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    King Jon Targaryen 

Jon Targaryen, First of His Name

  • The Ace: A charismatic, competent commander and master swordsman, who is also honorable and merciful, Jon has all the makings of becoming a great king, which is why so many of the previous timeline are more than willing to follow him again.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: This Jon doesn't care about Daenerys being his aunt and continued their romantic and sexual relationship even after learning about the fact. This is most likely because such a detail was meaningless when he was dead set on spending as much time as possible with the woman he loved before the world came to an end.
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: He is back to his teenage self when he starts ruling his faction. Played with in that he is mentally a world-weary adult, which everyone quickly notices.
  • Cool Sword: In the new timeline, he doesn't get to wield Longclaw. He gets Blackfyre (the Valyrian steel sword wielded by Aegon the Conqueror and many of his descendants) instead. He also had the option to wield Dark Sister, but chose Blackfyre because of its historical and symbolic significance, and instead loans it to Robb until it can be permanently given to Arya once she's fully grown.
  • Cynic–Idealist Duo: He's the idealist to Sansa's cynic. Though both are idealists compared to the rest of their siblings sans Rickon.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Jon is perfectly fine with giving out cruel punishments if the people are fully deserving of it. The only caveat is that he (officially) cannot be the one responsible for it, since he has to be seen as honorable and merciful.
  • The Good King: Shaping up to be this.
  • Humble Hero: Would not be Jon without it. He might accept his birthright and act kingly, but he does not let it get to his head. He greatly enjoys interactions where he can just be Jon and does not mind his loved ones' teasing.
  • Kneel Before Frodo: A significant number of bannermen who meet him in person to swear their fealty. This includes Wyman Manderly, Howland Reed, and even his foster father/uncle, Ned Stark.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Being that he's the secret hidden son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, this makes him Viserys and Daenerys' nephew, as well as Maester Aemon's great-great-nephew. Viserys and Aemon are especially happy to learn of him, as it means they have at least one other living family member.
  • Master Swordsman: Jon has mostly retained his skills from the previous timeline, and no less than his adoptive father Ned Stark, a master combatant in his own right, considers his abilities to be 'spectacular'. After he claims Blackfyre as his new blade to replace Longclaw, he's considered among the best swordsmen in the Seven Kingdoms, alongside Barristan Selmy and Jaime Lannister — the only thing holding him back is his younger body.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being the most merciful of the Stark children, even he had no issues with having Ramsay ripped apart by his own hounds again. He only forbid it out of consideration for Ned, and the only objection he had when he learned that Bran went through with it anyway is that he subverted Jon's authority.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • He goes white in the face when he realizes that Greatjon is about to inform Ned and Robb about Arya.
    • He is horrified to see wights on their side of the Wall so soon. And doubly so when he learns that the Night King might remember.
  • Only Sane Man: Along with Sansa, he is the sanest of the latest generation of Starks. Robb is cynical, Arya is cold and vengeful, Rickon is still very much a child and Bran is... Bran. This is why he and Sansa more-or-less take the lead on everything.
  • Phrase Catcher: "Who the fuck is Jon Targaryen?"
  • Pretty Boy: Jon is often described as being fine-featured and pretty enough to look like a Targaryen, all with the Stark coloring.
  • Rightful King Returns: Unlike in canon, Jon is pressing his claim to the Iron Throne with Daenerys's full support because the threat of the Others is far direr, and they can't trust Robert to lead effectively.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: From both sides. He does have the typical Stark look, but Aemon says his facial features are exactly the same as his great-great-grandfather Maekar.
  • Took a Level in Cheerfulness: It's noted that he smiles a lot more often. He credits the change in attitude to Sam, Tormund, and Tyrion.

The North

House Stark


  • Badass Family: Post-Remembering, the Starks are THE Badass Family of Westeros. All of their accomplishments and skills eclipse every other Great House in Westeros by far, to the point that all of them defer to their judgment and leadership.
  • Dark Horse Victory: Thanks to the Remembering, they're now the most powerful house in Westeros and the de facto winners of the Game of Thrones.
  • The Dreaded: Even the Queen of Thorns considers crossing House Stark to be synonymous with a death sentence. Helps that they have a powerful wizard and a Faceless Man in their ranks, and that's before you get into the Starks' martial and political power and ruthlessness.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Even Roose Bolton can't help but note that the ruthless streak of the Ancient Winter Kings is very much alive in this generation of Starks, much to everyone's awe and fear.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Arya becoming a Faceless Man and what she did to the Freys is purposefully being kept a secret from Ned, Robb, Catelyn, and everyone else in Winterfell who doesn’t know, because those who do know are aware of how bad their reactions will be. As of this writing, those at Winterfell and Catelyn have been informed thanks to visiting Riverlanders, while Ned and Robb and the men that went with them didn’t find out until their visit to Last Hearth.

    Lord Eddard Stark 

Eddard "Ned" Stark, Warden of the North

  • Authority in Name Only: Officially, he's the Head of House Stark. In reality, only Catelyn, Robb, and Rickon really listen to him. Bran and Arya do what they want, while Sansa only takes orders from Jon. Jon, while raised as a member of House Stark, is actually the head of House Targaryen, and his orders, therefore, supersede Ned's since he's king.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Ned is stuck between remaining loyal to his best friend Robert, and declaring for Jon, his nephew whom he raised and loved as his own son. He ultimately chooses Jon, after Sansa points out that he already betrayed Robert by saving and raising Jon in the first place.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: The Queen of Thorns and many others see Ned as the most cunning of them all. Despite being honest and excessively noble to his detriment, he successfully hid that he was backstabbing Robert the entire time by hiding the last viable Targaryen heir and raising him right in front of everyone under all their noses! This is the opposite of Ned's intentions as he hid Jon because he was family and had no aspirations of deposing the Baratheons.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Downplayed since it's Ned Stark we're talking about here, but the sheer stress of Remembering what happened in the previous timeline and finding out what happened afterward to his family and to the rest of the world does take a lot out of him, leaving him a lot more prone to snapping in anger.
  • Hidden Depths: Apparently, for all his supposed honor, he did have a thing going on with Ashara Dayne back in the day.
  • Oh, Crap!: Humorously, he begins to panic when he learns about Jon and co's original plan. In particular, the part where they were considering marrying Daenerys (the woman Jon loves) to Robb. He dejectedly remarks to himself that Lyanna would've been waiting for him with a rusty knife if that had happened.
  • Rage Breaking Point: He tries to take the changes his family has undergone as well as he can, but learning that they're now allies with Jaime Lannister causes him to flip.
  • Silent Treatment: He enters a battle of wills with Sansa after finding out about her cruel execution of Ramsay, including trying to keep her out of discussions. Much to his consternation, it completely fails to take.
  • Stranger in a Familiar Land: By far the worst case of this among those that Remember. Sometimes he can't even recognize his own family.
  • Tranquil Fury: In contrast with his reaction to Jaime Lannister, this is his reaction to learning about Arya. It's no less terrifying.
  • Trying Not to Cry: After learning that Arya is a Faceless Man.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He doesn't take the more... questionable decisions his children have made well. Unfortunately for him, none of his scoldings take.
    • Sansa feeding Ramsay to his hounds horrifies and disgusts him, despite the rest of the family, even the normally merciful Jon, agreeing that Ramsay deserved it.
    • Bran repeats that action by warging into Ramsay's hounds and then a bear gets the same reaction from him. Bran cares even less about his disapproval than Sansa does.
    • The aforementioned Jaime Lannister situation.
    • He also harshly calls out Catelyn in Chapter 7 for her rash decision-making and the many mistakes she made in the previous timeline regarding releasing the Lannister hostages and her handling of the Freys.
    • Ned, even when knowing full well of the painful hell Theon experienced at Ramsay's hands in the previous timeline, still calls him out for betraying the North and killing two innocent little boys to make everyone think he killed Bran and Rickon. He lets Theon go back to the Iron Islands and reunite with Yara, but he is banished from Winterfell for the rest of his life.

    Lady Catelyn Stark 

Catelyn Stark, née Tully

  • Authority in Name Only: Officially, she's returned to being the Lady of Winterfell. In reality, nobody trusts her anymore thanks to her disastrous mistakes in the previous timeline, so Sansa has taken most of her duties instead. To make it official, Sansa is named an emissary by Jon after he departs from Winterfell for the Wall, putting her above Catelyn in status.
  • Awful Truth:
    • She's terribly shaken when she learns Jon is not a bastard but actually her nephew and the rightful king of Westeros. Since then, she hasn't spoken a word to Jon and doesn't dare to look at him when in his presence.
    • Shireen’s fate by Stannis Baratheon in original timeline.
    • Arya. Just... Arya.
  • Butt-Monkey: After the timeline is rebooted, Cat just cannot catch a break. First, she learns her husband's "bastard son" is actually their nephew and the trueborn heir to the Iron Throne, then her husband rips into her for the many mistakes she made in the previous timeline, then Sansa effectively usurps her authority as Lady of Winterfell, and then she learns about Arya becoming a Faceless Man. After that, you can't really blame her for breaking down in tears.
  • Didn't Think This Through: To point of being her Fatal Flaw. Her shortsightedness, tendency for vindictiveness, and rash decision-making in the previous timeline led to all sorts of trouble for her whole family, including Ned himself while he was in King's Landing. Ned absolutely tears into her with a brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech in Chapter 7 over this.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She's understandably jealous that Rickon sees Osha as more of a mother figure than her.
  • Heroic BSoD: She faints and has an emotional breakdown after finding out the truth about Arya. Catelyn mentally retreats and hides in her room.
  • Parents as People: Catelyn still loves her children but it takes her a long time to make peace with the changes they've all undergone while also acknowledging the painful fact that it was her mistakes that led to those changes in the first place. This especially applies to Arya, as Catelyn is terrified of her being a Faceless Man but still loves her and makes an effort to accept it.
  • Parental Marriage Veto: Tries to do this with Arya and Gendry's relationship, and thinks Jon's approval is his way of getting back at her. Then Sansa sets her straight.

    Robb Stark 

Robb Stark, "The Young Wolf"

  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Inverted. He's got chronic getting backstabbed disorder. He was betrayed so often, both before and after his death, that he wonders if it's ever going to stop.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Among all the betrayals he suffered, Smalljon Umber's is the deepest cut as Robb thought of him as a close friend.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Played for Laughs. He's a little miffed to learn that Jon has become a much better swordsman than he.
  • It's Personal: Has this for everyone who betrayed him and made his family suffer. A noteworthy example is that he gets the satisfaction of beheading Roose Bolton.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: He's become a lot dourer thanks to the events of the Red Wedding. Some even remark that he and Jon have switched temperaments.
  • Trying Not to Cry: Robb doesn't take the story of what happened to Arya and how she became one of the Faceless Men any better than Ned and Catelyn do.
  • Unstoppable Rage: When he first sees Theon again after the timeline reset, Robb immediately delivers a mean punch to the other man's face for his betrayal and supposedly killing Bran and Rickon. He has to be physically restrained by Jon, Jory, and Arya from killing Theon, and even their combined strength and efforts can barely hold him back.

