY WOMEN OUT THERE WANT THEIR VERY BEINGS POSSESSED?!". Fortunately, Matt Forney's girfriend eventually dumped him.
  • A anectdote from one of Roosh's books being read by Lindsay Ellis using a very weird accent for no real reason (Although Roosh is of Iranian & Armenian descent, he's an American who talks with an American accent).

Bill Nye VS Pseudoscience (Part Two!) | Measured Response


  • The very idea of men being into Progressive Politics only due to being brainwashed by eating magic beans (as if it was men's true biological nature to be reactionary or something).
  • Harris guzzling a carton of soy milk to the tune of "The Internationale".
    Harris: [singing] "So comra-" [gargle noises]
    [The 90s Labour Party symbol appears with a comical ding]
  • The fact that the most compelling "evidence" for any of this anti-soy nonsense that the "anti-soy" people cite is from a study in The '40s of sheep and their bodies' reaction to eating Red Clover.
  • After taking a look at the study whom the people he responds to used as a source for their arguments, Harris rephrases those arguments to show the amount of leaps in logic that was needed to make them, and concludes by saying:
    Harris: "I rest my case... On the edge of a cliff! Oh no, the case has fallen off! Oh no, it's on fire!"
  • Harris takes Paul Joseph Watson to task for mispronouncing "milliliter" as "millimeter"... then we cut to Harris kidnapped and cuffed to a pipe.
  • Mid-way, he's somehow kidnapped and is handcuffed to a pipe (and later escapes). None of this is ever commented upon in the slightest.
  • This statement concerning Paul Joseph Watson's misuse of erroneous and misinterpreted studies...
    Harris: ...And it seems Paul's audience... lapped this up, anyway... like milk from the udders of the world's most disgusting kind of metaphorical cow... THE... THE LIIIIIIEEEE COWWWWWW!

Flat Earth: A Measured Response

  • The zoom in on one of the blowing cherubs on Ptolemy's ancient map, accompanied by Harris making a loud, raspberry-like blowing noise. This becomes a minor Running Gag.
  • The introduction of the Ancient Egyptian God, Sobek; A deity with a crocodile's head who made the sun cross the sky. This is in response to the narrator of the pro-Flat Earth documentary pulling an "Appeal To Antiquity" note . Sobek becomes a Running Gag and Memetic Mutation from then on... almost on par with Aquaman.
  • Harris describes the "celebrities" who have jumped onto the "Flat Earth" bandwagon.
    Harris: "...Even some celebrities have voiced support for the Logan Paul, who's universally known for well-thought out decisions note  and famous rapper...uh...Bob? note ..."
  • The positive-sounding but rapidly-damning rant about the Lockheed U-2 spy plane.:
    "You might remember the U-2 for:
    Its operating height of 70,000 feet (almost three times the height of a commercial aircraft)!
    Violating international law numerous times!
    Getting caught violating international law numerous times and it turned out it wasn't very good at spying!
    Getting shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960!
    Getting shot down in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis and contributing to the Cold War nearly escalating into full-scale nuclear war!
    Luckily the US government gave up on illegally spying on other nations with a shit plane they can see in 197- sorry, 198...wait, hang on...(typing) THEY'RE STILL USING IT!"
  • At one point, Harris wonders why "Flat Earth" is even a thing and what "The Elite" has to gain from convincing everyone the planet's a sphere. It's implied that the whole "Flat Earth" conspiracy theory is a practical joke played by Sobek for funsies...
    Harris: Uh... Why are they doing this, again?
    Sobek: I thought it would be funny.
  • Also, his fake-out ending.
    Chapter 7: Why Do People Believe Things That Are Obviously Wrong?
    Harris: Because they're stupid. Bye! (slips into the tone of a Youtuber doing the paid promotion for their sponsor) Would you like to build a beautiful website easily? [the word "Squarespace", partway through fading into view, is replaced with "Youtube Tutorials"] Good! So would I!
    video resumes as normal
  • Harry travels to the home of Abby of Philosophy Tube to ask her what philosophers think of people who think the Earth is flat... Only to find her sitting on the floor in a tank top, pouring brown sauce all over her face. They stare at each other for an uncomfortably long moment, before Harry awkwardly says he'll just reference one of her videos, then flees in terror, while she continues pouring sauce all over herselfnote .
    • Harris does this while wearing a silly butterfly mask for some reason. This is preceded and then followed by a brief bit of him on the train and a Travel Montage... showing that Harris took a couple-hour trip across England and back for nothing.
    • Even more hilarious is that this is one half of a Crossover gag with Philosophy Tube and her video "Why Does Britain Still Have A Queen". Here's Abby's half.
  • When he's talking about the presence of sexism, racism, and at least one vegan neo-Nazi rapper in the Flat Earth movement, he notes that he's sure every movement has its share of people who embarrass all the others and they wish would go away...although he can't think of any left-wing Youtubers who are like that...

