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Characters / KIKEN

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If you were to say something about KIKEN, surely you'd go for something along the lines of .hack meets X1999 meets BaSTOF Lemon on even more Ax-Crazy Yanderes, seasoned with heavy and frequent swearing, and garnished with yaoi and yuri. Here are the characters that go for it.

The Crystal Dogs

The mission of the Crystal Dogs is to erase the ongoing war between the reformists and revolutionaries, called The Conflict of Tin and Brass. There are three members to this group, with a supporting band called The Sleepy Hollow.

Kakeru Kouen

"So we're putting ourselves through hell!?"

Kakeru Kouen is a boy who is tall for his age, as he is a basketball player who likes drinking milk. But Kakeru doesn't just like sports, he likes reading up on various subjects that can be informative or fictional.

  • Accidental Pervert: Kakeru actually stared at one of the teachers due to her cans one time.
  • The Beautiful Elite: Subverted, Kakeru attends Hikariyama on scholarship, but his cousin is a notorious journalist.
  • Determinator: He stopped at nothing to get Kinji and Ginrou into the Org!
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Along with Kogawa and Derani, no less.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Pops up due to Hubspace's hypnosis, granting him the power to involuntary erase recent memories. Gone Horribly Right, even!
  • Male Gaze: Kakeru suffers from it, especially whenever sleepy. His work is centered around Hubspace, and he can only do so much in 4 hours.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Kakeru is, by default, the new leader of the Tin Herons after Kinji's murder-suicide. He's actually quite Humanist, you know.

Derani Terasuma

"So anyway, do you think these groups question reality?"

Derani is considerably more bookish than Kakeru, as he is generally a better notemaker than Kakeru. Derani doesn't really engage in sports, and is more cynical than his idealistic counterpart, yet he often remains optmistic.

  • But Not Too Foreign: Derani's part-Australian and runs an English-language net radio show that's Sonic the Hedgehog remix-centric. His English name is also supposed to be Delaney Terrence, but his dad was a bit of a Weeaboo.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He's the type who actually even insults you for implausibility!
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Kakeru and Kogawa, but neither of them knows why Derani founded the Brotherhood of the Crystal Dogs.
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: Derani is a cynic. A heavy cynic. But subverted when you find out he's really starting to get a good grasp on true love, becoming a Knight in Sour Armor.
  • Phenotype Stereotype: Subverted! Derani IS blonde and blue-eyed, yet his facial structure resembles that of a Japanese teen, as well as his VERY pale skin.

Kogawa Nagari

"Clearly you need a few changes here and there, perhaps?"

Kogawa is a lot more worldly than Derani and Kakeru, resulting in her being a little more learned. She is also a new student in Hikariyama, which results in becoming a little more enigmatic, if not oh-so-mysterious to her 4th Grade classmates.

The Tin Herons/The Gold Division of the Org

The mission of this group is to successfully reform the world to accomodate humans a little better. Composed of five schooling idealists, this group seeks out the good in all humans, even if they all are such Jerks With Hearts Of Gold.

Shouhei Tomogawa

"They can be pretty believable if you look at the details."

Shouhei is a basketball ace in Hikariyama, and ever since the Conflict began, he's become a lot more quiet and less rambunctious. He actually leads the Tin Herons, and naturally, the most powerful of them all. But if anything, he watches from the sidelines.

  • The Hero: Justified in that Shouhei knows how to lead various people of any age—as long as they're younger than him.
    • The Big Guy: Takes up Kinji's mantle after Kakeru becomes the new leader of the Herons, and Kinji's suicide.
    • Student Council President: Shouhei's really good with knowing how to rule a group of people, especially if they're the same age. He's using the Conflict to learn how to gain the trust of people older than him.
  • Genius Bruiser: Shouhei loves basketball AND Math more than anything.
  • Humongous Mecha: His Hubspace equipment takes up certain aspects of Gundam and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
  • Out of Focus: According to Dylan, that's why him and Hichou had been clamming up, in turn due to The Plan they were trying to seperate themselves from..
  • Those Two Guys: SUBVERTED! Yes, really. Even though they seem to be background characters, him and Shouhei really are significant to the plot. They created the whole goddamn Conflict in the first place!
  • Warrior Poet: Shouhei is not only a jock—he's quite a planner for his age, as well as a learned guy.
  • Xanatos Gambit: There's another article for that.

Rukao Minami

"'Kay, seriously! Is PK'ing gonna be the next leading cause of comas?"

A former hikikomori who chooses to go back to reality with the use of the Conflict. Takes up a literature course in Hikariyama University, and wants to use the Conflict as inspiration. He knows a lot more about Hubspace and how it works than Shouhei.

  • Author Avatar: One of two. Rukao, like the author is a troper and can even Lampshade Hang... certain things.
  • Badass Longcoat: Coupled with no shirt and jeans only, no less. He's armed with a burning morning star!
  • Deadpan Snarker: He is slightly snarky, due to him being a Troper.
  • Hikikomori: Rukao joining the Conflict will help him get his life back in shape, and since Nanako's helping him bring himself back to reality...
  • The Lancer: As said, he knows a lot about Hubspace's rules and systems more than anyone else. But he's in good competition with Mila.
    • The Smart Guy: Can double as this. But Rukao deviates more from it.
  • Mr. Fanservice: He's trying to avoid this, but even when he was a hikikomori, he actually had some gym equipment.
  • Perma-Stubble: Rukao got this when he was a hikikomori, and chose to keep it.

Mila Jonessy


A fun-loving, Caucasian anti-Wapanese, Mila has a knack for learning and can learn all about freshman high-level IT in just 2 months. She loves being a slight Gothic Lolita. Tsugumu senses something with her and Dylan, both of them his batchmates.