    Sansa Stark 

Sansa Stark

  • Cynic–Idealist Duo: Cynic to Jon's Idealist, and Idealist to the rest of her siblings' Cynic (sans Rickon).
  • The Dreaded: While not quite up to the rest of her siblings (sans Rickon), Sansa is feared in her own right after word spreads about how she fed Ramsay Bolton to his own hounds.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Much like her Uncle Edmure, she found what Ramsay did to Fat Walda and his little brother despicable.
  • Ice Queen: According to Ned, she's got enough ice in her veins to make the ancient Winter Kings proud. While she's warm around her family and those she trusts, she is the picture of a Lady of a Great House in public.
  • Nerves of Steel: Related to the above. She is one of the few to not get her emotions in the way in the face of Qyburn, despite her disgust.
  • Not So Stoic: She's ecstatic when learning of the deaths of Joffrey and Littlefinger. Who could blame her after everything they put her through?
  • Number Two: For Jon in political matters. While Robb is Jon's second-in-command on the battlefield, Sansa is his second for everything else and functions as Hand to the King for him in all but name until Davos Seaworth arrives at Winterfell.
  • Only Sane Man: Along with Jon, Sansa is the most straight-laced of the Starks. It's the main reason he trusts her the most out of the entire family.
  • The Reliable One: Sansa doesn't have near-unparalleled fighting skills and charisma like Jon, supernatural gifts like Bran, unbeatable assassination abilities like Arya, or even a genius tactical mind like Robb. However, she is by far the most politically savvy out of all of them and an effective administrator, which makes her the person Jon relies on the most and the only one besides Davos that he will allow making decisions on his behalf when he isn't present.
  • The Smart Guy: The most intelligent in her family, having learned from the notorious chessmaster Littlefinger and Surpassed the Teacher. She is quick to point out unnoticed details, Cutting the Knot of Ned's Conflicting Loyalty among others.

    Arya Stark 

Arya Stark

  • The Dreaded: She's the most feared person in Westeros currently, thanks to what she did to the Freys rapidly spreading to the rest of the continent. Even her own mother is terrified of her when she learns about it.
  • The Lost Lenore: Was this to Gendry after she died in the previous timeline.
  • No Guy Wants an Amazon: Sansa states that Arya is unmarriable. Which is fully justified because she's a terrifying super assassin with a sizeable body count. Most noblemen would be simply terrified to get near her, much less marry her. Gendry doesn't care.
  • Official Couple: With Gendry.
  • Overt Operative: Arya notes she's a bad Faceless Man since everyone knows she's Faceless Man thanks to the Riverlanders spreading words about her actions.
  • Phrase Catcher: "No pies."
  • Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?: No one is ever going to forget that Arya fed Walder Frey a pie made out of two of his grandsons and annihilated House Frey. Or fail to tell others about it (not helped by the fact that it's now in song form).
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Can appear without any warning, much to Jon's annoyance.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: With Arya being such a tomboy, it catches many people by surprise that she fell in love.
  • Troll: She deliberately gives Tomard a blueberry pie as an Apology Gift for getting him in trouble. Which makes all the Manderly and Reed bannermen visibly ill watching him.
  • Women Prefer Strong Men: She enjoys Gendry's Heroic Build and hard muscles.

    Brandon Stark 

Brandon "Bran" Stark, the Three-Eyed Raven

  • Brutal Honesty: He has no filter or subtlety whatsoever.
  • Creepy Good: Becoming the Three-Eyed Raven does a real damper on one's social skills.
  • Loose Lips: He does not know how to shut up. While he's still capable of keeping a secret (since he knows all of them), if there's no reason to keep it then chances are he'll casually blurt it out at the most inopportune moment.
  • The Omniscient: As per canon.
  • Omniscient Morality License: How he justifies most of his actions. Ned takes umbrage with this, while Jon, Sansa, and Arya have given up trying to stop him.
  • That Man Is Dead: As far as he is concerned, Brandon Stark is dead and only the Three-Eyed Raven remains. While Jon, Sansa, and Arya have reluctantly accepted this, Ned, Cat, and Robb are still trying to make peace with it.

    Rickon Stark 

Rickon Stark

  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 42 gives him a bit more focus, showing him adjusting to life back in Winterfell.
  • Happily Adopted: He was raised by Osha and loves her to the point that his first instinct is to ask for her when Awakened. Osha returns the love. Which is unfortunate for Catelyn as her son sees another woman as a mother figure.
  • Out of Focus: Since he's still mentally a child and died before the Long Night, everyone understandably keeps him out of the thick of things.
  • Ship Tease: Of a Puppy Love sort with Shireen, whom he forms a bond with when she takes refuge in Winterfell.
  • Wild Child: He shows some shades of this, which is no doubt due to being mostly raised by the Free Folk after Winterfell was taken over by the Ironborn in the previous timeline.

Bannermen and Retainers



  • Action Girl: Has yet to shine, but she is not a spearwife for show.
  • Parental Substitute: She has been Rickon's guardian and de facto adoptive mother, much to Catelyn's ire.
  • Noble Savage: A wildling and a lovable young woman adored by Rickon.
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race: Everyone in Winterfell is grateful to her for saving Bran and Rickon, taking care of them, and dying for them, to the point of overlooking her origins. Even Lady Catelyn knows what she owes her.

    Ser Barristan Selmy 

Barristan "The Bold" Selmy

  • Conflicting Loyalty: He's torn between his original oath to Daenerys and his desire to protect Jon, the son of his old friend Rhaegar. He ultimately chooses Jon.
  • Living Legend: Legendary all across the Seven Kingdoms.
  • Loved by All: Held in very high regard by everyone as one of the noblest and more honorable knights around.

    Ser Davos Seaworth 

"The Onion Knight" Davos Seaworth, Hand to the King

  • Number Two: The official one to Jon, though in reality, he shares the post with Sansa.
  • Parental Substitute: Is this to Shireen. For all intents and purposes, he is her father. While it’s never explicitly described in that way, it’s incredibly noticeable that with every decision he makes, the first thought on his mind is her.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Once he confirms that Stannis Remembers, he punches him, then grabs Shireen and hightails it out of Dragonstone.
  • Self-Made Man: Went from a smuggler to an anointed knight to Hand to the King for the Targaryens. That's quite a leap in status.


Hodor AKA Willas

  • Ambiguous Situation: Since he still can't communicate with everyone else, it's not clear whether or not he Remembers.
  • Heroic Lineage: Is the great-grandson of Ser Duncan the Tall.

    Old Nan 

Old Nan

  • Dirty Old Woman: Teases Arya for enjoying Gendry's Heroic Build and admits that she also likes her men with muscles.
  • Hourglass Plot: Old Nan would tell the Stark children stories. Now Old Nan tries to get Arya to share her stories of what happened in the old timeline.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: When Old Nan tells Arya that her husband wasn't her first son's father, Arya initially mistakes her for an adulterer.
  • No Hero to His Valet: Tanned the hide of Egg aka Aegon the Unlikely for trying to take liberties with her.
  • Undying Loyalty: It was this trope in relation to Winterfell and the Starks that led Old Nan to abandon her first love, even though she was really in fully reciprocated love, her beloved could have easily given her and their family a bright future and even nobility, and in fact, he would have insisted in marrying her once he knew she was with child. As she confesses to Arya, her husband wasn't the father of her first child - it was Ser Duncan the Tall, making him Hodor's great-grandfather.


Maester Luwin

  • Broken Pedestal: He's horrified and outraged to learn of the Maesters' conspiracy, as this means many of the people he respected and looked up to not only failed to live up to their occupation's ostensible purpose but also inflicted multiple horrific atrocities upon the people of the continent for their own selfish gains.
  • Odd Friendship: Develops one with Qyburn due to their shared background.

    Gendry Waters 

Gendry Waters

  • Amazon Chaser: Despite fully knowing how dangerous Arya is, he wholeheartedly loves her as she is.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: Genderflipped. He's everything Catelyn Stark never wanted for her daughter, a baseborn commoner smith.
  • Generation Xerox: A Baratheon who loves a Stark girl, who unfortunately dies in a bloody war. Thankfully for both of them, everyone got brought back to life thanks to the timeline reboot. And Arya returns Gendry's feelings, unlike Lyanna and Robert.
  • Hidden Backup Prince: Suggested. Catelyn mockingly asks if he's a secret prince like Jon when asking Sansa why she's so accepting of the relationship.
  • Official Couple: With Arya.



  • Defector from Decadence: With the threat of the Others looming over the entire known world and the inevitable political fallout coming out of the timeline resetting and the Remembering, he's decided to throw in his lot with the Targaryen-Stark alliance.
  • Nothing Personal: He was simply doing all the things he did For Science! and was only supporting Cersei because she was paying him rather handsomely.
  • Odd Friendship: Develops one with Luwin due to their shared background as Maesters.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: He kills and beheads Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane off-screen. He brings the severed head as a token of his allegiance to the Targaryen-Stark alliance.
  • Pet the Dog: How does he convince Davos not to kill him on sight? By offering to remove Shireen's dragonscale scars.

The Westerlands

House Lannister


  • The Friend Nobody Likes: To the Targaryen alliance. The only reasons why the other kingdoms in the alliance aren't bringing their collective wrath down on the Westerlands for Tywin, Cersei, and Joffrey's actions in the previous timeline are the upcoming war against the Others and, to a lesser extent, Tyrion and Jaime.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Despite now being on the side of good, their actions in the previous timeline have not made them many friends. In fact, the only reason people outside of the Westerlands are willing to deal with the Lannisters is because Tyrion is now Lord of Casterly Rock in place of Tywin.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: They went from the most powerful Great House in the Seven Kingdoms to the most hated, and thus, by extension, the weakest (since everyone else would be perfectly willing to ally with each other to get back at them). The only Great House doing worse than them currently are the Martells, and that's only because Dorne is in the middle of a Civil War.
  • Machiavelli Was Wrong: Their policy of ruthlessness and "scorched earth" tactics backfired massively post-Remembering. While the other kingdoms did fear House Lannister in the previous timeline, they also hated them that much more, and the only reason they couldn't fight back was due to a severe lack of resources. Now, post-Remembering, all the Great Houses have their full military power back, and each and every single one of them has a grudge against House Lannister. If it weren't for the upcoming War for the Dawn, the Lannisters would have likely gone the same way as the Reynes and Tarbecks.