Climate Denial: A Measured Response

The War on Christmas: A Measured Response

  • A gag lampshading Hbomb's Schedule Slip; The three false starts with the video with the first two taken a year earlier for Halloween and Christmas, ending with a bit in the present Christmas where a very frazzled Harris with a new look (bald with a beard) holding his fake skeleton, ""Christmas ...Christmas ...CHRIIIIISTMAAAASSSSS!"
    • During the second attempt, Haris tries greeting us again as "...friends, enemies, frenemies, and splenemies..." as said words pop on the screen along with a very quick Freeze-Frame Bonus that says "People who draw me as a ferret".
  • Harris tends to get his family weird bargain-bin stuff for Christmas. This year he's getting his family: A Funko Pop figure of a "Tower Re-Con Specialist" from Fortnite, a Coraline mug (not dishwasher nor microwave safe) and a Friends - themed make-up set for a relative named Luke.
    • The Coraline mug leads to a Brick Joke later, where Harris made his own microwaved egg nog recipe in it... leading him to getting sick and having a Mushroom Samba moment.
  • Harris' ideas on what sponsors of Far-Right shows advertise for Christmas gifts: "...peppermint-flavored Play-Doh or 'ribbed for her pleasure' coffee machines..."
  • Harris' pointing out Paul Joseph Watson's constant assertion "This is not just a Bill O'Reilly meme anymore!" to the point that it's practically a Running Gag.
    Harris: ...It's like "Boomer dubstep".
  • Harris speculating on what the "War On Christmas" people expect a sufficiently religious Christmas ad to look like. He then alters a couple of clips from the Tesco ad: A woman in a kitchen gets a phone call from The College of Cardinals who declare her the first female Pope while a guy is grilling crosses on his outdoor grill (with a bunch of crosses 'shopped into the screencap).
    Grilling Guy: [In cartoon style word balloon] "Oh no! My crosses are burning!"
  • Harris's extended monologue about Paul Joseph Watson's lot in life:
    Harris: Sometimes, he workshops his tweets in the pub with his friends before he posts them. No, I'm serious. He shows the tweet on his phone to his friends and asks "Is this okay? Should I post it?" Looking for some kind of approval with an anxious look on his face, and it's a tweet petulantly quoting Stormzy out of context in order to imply that he hates all white people, and his remaining real life friends nod and go "Yeah, sure man. I don't get why it's a big deal to you, but I guess it's for your job, right?" And then one of them sends me a message about it later.
    [cue a screenshot of a text exchange with the sender saying "Paul had a normal one in the pub again today" and Harris responding "what happened this time".]
  • Harris pointing out Paul Joseph Watson's failed attempt at showing examples of evidence of "The War on Christmas" like showing photos of Christmas displays showing a lack of "Merry Christmas"... except the word "Christmas" is present (like on a big package of white Christmas crackers on the right) on stuff IN THE PHOTOS!
    • Harris initially attempts an imitation of Watson's nasally voice while reading Watson's tweets but realizes he can't really do it.
    • Harris points out how the Christmas section at Tesco is blatantly obvious because it's red and sparkly. Also, this is how Harris knows where the pile of little Christmas Elves is!
      Harris: This is how I know where the elves are! You can't hide from meee!
    • This quickly cuts to Harris covered in those elves, which are stuck in his shirt and the hole in the wall.
      • And when he raises his arms, some are stuck in his sleeves.
  • When discussing Alex Jones going to a Christmas tree to yell in public, there's this bit at the summary of the segment:
    Alex Jones: There's a war on Christmas. There's a war on America. There's a war on our free speech. There's a war on the families' very existence.
    [Harris cuts to the stock photo family he always uses with unsettling music in the background]
    Alex Jones: Those very same forces that have it out for Christianity have it out for InfoWars and have it out for you and your family.
    [Cut back to the family stock photo, zooming in on 'Kevin' as he's photoshopped with a gun cocking]
  • The hole in the wall from the Aquaman Gag in the "Climate Change" video is still there. Harris even does a more Stylistic Suck redo of the "Aquaman" gag.
    Harris: It's all part of the evil plot by secularists to bring about the State religion, Secularism!
    Dennis Prager (Prager U clip): People do not realize that the Left fervently believes in Secularism as fervently as religious Jews and Christians believe in The Bible.
    Harris: I'm sorry, WHAT? [punches through the hole in the wall which was covered by wrapping paper] That doesn't make any fucking sense, Dennis! What does that mean! What the fuck do secularists pray to, Fucking Aquaman?!... I DID IT! I DID THE JOKE! I DID THE THING AGAIN!..."
  • Harris' brief mention that Alex Jones regularly eats Rolex watches note .
    Harris: Alex Jones' objective is to sustain his expensive lifestyle where he eats watches or something...
  • In both near the start and near the end of this video, we are shown a clip of Tucker Carlson (a commentator for FOX News) talking with another talking head. Tucker, always has a vapid, slack-jawed expression so he gets either a swirly appearing on his head or we hear an old dial-up internet noise.
  • Harris, passed out from his microwaved Coraline mug / Egg Nog Mushroom Samba, hallucinates the "'Tower Recon Specialist' Funko Pop" figure... who tries coaxing Harris into turning this video into a satirical The Nostalgia Critic - style review of religious fundie movies like Saving Christmas. Harris is having none of it.

Vaccines and Autism: A Measured Response note 

  • Harris starts the video acting as a mad scientist experimenting on his profiterolenote , managing to smear cream and chocolate sauce all over his face and lab coat in the process. His mother walks in and gives him a look full of both resignation and worry:
    Harris: (brightly) Oh, hi, mum! Was I vaccinated?
    Harris's mom: (sighs) ...Have you been looking into moving out lately, son?
    (Harris' bright smile instantly turns into a grimace of fear)
    Harris: ...N— (cut to intro)
    • The alternative version (available on the early Patreon version) turns things around even more.
      Harris: (brightly) Oh, hi, mum! Was I vaccinated?
      Harris's mom: No, and it didn't much help, did it?
      (Sudden Soundtrack Stop)
      Harris's mom: Have you been looking into moving out lately, son?
      Harris: (decreasingly cheerful) ...You're doing a joke there, right? I have a very strong and horrific childhood memory of being repeatedly stabbed by needles.
      Harris's mom: (cheerfully) Oh yeah! (chuckles and leaves)
  • Brian David Gilbert voices Andrew Wakefield, and for most of the video it’s just a voiceover, but then we cut to footage of Brian dressed as Wakefield delivering his lines. Harris says at the end that Brian just did that without being asked.
  • Part 1 is very short, because there is literally only one piece of "evidence" suggesting there are issues with vaccines (and it got retracted for being false). It takes less than a minute to summarize it.
    Harris: —but later, new evidence came out that— (checks under the table to find nothing) ...Oh, that's it. That's all the evidence. This segment is over now—
    Part 2: The Existential Horror of-WAIT, THAT'S IT?
  • Harris decides, in the interest of fairness, to check out the paper that started it all. He doesn't realize what he's actually in for.
  • At the start of the discussion on Cognitive Bias (explaining why the parents in the study would correlate Autism with the vaccines), we get Harris as an animated character but as soon as he pops up, he asks Angie to re-draw him as a cute cartoon ferret...
    [segment starts as we see a cartoon Harris (with his shaven head, beard and pastry-stained labcoat) pointing to a blackboard that reads "COGNITIVE BIAS: AN EXPLAINER"]
    Harris: It's actually really common for stud— [stops] ...Uh, actually, hey Angie?
    Angie: Yeah?
    Harris: Could you draw me as a ferret, please?
    Angie: Uh... Okay... Uh... Why?
    Harris: I will not explain why—[suddenly he's a ferret and continues lecture] ...It's actually pretty common...
  • His riff on a joke by fellow Breadtuber ContraPoints.
    Harris: And that's the tea, sis!
    [sips from a large mug]
    Harris: There's real liquid in there, I'm not doing a bit, I will spill it if I try to show it to you, but this, look.
    [dips his fingers in the mug, flicks the liquid off of them]
    Harris: See, it's real! It's not tea though, it's coffee, I'm not a farmer!
  • He goes into detail about some modern vaccine skeptics like Bill Maher, piercing his claims that "proper nutrition" is a better way of fighting diseases than vaccines like so:
    Harris: If your child dies of measles, it's because he didn't eat his vegetables. Bubonic plague? Skip a trip to McDonald's, sheeple!
    • Maher once claimed that repeated flu shots increased a risk for Alzheimer's disease, and his one bit of evidence was a doctor (whose name is blurred out) at a conference saying this.
      Harris: There's no study cited here, but that's at least a source for Bill's claims. Lets check the doctor's papers and see if we can find out for ourselve- (beat) Wait a second! I've blurred the scientist's name out by accident! Let me fix that.
      [He removes the blur using his editing software. The name is revealed as...]
      Harris: Dr. Hugh Fudenberg!
      [Fudenberg's head flies onto the screen and tilts to the monkey scream from Down With The Sickness before bursting into flames.]
  • In the end, Harris goes on a Brick Joke / Call-Back - filled rant of wanting the Covid vaccine "NOW!" so he could finally go outside and do stuff note ...
    Harris: ...Please send me their vaccine! I was glad they were testing it on the old people first but it's been months now and I want it! I wanna go outside! Be able to go outside! I want to pretend I shop at Waitrose again note ! I wanna use my FREE FOOTBALL TICKETS! note ! I wanna taunt my former hairdresser with how useless she is to me, now, note  and threaten to turn her building back into a research foundation note ! GIVE ME THE VACCINE, DOCTOR! HELL! GIVE ME ALL OF THEM! [An animation of a bunch of srynges, penetrating Harrins and giving him super-powers as dramatic ambient background music hits a crescendo] LET ME COMBINE THEIR POWER! SOONNNN, IIII WILLLL BEEE UNSTOPPABLLLLE!

