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Dethroning Moment / Music

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Whether if it's a lazy beat, terrible vocals or horribly-written lyrics, not even music is immune to its faults. These, however, stand out for all the wrong reasons, so we’re listing all of them here.

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  • Sign your entries with your own handle. We can see it in the edit history.
  • This is for fan reactions to music. No real life examples either - it just brings a Flame War.
  • Do not remove an entry from the page nor create a Justifying Edit to defend a moment - it's an opinion. Caveat: A Moment may be removed if it is blatantly untrue or otherwise breaks the rules. However, if you do remove an entry, move it to discussion and explain what is wrong (blatantly untrue, multiple entries for the same work, unsigned, etc). Even if the rules were broken, people should know what they did wrong.
  • No natter.
  • Try and make entries actual DMoSs, not just a protracted whinge about how bad an artist has become. Deconstructions of tasteless jokes don't really count.
  • No ALLCAPS, no bold, and no italics unless it's the title of a work. We are not yelling the DMoSes out loud.
  • The entry must pertain on their performances and works. Any moments on the artist themselves will be deleted.

  • Dr Zulu 2010: I confess, I used to listen to Akon as a teen. For the most part, he didn't bother me. That is before I heard his last single, "Sexy Bitch". But, even there, I thought it could begin well. The "plot" was that Akon met a young woman at a club, heard dirty rumors about her and wants to reassure that she's not like they thought she is IE a "regular whore". So, he tries to find the nicest words to say about her without being disrespectful and what is the best thing he could say to her? "Damn you're a sexy bitch". Really!? That's the best you can come up with? There is not two other words with 3 syllabes you can come up with who will sounds less disrespectful? I guess that's why we never heard anything from him ever again.
  • Bengson 26: Enrique Iglesias may have Jumped the Shark with the song "Tonight (I'm Fucking You)". Just before the chorus, Enrique says he doesn't mean to be rude to a girl. What is the next line? "But tonight I'm fucking you." Enrique, this isn't romantic, this is what gets you sprayed in the face with Mace.
    • fluffything: For me, it's the implications of the song that make it a DMOS. Now, songs about sex and one-night stands are nothing new. Songs about guys hitting on girls (and vice versa) are nothing new. However, the thing is that those songs are often about trying to get the girl/guy to want to have sex with the singer. This song? Enrique is basically telling the woman in question that he's going to have sex with her no matter what. Now, while it could likely be unintentional, he's essentially singing about sexually assaulting (if not outright raping) someone. "Tonight (I'm Fucking You)" might as well be renamed "Tonight (I'm Raping You)" due to the utterly horrific and downright appalling implications the song has. I don't know who wrote the lyrics to this song (whether it be Enrique himself or anyone else), but, they really need to think about things if they believe a song where the guy outright says he's going to sexually assault the girl is attractive in any way (Hint: It's not.).
    • Maxiboy 136: The icing on the cake is the title itself. It doesn't sound romantic - it sounds like a threat.
  • Rihanna:
    • Scarlet Nebula: I had a lot of respect and sympathy for Rihanna after the abuse. Flash forward to 2012 where she does a terrible song with Chris Brown called "Birthday Cake" which is basically every sexual rap/hip hop song but it's not sexy. It's the single most disgusting track I ever heard. Rihanna, What Were You Thinking??
    • Yellow-Spider-Kitty: I personally feel like Birthday Cake falls into the So Bad, It's Good territory, but the part I can't even ironically tolerate is Chris Brown's part in general, add some really awful lyrics ("Girl I wanna Fuck You"), the 2009 abuse incident alone, and the over all fact that could have easily been done by another rap, makes this song leave a sour taste in my mouth.
    • Melancholy Utopia: "Unfaithful" by Rihanna has always put a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know if it was the intention of the lyricist, but I don't find the narrator sympathetic at all. It focuses way too much on how her partner feels about her cheating rather than how she herself feels about it, which makes it come off as her only caring about it because he's aware of her cheating. It's always "he's dying a little more inside" or "might as well put a gun to his head", but she doesn't even once express any guilt over the fact that she broke his trust to begin with. Oh wait, yes she does... because he knows, not because she would feel bad about going behind his back or anything. Hell, she even says "to know that I am happy with some other guy", telling it wasn't a one-time thing but a full-fledged, ongoing affair she willfully pursues and enjoys. I don't like "Anyone of Us" by Gareth Gates for similar reasons, but at least there the narrator accepts all responsibility for his own actions, plus it was an impulsive mistake he actually felt guilty about. This song, however? Nope, you're just a cheater feeling bad for getting caught. It's a shame the melody is really good.