    Lord Tywin Lannister 

Tywin Lannister

  • 0% Approval Rating: Post-Remembering, he's one of the most hated men in Westeros. Even his own family recognizes the folly of his actions, leading all of them to support Tyrion's coup.
  • Abusive Parent: Yes. To such an extent that Tyrion flatly states the reason why House Lannister is on the brink of ruin is because of Tywin's bad parenting. You know it's bad when the only parent considered worse than he is Stannis Baratheon, who burned his daughter to death.
  • All for Nothing: Literally everything he has done in his life to elevate the Lannisters' standing has amounted to nothing after Bran Stark's spell. The legacy he fought for is a complete lie, and his ruthlessness and the antics of his descendants have thoroughly destroyed House Lannister's reputation to such an extent that every other Great House in Westeros hates them and would gladly wipe them out if it weren't for the Others posing a much bigger threat. Even his death was pointless: Tyrion killed him because of the emotional abuse Tywin kept heaping on him because he blamed Tyrion for Joanna's death. Except it turns out that Tyrion wasn't responsible for Joanna's death, Creylen was, meaning that Tywin abused his son and ultimately died for it for no reason.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Tyrion uses this as his excuse for his coup — Tywin will never believe any of them about the Long Night (not without proof, at least), even though their current situation is very obviously magical.
  • Butt-Monkey: Yes. He loses control of the Rock to Tyrion, he's stuck in screaming matches with Genna on a daily basis, it turns out he was a pawn for the Maesters, and more than one person has a laugh at his expense when they learn that Arya served as his cupbearer during the War of Five Kings for a while with him none the wiser. It is actually pretty telling the only reason he even Remembers at all is because Bran outright forgot about himthat's how inconsequential Tywin is in the grand scheme of things.
  • Broken Pedestal: While they still love him because he's their brother, Kevan and Genna admit to having lost a lot of respect for Tywin since his actions to elevate House Lannister's position did more harm than good in the long run since those actions not only led to everyone in the Seven Kingdoms hating them but also played a part in why the Others came so close to winning the first time around.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Kevan and Genna siding with Tyrion against him.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: His siblings still love him while also acknowledging that his actions are reprehensible and have put House Lannister's position right into the gutter post-Remembering.
  • Fatal Flaw: His ruthlessness. Whatever can't be blamed on Cersei or Joffrey can be blamed on Tywin, specifically because of this trait. This backfires after the Remembering, because now no one is willing to ally themselves with House Lannister and the Westerlands in general since every other Great House has at least one bone to pick them. If it wasn't for the Others being the more dangerous threat, the rest of Westeros would have been all too happy to put aside any other past vendettas and band together to collectively stamp the Lannisters out of existence. Not to mention, it was his ruthlessness that convinced the Maesters to use him in their long-term plot to overthrow the Targaryens, to the point that they murdered his wife, who was serving as his Morality Chain.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: His most hated son usurps control of Casterly Rock within literal hours and with no bloodshed, leaving Tywin a non-entity who is currently locked in his own room and engaged in screaming matches with his sister Genna on a daily basis. To make things worse, the only reason he Remembers is because he was so inconsequential to the grand scheme of things that Bran straight up forgot to prevent him from Remembering. Hell, the only reason Tyrion hasn't killed him again or sent him to Dorne to appease the Martells is because Kevan and Genna still love him and want him to live. This is perfectly displayed in Jon's reaction to learning that he Remembers; he's more concerned about Tywin killing Tyrion than anything else he might do before or afterward, as if that's only the way he's really a threat.
  • Irony:
    • Tywin prided himself on being the most dangerous player in the Game of Thrones by being The Dreaded. Come the Remembering, no one is scared of him anymore and it turns out there is a much bigger danger waiting out on the horizon, which is the only reason why no one's coming for his head yet.
    • Despite supposedly being The Chessmaster, Tywin turned out to be an Unwitting Pawn to the Maesters, who used him to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty.
    • Tywin hated Tyrion for years for supposedly causing Joanna's death by childbirth. As it turns out, Joanna was actually murdered by Casterly Rock's Maester, Creylen, who let her bleed to death, meaning that Tywin hated and abused his son for no reason.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Because of his trademark stubbornness (particularly the Arbitrary Skepticism kind), nobody is in any rush to inform him about what's happened since his death.
  • Not Afraid of You Anymore: None of the surviving Stark children nor Tyrion are afraid of Tywin anymore, mostly because they have a way bigger problem (the Others) to be worried about. In fact, this could apply to all of Westeros — nobody is scared of Tywin anymore, either because of the Others or because they hate House Lannister too much to give in to any fear they have.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To the Maesters of the Conclave, who manipulated him against Aerys in their plot to bring the downfall of the Targaryens.
  • The Worf Effect: A non-combat version. In the first timeline, Tywin was the most feared man in Westeros and the most powerful player in the Game of Thrones, the man who organized the Red Wedding that led to the deaths of Robb, Talisa, and Catelyn Stark. In the second timeline, Tyrion usurps his authority over Casterly Rock within a couple of hours and locks him in his own room.

    Lord Tyrion Lannister 

Tyrion Lannister, "The Imp", Warden of the West, Hand to the Queen

  • I Am Not My Father: Shouts this when his lack of firm reaction to Shae's attempt on his life is compared to what Tywin would do in that situation.
  • Number Two: The official one to Daenerys. He uses her authority to legitimize Myrcella and Tommen.
  • Properly Paranoid: Before revealing the Maesters' conspiracy and the treachery of Maester Creylen, he demands that Bronn take the weapons of everyone in the room outside and not let anyone out until he gives the command. Considering that Jaime immediately tries to rush off to kill Creylen and puts up enough of a fight that Bronn has to knock him out, he was right to do so.
  • To the Pain: The reason he keeps Jaime from killing Maester Creylen right away — it would be too fast and painless, which Creylen does not deserve.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Is enraged beyond words when he learns of the Maesters conspiracy.
  • White Sheep: To House Lannister. So much so that basically the only reason anyone is willing to put up with the Lannisters is because Tyrion is in charge of the family now and not Tywin.

    Ser Jaime Lannister 

Jaime Lannister, "The Kingslayer"

  • Big Brother Instinct: When he realizes that Shae is trying to kill Tyrion, he rushes to his little brother's defense, and later says that if not for Tyrion's orders to do otherwise, he'd have either killed her or sent her to Slaver's Bay.
  • Broken Pedestal: To Tommen, after Tommen learns Jaime really is his biological father. Jaime doesn't hold it against him, as Tommen's parentage was the source of almost all the tragedy Tommen went through in his previous life.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Even more than the rest of his family. So much so that Jon plans to exile him to Tarth when the War for the Dawn is over, as a punishment for him and a reward for Brienne, just to calm those angered at him.
  • Hidden Depths: People often forget that before he was inducted into the Kingsguard, Jaime was the heir to Casterly Rock. As shown after Shae's attempted assassination of Tyrion, Jaime is perfectly capable of ruling, he just doesn't care for it and knows he won't do as good a job as his father and younger brother.
  • Kill the Ones You Love: He was forced to kill Cersei in the previous timeline after she sent the Mountain after him. In the rebooted timeline, he can't bring himself to do it again, though he has no problems leaving her for dead.
  • Official Couple: With Brienne.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • The first sign that something is wrong for those who Remember but didn't live for long is when Renly has Cersei at knife-point, and Jaime tells him to slit her throat.
    • Myrcella realizes there must be something wrong with Shae when Jaime pales upon hearing her name.
    • Alton Lannister is stunned silent by Jaime actually being humble and guilt-ridden for his actions in the previous timeline.
  • Rebuilt Pedestal: Zigzagged. On one hand, once the real reason he killed Aerys becomes known, people generally absolve him of the shame and dishonor of that action, recognizing that he made the right choice. On the other hand, there's still everything else he did.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: He's become a lot more humble and mindful of others, though he's still got that trademark Lannister smugness to him.
  • Unstoppable Rage: His reaction to learning of the Maester conspiracy and Creylen's treachery is to smash Tyrion's desk and try to stomp off to kill the man.

    Kevan Lannister 

Kevan Lannister

  • Broken Pedestal:
    • He ultimately supports Tyrion's coup because even he can't deny that Tywin's ruthless actions have effectively screwed over their entire family.
    • Not that his opinion of Cersei was the best after she blew up the Great Sept with him and countless others inside, but he gives up all hope of redeeming her when Tyrion reveals that she murdered Melara Hetherspoon when she was a child, and thus, was always horrible.
  • Coitus Interruptus: When Tyrion and company confirm that the plan has gone to hell and go to see if Kevan Remembers, they interrupt him while he's in the middle of having sex with his wife Dorna.
  • Parental Substitute: To Tommen, who is acting as his page. As Tommen has spurned Jaime, his actual father, he turns to Kevan since the man was the one who mentored him when he was serving as Tommen's Hand to the King in the previous timeline.
  • The Reliable One: Kevan is the most influential member of House Lannister after Tywin and the most competent after Tywin and Tyrion. It's why he was one of the few aside from the initial Ragtag Bunch of Misfits seen in the first chapter that was selected to Remember alongside them before the plan went off the rails. His support was also pivotal to Tyrion's usurpation of Tywin, since he was the effective Number Two of Casterly Rock and previously Tywin's strongest supporter.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Upon hearing about the truth behind how Joanna died, he throws his chair across the room.

    Lady Genna Frey 

Genna Frey, née Lannister

  • Number Two: To Tyrion, being his strongest supporter after Jaime. It helps that Tyrion allowed her to finally take her rightful place as the Lady of Casterly Rock.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Is usually composed and even-tempered, but upon hearing of how the Maester conspiracy murdered Joanna, she breaks down crying.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Literally, in that she's hiding a dagger in her skirts, much to the surprise of her male relatives.
  • Women Are Wiser: She's easily as smart as her brothers. However, as a woman, her ability to act is limited, so she mostly serves as an adviser and Tywin's "jailer".

    Myrcella Lannister 

Myrcella Lannister (formerly Baratheon)

  • Daddy's Girl: While they aren't physically together much due to his work keeping him occupied, Myrcella has a loving relationship with her father Jaime, to the point she's happy to be legitimized as a Lannister.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She has a few of her own dedicated POV chapters in the side story showing her adjusting to her second chance at life.
  • Dramatic Irony: Early on, Myrcella laments the fact that she's no longer a princess after the truth about her paternity is revealed because it means she can't get back together with Trystane. Even without that, she still can't be with him again because he was killed in the chaos at Sunspear.
  • Locked Out of the Loop:
    • She's the only member of the family to not know the true levels of Cersei's depravity. She's understandably horrified once she finds out.
    • Due to her being in Dorne in the last timeline, she had no idea about Shae and let her pass into Tyrion's room.
  • Luke, You Are My Father: She figured out at some earlier point that Jaime was her actual father and accepts their relationship.
  • Not Now, Kiddo: Early on, she notes how her relatives leave her out of things because she's a child again, which annoys her because she was nearly grown when she died in the original timeline. It takes some time, but the others do start treating her more appropriately to her actual age later on.
  • Older Than They Look: She has the mind of a teenager in a young preteen body.
  • Trust Password: When Jaime wakes her up in order for them to flee King's Landing, she calls out for her father. Jaime initially thinks Myrcella is calling for Robert until she pointedly looks at him and calls him father. Jaime immediately realizes that Myrcella also Remembers.