    And Here's Why 

Fallout 3 Is Garbage, And Here's Why

  • Harris freaking out over the IGN and Gamespot reviewers, praising the moral system and calling the world "deep and involved" juxtaposed with their, well, peculiar way of playing the game:
    Harris: The IGN review of Fallout 3 talked about how fucking "deep and intricate" the morality system is, and that "doing bad thing things can have dangerous long-lasting effects." He says this over footage of his character picking up a fork. And, as all the objects on the table bizarrely float around for no reason, the entire city starts to shoot him to death, for theft.
    Erik Brudvig: ...And the game has an awesome climax that we won't spoil for you here.
    Harris: The IGN reviewer also thinks that the ending was good — the one thing literally everyone disagrees with. If you think the ending is good, you're actually wrong. You don't. That didn't happen, you hated it. Shut up.
    Kevin VanOrd: (over footage of him shooting at Fawkes in VATS) But no matter what system you own, you should play Fallout 3, which overcomes its issues, by offering a deep and involving journey through a world that's hard to forget.
    Harris: Kevin, you're calling the game "deep and involving" over footage of you friendly firing your fucking allies for no reason. That guy shows up to help you! [...] And he's attacking him... just because! Taking even the briefest glance at the game criticism industry at the time this game came out, reveals that it is just a cavalcade of fucking crazy people! Who thinks that "DO YOU WANT TO KILL A WHOLE TOWN OR NOT?" IS A DEEP QUESTION!? I-I— (Angrish) OH, MY GOD! GAMING JOURNALISM IS UNETHICAL!! THE WHOLE THING IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE MESS!!! WE HAVE TO STOP THEM! WE HAVE TO STOP THIS! HOW COULD ANYONE THINK THIS ABOUT—?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA— (cut to title screen)
  • While bringing up the main Junktown questline from Fallout as an example of how to naturally get players involved into quests, Harris's crush on the character Killian Darkwater pops up a couple of times:
    Gizmo: So, will you do him for me?
    Harris, as his Vault Dweller: Oh, I sure will!
  • Harris spends a good amount of time explaining the villains of the first two games, their motivations and rationale for their actions and the complex moral and philosophical questions raised by them. He goes into how The Master and the Enclave represent their respective story's themes and how this world shaped them, and that the player can talk with them and discuss the tenents of their philosophy. And then he gets into Fallout 3...
    Harris: Fallout 3 pits you against Colonel Autumn.
    (Door opens, Autumn notices the player)
    Col. Autumn: You again!
    (''Through The Fire and Flames'' starts playing over a flashing text stating: "Fallout 3 won dozens of awards for it's writing" while Todd Howard's face slowly fades in over it.)

Bloodborne Is Genius, And Here's Why

  • Harris fumbling a metaphor while talking about Bloodborne, where he compares the Dark Souls games to being given a bowl of soup, and a shield-shaped trowel to eat it with, while Bloodborne just gives you a spoon...before it goes off the rails until he's comparing the Chalice Dungeons to a theoretically infinite amount of bad soup that is also in the bowl but you don't have to eat.

Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here's Why

  • The two most liked comments on the video are both about how every time they fail to plug their charging cable into their phone they imagine Sherlock accusing them of being an alcoholic.
  • In the introduction, Harris briefly talks about the numerous film and TV adaptations of Sherlock Holmes over the years, including some pretty out-there interpretations of the character:
    "There's many direct film adaptations, including two fun romps by Guy Ritchie, of all people; there's a bunch of old film serials, and there's a whole bunch of famous actors who've had a turn playing him. There's multiple television versions, an animated series set in the 22nd century where he got frozen for hundreds of years and Watson is a robot for some reason, and a Canadian children's TV series about Sherlock's great-grandniece, Shirley Holmes. (whispering) Those last two are canon, I can prove it!"
  • The opening of "The Life and Times of Steven Moffat":
    "Moffat got spat out of a hole in the ground in Paisley in 1961, with the straight-forward mission of systemically destroying all of English pop-culture, and no one's stopped him yet!"
  • This darkly hilarious line:
    "It's clear the production crew were given a vastly higher budget than the majority of British television gets, and you can see why. Except for Doctor Who, QI, Come Dine With Me, and the legacy of colonialism, Britain has virtually no remaining cultural exports.
  • When discussing the show's references to The Matrix
    Harris as Cab Driver: (in a questionably Cockney accent) Alright, if you take this pill, you wake up in your bed and the Sherlock TV series never happened, it was a bad dream. If you take this pill, you have to watch all of it. Again.
    Harris: Oh, cool. What do you want in return? Do I need to, like, suck your dick, or something?
    (In the accent again): What? No, no, I'm going to shoot you if you don't take either pill, but you've got to take one. That's all.
    Harris: Really? (soft laugh) Wow, you just talked yourself out of a sweet deal, mister. Sign me the fuck up, sailor! (eats the pill)
    (Cockney accent): I forgot where I was going with this bit... (Cockney accent gone) I'm sorry.
  • Harris' breakdown during the scene in which Sherlock and Irene deduce, based on extremely flimsy evidence, that a murder victim was killed by a boomerang. Fittingly enough, he keeps coming back to this reveal throughout the rest of the video, seeing it as the pinnacle of stupidity in the series.
    "This scene is so bad, it almost makes you forget that the final scene of this episode is Sherlock single-handedly fighting Al-Qaeda with a machete. I half-expected the boomerang to come back and take a couple of guys out for him."
  • An understated moment, where Hbomberguy compares an episode's plot to the second half of Shrek.