  • TT 454: Genesis is an absolutely glorious band with a diverse discography, and almost every track they released is good. But there is just one Genesis track that I, as well as many all-era Genesis fans, consider to be awful, which is the song "Who Dunnit?" from Abacab. It is a painfully repetitive and annoying spoof song, and one of the very, very few Genesis tracks that can actually be considered poor.
  • Cabbit Girl Emi: I'm not even a fan of Mike and the Mechanics, but Paul Carrack's "Don't Shed a Tear" is easily one of the worst songs ever, or at least lyrically. The song involves him dumping his girlfriend, but the first verse makes it sound absolutely petty. He comments on how she's like a candy store making his pants tight or something among those lines. It makes him sound very hypocritical and that he only cares about getting his rocks off rather than actual love. Disgusting.
  • gene0129: The bong interlude in Waking the Cadaver's Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler was pointless and did nothing positive to add to an album I already disliked.
  • Blue Butterfly: Turbulence by Bowling For Soup. I guess we're not a fun self-parodying pop-punk band with riffs anymore. Instead it's time for soft pop-rock songs with the lyrical creativity of 'random thing is a metaphor for love'.
  • Kenya Starflight: I love Owl City to death, but did the song "Alligator Sky" really need the random rap solo in the middle? It's completely at odds with the nature of the song and of Owl City's music as a whole, and spoils the listening experience. Thank goodness there's a non-rap version of the song available as well.
  • CJ Croen 1393: Oh "Synchronicity" trilogy, you've kept your fans waiting for part three for almost three years if I'm not mistaken. And then, lo and behold, it came out! So, the fans get the happy reunion and the epic battle with the dragon they wanted! And then Rin and Len... die? That's right. They die. Really? That's how you end this? Rin never gets to see the outside world again? Len doesn't get to go home and live a long happy life with his long-lost twin? No? Our heroes just die? Well, then that's great, that's just great. This means we waited up to three years, just to have yet another song where the twins die.
  • This1person: Miley Cyrus's performance on MTV's music video awards. The song itself is lackluster at worst, but Miley air-humping, spanking other people's asses, and twerking were the most disgusting parts about that performance because it contains some disturbing implications on maturity of females. Of course, Hitler is not very enlightened at this turn of events.
  • bisonx: brentalfloss's Contra WITH LYRICS video. It's not a bad video, and it's rather catchy, but what really bugs me is when he says the "R" powerup stands for "rarely helpful", when the powerup actually gives you rapid shots to your gun in the game. To top it all off, he sings more about the Konami Code as the song's chorus rather than the game itself.
  • Heartland 86: Celtic Thunder is my favorite group, but they seem to be going downhill since George passed away. Their newest album, The Very Best of Celtic Thunder, is a collection of their greatest hits, but with the two newest members mixed in with the original recording. I haven't heard all of it, but the version of Heartland, which is my favorite piece of music ever, sounds quite odd. It starts out as the version from The Show, but then in the second chorus, Emmett O'hanlin's voice comes in, and it is not mixed properly. The other guys are singing normally, but Emmett is singing in a very operatic voice, and it sounds like he is singing with the radio rather than as part of the group. I heard it on Youtube, so I thought it was someone's homemade video they made of them singing with the CD. It just sounds really weird.