    Tommen Waters 

Tommen Waters (formerly Baratheon)

  • Beware the Nice Ones: He absolutely flips his shit when he learns that the "rumors" about his mother and "uncle" were true, to the point that Jaime almost found him scary.
  • Break the Cutie: He's still devastated by the explosion of the Sept of Baelor.
  • Broken Pedestal: Tommen rightfully loathes his mother for what she did. He then starts despising his real father when he learns the Awful Truth and makes it known quite violently.
  • Disowned Parent: In sharp contrast to Myrcella, when Tommen learns Jaime is his real father, he's enraged to the point of spurning the Lannister name in favor of being a bastard.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Apparently Tommen wasn't aware that all the rumors about Jaime and Cersei were true. He isn't happy to find out, to say the least.
  • Shed the Family Name: Tommen rejects the Lannister name to become a Waters. Tyrion and Kevan are honoring his wishes for now, but plan on convincing him to take it back later on.

    Lady Joanna Lannister 

Joanna Lannister

  • Death by Childbirth: Her giving birth to Tyrion apparently caused her to bleed out which led to her death and Tywin's eternal hatred of Tyrion.
  • Make It Look Like an Accident: Combined with Murder by Inaction - Maester Creylen murdered Joanna by letting her bleed out to death after she gave birth to Tyrion and not intervening in what was a minor tear.
  • Missing Mom: She has been dead for decades by this point.
  • Morality Chain: Joanna would rein in Tywin's ruthlessness and would temper it with kindness. She did too good of a job of it to the point that the Maesters killed her.
  • Present Absence: Cersei and Tywin blamed Tyrion for her death and treated him cruelly his whole life because of it.

Bannermen and Retainers



The Riverlands

House Tully

    Lord Edmure Tully 

Edmure Tully, (Acting) Lord of Riverrun

  • Adaptational Badass: In the series finale, it was revealed that his canon self was still the same incompetent character that he was throughout the War of the Five Kings, which is a far cry from the man he is in this story.
  • The Dreaded: After beating Black Walder Frey to death with a rock and purging House Frey of every single member that participated in the Red Wedding, all of which was rapidly relayed to the rest of Westeros thanks to visiting Riverlanders (and in song form, no less). He's probably the most feared man in the Riverlands at this point, and certainly House Frey's most prominent boogeyman after his niece Arya.
  • Dumbass No More: To accompany the several levels in badass he took, he's much smarter here than he was in canon. This is shown by how he deals with the Freys, brutally purging the House of anyone who participated in the Red Wedding to remind the other Riverland Houses that House Tully will not tolerate betrayal. At the same time, by naming Stevron as the new head of the house and marrying Roslin to honor those Freys who did stay loyal, Edmure is showing those same Houses that if their loyalty does not waver, they will be rewarded greatly.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite his hatred for most of House Frey, even he found what Ramsay did to Fat Walda despicable, something that his niece Sansa concurs with. As a result, she's one of the very few Freys he shows mercy and sympathy for.
  • Marry for Love: It's implied that he's still fond of Roslin and used Patrek's begging for mercy on the Freys' behalf as an excuse to marry her again.
  • Morality Chain:
    • Patrek Mallister, who only just barely managed to convince him not to wipe out the Freys outright.
    • His uncle Brynden purposefully invokes this by staying by Edmure's side, wanting to make sure that Edmure's purge of the Freys is where his similarities with Tywin Lannister end.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Combined with There Is No Kill Like Overkill with how he beats Black Walder to death by smashing his head in with a rock. Black Walder's head was so badly mangled that Edmure's men had to hang him by his feet when displaying the body.
  • Pet the Dog: When "Fat" Walda Frey is brought up as a hostage, he decides she will be treated as a guest instead.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The Purge of House Frey has essentially become his equivalent of "The Rains of Castamere" (literally — it already has a song). After hearing about it, multiple people have compared him to Tywin Lannister, including Tywin's own son, Tyrion.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Very much so. Even his uncle, the Blackfish himself, can't help but be impressed with how much his nephew has grown.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: His time in captivity and the Long Night have embittered him significantly. If it weren't for Patrek Mallister, he would've slaughtered all the Freys the moment he got to the Twins despite them sending out riders for parley, reasoning that they would do the same.

    Brynden Tully 

Brynden Tully, "The Blackfish"

  • Irony: He went to the Twins fully expecting to have to push his nephew into being the lord he's supposed to be. When he finally arrives, Brynden quickly realizes that the problem is no longer pushing Edmure forward, but reining him in.
  • It's All My Fault: He blames himself for not keeping a better eye on Lysa, thinking he could've prevented her from falling under Baelish's sway and Jumping Off the Slippery Slope.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: As he doesn't Remember, he's totally caught off guard by everything that's happened.
  • Morality Chain: Invoked. Brynden promises to stay by Edmure's side to keep Edmure from diving too deep into his newfound dark side.
  • So Proud of You: He's both proud and a little disturbed about how much his nephew has grown and changed.

    Roslin Tully 

Roslin Tully, née Frey

  • Marry for Love: Despite what he did to her family, Roslin seems to be happy with marrying Edmure. It's not made explicitly clear if she Remembers or not, but if she does, it would certainly explain why.
  • Official Couple: With Edmure.
  • Practically Different Generations: Her half-brother Stevron, their father's successor, is old enough to be Roslin's grandfather. Stevron is not sure if they'd spoken to each other even once in passing before this. After the Remembering and Edmure's purge, they've become a lot closer, taking it upon themselves to redeem their family's name.
  • The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: Lampshaded by both Brynden and Hoster when they meet her in person. Edmure says it's the Rosby in her.
  • White Sheep: Enough that Edmure is happy and willing to marry her again.

House Frey


  • 0% Approval Rating: House Frey's reputation went down the crapper post-Remembering, and nobody felt sorry for them when Edmure came and enacted his purge in retaliation for the Red Wedding.
  • Asshole Victim: No one had a tear to shed for them being exterminated twice over, first by Arya in the original timeline and then by Edmure in the rebooted timeline, for their actions during the Red Wedding.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Old Walder had his minstrels play "The Rains of Castamere" during the Red Wedding. Post-Remembering, when Edmure comes for retaliation, he essentially makes them his version of Castamere, to the point that the bards have written a song for him called "The Rock of Doom".
  • Moral Event Horizon: In-Universe, just about everyone regards the Red Wedding and the gross violation of Sacred Hospitality (among other things) as this for all of House Frey. Thus, no one really sheds a tear for them for getting exterminated twice over and even those that were spared from being executed by Edmure are still regarded with suspicion and given a hard time, with Stevron lamenting that it's probably going to take years for his family to live this down.
  • The Purge: Every single member of House Frey that participated in the Red Wedding, whether they Remembered or not, was executed by Edmure. Old Walder himself was murdered by Aenys and Raymund in Misplaced Retribution as Arya was using his face to kill them in the previous timeline, while Black Walder was beaten to death by Edmure with a rock. As of this writing, only Lothar remains, and that's because Robb hasn't returned to Winterfell yet to deal with him.
  • White Sheep:
    • Those Freys who died prior to the Red Wedding, and those who didn't participate in it (such as Olyvar, though the Starks sans Bran are still unaware of it), were the only ones spared by Edmure.
    • "Fat" Walda Frey is the only Frey who no one shows contempt for, thanks to the gruesome fate she suffered at Ramsay's hands in the previous timeline.

    Lord Stevron Frey 

Stevron Frey, Lord of the Crossing

  • Butt-Monkey: People love taking their frustrations against his house out on him, whether he deserves it or not.
  • Lifesaving Misfortune: A variant. Because he died in battle defending Robb Stark in the previous timeline, he's spared from Edmure's brutal purge of his house in the new timeline and succeeds his father as the new head of House Frey.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: His sons were executed for their part in the Red Wedding.
  • Practically Different Generations: His half-sister Roslin, Edmure's chosen bride, is young enough to be Stevron's granddaughter. Stevron is not sure if they've spoken to each other even once in passing before the betrothal was made.
  • Sins of the Father: Stevron has the unenviable job of being the new head of House Frey in the new timeline, where his house's reputation is completely in the mud thanks to the events of the Red Wedding. That means he has to deal with people taking their anger and hatred of his family out on him and recognizes that he'll probably have to deal with that for the rest of his (likely short) life.

    Walda Frey 

"Fat" Walda Frey

  • White Sheep: It does help that she's much nicer than her father, and thus, she's probably the only member of House Frey anyone actually likes besides Roslin.
  • The Woobie: In-Universe, even people who hate the Freys pity Walda, largely due to the horrible and grisly fate she suffered in the original timeline.

The Reach

House Tarly


  • Disowned Parent: The Tarlys disown their patriarch Randyll after they find out about what he did to Sam.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: House Tarly goes from simply being one of the Reach houses to the most powerful House in the Reach thanks to Sam overthrowing both his father and Mace Tyrell to become Warden of the South and then engaging Dickon to Margaery. With Loras Tyrell dead, that makes Dickon Mace's Heir-In-Law; so, when Sam reverts Wardenship back to Mace after the Third War for the Dawn is over, the title will then pass down to Dickon when Mace inevitably dies.
  • Kinslaying Is a Special Kind of Evil: The rest of the Tarlys are horrified to learn that Randyll threatened to kill Sam if he didn't pass his lawful inheritance to Dickon by taking up the Night's Watch.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Most of them had no idea that Randyll threatened Sam with a Hunting "Accident" if he didn't take the Black so Dickon could be named heir instead.