Speedrunning Is Awesome, And Here's Why

  • Harris goes on a rather hilarious tangent about Donkey Kong 64
    Harris: Now [Playing and completing the levels] it just feels like time consuming busy work. Lots of this was completely unnecessary from a design standpoint-you could design a game with collectibles only one character could reach in the first place instead of most of the time just having them hang out there faded out reminding you you'll have to come back here again with another character, and running back to the barrel that changes characters because you need to pick something else up is awful. Running back to previously completed levels because you finally have the characters you needed to pick up those bananas you'd already walked past eight times is a more painful tragedy than Titus Andronicus. I'd cut off my hand and send it to Emperor Saturninus if it meant I could have just picked up that banana four hours ago with Daddy Kong instead of Yankle Kong. I can feel my cells dividing as my precious existence rushes towards its finite end with noting in the world to beguile my sorrow but the sweet siren song of OH, BANANA. Donkey Kong 64 is an existential crisis in the form of a video game cartridge. I'm actually more aware of the futility of my existence after going back and playing this.

Pathologic is Genius, And Here's Why

  • Harry does an entire 2 hour video essay about the game's brillaince. He brings up how it turns many assumptions we have about how games should play on their heads in order to create an atmosphere of impending death and a sense of hopelessness. He brings up the many interesting and genuinely thoughtful ideas that this game, and only this game, can bring up and how morally grey any of the protagonists actions are in order to ask questions we may have never thought to ask. He then recommends you never play it and to instead get Pathologic 2.
  • Also, everything he has to say about what a jackass the Bachelor is, while also being delighted by him.
  • "How do you cure the plague? You can't! Fuck you! DON'T CATCH THE PLAGUE, SHITHEAD!"
  • "Walking in Pathologic reminds me a little bit of doing exercise or cleaning my kitchen; it's not fun, but it's important to learn how to do it, or the empty cans of kidney beans that still have some juice and a bean or two in them you left on the side to figure out what bin to throw them into will start to smell after being left there for a week and a half. (Quickly)That's not a real story—(Scene cuts mid word)
  • "Daniil Dankovsky's Fun Steppe Vacation was the tutorial for Artemy Burakh's Tormentous Nightmare!"
  • The Haruspex's first story quest gives him the choice of whether or not to murder a child and there is significant personal justification for doing so. Harris points out that child murder is one of the most taboo things in gaming, and won't even go on the table in most role-playing games like this.
    Cut to Harris shooting at children in Fallout 3
    Harris: Get on the fucking table, MacCready! Oh I'll be back for you in Fallout 4! When you're old enough to die!
  • In describing the Haruspex's run, the first day has him trying to get blood to a dying man to save him while being chased by 7 townsfolk wanting to kill him because they think he's a serial killer. Harris then quickly murders the men, stealing all of their possessions and cutting their organs out, then hurrying to the grave keeper's hut where the dying man is.
    Harris: I did it! I saved a life!
    (Final Fantasy victory music plays, the screen flashes "You're a good person!")
    Harris: Yay! Now I'm well on my way to clearing my name! And I'm only mostly poor and exhausted, and hungry, and dead! (beat) FUCK!
  • When getting to the game's endings, he dismisses the Changeling's storyline as likely not being very important. Then later, Harry gets completely blindsided by the Changeling's "of course I knew that, didn't you?" response to being told that the game world isn't real, complete with Dark Souls boss music as he wondered what kind of shit she experienced during her storyline.
    Harris: Hey, Changeling, you've been weird and talking about how transcendent and special you are this whole time, but did you know this was all just a game played by children? (Sees that she did) Wait, WHAT?! She knows?! SHE KNOWS?! HOW LONG HAS SHE KNOWN?! WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING IN THE CHANGELING'S STORY?!
  • Also while discussing the revelation that the game world isn't real, a caption fades in to say "Artemy Burakh died on the way back to his home planet."

RWBY Is Disappointing, And Here's Why

  • Harris' reaction to just having the normal intro:
    Harris: Oh do we not have a cool animated intro for this video? It's about an anime, it would've been kind of cool. Are we just going with the standard one? I mean it's fine, it's a bit underwhelming.
  • His reaction to the late intro:
    Harris: Wait is that—Is an intro playing now? Hasn't it been twenty minutes?
    • The epic anime intro song ends with a climactic "RWBY SUCKS!"
  • Harris's failed attempt at machinima as a kid.
    Harris: How many people could make something half as good as this with what amounts to a microphone and a copy of Halo? I certainly couldn't, and I know because I tried and I'm so glad no one saw that. I was saved by not knowing how to upload videos when I was twelve. YouTube would simply not accept my Windows Movie Maker file.
  • Harris paraphrasing the reason that the magical substance in RWBY is called "Dust".
    Harris: It's called "dust" because we, like, came from dust, man!
  • Harris notes that Raven's theme sounds suspiciously like a slightly sped-up, synthesized version of the end credits theme from Godzilla (2014), causing him to quip that "They found the bones of the Godzilla soundtrack, and they rebuilt him into... MIDI-Godzilla!" while showing a picture of Mechagodzilla with a MIDI keyboard in place of its head.
  • Harris telling the audience how he knows about a reference.
    Harris: And the convenience store scene even references Pulp Fiction when one of the robbers they don't know about comes out of the bathroom and surprises them. Which happens literally three times in Pulp Fiction. I'm pretty sure this is a reference, and I should know, I had a lot of long arguments on long-deleted fan forums about whether this counts. And let me just say to mazinkiserX if you're still out there, I have a YouTube channel now, so fuck you, you little philistine! I win!
  • The intro to the "Anime Homework" segment.
    Harris: So in the name of science, let's punch this plate of spaghetti in order to reverse engineer it down to its component ingredients and find out what really going on here. It's a reference, but I'm also making a clever metaphor for analysis. [Calmly] DORARARA!
  • Harris's desperate attempts to validate the amount of time he sunk into Bleach.
    Harris: This also happens in Bleach, but you know in a way that it seems really awesome and you chose to watch it instead of all the other Shōnen at the time, and it crushes your hopes and dreams.
  • In one of the show's many instances of clunky exposition, the Tournament Arc in Volume 3 features a scene in which two hosts explain the basic rules of the tournament to the audience in the middle of an ongoing fight. Harris wastes no time in demonstrating how ridiculous this sort of commentary would be if applied to a real-life sports broadcast.
    Harris: (over footage of a golf game with heavy metal music playing in the background) If you're just joining us, the objective of golf is to get the ball in the hole in as few strokes as possible. Points are tabulated by the amount of strokes under par, and remember, it's the lowest score that wins — oh, it appears Jimmy has finished the course while I was talking.
  • Having just finished an entire fifteen-minute segment of the video criticizing the show's clumsy handling of racism, Harris moves on to talk about Volume 3, where, in his opinion, the story finally starts to get good — only to freak out when a black character named Flynt Coal (who looks and acts like a stereotypical jazz musician) is introduced.
    Harris: In one of the fights, Yang and Weiss fight against Neon Katt, a faunus character inspired by Nyan Cat, and Flynt Coal, the son of a dust store owner who Weiss's famil- wait ... "Flynt Coal"? This is, like, the second black character in the show and his name is Flynt Coal? OH NOOOOOOO!