  • Brony Of The Octaves: Linkin Park's new approach to music following A Thousand Suns with albums Living Things and The Hunting Party. Not trying to sound like someone who will complain about how they change their style of music, but it feels like the band has lost their touch, the creative flow and experimentation that was present on Meteora, Hybrid Theory, and even a bit of Minutes to Midnight. I usually can enjoy a band despite changing in a different direction (I liked ATS around the time I was getting into NIN), but with Living Things, it felt like a huge step backwards. Mike's rapping doesn't even have "flow" or "rhythm" to it, it just feels like he raps for the sake of rapping. While The Hunting Party is alright at best, it still feels weak in compared to other albums, feel generic. It doesn't help the band knows this and has even thrown a Take That! to those who feel that don't like their style on an ATS song called "When They Come For Me". It's like "Really? The reason people want you to return to your old style is because that's what you were best at, now you just sound as generic as everything else". I know some people love Linkin Park's new style, but for me, it just sounds like they've become Linkin Park In Name Only.
  • neonhitch: While I wouldn't call myself a hardcore fan of her, I do enjoy my fair share of Nicki Minaj music from time to time. I personally have no interest in becoming a female rapper, though I feel that the majority of her music is great. There was even a time last year when I thought that every song of hers was, in its own way, a masterpiece. That is, until she released 'Anaconda.' I cannot tell you how upset I was about the song 'Anaconda' and the music video. All that she's really even doing is twerking, and basically saying "fuck the skinny bitches," repeatedly near the end. I couldn't stand that. I myself am skinny and was very offended by this - wasn't she skinny before she got plastic surgery? That, and the fact that a great artist like her would waste her time on such a thing. At least in other videos, she didn't make everything about her and her posterior! I haven't been as big of a fan of her music since then, and the last song that I actually heard from her or where she is featured is 'Feeling Myself,' which was just okay in my opinion.
    • Melancholy Utopia: I'd argue she sunk low even before "Anaconda", with the godawful ear diarrhea that is "Stupid Hoe". Garbage lyrics (she raps about how someone is a bitch and a stupid hoe), garbage hook (annoying techno noises which sounds like a robot's dying breath), garbage video (clashing colours, ugly outfits, Nicki's creepy large eyes). I find absolutely nothing redeemable about it whatsoever. The worst part towards the end where she just repeatedly repeats "fuck a stupid hoe" in the most grating voice imaginable, it's on par with her annoying laugh in "Anaconda". The fact that this song is even on the same album as bangers like "Starships", "Va Va Voom", "Pound the Alarm" and "Marilyn Monroe" is an absolute insult. I'm neutral towards Nicki in general, but even I know she's capable of doing way better music, as I've just pointed out.
  • Maths Angelic Version: I've enjoyed the Evillious Chronicles story in spite of my general dislike for dark works and overly complicated plots. However, the end of "Wooden Girl ~Thousand Year Wiegenlied~" triggered the long overdue onset of Too Bleak, Stopped Caring and Angst Aversion. It starts off cute and heartwarming: Michaela is a forest spirit who befriends an outcast, Clarith. Michaela is turned human and enjoys spending time with Clarith. Shortly afterwards, disaster strikes, and Michaela is killed despite Clarith's attempt at keeping her safe. This is not too bad out of context. The disaster isn't a Diabolus ex Machina, and there's no obvious time at which Michaela is doomed by idiotic decisions. However, it was the last straw. It made me realize that if mothy creates something beautiful, he'll just cruelly destroy it in no time. The series will just be a lot of suffering and crushed hopes, so what is the point of caring about anything that happens in it? And if there is something to care about, why should I get invested in it when it will just make me sad in the end? I still enjoy some of his other songs, but I just ignore the story and focus on the music.
  • Heavy Metal Snail: Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven will probably go down in history as the nadir of Kid Cudi's long fall from grace. Between the amateurish and dull instrumentation, painfully bad singing, cringeworthy lyrics and unnecessary length, it easily solidifies itself as one of the worst releases from a mainstream artist in a long time. However, the absolute worst moment comes not from the aforementioned problems but rather from the Beavis and Butthead skit that comes at the end of the song "Men in the Night." Not only does it go on far too long and is not that funny to boot, the worst aspect of it is that most of the dialogue is talking about how "cool" the song was and praising both Kid Cudi and the album. This would be bad even on a decent album but on an album as bad as this, it becomes especially irritating because after listening to some awful music, you have annoying characters talk about how great it is. Even worse, this is repeated several times throughout the album. It comes across as extremely masturbatory and self-congratulating, especially in an album as wretched as this.