  • Ascended Fangirl: Thanks to Hubspace, Mila has become her very own magical girl.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: Her Hubspace avatar comprises of steampunk influences, Cardcaptor Sakura-like wands and a Gothic Lolita feel.
  • Genre Savvy: About the Magical Girl genre? Of course! She even becomes one.
  • Heroic BSoD: Upon knowing that Dylan has traveled back in time to re-commit a massacre he did 15 minutes after.
    • Due to in one Alternate Continuity sequel, Dylan travels to another dimension and this drives the Conflict's gap much further. Therfore, this is why there's a series called Gundam AVNA in the first place.
  • Magical Girl: When those of Hubspace are in trouble, who do they turn to!? Why, the Den'nou Teijou Linear Motor Girl, of course!
  • Magic from Technology: Mila's alter-ego manifests as an upgrade to Hubspace encased in a heart-shaped thumbdrive.
  • The Smart Guy: Deconstructed! Mila will inevitably learn anything—she's a kid. She loves learning in anyway. The sad part is, she's not good with physical activity and analysis—Mila can only know things.

Kinji Choutobi

Aria Tsubasajima

The Sleepy Hollow

The mission of the Sleepy Hollow is to act as a reconnaissance unit for the Dogs, or whoever wants to erase Hubspace from the modern world as we know it. These kids double as the Hikariyama school band and are composed of four (later five) members.

Yuuichi Minagawa

"Oh my God, did I just gang-rape my own Morality Pet?"

Yuuichi is the leader of the Hollows, and is a big brother to god-knows-how-many siblings. He is currently in a relationship with Fujiko, but she seems to be hiding something from him. Hopefully you all know your soap opera clichés by now!

Amaki Kuranashi

"Yuuichi, what the hell happened with you and Tou-pon?"

Amaki is the second-in-command for the Hollows, and a keyboardist. Originally from 2112, Amaki joined the Hollows so as to alter their dimension in the first place by preventing Hubspace from going very kookoo. And he's snarky.

  • After the End: This is where he's from, along with Dylan. At least an AU scenario where humankind has learned how to seperate dimensions, merge them to hell and back!
  • Deadpan Snarker: Amaki became more of this after becoming a Troper.
  • Fish out of Water: Actually, not so much like the other examples: Amaki is already familiar with Earth due to being educated about life during our decade. But he was so immersed in it it became too much for him to handle!
  • The Lancer: He and Yuuichi actually form a pair of Bash Brothers!
  • Nice Guy: Amaki may come across as slightly cynical, though.
  • The Power of Rock: He's the bassist of the Hollows.

Fujiko Motonomiya

"Well, Yuuichi Minagawa, I just had an abortion and I know you're pro-life."

Fujiko is the main vocalist for the Sleepy Hollow, and Yuuichi's girlfriend. She's the one who gets the most info for the Hollows, thanks to a blog that she subscribes to. The blog is on Hubspace and divulges all info. Fujiko really loves it.

Mika Kenzawa

"Okay, that's ridiculous! Now she's applying for a job in Yumegorosu?"

  • Action Girl: Mika's a jock in Hikariyama, and note the two below tropes.
    • The Big Guy: Mika has a high attack and defense rate in Hubspace.
      • Cute Bruiser: Mika's only 15 and slightly Moe for her age, yet can lift heavy cars and parts of buildings!
      • Badass Adorable: Actually, Badass Beautiful. Catch up with fashion trends and be strong, and this is the trope's poster child!
  • Genki Girl: Mika's also supposed to be a lot like Shiki, because they both love fashion, and are very hyper.
  • The Lad-ette: She's quite boyish though, but to Lily levels.
  • The Power of Rock: Mika's the keyboardist for the Hollows. She's pretty good too, and also wants to DJ.
  • Those Two Guys: Actually, that guy and a girl. AKA Amaki and Mika.
    • Out of Focus: Well, she doesn't appear much in chapters.
      • Hopefully, she gains much more significance whenever the Hollows are all around.

Tsugumu Minagawa

"Whoever the fuck you are, whatever the hell you do, I WILL KILL YOU!

A happy-go-lucky 12-year old kid, Yuuichi's brother and Tsukiyo's twin. The twins are really attached to each other, and if ever you touch Tsukiyo, or try to flirt with the girl let's hope you just get majorly injured.

  • Author Avatar: One of three. Tsugumu is documenting the Conflict and owning a TV Tropes account much like this one.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Practically the son of Yuuichi, even though they're literal brothers!
    • Bright Slap: Subverted/Deconstructed. After Yuuichi tries talking some sense into him, the results were conflicting with the fictional product of what happens after a Bright Slap.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: The only one for the Hollows. Deconstructed in the fact that he's so curious to the point of asking personal questions, works hard because he's told to, and absolutely hates the workload he receives thanks to school. He then uses Hubspace as a time to become a kid again, but this doesn't last long.
    • Break the Cutie: Look at the next 3 tropes, will you?
    • Despair Event Horizon: Tsukiyo then hates him, Aniki slapped him, and Tsugumu's self-esteem has been lowered! YOU tell me how it feels for a kid to go through that.
  • Genre Savvy: Tsugumu is a Troper who owns an account named EPIC. So much for self-advertising, huh?
  • Keet: TSUGUMU IS 'FUCKING GENKI! :D :D :D Yes, that's the normal amount of smileys he types in a Y!M sentence.

Tsukiyo Minagawa

''"Okay, that's IT! I hate you now. I may as well reject you for the asshole you are.