Fallout: New Vegas Is Genius, And Here's Why

  • The intro.
    Harris: The first two Fallouts are two of the best games ever: two of the most engaging worlds and stories ever crafted for players to explore. So the developer went bankrupt.
    (Interplay logo pops onto the screen, falls to the ground and explodes)
    Harris: The Fallout intellectual property was then sold to Bethesda. There were those who had minor problems with the direction they took the series...
    (clip of Harris screaming from "Fallout 3 is Garbage, and Here's Why")
    Harris: ...but if you shoot a guy just right, his guts go everywhere, so overall the game did very well. A lot of people liked Fallout 3! ...Then again, a lot of people liked Clerks II, so humans aren't really viable as a species.
  • "It's not just a game, it's a game design doctor, and it's here to put on a clinic!" [Beat] "I didn't write that line, it just appeared in the script—"
  • Harris realizes he perhaps should have put a little more thought into the script:
    Harris: Actual quote from Gonzales's LinkedIn: "I was the lead story guy on Fallout: New Vegas. Thank you, God." No, John. Thank you. [Beat] Wait, did I just imply I'm God?
  • The Medicine skill.
    Harris: What other game lets you do therapy at a cannibal chef until he has a breakdown and quits his job?
  • When dealing with the series's sense of humour:
    Player Character: How did you survive?
    Harold: Didn't. Got killed. (laughs)
    Harris: This is one of the most important conversations in the canon of Fallout—
  • "Hbomb's three-hour rant about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series has been forcibly excised. - Intern Rachel"
  • One of the tangents Harris has to say about the inspiration for Dinky the Dinosaur's thermometer veers off into hilarity:
    Harris: "Baker, on the road to Nevada, is home to the world's largest thermometer. Here I am in 2019, having a great time."
    [Image cuts to hbomb standing in front of the thermometer while it reads 106 Fahrenheit, his expression of pained suffering; cut to a different photo of hbomb in the same scene, but he's now holding his head in disbelief. The camera zooms in on his face as the screen turns a blazing red, bass noise fills the speakers, and the words "IT'S SO HOT" appear at the bottom]
    Harris: "I mean, what did I expect? It's literally called Baker. [sotto voce] I know it's named after someone."
  • This very unhelpful simile:
    Harris: Imagine four programmers on the edge of a cliff. Game design works the same way.
  • While describing the goals and motivations of the various power players in New Vegas, Harris slips in a Take That!:
    Harris: Mr. House is a libertarian, so he wants to lower the age of consen— Wants to turn New Vegas into a proper free economic zone.
  • All of the back-and-forth ass-covering about assassinating the President of the NCR.
  • This bit:
    Harris: This is an actual, salient criticism of liberal democracy. Say what you will about fascist autocracy, but at least it means a bunch of ignorant people can't accidentally vote in a moron and completely destroy their society. Instead, you have one strong, charismatic leader destroying your society
  • Harris sings the praises of the game.
    Harris: So there you have it, Fallout: New Vegas is objectively the best game of all time, and for that it gets my highest score ever... 84 out of 100.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is FINE, And Here's Why

  • The studio behind the original Deus Ex went bankrupt, leading Harris to reuse the joke from the Fallout: New Vegas video.
    Harris: If that line seems familiar to you, get used to it, like 12 more videos are going to start this way.
  • In a very quick blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment when talking about Human Revolution's overly long, unskippable intro, Harris brings up how New Vegas did the intro right in letting the player get straight to the action, playing the game's intro sped-up, with for some reason The Nostalgia Critic shooting the player in place of Benny. Even better, one might think that it was just a little quick joke Harris threw in. But as it turns out, as told by Harris in the description, it's a real mod.
  • After spending over 10 minutes talking about hacking mini-games and why the original Deus Ex chose not to have one, Harris then moves on to Lockpicking & Electronics, and goes to explain what the developers did to "fix" their passivity.
    Harris: How did the Human Revolution team update these mechanics? They replaced them with the fucking hacking mini-game!
  • Harris correctly identifies the original Deus Ex hacking's 'icebreaker' program as a reference to "er, Billy Jibson's Neurotic Munster".
  • The "Pacifist" montage, showcasing the double standard caused by the infamously off-beat and outsourced boss fights not being counted towards a "no kill" run. The proceeding segment is of Jensen brutalizing the three major boss encounters throughout the game to the original Deus Ex theme. After the entire thing winds down with somber cutscenes of the bosses bleeding out, Harris tries to move on, only to realize Barrett's not dead yet and call out for Jensen to mercilessly stab him in the neck and the music to briefly restart.
  • Dan Olsen's brief attempt at a French-Canadian accent.
  • The analogy he uses when talking about the weird "two bullets in a massive box" loot he finds in one of the police stations in America.
    "They could have just put one box with 15 bullets next to the gun, but then players would understand how little stuff they were being given for this. If I gave you five Quality Streets, and not even any green triangles, you'd think I was ruining Christmas, but if I gave it to you in the form of two boxes, for a few minutes, I'd be the best uncle ever."
    [Popping out of the bottom of the screen, behind the Quality Street boxes] "I get to write these off as a business expense now."
  • Also while talking about HR's rocky treatment of scarcity of ammunition, Harris brings up the scene where Sandoval contemplates suicide after his actions have been made public.
    Harris: But if you talk him down, he puts the gun on the desk and you can pick it up and of course has one bullet in it, and if he does shoot himself, you can still pick up the gun, but of course it doesn't have- FIVE?! FIVE BULLETS?! FUCK THIS FUCKING GAME! (exits game}
  • His description of how Deus Ex: Invisible War handles continuity, ie. Merging the Branches with three nigh-irreconcileable endings:
    "Enter, Deus Ex: Invisible War, the game equivalent of trying to replace sleep with your ADHD medication!"
    "Is this game good? I don't know, but it's definitely the most!"
    "Which ending is canon? All of them! At once!"
    • And then he describes the merged continuity as "the most confusing day in the world".
  • He compares the problem of trying to do a prequel game by bringing up S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and its prequel.
    Harris: Honestly I could talk for hours about how you-
    (door opens)
    Harris: No, Rachel! I won't let you stop me this time! The people need to know!
    (Crackling noise)
    Harris: Is that a taser?
    "Harris' two-hour STALKER Clear Sky lecture has been removed for your viewing convenience. - Intern Rachel"
  • After such a dramatic build up to the Boss Fights section...
    Harris: The boss fights are bad. Anyway...
    Part Thirteen: Level Design
  • During the Story and Themes segment of the video, he discussed the choices you have to make between the Humanity First faction who are the obvious bad guys and David Sarif who, while more heroic, wants Adam, a former police officer, to break and enter a police station while having no consequences if you killed cops by accident or on purpose. Or, in his own words...
    Harris: So, your options in "Human Revolution" are between these jokers who are anti-medicine because, ooh, what if life-saving surgery takes away some of your soul? Several of which turn out to be the fucking Iluminati, and (As Sarif) we can't let the goverment shut us down, Adam! Break into a police station for me! Also, don't forget we've installed the Secret Explosion Nightmare Cannon in your body! Check this shit out! Yee-haw! *Uses the Typhoon Explosive System to kill several police officers.*
  • When discussing how the development team's insistence on sticking with their pre-production outline resulted in late changes to gameplay mechanics not being being accounted for in early levels, he specifically cites how the "Social Enhancer" augmentation can't be used in the confrontation with Zeke Sanders. Trying to do so will cause Sanders's persuasion levels, typically denoted as "Alpha", " Beta", and "Omega" levels for other characters, to appear as a blank screen, leading Harris to quip
    '"Oh shit he's a sigma male! JENSEN GET OUT OF THERE!" [Cuts to footage of Jensen jumping out a window]
  • What's Harris' plan for his next review, after this three and a half hour monstrosity about Deus Ex: Human Revolution? The Director's Cut of Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