  • Maths Angelic Version: "The Christmas Shoes" could have been a sweet, if sentimental song about a guy who learns the value of selflessness by helping a poor boy. It starts off okay. The main character stands in a line and sees the poor boy in front of him trying to buy a pair of shoes for his mother. The DMoS is when it turns out that the boy's mother has "been sick for quite a while" and has very little time left, which means that she might not even make it through that day. This turns what could have been a nice song into something that's just nasty:
    1. The boy emphasizes that his mother will look beautiful in the shoes, because apparently it's really important that a poor, dying mother looks nice when she dies (never mind that someone who's "been sick for quite a while" probably won't be a pretty sight either way). He talks about her looking good for Jesus, but I'm pretty sure Jesus isn't the kind of person who'd care about someone's lack of pretty shoes - especially not when that someone has perfectly valid reasons for not having any!
    2. The Skewed Priorities. Sure, the idea of the boy getting his mother one last gift before she dies is sweet, but the poor execution just makes the whole thing seem awful. First, the boy is poor, and he spends what little money he has on shoes his family doesn't need. Second, his mother has very little time left, and he's trying to buy shoes instead of spending time with her?! Third, the protagonist sees nothing wrong with this. Even if he doesn't want to bluntly tell the boy to go spend time with his mother instead, can't he at least point out in the narration that he helps the boy buy the shoes so he can go home to his dying mother?
    3. The narrator comes across as self-centred because he seems more concerned about his own experiences and flaunting his generosity than the poor little boy and his dying mother. This reaches its ugly climax when he outright claims that God sent the little boy to teach him what Christmas is all about. So the narrator believes that a poor boy's mother suffers for a long time before finally dying at Christmas of all times, and God didn't do anything about it because He apparently thought teaching the narrator (a bad interpretation of) the True Meaning of Christmas was more important. Talk about It's All About Me.
  • Mew Lettuce Rush: P!nk's song "Please Don't Leave Me" was a major DMOS once I came to the realization that it was basically glorified Domestic Abuse from the perpetrator no less! (the line "you're my perfect little punching bag" makes me throw up in my mouth now in particular). If the song were sung by a male it would have never become popular much less been made. While she is generally a talented artist with some truly great songs, I don't ever want to listen to this one again.
  • cricri3007: I've listened to a few of Dan Bull 's raps and I really liked them. Sure, his "Battlefield 1 vs Infinite Warfare" rap "battle" was disappointingly one-sided, but I've found worse. His Overwatch Rap is simply bad. Not for a lack of trying, mind you, but rapping about 21 different characters in less than four minutes just wasn't possible. So we get a rap that's too fast and where each characters only get 1 brief line. It's more confusing than awesome.
  • esq263: Band-Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas". Just because it's a charity song doesn't mean it should get a free pass, especially when it includes something downright offensive. It's bad enough that it gives a one-dimensional portrayal of the second-largest continent in the world, which is condescending in itself, but then, after discussing the hardships the people who live there encounter, it includes the line "Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you." Right, let's all get down on our knees and thank God that other people are starving, suffering, and dying instead of us.
  • Allthegoodnames: Daft Punk typically make truly fresh and creative dance music with clever use of samples. However, they have one tragic exception: "Robot Rock." This track barely even qualifies as a song. The entire track consists only of a 5-ish second loop taken (with no alterations or anything) from the song "Release the Beast" by obscure 80s funk band Breakwater, overlaid with a voice saying "ROCK. ROBOT ROCK." over and over again. That's it. There's no attempt at transforming or remixing the material - it's just a loop of somebody else's song, republished under the Daft Punk name. How lazy can you get?
  • Yellow-Spider-Kitty: I find Future's works decent, but his song Karate Chop has an incredibly awful lyric by the guest artist Lil Wayne, the lyric is simply "Beat the pussy up like Emmett Till", seeing how brutal Emmett Till's death was, the lyric is Main/Squick at best and rather depressing at worst.
  • BlahaIsAFraud : Rebirth by Lil Wayne, a half-assed attempt at rock music from a legendary rapper. He recovered from this with later works but Rebirth has gone down in history as an atrocious album.
