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Awesome / Drawn Together

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  • In "Super Nanny", just the fact that the titular character was somehow able to place every single superhero in the world on the naughty stool. Including The Incredible Hulk.
  • In "Clum Babies", after Clara successfully gets Wooldoor to stop masturbating and producing his disease-curing clum babies by having him brainwashed into becoming a Christian, she discovers she has "the consumption" and starts coughing up blood. She then tries to get any of the remaining clum babies from Foxxy and Spanky while wearing a fake mustache before passing out. Foxxy takes the opportunity to kick her right in the gut while she's down.
  • Same episode, the slaughter, complete with flying doves as the VeggieTales expy guns down everyone in the house, even Steve from Long Island. Horrifying yes, awesome double yes.
  • Wooldoor gets one in the first season finale. The tension starts to rise among the housemates, and Captain Hero's refusal to put a tissue in the trash leads to a Mexican Standoff. Wooldoor jumps in the middle and shouts "ALRIGHT! LET'S FUCKING DO THIS!" He then produces dozens of arms with all kinds of weapons and says "I'm not afraid to die!" And points one more gun at himself! Pretty badass moment for the most innocent person in the house.
    • In the climax of that same episode, after it is revealed that "Buckie Bucks" (a mashup of Donald Trump and Richie Rich), is actually a Jew Producer who has been manipulating the housemates by promising a fake prize, an enraged Foxxy rallies the housemates with a Rousing Speech and they set out for revenge. When the Jew Producer attempts to flee in a helicopter, Captain Hero (with an assist from Toot) keeps the copter from taking off. After they toss the Jew Producer from the helicopter, he unleashes a horde of crab-like "camera monsters", and Ling-Ling and Xandir commence to destroy large sums of them. Spanky then whips out a heavy machine gun, mowing down even more of the robot creatures. And finally, Wooldoor "downloads" the ability to fly a helicopter, getting the housemates the hell outta there. Cool to see almost all the housemates (excepting Clara, hardly an Action Girl) get a brief moment to stand up for themselves and kick mad ass.
  • "N.R.A.y RAY": Captain Hero, armed with more guns than a Rob Liefeld character(including a needler from Halo), goes hunting. One of the most epic overkills in history of western animation ensues:
    Captain Hero: BOO-YAH! Silent predator of the deep my ass!
  • In the third episode, Ling-Ling sews a freaking TV!