    SERIOUS LORE ANALYSIS and Other Video Essays 

I Filmed Myself Watching The Alt Right Dogs Trailer

  • Harris watches a bunch of "Alt-Right" types (like Davis Aurini, Matt Forney, Karl Ushanka, etc.) attempt a homage to Reservoir Dogs and fail miserably. For one, they couldn't be bothered to buy a tripod so all of them could film their crappy attempt at a slo-mo Team Power Walk (thus, one of them is always out of the shot in order to film everything despite them being one of the guys in the filmed group). There's also the fact that the guys possess a massive Misaimed Fandom for the film despite Tarantino not sharing their politics and the movie's protagonists betraying and killing each other.
  • Oddly enough, the movie's betrayal plot matches the trajectory of the Alt-Right guys' collaboration with each other since they, too, had a tendency to not get along and betray each other. In fact that appears to be the very point of this video!
  • Harris reads a bunch of rants from Davis Aurini where the latter complains about PayPal and about his peers... both in a hilariously dramatic "villain" voice while a bunch of trilby-hats appears on his head.

The Killing Joke Movie and The Problem With Comics

  • The Overly Long Gag in which Harris reads out the names of several real superheroes from The Dark Age of Comic Books, ending on the fake superheroes "Mrs. Sexdeath", "Strongshot", "Deadblast", "Smashbeef" and "Settlers of Catan".
  • Later in the video, he criticizes a shot of the Joker looking at himself in the mirror with an incredibly dopey expression, commenting that one could find much better renditions of the same scene on DeviantArt — and then adds that the Joker will probably be naked in most them.

In Defense of Dark Souls 2

  • In the intro, he realizes that his opinions on the Soulsborne series might be somewhat controversial.
    It's not as good as Bloodborne, but it's a little bit... It's a little bit better than Dark Souls 1!
    (subscriber count goes from 65,000 to 4)
    Oh, I mean: in my opinion, it's a little better than Dark Souls 1.
    (subscriber count increases to 2,500)
    (Harris continues to give diplomatic, heavily qualified comparisons of the two games, with his subscribers "responding" accordingly, until...)
    And I personally think I had more fun with it.
    (subscriber count drops back to 4)
    ...I think the Emerald Herald is a better waifu than Gwynevere.
    (subscriber count: "seven hundred million")

What Modern Games Can Learn From Yooka-Laylee

  • Harris's mental breakdown upon digging up Gex.
    Harris: I'm gonna need an explanation for this. We can't...we can't go on like this. This is...this is madness.
    Harris: (chugs from a can) And what the fuck does "It's tail time" mean?! What the fuck does it mean? Does the lizard fuck, Rob Cohen, lead writer of Gex: Enter the Fucking Gecko? Does the lizard fuck?! Why would you do this, Robert?! WHY WOULD YOU DO TH-
    cut off by opening credits
  • The Take That! at Microsoft.
    Harris: Capital B's company, Hivory Towers, has built a giant sucking machine -
    [cut to image of the Xbox One]
  • The Take That! at JonTron.
    Harris: The creators patched out audiobook salesman and white nationalist JonTron's dialogue from the game. a shame, because if there's one thing JonTron is good at, it's making meaningless incoherent noise into a microphone.

2017 Doctor Who Special Analysis

Nice Try, Paulnote 

  • Paul Joseph Watson is mocked for selling supplements filed to the brim with soy while speaking against soy. He gets dubbed "Pajama Watso". Watson's only response to everyone else's response to the anti-soy rhetoric is to go in drag by donning a silly magenta wig and horn-rimmed glasses and rant like an idiot.


  • As part of the intro, Hareton types "Serious Lore Analysis" on an electric typewriter. He firstly has to fumble with the cable to get it to work and then when he does get it working, he is attacked halfway through typing. This has the unfortunate effect of Hareton only managing to type "Serious Lore Anal" before being attacked.
  • Harris slips into the role of Hareton Splimby, a caricature of a pretentious art critic, and jokingly analyzes the titular webcomic as if it were a genuine artistic masterpiece. This culminates in the unveiling of the comic's most (in)famous strip, "Loss" (which he calls "the most well-known page of a comic in history"), printed on a giant canvas while dramatic music plays.
    "Hareton Splimby": When asked by a noted art scholar the appropriate distance from which to stand when viewing his magnum opus, plainly entitled "Loss", Tim Buckley famously replied 'What? Fuck you!' and banned me from his forum.