  • Meghan Trainor:
    • Melancholy Utopia: I voted Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" as my most hated song... until Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass" came along and beat it by 100 miles. I really can't stand this song. It was to the point I sadistically enjoyed Bart Baker ripping it apart, someone I otherwise don't really like. But enough prolonging, and let me explain why it's terrible; 1) I would like to make it perfectly clear that, as a skinny girl, I have absolutely no problem with songs about body positivity, but only if the girl is naturally a bit bigger and tries to work out. A good example of this kind of song is MIKA's "Big Girls", which I often mention as a body image positivity song done right. What I do have a problem with is saying skinny girls are undesirable because they don't have big butts. I have a small butt myself. But apparently I'm undesirable because boys only want to grab onto some meat. Then again, why should I care? Oh, right; because the song mentions that twice. ("'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase, all the right junk in all the right places", "She said that boys like a little more booty to hold at night"). Yes, because the opinions of a bunch of horny sleazeballs should factor into my self-esteem and self-confidence. Way to bend over your message and pork it from behind, Maggie. 2) Meghan Trainor isn't even that fat. She's one of the last people on Earth who should be singing this song, and try to be a representative of those girls who actually have a problem with their weight. 3) The version of the song on Just Dance 2016 has lyrics which are a 100 times better and more on point. Couldn't this have been the official version instead? Then I would have tolerated it, at least. 4) I've never seen a song which lyrics contradict themselves so much all at once. She sings: "Tell them skinny bitches that, nah I'm just playing, I know you think you're fat, but I'm here to tell you every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top"... oh, really now? Didn't you just say a second ago being chubby is the ideal body form? So we who are skinny have too little flesh on our bones, but we're also perfect somehow? Mind Screw at its finest.
    • cartoonnetworkfan: I think "All About That Bass" is pretty insufferable as well, but if there's another song she was involved in that's infinity times worse than that one, it's "Marvin Gaye" by Charlie Puth. First of all, the production of the song does not sound remotely like Marvin Gaye. It's just the same old doo-wop production that Meghan Trainor uses in most of her other songs. Second, the name drops of Marvin Gaye songs come off as incredibly awkward, especially the "Mercy Mercy Me" line (which if I'm correct, is a song about the environment, not sex). Finally, it uses the same "let's get it on" cliche that a song one year before used. Never has a song been this unsexy since "Afternoon Delight" and "Muskrat Love".
    • "Me Too":
      • rage24: A lot of her songs are pretty awful, but "Me Too" has to be the most obnoxious. It's 3 minutes of her singing about how awesome she is, that's it. The chorus is literally "If I was you, I'd want to be me too, I'd want to be me too, I'd want to be me too" x2.
      • Maths Angelic Version: I agree that "Me Too" might be her worst song. Some of her songs are guilty pleasures, but "Me Too" isn't even that. This is mostly because of the chorus: like "Look What You Made Me Do", it's another otherwise-okay-sounding song whose chorus is lazy, repetitive and sounds like part of a bad Black Eyed Peas song. Apparently it's supposed to be empowering, but "If I was you, I'd want to be me too" just makes her sound like she's taunting me for not being successful and feeling great like she does (and brags about in the rest of the song). While even bragging can be fun, the poor execution just makes the song come across as an annoying ego trip. Also, here's a tip: if you're trying to make a song about how awesome you are, don't wear a giraffe onesie in the music video.