    Lord Samwell Tarly 

Samwell "Sam" Tarly, Lord of Horn Hill and Warden of the South

  • Cincinnatus: After getting the backing of House Redwyne and House Hightower, he peacefully and privately overthrows Mace Tyrell as Warden of the South. He only took the position to prepare the Reach against the Others and plans to abdicate and return to Horn Hill once the Others are defeated.
  • Formerly Fit: Ironically enough, he'd lost a great deal of weight in the original timeline, so when the Remembering spell is activated and reboots everything, he goes back to being rotund again.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Goes from Lord Randyll Tarly's hated son to a general who died in the Last Stand against the Others to Warden of the South.
  • Humble Goal: If he and Gilly survive the Long Night, he plans to marry her.
  • Last Stand: He died in the previous timeline holding the line against the Night King to buy time for Bran to cast his spell with the Children of the Forest.
  • Marry for Love: Sam refuses the politically expedient option of marrying Margery so he could marry Gilly, a freefolk residing in the Land of Always Winter. There's no political gain to marrying Gilly, he just refuses anyone but the woman he loves after all they've been through.
  • Not Afraid of You Anymore: Sam tells his father that he refuses to be cowed by him anymore before overthrowing him as Lord Tarly.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Only has eyes for Gilly, so much so that he foisted an Arranged Marriage to Margaery onto his younger brother Dickon.
  • Together in Death: Sam makes peace with his death in the Last Stand, figuring he would be reunited with Gilly and Little Sam.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He died in the original timeline crossing blades with the Night King himself.
  • Uptown Guy: He's the firstborn son of a noble family who fell in love with a girl who lived in the frozen wilderness her whole life. Mira Forrester likens them to Prince Duncan and Jenny of Oldstones
  • Who's Laughing Now?: After being abused and kicked around by his father in the previous timeline, Sam overthrows his Randyll and imprisons him. Afterward, everyone starts pushing Sam's victories down Randyll's throat.

    Dickon Tarly 

Dickon Tarly

  • Arranged Marriage: Sam sets him up with Margaery Tyrell to secure their respective houses' alliance. Despite some initial awkwardness, it's shaping up to be a Perfectly Arranged Marriage.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Margaery, in a Black Comedy sort of way. Whereas Margaery died in Wildfire, Dickon died via Dragonfire. Both find it Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Notable in that it's the favorite son calling the old man out on his treatment of The Unfavorite. He's also more than a bit angry that his father's stubbornness led to him dying painfully in the first timeline.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Dickon admitted that he wouldn't have stuck with his father to the end had he known Randyll threatened to kill Sam.
  • Heir-In-Law: With Loras dead, House Tyrell has no heir. So when Dickon marries Margery, he will be the Lord of Highgarden, which will finally get House Tarly and House Florent off the Tyrells' backs.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The rare positive kind. He sides with his brother against their father after Randyll confessed to essentially trying to murder Sam by sending him to the Wall. In exchange, Sam gets him betrothed to Margaery Tyrell, which is a better match than Dickon could ever hope for, especially since Loras's death makes him the new Lord of Highgarden.
  • Model Couple: It's lampshaded how he and Margaery are both extremely attractive together.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He feels a lot of guilt at how he had treated Sam back then and is determined to be a better brother to him.

    Randyll Tarly 

Randyll Tarly

  • Break the Haughty: His family disowns him, his bannermen help his hated son overthrow him and he has to watch said son be wildly successful while he seethes in house arrest.
  • The Brute: He valued only brute strength, hence why he never saw Sam as an adequate candidate for inheriting his title despite Sam clearly having far more aptitude for dealing with such matters of lordship.
  • Cruel Mercy: Since Sam is not a kinslayer, he has Randyll locked in his rooms under guard. But Sam made sure the rooms are nice and he has books to read so he won't get bored. Randyll is really offended by the books.
  • Didn't See That Coming: His family disowns him and his bannermen turn against him to put Sam in power.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Went from being The Patriarch of House Tarly who was obeyed, loved, and feared, to a disgrace who is now under house arrest, his entire family hates him, and the firstborn son he always dismissed as a weakling is now the most powerful man in the Reach, with everyone making sure he knows of Sam's bravery and victories.
  • I Have No Son!: An Inverted Trope after the Remembering when the rest of the family disowns him.
  • I Reject Your Reality: He refuses to believe the Others are real despite their current situation clearly being the result of some big magic.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: For his cruelty to his intellectual son, Sam locks in his rooms with only books to pass the time. Which offends the anti-intellectual Randyll.
  • Villain Respect:
    • He respects that Sam is choosing to bend the knee to a Westorosi-raised Targaryen Prince (Jon Snow, son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark ) instead of Daenerys.
    • He also approves of Sam having Dickon marry Margaery Tyrell to become Lord of Highgarden, begrudgingly glad that his pride and joy is rising in station thanks to Sam's machinations.
  • That Was Not a Dream: Randyll initially tries to convince himself that his memories of the previous timeline were a dream.

    Talla Tarly 

Talla Tarly

  • The Mind Is The Plaything Of The Body: Possibly. Sometimes Talla acts her physical age, other times she doesn't.
  • Ms. Exposition: Informs her mother of the past timeline and both her parents of Sam's victories.
  • Older Than She Looks: Melessa finds it jarring that Talla acts like a grown woman half the time.
  • Shipper on Deck: She supports Sam and Gilly, telling her mother of Gilly's kindness and beauty, and hopes to see Little Sam again.

    Lady Melessa Tarly 

Melessa Tarly née Florent

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Melessa's usually a demure and soft-spoken Proper Lady, but upon learning her husband threatened to kill Sam if he didn't join the Night's Watch and pass his inheritance over to Dickon, she flies into a rage and slaps Randyll across the face multiple times, screaming at him for never accepting Sam for who he was.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Twice over.
    • She's one of the few people to have no memory of what went on in the original timeline and is thus really confused about the seemingly sudden changes in everyone.
    • When she slaps Randyll and calls him out for forcing Sam to join the Night's Watch, Sam realizes that Melessa was completely unaware that Randyll threatened to kill him.
  • Mama Bear: She slaps Randyll and screams at him when she finds out about Randyll's death threat against Sam.
  • Parents as People: While she's happy to learn that Sam managed to find love as a man of the Night's Watch, she believes that Sam shouldn't marry a Wildling now that he's Lord of Horn Hill, believing Gilly to be too low on the social ladder for him now.
  • Parental Marriage Veto: Now that Sam is Lord of Horn Hill and Warden of the South, Melessa believes that Sam should act more appropriately to his rank, put Gilly aside, and marry a noblewoman. Sam won't do that though, as Gilly is his love.
  • Shared Family Quirks: Her angry face is exactly the same as her cousin Selyse Baratheon's, due to them both being Florents. Sam can see how his mother could be related to the other woman.
  • So Proud of You: She is very proud of the man Sam became, especially since he succeeded in his harebrained scheme to become Warden of the South.
  • Textile Work Is Feminine: She sews to help prepare for Long Night.

    Ser Darvon 

Ser Darvon

  • Character Witness: After dying with Sam fighting the Night King in the previous timeline, he is the first to show his support for Sam overthrowing his father.
  • Properly Paranoid: He refuses to let Talla be alone with her father. Randyll insists that he wouldn't hurt her but Ser Darvon understandably doesn't trust a known Abusive Parent.
  • Undying Loyalty: After watching Sam die fighting against the Night King, Ser Darvon will go to the Seven Hells and back for his liege lord.

House Tyrell

    Lady Olenna Tyrell 

Olenna Tyrell, "The Queen of Thorns"

  • Awful Truth:
    • Her husband Luthor wasn't being an idiot when he rode his horse off a cliff. He was assassinated by the Maesters who poisoned his horse and made his death seem like a stupid accident.
    • The truth of Loras' death is this to an extent, as she knows that once it spreads (and it will spread), any sympathy anyone would have had for House Tyrell will instantly evaporate.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: While recounting everything she's learned from Sam to Margaery, Olenna is noted to be shaken and terrified, especially when she reveals the Second Long Night is coming. Margaery finds it jarring, even if she can't blame her grandmother.
  • Pet the Dog: As much as she bemoaned his stupidity, she honestly did love her husband Luthor. Learning that his death was actually an assassination absolutely enrages her.
  • Rage Breaking Point: After Leyton and Sam start accusing Lomys of murdering Alerie, she manages to keep her composure throughout most of the argument. It's when they reveal he murdered her husband Luthor as well that she snaps and demands Leyton kill Lomys.
  • Tears of Joy: She sheds these when she first wakes up after Remembering and sees Margaery is alive again.
  • So Proud of You: Is very proud of Mace for killing their treacherous Maester and avenging her husband and daughter-in-law.
  • Why Are You Not My Son?: When Sam reveals the true extent of his intelligence after convincing the Tyrells to make him Lord Paramount until the Others are defeated, Olenna laments the fact that he wasn't born to her and instead to Randyll Tarly, who clearly didn't see or appreciate Sam's strengths.

    Lord Mace Tyrell 

Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Kills his Maester when he learns the man was responsible for the deaths of his wife and father.
  • Butt-Monkey: As per usual. And since he's one of the few who doesn't Remember, he’s even more of one than usual.
  • Papa Wolf: He gets red and roars with anger after receiving news of Loras' death, to the point he tries calling for the Reach's armies to be assembled to get payback on the Lannisters. Needless to say, he's not at all happy about having to work with them for the upcoming war with the Others.
  • Took a Level in Badass: To an extent. He does become a bit more willing to act and even kills Maester Lomys after learning of his part in the Ancient Conspiracy to undermine the noble houses, but he's still an impulsive idiot so Olenna has to give him a couple Big Shut Ups while making diplomatic deals with the rest of the Lords of the Reach.

    Lady Alerie Tyrell 

Alerie Tyrell née Hightower

    Ser Loras Tyrell 

Loras Tyrell, "The Knight of Flowers"

  • Back for the Dead: He reunites with Renly, only to die when he stupidly attacks Jaime and Barristan at the same time.
  • Irony: A depressing example. In the previous timeline, Renly served as The Lost Lenore to Loras. In this timeline, just as they're reunited, Loras is killed, making him The Lost Lenore to Renly.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Subverted. It looks like he'll be this for the Reach until the manner of his death is revealed and starts to spread.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Choosing to attack Jaime Lannister and Barristan Selmy at the same time. Everyone who hears about this agrees that his resulting death is his own fault.

    Margaery Tyrell 

Margaery Tyrell, "The Rose of Highgarden"

  • Arranged Marriage: With Dickon Tarly. Which is quickly shaping up to be a Perfectly Arranged Marriage.
  • Birds of a Feather: In a Black Comedy sort of way. The first similarity that she and her betrothed Dickon find out they share is that they were both killed by fire in the previous timeline.
  • Oh, Crap!: Hearing about the Others and the second coming of the Long Night from her grandmother fills her with a deep sense of horror and dread, especially since this revelation is coming right after a whole bunch of other big revelations.
  • Pet the Dog: She honestly did care for Tommen and is devastated to learn he committed suicide after her death.