Weighing the Value of Director's Cuts | Scanline

  • "Now, I love The Coen Brothers as much as the next pretentious white nerd boy..."
  • Harris shows off the "contract" he had to sign before Shannon Strucci would agree to work on it with him, and the first and only clause shown is that while she knows that it'll be impossible to stop him from talking about how much he likes the Star Wars prequels completely, he has to at least limit it a lot, because she has a reputation to uphold.


  • The tune in the title sequence being punctuated by Wilhelm Screams, followed by Hbomb eating the title card.
  • At first, the video starts out as a more reserved, half-hour video about a simple subject and concluding that Tommy Tallarico was not being honest about his involvement in creating the "oof!" sound effect used in Roblox. But Harry admits he fell down one hell of a rabbit hole after realizing that there was one burning question; "If he was being dishonest about that, what else was he being dishonest about?" The rest of the video, going on nearly another hour and a half, is more like one of his "A Measured Response" videos, with him becoming increasingly manic over the sheer amount of specifically-worded extortions and bold-faced lies that Tommy has told to hype himself up.
  • The sheer ease with which Harry debunks the "first American to ever work on Sonic" claim. Americans were working on Sonic games back in the Genesis days, while Tommy wouldn't work on one until 2009. And even if he meant that he was the first ''American to do music for one of the games...
    Harris: ...if he thinks that, Tommy's been crushing too many 40s. (aside) That was terrible. I promise to live and learn from th- '''oh, fu-'''
    • Which later results in a perfect cut that makes Tommy call himself "the first American," period.
    • In a meta sense, this bit has become even funnier as it was later discovered that Tommy's contributions to Sonic weren't written by him either. (Though, for once, they weren't written by Joey Kuras either).
  • The montage of Tallarico repeatedly making the same joke whenever he mentions his Guinness World Record, and its Call-Back when he does something similar whenever the fountain in his house is brought up.
  • Harris notices that the record-making list of Tommy's resume doesn't stack up to the amount listed on his World Record for "Most Prolific Videogame Music Composer." As part of his due diligence, he has his editor reach out to official channels for the Guinness Book of World Records to help validate where Tommy's record came from. They respond by stating that these sources are hired consultants and that their information was research-based rather than directly-provided evidence. After going back to get a new screenshot because he scribbled on the old one in MS Paint, he finds out the record has been delisted. The idea that he got one of Tommy's records rescinded by complete accident both amuses and slightly terrifies him, as he makes sure to state he never meant for that to happen.
  • When dissecting another Tallarico lie about performing in a Beijing stadium with bigger numbers than the stadium can actually hold, there's this little jab at whoever's still watching at this point:
    Harris: You're an hour deep into a video about the Roblox Oof; you don't have anything better to do.
  • It's somewhat of a subtle Running Gag throughout the video how Tommy's Cool House seems to get increasingly more ludicrous with it's ostentatious luxuriousness each time it shows up. It gets to the point where, in one of these home tours, he and his guests are in his backyard and he jokingly says "bite him" while pointing at something off screen, prompting Harris to briefly go off topic to casually reveal the item that Tommy's pointing at: a giant model dinosaur in his garden.
  • Harris talks about Tommy's clout chasing tendencies, and brings up an incident that occurred in his research that he calls "The Tallarico Event Horizon". While on the Atari Age website, he sees an image that Tommy posted of him standing next to the Dalai Lama, claiming he just happened to run into him in London one day and that he was a fan of Tommy's music. Harris discovers that the Dalai Lama was actually a wax sculpture that was in a museum in London, and Harris says that this was the moment he started losing his mind: because Tommy has made so many equally outlandish bold-faced lies before this point, Harris genuinely cannot tell if Tommy is joking or being completely serious in the post.
    Harris: Is he doing a bit?! Is Tommy Tallarico a CIA experiment to see how far you can get in the liberal games industry by just making shit up?! Is Tommy Tallarico just a shadow on the wall of a cave?! I- !! I STARTED MAKING THIS VIDEO BECAUSE I THOUGHT A SOUND EFFECT WAS FUNNY!!
  • When debunking the idea that Tommy was ever on MTV Cribs (which can be done by checking the episode listings), Harry takes care to explain to the audience what actually happens on that show and why a niche VGM composer would never be on it.
    Harris: Absolutely no normal person watching MTV in the mid-2000s is gonna know who Thomas the Tallarico Engine even is! He did the soundtrack to Earthworm Jim! He's not a celebrity! Nobody gives a shit about his fucking fountain!
    • Just before that, Harris delivers a line (while trying desperately to keep from Corpsing) in a tone that can only be called "horrified bemusement":
    Harris: Like, he tells people it was Cribs, he uploaded a video to his YouTube channel saying it was Cribs! ...So was it?! ...NO!?!

Plagiarism and You(Tube)