  • Scsigs: I've officially changed my choice from Simple Plan to Fall Out Boy, though I don't know the rules about general pages rather than the individualized ones. If I could list both, that'd be great, but I can't, so here we go. I'd also list All Time Low here if I could. Fall Out Boy used to be a great band. I've grown to love their music from their first 4-5 albums. However, that's where my love for their music stops. I like a few songs from AB/AP, but the album doesn't hold a candle to their previous work at all. Now we have MANIA, which is even worse. I've sampled each song, but they all suck. They're either bland, or offensively bad. Now, the band has delved into Pop before and electronics, plus have brought on Rap artists before. However, those were all in service to their music, since it was experimentation in mixing these elements with Punk and Alternative Rock to create an entirely new and fresh sound. Here, they're just noise with bad production values. I don't even know what they were thinking. On top of this, 'Young & Menace' was something that should've been ejected from the album entirely and spun off into its own promo single, not just simply moved down the tracklist (you can claim iTunes got that wrong all you want, guys, but we all know you moved it down the setlist because you realized you were overstepping your bounds on how far people will support your shitty Pop music) because it was bad. Only the most hardened FOB fans would defend a shitty song like that. MANIA is their worst album by far, but that's not even the end of it. They also try so hard to cater to the Millennials & Gen Z-ers in their audience because in their music video for 'Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)', they shamelessly use fidget spinners and other memes. You read right, fucking fidget spinners. On top of that, the line "I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color" is a line Pete wrote just to get emo kids to say, "he's so right" because it's relatable to them, pandering at its absolute shameless. They are trying way too hard to stay relevant in these times. Then there's just the repeated lines and lyrics that they run into the ground on each song, it's ridiculous how repetition does not make songs sound good. I don't care what the fangirls say. This is Fall Out Boy's Jumping the Shark moment. 2018 is where the band's spirit has finally died after being creatively bankrupt since Save Rock & Roll came out. They're repeating every single mistake they made in the 2000s; the constant touring, music making, merch stuff (even more now than back then), promo deals, Pop shifting, whatever. A band isn't meant to shift sounds like this, or be this kind of money-making machine, or be run into the ground like this this fast. It leads to creative and physical burnout, which, frankly, they already hit in 2009, so I don't know what anyone expected after their reformation. I hope they finally put the band to rest again, permanently. Work on other projects, take a break, have lives. Just do something other than be on this sunk ship, please. Your music's only getting worse and I don't think you guys care to make it better. Yeah, Fall Out Boy is dead.
  • Sampa CM: To me it's the song "I Begin to Wonder" by Dannii Minogue: The song is not that bad, but my DMOS comes from the video: Ther is a part where Dannii is dancing in front of a black screen, while a bunch of Neon letters float around her; I'm assuming the letters read "I Begin To Wonder" in different languages: French, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, you name it. It's cool and all, except for one detail... They forgot Spanish! How could you not include Spanish in an otherwise nice presentation? "I begin to wonder, in that language, would read "Empiezo a preguntarme", and, as Hispanic, I felt so offended to have been excluded like that.
  • Vanilla Lime: I might get hate for this, but I had to get this one off my chest. I find Donald Glover AKA Childish Gambino's "This is America" to be the most overhyped song of 2018. Though I found its music video to be alright and its cinematography to be really neat, if you take the video away, the song is just another generic mumble rap piece. I don't care if it's suppose to be satire on mumble rappers or not, if your song needs a music video to make sense, your song is not a good one. I respect Glover, but this has to be one of my least favorite things he's done.
  • A Haunted Mind: To me, the Culture Club song "God, Thank You Woman" flies far past being just a narmy, mediocre Silly Love Song from a So Okay, It's Average album and goes straight into DMOS territory. Why, you ask? Because of the fact that the lyrics specifically use the word "woman", when almost all previous songs had used the term "lover" to be neutral towards all sexualities. As a bi dude, this was very disappointing to hear back in the 80's and almost wrecked my fandom of the band, which I didn't get over until the mid 90's.
  • A Haunted Mind: I think Dead or Alive is a perfectly serviceable group (not a huge fan, but I don't hate 'em either) - but I just can't ignore the lyrics of "Brand New Lover". The speaker wants to leave someone because they're too nice? Never thought I'd ever see a song with a Designated Hero, but there you go. To add insult to injury, it completely goes against the lyrics of their other songsnote , being the musical equivalent of a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment. On the other hand, the instrumental is insanely catchy, so just listen to that instead.
  • Maths Angelic Version: I didn't mind most of Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do", but the chorus is just terrible. The rest of the song does an okay job at being a Villain Song that's cheesy, but still creepy and fun. Then it starts to build up, only to slap you with a dull, monotonous and repetitive chorus that sounds more like something from a bad Black Eyed Peas song. The fact that it interpolates the melody from "I'm Too Sexy" ruins the creepy atmosphere even more. The lyrics are bad too. She just says "look what you made me do" over and over, which is lazy and highlights that I don't even know what the "you" supposedly made her do.