The Vale

House Arryn

    Lord Robert Arryn 

Robert "Robin" Arryn, Warden of the East

  • Authority in Name Only: With his father dead and his mother completely unable to even function, Robin is officially Lord of the Vale. However, even though he has all his faculties back, he is still a child and thus needs a regent, especially for the upcoming Long Night. Thus, his new Parental Substitute Yohn Royce is taking on his responsibilities until he reaches his majority.
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: Downplayed - while he's officially titled a lord, he's too young and sheltered to make many important decisions, so Yohn Royce has taken over most of the political and military duties.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Bran made sure he wouldn't remember.
  • Medication Tampering: His "medicine" was actually poison made by Lysa and Littlefinger's pet maester to make him reliant on them.

    Lady Lysa Arryn 

Lysa Arryn née Tully

  • Despair Event Horizon: Remembering her death at the hands of Petyr Baelish, the man she had obsessively loved her whole life, shattered her psychologically. She's being fed a constant cocktail of drugs to keep her docile.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: She went from being the lady of a great noble house to a complete wreck who has to be sedated with a constant supply of dream wine and milk of the poppy so she doesn't hurt herself or her son.
  • Not Worth Killing: What everyone considers her as. They could execute her for murdering Jon Arryn and being an accessory for Baelish's plans, but, at this point, she's in such a pathetic state that doing so would be a Mercy Kill.
  • Sanity Slippage: Not that Lysa was all that stable to begin with, but after waking up Remembering everything that happened to her in the original timeline, any semblance of mental coherence she may have once had is gone. Yohn Royce currently has her drugged to the gills for her own safety, and Robert doesn't bother with trying to get revenge on her because there's no point anymore given how mad she's become.

House Royce

    Lord Yohn Royce 

Yohn Royce

The Crownlands/The Stormlands

House Baratheon


  • Authority in Name Only: Officially, they're still the ruling house of Westeros and the Royal Family. In reality, they only really rule the Stormlands — everywhere else has either resworn their allegiance to House Targaryen (or split, in the case of the Crownlands) or is currently neutral (Dorne, which is stuck in a Civil War).
  • It Runs in the Family: Many people seem to think that Stannis's decision to burn Shireen was his Targaryen blood finally acting up, among them Renly. Readers also note that Robert's irrational hatred for all Targaryens, not just Rhaegar and Aerys, is possibly his form of Targaryen madness as well.
    • One could also make a case for Renly’s self-absorption being his.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: They're the last people to know anything since communication with King's Landing is purposefully being stifled by the rest of Westeros. They don't find out about Jon Targaryen's existence until Chapter 25, and they didn't find out about Jon Snow being Jon Targaryen until Chapter 35/36, long after everyone else had and long after most of those same people had sworn fealty to him.

    King Robert Baratheon 

Robert Baratheon, First of His Name

  • Arch-Enemy: To Jon, though it's mostly one-sided. While Jon ultimately doesn't bear him any real ill will and is willing to make peace with him for the sake of a united Westeros, everyone acknowledges that even the threat of the Others won't allow Robert to forget that Jon is the son of Rhaegar; and that because of that, war with Robert is inevitable.
  • Authority in Name Only: Officially, he's still the King of Westeros. In reality, he only controls the Crownlands and Stormlands. With the exception of Dorne, everyone else has sworn or is in the process of swearing fealty to Jon. Dorne, meanwhile, never respected Robert's authority to begin with and is too busy dealing with their own Civil War to care about who sits on the Iron Throne.
  • Bait the Dog: He was infuriated to learn that Stannis had Shireen burned and threw him into a Black Cell. Then, when trying to think of a way to make things up to Ned for how things went down in the previous timeline, he decides to marry off Shireen to Robb and make the latter king without either of their consents. And if Robb didn't like the idea of having sex with a girl with greyscale scars, well, that was what whores were for.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: A variation in his own way - aside from sticking it to Tywin, one reason why he's willing to spare Tyrion and even gift him the lordship of Casterly Rock is because Tyrion was one of the few good drinking buddies he had in court.
  • Berserk Button: Finding out about the Lannisters' betrayal angers him. Finding out about the existence of Jon Targaryen enrages him. Finding out just who Jon Targaryen is, and that Ned has betrayed him, sends him right into one hell of an Unstoppable Rage.
  • Blood Knight: It says something that the possibility of going to war with the Lannisters for their scheming against him makes him feel alive for the first time in years.
  • Fatal Flaw: Wrath and self-gratification. Robert is a great warrior and a charismatic leader, but his grudge against the Targaryens and previous missteps have destroyed any chance of uniting the Seven Kingdoms under him again, thanks to the mounting threat of the Others. Considering how badly Westeros needs Daenerys's dragons to defeat the Others, and how terrible a king Robert was in the previous timeline and still is now in certain ways, it doesn't take much for the Great Houses to decide that a Targaryen restoration is in the best interest of the continent.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Demon of the Trident he may be, seeing the zealous and militant Lancel Lannister was enough to unnerve him and snuff out his interest in interrogating other prisoners for a while, even Cersei after finding out that her children are Jaime's, not his.
  • It's All About Me: Despite changing somewhat for the better, in the end, Robert is still obsessed with his self-gratification and makes decisions on behalf of others without any concern for what they want. His initial plan to betroth Robb to Shireen, for example.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Throws Cersei into the dungeons and then throws Joffrey's corpse in there later as the first of many punishments he has in store for her.
  • Stout Strength: Even as he gets physically active again in preparation for going into what he anticipates is a war with the Lannisters and does become a lot less jiggly, he still has a bit of a gut due to his age.
  • Unstoppable Rage: As noted above, his reaction to finding out that Jon Snow is Jon Targaryen causes him to trash the Small Council chambers.

    Lord Renly Baratheon 

Renly Baratheon

    Lord Stannis Baratheon 

Stannis Baratheon

  • 0% Approval Rating: He's officially on everyone's shitlist after knowledge of what he did to Shireen in the previous timeline spreads. When Robert found out, he immediately had Stannis thrown into a black cell, while Tyrion outright calls him a worse father than Tywin, and considering Tywin's poor parenting is something that Tyrion is intimately aware of and indirectly led to the War of Five Kings in the previous timeline, that says a lot about how far Stannis has fallen.
  • Crisis of Faith: Inverted - upon hearing the truth about Jon Snow actually being Rhaegar and Lyanna's trueborn son, Stannis starts laughing madly and says that he's now starting to wonder if the gods really do exist and occasionally dole out justice in the world.
  • Descent into Addiction: The guilt of burning poor Shireen and all his other crimes and failures have driven him to become an even worse alcoholic than Robert, and in record time to boot.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: After realizing that he did indeed kill his daughter for the sake of trying to win a battle, Stannis hits the bottle hard.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He expresses envy at how easily charismatic Robert and Renly are while he tried to be dutiful and fair but was just seen as The Bore, describing how Brienne executed him in the previous timeline in Renly's name even though Renly had been dead for years up to that point.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: He went from a respected, if not exactly loved, lord and the true heir of his older brother Robert to one of the most despised men in Westeros, right up there with Tywin, Joffrey, Littlefinger, and Walder Frey.
  • Laughing Mad: When he learns that Jon Snow is a Targaryen. It seriously freaks out Robert and Renly.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He doesn't blame anyone for hating his guts after the Remembering, admitting that he crossed the line in the worst way imaginable by using Shireen as a human sacrifice.
  • Papa Wolf: Zigzagged Trope. On the one hand, he did burn Shireen to death as a sacrifice. On the other hand, he has enough self-awareness to realize she's not safe with him anymore, so he sends Davos, who he knows he can trust, off to take Shireen as far away from Dragonstone as humanly possible.
  • Taking You with Me: This is clearly on his mind after learning Jon's true parentage, taking a great deal of delight in the fact that the family that resented him will no longer hold the throne.

    Lady Selyse Baratheon 

Selyse Baratheon, née Florent

  • Back for the Dead: She's dead by her second appearance.
  • Driven to Suicide: Just like in the original timeline, she hangs herself out of guilt for what she did to Shireen.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Remembering everything she did in the previous timeline, including letting Shireen be sacrificed by Melisandre and failing to save her, drives Selyse over the Despair Event Horizon and she ultimately kills herself again.

    Shireen Baratheon 

Shireen Baratheon

  • Broken Pedestal: Suffers this badly with regard to her father. She loved him dearly only for him to sacrifice her on the advice of the creepy witch that followed them around.
  • Only Sane Man: Considers herself to be this for the Baratheon family, at least as far as the trueborn members go. As her father Stannis burned her alive in the previous timeline, her uncle Robert is a Blood Knight, and her uncle Renly is extremely conceited even by Westerosi standards, she may have a point.
  • Ship Tease: She has a sort of Puppy Love version of this with Rickon Stark.
  • The Woobie: In-Universe, Shireen was already the recipient of a lot of sympathy thanks to her battle with greyscale and the resulting scars, but after knowledge of what Stannis did to her in the previous timeline spreads, she might as well be canonized as a saint. Tellingly, it's offering to remove her scars permanently that sways Davos from ordering Qyburn's immediate execution.

Bannermen and Retainers

    Grand Maester Cressen 


  • I Need a Freaking Drink: After arriving at King's Landing and getting hit with Robert and Renly's revelations about what they experienced in the original timeline, along with a few other things, Cressen is all too enthusiastic to take a seat and drink a big goblet of wine.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: He doesn't Remember, so he's shocked by a lot of what happened to the Baratheon brothers.
  • You Are in Command Now: Robert appoints him as the main maester of King's Landing in the early chaos of the Remembering.


    Cersei Lannister 

Cersei Lannister (formerly Baratheon)

  • 0% Approval Rating:
    • By far the most hated woman in Westeros — it's her actions, more than Tywin's and even Joffrey's, that have destroyed House Lannister's reputation to a near-unsalvageable level. Even Jaime and Tommen hold nothing but contempt for her now.
    • Daenerys actually uses this in her negotiations with the Iron Bank. When the representative they sent makes an implied threat to support Cersei's claim when Civil War finally breaks out in Westeros, Daenerys flatly tells him that Cersei is now talked about in the same breath as Aerys and there won't be a single kingdom that will be even remotely willing to throw in their lot with her.
  • Asshole Victim: In a world where Kinslaying Is a Special Kind of Evil, everyone (even those who didn't like him for everything else he's done) pitied her brother Jaime for having to kill her. She was that awful.
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • The pedestal Jaime had her on completely shattered after she sent the Mountain to kill him. Jaime ended up killing her in the previous timeline; in the new timeline, while he doesn't have the will to do it again, he has no issues leaving her behind and telling Renly to slit her throat.
    • Kevan still held out hope for redeeming her even after she blew up the Great Sept with him in it. Then he found out she murdered Melara Heatherspoon when she was just a child and realized there was no hope for her at all.
    • Myrcella and Tommen also both have lost much of their love for her due to the atrocities she committed in the previous timeline, the latter especially considering Cersei's destroying the Sept of Baelor and murdering Margaery was what pushed Tommen to kill himself in the first place.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: For all that she's an utter monster, Cersei truly did love her three children and losing them in the previous timeline didn't help her Sanity Slippage. She is also the only person who mourns Joffrey's death.
  • Fate Worse than Death: She's still alive, shockingly enough, but only because Robert plans on paying her back for every indignity he suffered during their marriage. The first thing he does is dump Joffrey's corpse into the same cell as her, and he makes it clear that it's staying there for a long time.
  • Kill the Ones You Love: In the previous timeline, Cersei eventually went so insane that she sent the Mountain to kill Jaime, the only loved one she had left. In turn, Jaime killed the Mountain and then killed her.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: She doesn't Remember. As a result, she has no idea what's going on or why everyone has turned on her. Even when Robert tells her the truth, she refuses to believe it.
  • Sanity Slippage:
    • She was never the most stable person to begin with, but after she usurped the throne in the previous timeline, she started going completely out of her mind. Apparently, her insanity became so great that people thought she was worse than Aerys, and she continued attacking the Targaryen forces even after the Others proved to be a danger to all of humanity.
    • She shows signs of this again in the new timeline after she's thrown into the Black Cells. Not helping the matter is that Robert clearly plans to egg her insanity and grief on for his own pleasure.