  • When relating his own experience with plagiarism, Harris refers to Lukiepoo - a Youtuber who once plagiarized from him, disapproved of his videos taking down Sargon of Akkad, and made snide comments about Harris' testosterone levels - as "the most fuckable twink I've ever seen in my life."
  • Harris shouts out Jacksfilms for putting "ROBLOX_OOF.mp3" in his video listing the best YouTube videos of 2022...but notes that he wasn't ranked the best video in Jack's list, and outwardly says he wants this video to be Jack's number-one of 2023!
  • At the start of the Cinnemassacre section, Harris opens by explaining The Angry Video Game Nerd... before we hard-cut mid-sentence to him at his computer recording the voiceover, abruptly realizing this was pointless:
    Harris: (voiceover) The Angry Video Game Nerd is a popular series (cut to him at his desk) in whi- (turns to the camera) I don't need to explain this!
  • Harris describing creative pursuits in the most Harris way possible.
    Harris: Creative people often have trouble recognizing their skills as skills, because eventually they feel like second nature, and they don't feel real and practical.
    (Harris holds up a hammer in one hand.)
    Harris: Like building a house.
    (Harris holds up his other hand, covered in a black latex glove.)
    Harris: Or domming.
    • Later, Harris leaves in a shot of him trying and failing to remove the glove, describing his mistake as ordering "twink" size instead of "bear" size.
  • When describing how many advertisements iiluminaughtii puts in her videos, Harris says she got a brand deal with Mint Mobile, whose ad offered him "squixteen dingles off my bext burger".
  • Three chapters - Man in Cave, Does He Know? and Telos - are introduced with SQUID's battle music.
  • Harris compares Internet Historian's "Man in Cave" and attempt at covering his tracks in the "remastered" edition by leaving out segments and trying to rewrite the prose from the article he copied from, to watching "your favourite show and the streaming service has replaced it with a different cut where all the characters talk like idiots".
    Tony Soprano: (with an obviously Irish accent, low sound quality, and unmatching lip movements) You made me look bad! ...And that's not good!
  • During the Man In Cave segment, this casual double entendre:
    Harris: Internet Historian's team did a good job with this, especially considering its length, a compliment I've received myself many times.
  • There are several moments when Harris - while going through James Somerton's LONG list of plagiarism - can only laugh at just how much he steals. He points out (through examples) that the only times James seems to give credit to someone is when the author is big enough or when the person he's stealing from gives credit.
    • This culminates in a Discord post in which James's cowriter, Nick, shows the parts of a video script that, according to him, James actually wrote. In an amazing call back to the moment in the previous video above, Harris somehow delivers an even Bigger No than that.
      Harris: Nick literally says James wrote this. So at the very least- at the very LEAST, James Somerton wrote this text!! Right?! RIGHT!?! ...NO!!!
  • When getting to the actual main focus of the video (an hour and 50 minutes in), Harris manages to bait and switch even when revealing the expected twist.
    Harris: You've probably guessed what's coming. "Where's the part where he turns out to be on a green screen and the video's about someone else?" Congratulations. You've figured it out. You know all my tricks. The student becomes the master..........master of SHIT!
    (Harris pulls down his infamous wallpaper backdrop, revealing it's a physical front of a green screen. The whole room is green, in fact.)
    Harris: It was real the WHOLE TIME! AAAAAHHHHH!!!
  • Harris once again pronounces 'piqued' wrong, like in the Sherlock video.
  • When referring to Somerton's blatant stealing of the Are They Gay video on Merlin and his subsequent denial of it when called out, Harris discovers that Somerton posted a photo of his editing of the video he used it in...with the file name of the video he stole clearly visible in it. Harris then claims he's never going to get an opportunity better than now to do something like this, and the video then cuts to a meticulously animated Ace Attorney parody where a pixel-art Harris delivers the photo as evidence in court with a "Take That!"
    • In-between the evidence for Somerton's plagiarism is none other than Mortimer's corpse. Even better, the wording of the flavour text implies it's Harris' equivalent to Phoenix's attorney badge.
    • At one point, Harris decides to just click on a random point in the video of Somerton's that he's watching, leaving it entirely to chance with where he ends up. After doing this, Harris uses Google to search for the quote from Somerton's video that he found... and much to Harris's dismay, finds out that Somerton stole that line, too. Cue You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me! reaction that Somerton's plagiarism is so frequent that even looking into lines at random turns up more evidence of plagiarism.
    • While making the video, Harris tweeted the following.
      @Hbomberguy: Made a massive csi-style discovery for the new video and literally actually screamed at 1:30 am and the neighbors dogs started barking
    • Harris highlights how hilariously telling it is that in Somerton's analysis of It, which he copied almost word for word from an article in The Hollywood Reporter, one of the few things he actually did change was removing a mention of Richie becoming rich and successful by telling other people's jokes.
      Harris: Somerton specifically removed mention of a character finding success using other people's material. That probably hit a little too close to home, huh?
    • After pointing out that Somerton put only one of the writers he plagiarized while talking about It into the opening credits but made sure to thank Stephen King in the closing credits:
      Harris: I love it when small indie writers finally get the acknowledgment they deserve.
  • Harris cites how some fans have praised Somerton for his motion graphic opening credits, then reveals that they're assets that anyone can buy and use. To prove this, he buys and uses one - Harris bought a full video asset for a five-second gag.
    Harris: I bought it! Now it's mine! Wheeeee!
    Motion graphics text: i bought it
    Motion graphics text: now it's mine
    Motion graphics text: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    • He also brought and used the asset opening used for James' "Evil Queens", but the text that accompanies it is so intentionally low effort (default font & color, all lowercase, no punctuation) that it takes from the value of the asset opening and makes it slightly unnoticeable.
      Harris & Motion graphics text: "but"
      "it's a little surprising to realise james never did any work of any kind during the video making process"
  • During the Telos section, Harris covers another of James's films which is allegedly coming out in 2023. Harris, releasing his video in December of 2023, says, "...Better get a move on then."
  • Harris invents a new word while looking at some of James's fans' Discord comments.
    Harris: "I love any time y'all talk about Disney". Jesus CHRIST! It wasn't "y'all", it was someone else! IT WAS THEM'LL!
  • After the video went up, Harris realized he accidentally left the artist who animated the Phoenix Wright sequence (@modernmodron) out of the credits for the video and issued an immediate apology with clear credit in the video description. It was dubbed by many as "the funniest possible mistake" that could have been made during the project.
  • Harris spends two minutes showing James explaining the basics of film theory by just reading Wikipedia articles verbatim, and decides his only possible response is to do some copying of his own, inserting his face over Dan Olson's to recreate a line from Dan's video on The Wall.
    Harris: Cringe. There's no other word for it. This makes me cringe. It's embarrassing.


  • This video where Harris and Shaun react to DarkSydePhil trying to make a cup of noodles. Highlights include DSP explaining what cup noodles are and how to make them, Shaun reacting to DSP's inept spoon usage with an exasperated "Use a fork!", Harris pointing out the identical five Pyrex measuring cups and array of spoons on a cutting board, and the shenanigans of DSP trying to use his coffee machine to dispense hot water into his coffee cup and pouring that into his cup noodles (why he doesn't dispense directly into the noodles, or at least use one of his Pyrex cups is never addressed).
  • Harris causing "a diplomatic incident" after eliminating Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during a stream of Among Us.
    AOC: I'm trying to be more observant. Okay—
    (Harris immediately kills her)
    AOC: (gasps) After everything we've been through!
    (Meanwhile on Harris's stream...)
    Harris: I opened the game for the first time and join a room, like, without checking if there's room and it just lets me in, and now I'm murdering a sitting Congresswoman! And it just— this is a lot of pressure! What— I don't even know what this... I can't even vote in this election! Why am I even here?!
  • After posting a picture of a ruined pancake on Twitter and expressing how shit Tesco's pancake mix is, Harry received a bunch of replies claiming he's just bad at cooking, and giving him very contradictory advice on how to improve (some users claim his pan was too hot, others claim it wasn't hot enough). Harry responded to this by making a short video entitled "You Fuckers: A Measured Response" wherein he very aggressively bakes a good looking pancake, and reads out a bunch of online reviews for Tesco's pancake mix, who claim to all have had the same issues with it.
    Harry: Tesco, fix your instant pancake mix. Let people review things zero stars on your website. And thirdly, see?! It wasn't my fault! I'm good at pancakes! Leave me alone!
    • Some of the Twitter replies commenting on the attempted pancake are also hilarious.
      @ordinarytings: biblically-accurate dumpling
      @PunishedHarriot: average british breakfast
      @gymleaderdante: turn the heat down babe its not a race