  • Maths Angelic Version: I don't like Lil Dicky, and I think his worst moment is how the "Freaky Friday" Flip in "Freaky Friday" is resolved: by Chris Brown learning to love himself. That would've made a fine Spoof Aesop for a random celebrity known to have a big ego, but when the subject is infamous for his legal issues... No. Just no. It doesn't help that Chris Brown makes an offhand remark about his "controversial past", and Lil Dicky keeps talking about how awesome he thinks Chris Brown is, which indicates that the song has no self-awareness about how "love yourself" probably shouldn't be the #1 lesson Chris Brown needs to learn.
  • dsneybuf: For years, I considered Imagine Dragons one of my favorite bands of The New '10s, to the extent that I even loved most of their obscure songs. Even when they released clunkers like "Gold" and "Thunder", they won me back over with the likes of "Shots" and "Whatever It Takes". Unfortunately, my love for Imagine Dragons started really shrinking with the soulless-sounding "Natural". When I heard it, I thought it sounded like the band made it especially to sell to advertisers; I seemed correct when ESPN quickly started playing "Natural" in college football ads. None of the Imagine Dragons singles I heard after "Natural" sounded much better, so Origins ended up becoming the first ID album from which I bought none of the tracks.
  • Exxolon: I am a huge Aerosmith fan but there 2001 effort Just Push Play shows a band that's pretty much creatively completely burnt out. 1989's Pump is a classic album and while 1993's Get a Grip and 1997's Nine Lives are a bit more uneven they still contain some awesome songs. When the best song on the album is the very average and formulaic "Jaded" you know a band is in trouble - the rest of the album ranges from "forgettable" to "What Were You Thinking?". It's rumoured that guitarist Joe Perry considers the album to be a "waste of plastic" and it's not surprising that it took another decade for the band to come up with another studio album (2004's Honkin' on Bobo is a blues cover album).
  • Bolt_DMC: The self-titled first album by America is one of their best efforts, but comes to a screechingly bad halt with the final track "Pigeon Song." It's probably meant as a satire on gun culture or something similar, but the lyrics (which reference the singer killing his animals in the name of "being free") fall flat and come across as just mean-sprited. A tin-eared finish to an otherwise fine release.
  • Bolt_DMC: Nine of the first ten albums by Elvis Costello (from My Aim Is True through Punch The Clock) are desert-island excellent. The exception is Almost Blue, consisting entirely of country music covers that are dull as white bread, imparting nothing to the originals. A surprising misstep in an otherwise remarkable run of albums.
  • Bolt_DMC: The solo career of Lou Reed is a remarkable one. His best albums are as good as anything out there, and even his lesser efforts are worth hearing. However, the album Metal Machine Music is utterly unlistenable, a double album's worth of unrelenting ring-modulated guitar feedback sounds. Supposedly, this release was meant to be a contract-breaker with RCA Records — and if that was the intention, it succeeded spectacularly.
  • Bolt_DMC: The career of Alex Chilton, both solo and as a member of The Box Tops and Big Star, is rightly lauded by rock critics and lovers of Indie Pop, New Wave, Punk Rock and their various offshoots. Heck, even The Replacements wrote a gushing fanboy song about him, and deservedly so. All of Chilton's albums and EPs are first-rate listens, except one. It's hard to understand what happened with the album Like Flies On Sherbert, which stands out for its sheer awfulness. Production values on the disc are among the worst ever heard on a commercial release, with horrid sound quality, terrible performances (both instrumental and vocal), poor quality mixing and balance, and glitches such as recording start-up sound throughout. Some of Chilton's originals are actually pretty decent, but deserved far better treatment than they got. In short, this album is a disaster of the highest magnitude.
  • A Haunted Mind: If I could list the entire Currie-led period of Ultravox in the 90's (a.k.a. Currie Crapvox) as a DMOS, I would. I can't though, since this is about moments, so I'll list Vienna 92, a terrible ruini- er, I mean, re-imagining of the 1980 classic. Both the Goodnight Vienna & Classic mixes are butcherings of the original, in so many ways - Tony Fenelle, the vocalist, has nowhere near the sheer power of Midge's voice and quite frankly sounds even bored, the instruments used are modernised to the point of aping then-current house music, and the overblown composition has tacky electric guitars shoehorned onto it. All in all, an utter disgrace to a New Wave gem that both Midge Ure and John Foxx would be ashamed of.