    Lancel Lannister 

Lancel Lannister

  • Church Militant: Since he Remembers, he's still very much a member of the Faith Militant despite Robert snuffing them out before they could really become an issue in this timeline.
  • Horrifying the Horror: His zealous turn to violent piety disturbs and unnerves everyone who interacts with him, from Robert to Mandon Moore.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Enough to give Mandon Moore trouble.

    Joffrey Baratheon 

Joffrey Baratheon

  • 0% Approval Rating: Worse than Tywin. Everyone remembers him as one of Westeros's most despicable monarchs. Only his mother beats him out, and that's probably because she's where he gets his worst traits from.
  • Asshole Victim: Given his actions in the previous timeline, only his mother mourns his death while everyone else is overjoyed and generally he's spoken of with nothing but contempt and loathing.
  • Authority in Name Only: Even worse than his "father". In his mind, he is still the king, but everyone loathes him and Sandor wastes no time in disregarding Joffrey's orders and getting rid of him himself.
  • Back for the Dead: Minutes after awakening, Joffrey is quickly beaten to death by Sandor Clegane for his cruelty.
  • Bodyguard Betrayal: Killed by his sworn shield.
  • The Caligula: His first preoccupation after he returns is to scream for Tyrion's gruesome death. Too bad for him, he's killed before he can act on it.
  • In-Series Nickname: Everyone calls him "the little shit".
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Getting his face beaten into a pulp by The Hound is how he finds his second death, and he deserves every hit and more.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has this when he realizes Sandor Clegane has it out for him and screams in a panic.

    Lord Petyr Baelish 

Petyr Baelish, "Littlefinger"

  • 0% Approval Rating: One of the most hated people in Westeros post-Remembering, along with Tywin, Cersei, Joffrey, and all of House Frey. Everyone loathes him and Sansa in particular has to refrain from dancing with glee when she learns of his passing.
  • Asshole Victim: Not even Catelyn mourns him, acknowledging that her sweet childhood friend is long, long gone. Everyone else is delighted by his death.
  • Back for the Dead: Jaime kills him as soon as he sees him.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Bran made sure he would not Remember to remove him as a threat.
  • Make Sure He's Dead: Jaime beheads him after stabbing him, not wanting to risk Littlefinger somehow miraculously surviving in the least.
  • Off with His Head!: How Jaime finishes him off.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: The recipient. There was no way he could survive Jaime's sword through his guts, but he beheaded him just to be sure.
  • The Worf Effect: In the previous timeline, Petyr Baelish orchestrated the War of Five Kings and played the various major players of Westeros for years. In the current timeline, he doesn't Remember and thus he's immediately murdered for those actions by Jaime. Even if he had Remembered, he was already a dead man walking, since everyone who made it to the Long Night is now well aware of his treachery and wouldn't dare to risk him living for a second longer.


House Martell

    Prince Doran Martell 

Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Like Oberyn, he was distinctly amused when he learned that Ned Stark had hidden the true heir to the Iron Throne as his bastard son right under the noses of even Westeros' most cunning political schemers for 17 years.
  • Everyone Has Standards: As much as he hates Lannisters, he was disgusted when Sarella revealed that the Maesters murdered Joanna Lannister and was happy to learn that the Maester who did the deed would be facing justice soon. Seeing as Joanna was one of his mother's best friends, it's only to be expected.
  • Irony: The one time he decides to take after his brother Oberyn and act first, it backfires massively, resulting in the death of his only son and heir and Dorne descending into Civil War.

    Prince Oberyn Martell 

Oberyn Martell, "The Red Viper"

  • Actually Pretty Funny: While he is naturally unhappy to learn that Rhaegar set Elia aside for Lyanna, learning that Ned Stark hid Lyanna's trueborn son as his bastard, right under Robert's nose, leaves him roaring with laughter.
  • Eye Scream: Loses an eye to Aero Hotah during the chaos in Sunspear.
  • It's All My Fault: He feels a lot of guilt for not going in for the kill on the Mountain, as his death caused Ellaria and the Sand Snakes to kill Doran and Trystane.

    Sarella Sand 

Sarella Sand

  • I Have No Son!: Wants nothing to do with the other Sand Snakes after their coup in the old timeline.
  • Last of Her Kind: Of the Martells' younger generation, being Oberyn's only living daughter.
  • Ms. Exposition: For the Martells. She's the one who brings them into the loop, revealing the Maesters' conspiracy and the second coming of the Long Night to them.
  • Only Sane Man: Of the Sand Snakes. Doran outright admits he's sparing her because of this.

The Iron Islands

House Greyjoy

    Lady Yara Greyjoy 

Yara Greyjoy

  • Calling the Old Man Out: Angrily rebukes her father for his actions in the previous timeline and his deciding to try to raze the North again. She throws Balon into the dungeons in a coup and takes command of the Iron Islands.
    Yara: You stupid fuck! You want to repeat all of your mistakes! Again?! You stupid fool! I should kill you here and now! Growing up, I heard how cursed a Kinslayer would be...and yet all these perverted fucks here gladly followed Euron! He boasted to them all what he did to you at the Kingsmoot! And he still took the crown!
    Balon: (gasping for air) You... bitch... you...ungrateful... bitch...
    Yara: Ungrateful? Ungrateful! Ungrateful for what? For getting my brothers killed in your stupid rebellion? For driving my mother to her grave?! For spurning Theon?! He loved you despite it all and you destroyed him! (spits in Balon's face) That's what I think of all your damn mewling... of your precious grand plans. We don't need it to be great. We ARE great! We are feared all across the fourteen seas!
  • Cruel to Be Kind: To snap Theon out of his reversion to being Reek, she kicks him in the crotch to remind him that his castration has been undone.
  • Spiteful Spit: She spits in her father's face after calling him out on everything he's done to their family.

    Theon Greyjoy 

Theon Greyjoy

  • Groin Attack: Zigzagged - with the timeline resetting with the Remembering spell, Theon's castration has been reversed, inverting the trope. It's then played straight when he gets kicked in the balls by Yara to remind him that he has them back.
  • Heroic BSoD: Being confronted by Robb and Ned causes him to momentarily mentally revert to Reek, or at least become overwhelmed with remorse.
  • Karmic Overkill: The In-Universe opinion among the Starks who survived up to the Long Night. Yes, he betrayed Robb, but the sheer amount of hell he went through at Ramsay's hands in the aftermath was more than even that warranted, especially when taking the motivations behind his actions into account.
  • Persona Non Grata: Due to his betrayal in the original timeline, Ned permanently banishes Theon from Winterfell with the penalty of death should he ever set foot near there again.
  • You Need to Get Laid: Since there are literally no therapists in Westeros, Yara sets Theon up with some prostitutes, figuring that getting him some action after regaining his family jewels can whip him back to something resembling his old self.

    Balon Greyjoy 

Balon Greyjoy

  • Aesop Amnesia: He did not take any lessons from the old timeline and tried to restart the razing of the North. This gets him thrown in the dungeons by Yara.

    Euron Greyjoy 

Euron Greyjoy

  • Laser-Guided Karma: He meets his end at the hands of the crew of a Yi-Tish pirate ship he'd attacked in the original timeline.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Along with Littlefinger and Cersei, Bran made sure Euron would not remember anything when the timeline reset.
  • Oh, Crap!: Three times, first when he sees the Silence is being boarded, then when the Yi-Tish Ship rams the Silence and finally when he's pulled overboard by the arrows embedded in him, attached to small anchors and can only think Well, fuck.
  • The Worf Effect: Was a dangerous threat in the previous timeline, having killed both Arya and Brienne. After the Remembering, he's taken out pretty quickly by a ship of Yi-Tish pirates.

The Wall and Beyond

    Edd Tollett 

"Dolorous" Edd Tollett, the 999th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch

  • Berserk Button: Being reminded that the Wall fell under his command, though it doesn't stop Jon from doing an Aside Glance when he finally arrives at Castle Black.
  • The Eeyore: Subverted post-Remembering. He himself states that he needs to justify his moniker, but he is so delighted not to be in command that he only does it for the sake of it.
  • General Failure: Invoked by everyone as in the Bad Future, under his command of the Night's Watch, the Wall fell and the continent was overrun by the White Walkers. He's very bitter about this and very happy to let Jeor Mormont become Lord Commander once again.
    • Jon averts it, Lampshading that he did his best to salvage a situation that went to the Seven Hells long before he even joined the watch.
  • Humble Hero: As part of his bitterness over his failures as Lord Commander, he doesn't want any position of authority, as he doesn't trust himself with it.
  • No Hero to His Valet: One of the scarce few who treats Jon as if he still was a fellow brother of the Night Watch instead of his king, with lots of snark on the side. Everyone around is outraged, but Jon finds it both refreshing and hilarious.
  • Servile Snarker: Related to the above, he overly exaggerates any display of obedience for the sake of friendly teasing.

    Benjen Stark 

Benjen Stark, First Ranger of the Night's Watch

  • Locked Out of the Loop: Not even he knew about Jon being Lyanna's son. He's understandably shocked and angry at Ned when he finds out.

    Aemon Targaryen 

Maester Aemon Targaryen

  • The Chooser of the One: Bloodraven entrusted him with the Targaryen heirloom swords, Blackfyre and Dark Sister, to give to a good king. Aemon ultimately gives them to Jon.
  • Cool Old Guy: This never changes.
  • Cool Uncle: Aemon is delighted to have Jon as his relative, and their already excellent relationship improves even further.
  • Long-Lost Relative: To Daenerys, Viserys, and Jon.
  • There Is Another: The poor man believed for years that only two of his family members survived Robert's Rebellion and never got to see them since they were living in exile on another continent. Needless to say, he's overjoyed to learn he has a great-great-nephew in Jon.
  • You Remind Me of X: He comments on Jon's physical resemblance to Aemon's own father Maekar. He also notes that Jon's voice sounds similar to his brother "Egg".

The Free Folk

    Mance Rayder 

Mance Rayder, the King-Beyond-the-Wall

  • The Good King: Of a sort, considering he's rallying up as many of his people as he can and personally helps to escort a large group of the sick and elderly on the way to the Wall.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Thanks to his death in the previous timeline and the threat of the Long Night, he's a bit more willing to put old grudges aside.

    Tormund Giantsbane 

Tormund Giantsbane

  • Big Fun: As boisterous and fun-loving as always. Jon describes him as a major positive influence in his life.
  • Blood Knight: He enjoys killing Rattleshirt a second time.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Come on, it's Tormund, how could he be anything else?
  • Mr. Exposition: Serves as one for Ygritte and Mance Rayder after the Remembering to bring them up to speed on what happened after their deaths.





  • Cry into Chest: She does this at the end of Chapter 44, hugging Jon tightly while sobbing in grief over the Ret-Gone of her son.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: A complicated example. Shortly after she and her sisters killed Craster, she realized to her heartbreak and horror that since the date takes place way before Craster did anything to her, this means Little Sam won't be conceived and has been erased from existence. All the while, Gilly still vividly remembers being pregnant, having a baby, and loving him, and now he's forever lost to her.
  • Sympathetic Murderer: No one blames her and her sisters for killing Craster.

Land of Always Winter

    The Night King 

The Night King, Ruler of the White Walkers

  • Adaptational Badass: While the canon Night King was terrifyingly powerful and could only be taken down through bait, stealth, and sneak attacks, he lacks battle prowesses and displays of magic... Which the fic happily provides.
  • Arch-Enemy: The Night King is this to Jon Targaryen, as in the original timeline.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: So nightmarishly that the only hope left was to Set Right What Once Went Wrong.
  • Big Bad: This guy puts up such a huge threat that everyone knowing about him drops the petty intrigue of Westeros like a hot potato just for a chance of survival.
  • Conflict Killer: Since his basic goal is to extinguish all life and bring about Endless Winter and The Night That Never Ends, the Great Houses of Westeros have little other choice but to put their differences and past grudges aside for the sake of survival. Even if it means having to ally themselves with the Lannisters.
  • Dragon Rider: In the original timeline, using Viserion as his personal mount and deadliest asset.
  • The Dreaded: Only those who died before his invasion are not scared shitless of him. Yet...
  • Evil Overlord: The demonic ruler of the Land of Always Winter, who destroyed the old timeline and threatens to do the same with the new.
  • An Ice Person: As in canon, he uses ice weapons he likely creates himself. His White Walkers, and most likely him as well, can conjure many enormous ice stalagmites from the ground to slaughter many foes at once.
  • Magic Knight: Implied in the show, established in the fic.
  • Mind over Matter: Sent Sam flying with but a glance in the prologue.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Wants to extinguish all life in the world, and cause a polar Endless Winter while he is at it.
  • Outside-Context Problem: The main reason for his landslide victory in the original timeline. Men and resources were way too exhausted by decades of squabbles to stand a chance. He remains this in the new timeline, to everyone who died before seeing for themselves that the old myth wasn't one.
  • The Voiceless: As usual.
  • Worthy Opponent: Gives off this vibe towards Samwell, and towards Jon as in canon.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: He unleashed a successful one that overwhelmed the entire continent and needed to be reversed.


    Queen Daenerys Targaryen 

Daenerys Targaryen, First of Her Name

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Found Talisa's misguided defiance of her hilarious.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Lost all the authoritarianism and thirst for power she started displaying in the last seasons. Surviving the Apocalypse helps with putting things into perspective.
  • Adaptational Heroism: This Daenerys is fully supportive of Jon pressing his claim, most likely because the situation with the Others had become so dire that she came to not care which of them sat on the Iron Throne, as long as it was a Targaryen.
  • Dragon Rider: Would not be Daenerys without her three children. She uses a spell to make them grow much faster than before.
  • The High Queen: She's essentially become the ruler of all of Essos by the tenth chapter at most.
  • Hope Bringer: To the slaves, of course.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Like she was shaping up to become until she sailed to Westeros.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Leads the rebellion in Pentos.
  • Try To Fit That On A Businesscard: She is the Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, and Breaker of Chains. Lampshaded by Sansa, who claims Dany collects titles "like seashells on a beach".
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Seems to have this dynamic with Sansa. They like to think of one another with a bit of irony, but contrary to canon, each one holds the other in high esteem.

    Prince Viserys Targaryen 

Viserys Targaryen

  • The Atoner: Though he does not Remember, he is thoroughly revulsed by his actions in the previous timeline and is dead-set on becoming a better brother.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He truly does love Daenerys, and when he thought she was trying to commit suicide, he immediately tried to stop her and had to be held back by several men.
  • Hidden Depths: For all his faults, Viserys genuinely loves his family. He tried to save Daenerys when he thought she was going to burn to death, is horrified to learn that he drunkenly threatened her unborn child in the previous timeline, and is absolutely delighted to learn that Jon is his nephew from his older brother Rhaegar.
  • Humble Pie: Everyone who knew him in the previous timeline force-feeds him slice after slice, starting with Dany herself. It takes time but this is working.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Since he doesn't Remember (and even if he did, he'd still qualify since he died way before the real chaos began), he has no idea why everything has changed overnight, why his sister is suddenly behaving so differently, and what all this "Remembering" business is. When he's brought up to speed on it all and witnesses the effects of the spell firsthand, he's stunned, to say the least.
  • Sanity Strengthening:
    • Seeing Daenerys hatch and grow her dragons effectively shocks him back into sanity. Much to the former's astonishment (and relief).
    • His overall personality improves once he learns about Jon because it means that he and Daenerys aren't the last of their family.
  • Spoiled Brat: Remains this through and through, despite taking several levels in kindness. Dany, Jorah, and everyone else are determined to make him grow out of it whether he likes it or not.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Due to his Sanity Strengthening and a few well-placed Break the Haughty moments.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Wants to accomplish this, to the point he asks Jorah to train him.


    Ser Jorah Mormont 

Jorah Mormont

  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: He has adopted the mindset and now ships Dany and Jon.
  • Lady and Knight: The White Knight to Daenerys's Bright Lady. Unfortunately, this also means he's the only person she can trust with Viserys.
  • The Lancer: To Daenerys.
  • Undying Loyalty: The first thing he does after Remembering is ditch Lys and the whore he was screwing to go find Daenerys. When Viserys initially suspects Jorah to be an assassin sent by the Baratheons, Dany herself has to explain to her brother that Jorah's loyalty is unquestionable.

    Magister Illyrio Mopatis 

Illyrio Mopatis

  • Bodyguard Betrayal: He's betrayed by his own Unsullied guards when they side with Dany.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Swears fealty to the girl he was about to kill as soon as things go south. It's all for self-preservation rather than moral conviction, but he provides genuinely good advice.
  • Smug Snake: Acts very arrogantly and smugly towards Dany and Viserys, until the Slave Revolt overthrows him and he becomes a hostage.
  • Token Evil Teammate: To the court of Daenerys after his Heel–Face Turn. Dany and the rest make it crystal clear that any trust they give him will have to be hard-earned, but he has no choice but to fall in line and he knows it.

    Talisa Maegyr 

Talisa Maegyr

  • Defiant to the End: She invokes this when she thinks Daenerys will torture her for information. Dany is amused by it and has to reassure Talisa she means no harm.
  • Irony: She left Westeros in a hurry because she did not want to get involved in its politics. Landing in Pentos leads to her getting semi-drafted into Daenerys' service.
  • The Medic: She lends her services and knowledge to Daenarys' forces, deciding to help the Targaryens reclaim the Iron Throne.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: As soon as she woke up and Remembered, she decided to get on the first boat out of Westeros to protect Robb.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Robb, whom she still loves even after everything. Even when she thinks Daenerys may kill her, she will not reveal any secrets about him. She starts developing this for Dany after their conversation.
  • Universally Beloved Leader: Despite her origins, Talisa was widely beloved by many in the North for her kind nature and unwavering strength to the point the northerners who supported Robb believe she earned her place among them.


    Grey Worm 

Grey Worm

  • Big Damn Heroes: Tries to do this for Missandei but by then she had already rescued herself.
  • Rebel Leader: Leads a slave revolt in Astapor.




    Daario Naharis 

Daario Naharis

    Hizdahr zo Loraq 

Hizdahr zo Loraq

  • Brains and Brawn: The Brains to Daario's Brawn.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Played for Laughs. He regards having to co-rule Mereen with Daario as this.
  • Lifesaving Misfortune: Much like with Stevron Frey, since he died protecting their "Breaker of Chains" in the previous timeline and had proven himself as sympathetic to their plight, Hizdahr and his family are spared by the rebellious slaves of Mereen and elected to be the city's co-ruler alongside Daario, partly out of gratitude and partly out of pragmatism. While they're glad to have their freedom, the former slaves of Mereen know that almost none of them have the necessary education and experience to rule the city. Hizdahr, however, does and has proven himself to be sympathetic to them and loyal to their Breaker of Chains, making him an ideal co-ruler for Daario. Daario can handle the military and law enforcement while Hizdahr can handle the political and administrative matters.


    The Iron Bank 

  • Bullying a Dragon: Literally. They send a representative to Daenerys, who then tries to subtly threaten and bully her with what limited information they have. She figuratively rips him to pieces by revealing just how completely uninformed the bank is about the actual situation, and promptly sends him packing, all the way back to his superiors with his tail between his legs.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Their information about the Remembering was so incomplete that they thought backing Cersei Lannister was their best option. Luckily for them, Daenerys was more than happy to explain what was really going on.
  • Morally Bankrupt Banker: In a literal sense — the Iron Bank is completely amoral, and sees itself as Above Good and Evil. All they care about is getting their due, so they'll back whichever side is more likely to be in a position to pay off the debts owed to the bank. This is why they were initially willing to back Cersei in the new timeline (as she paid off the Iron Throne's debt in the previous timeline) until Daenerys revealed that Cersei was so hated that the chances of anyone supporting her claim are nil. After that, they throw in their lot with the Targaryens once they learn of Jon's existence, as his claim made him the most likely to win the upcoming scuffle with the Baratheons.
  • Spanner in the Works: They're the ones to tell the Baratheons just who Jon Targaryen is after Robert's new Master of Coin made contact with their local representative to assess the throne's debt to the bank.