  • Rockduded: Some would say that Bon Jovi has always sucked, some others would say that they haven't been good since Slippery When Wet, and others would mark the moment when the man himself came out with his own line of spaghetti sauce as the absolute nadir of the Bon Jovi experience. I however, think that the lowest point, rock bottom, striking oil moment was their 1995 video for Something For The Pain, in which the most stereotypical 90's skater kid ever goes into a mall music store, and then makes goofy dismissive faces while watching thinly veiled parodies of some of the most popular musicians of the day (ie, Courtney Love, Eddie Vedder, Snoop Dogg, Tupac, Dre, STP), the message of course being, "Hey kids, you may think the grunge and the hippity-hop is the bees knees, but check this out instead!" with all the energy of a "cool" youth pastor trying to get down with the kids, bonus points if you imagine Bon Jovi sitting in a chair backwards while doing so. Now, normally mocking the celebrities of the day would be bearable, after all, Eminem did it perfectly, but Something For The Pain is one of the most generic, mellow, soft, unthreatening, AOR radio bullshit songs ever written, making this one of the pettiest, out of touch, misguided, and pathetic attempts at trying to connect with a new generation of listeners. Ladies and gentlemen, Bon Jovi's worst moment.
  • Unicorndance: Songdrops songs are generally funny, but there are a few stinkers, the biggest one being "All I Want for Christmas is to Spend All of My Christmases with You". The singer has a Love Interest (presumably a woman since the actual creator is a guy and his other love songs are heterosexual) and she hates his guts, but he still wants to date her and insists that she may secretly be hiding an attraction to him. Creepy, creepy, creepy.
  • Grotadmorv: Good Kid's Good Kid 3 EP is an absolute delight, and I've listened to almost every song on it countless times. That is, besides "Madeleine". The lyrics are confusing and awkward, there's barely any music besides a guitar faintly playing in the background, and it drags on for three minutes. It's easily the worst song they've made, and I skip it whenever it comes on.
  • Phyrexian Ajani 95: When I saw that Fall Out Boy had done a cover of Billy Joel's iconic We Didn't Start The Fire, I was cautiously excited; I hadn't followed the band since high school, but I remember liking their music. The cover also serves as a sequel to Joel's song... and it's a complete mess! The band doesn't even try to go in chronological order, which is cringe-worthy at the offset, but what's worse, they focus almost entirely on American history, focusing hard on pop culture. No mentions of rioting in Hong Kong, nothing about Queen Elizabeth II's death, not a fucking word about COVID-19 or face masks, not a single mention of Ukraine... it's myopic and a poor tribute to one of the most iconic songs of the 1980s.
  • Rob Has: Opinions about blink-182 has always been polarized about whether they are better with or without Tom Delonge. But one thing I can say is that their collaboration project with Lil Wayne titled "What's My Age Again? / A Mili" sounds really bad. Instead of using an already existing recording, the band decided to have Mark, already a middle aged man during the recording process, re-singing the chorus, which makes it sounds narmy thanks to the Values Dissonance of the lyrical theme. Lil Wayne's rapping makes the already awkward song becomes even weirder. In my honest opinion, "What's My Age Again?" is a good pop-punk relic for its time and should be embraced as it is instead of trying to modernize the song and potentially butchering it.
  • OrdinaryTroper: Look, I still think Sabaton are a great band, I like most of their songs, but there are some that, due to their subject and how it's presented, hit the wrong way. I could've chosen "Soldier of Three Armies" or "Counterstrike", but instead I'll settle on "Panzer Battalion". Politics or not, it tells of an unprovoked invasion which sparked a 14-year long war which cost millions of lives (inc. 200,000+ civillian lives), sung from the agressor's POV. And I would be fine with that, but unlike "We Burn", where we are crearly meant to root against the Villain Protagonist, in "Panzer Battalion" the Americans are never called out on their actions, their crimes, their lies in the lead-up to the war, etc. And yeah, I guess they do call out the US on their WMD allegations in the Sabaton History video, but even there they make the Iraqis look like the greater evil. It wouldn't hurt near as much if it wasn't the most recent event Sabaton made a song about.
