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I keep trying to upload an image of the \
I keep trying to upload an image of the \\\"The Day a Policeman Came to My Soccer Game\\\" bit from the Simpsons episode \\\"See Homer Run\\\" (for use as the image on this page), but it won\\\'t let me because it\\\'s too wide. Could someone upload an appropiately-sized version of that image and put it on the page?

Ta, Rembrandt
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I keep trying to upload an image of the \
I keep trying to upload an image of the \\\"The Day a Policeman Came to My Soccer Game\\\" bit from the Simpsons episode \\\"See Homer Run\\\" (for use as the image on this page), but it won\\\'t let me because it\\\'s too wide. Could someone upload an appropiately-sized version of that image and put it on the page?

Ta, Rembrandt (from NoHomers)
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Idea: through their shenanigans, lulzy misadventures and stuff, they are the ones who end up being the first to find out about YVHV\'s horrifying new plot, thus unintentionally being the cause of \
Idea: through their shenanigans, lulzy misadventures and stuff, they are the ones who end up being the first to find out about YVHV\\\'s horrifying new plot, thus unintentionally being the cause of \\\"The Pantheonic Rebellion\\\".

[[up]][[up]] The verdict has massive potential to be a CrowningMomentOfFunny if done right.

I do however have an idea to work around that in order to make karma stick. Illuvatar does to the will of the cosmos what [[spoiler: Homura did to the Law of Cycles]] in Rebellion Story: Delete the memory of YVHV from the will of the cosmos. Its intrinsically in my style to make sure commumpence is harsh for a CompleteMonster or other type of scum bag. That, and I\\\'m a firm believer that StatusQuoIsGod is an inherently bad trope. Sort of like the final twist for my idea on how to punish Lucifer via a CliffHangerEnding: after Discord beats the crap out of him and usurps the Chaos Pantheon, the camera shifts to reveal a shadow hanging over Lucifer\\\'s broken and damaged body. That shadow of course belongs to Overlord Zenon.

Edit: Just came up with something beautiful for the verdict while in \\\"The Jon\\\".

After YVHV\\\'s tantrum, Eiki calmly gives him the mother of all ShutUpHannibal lectures about the point of law. It includes fundamental truths about how change, evolution, adaptation, and ESPECIALLY free will are intrinsic natural laws and if YVHV\\\'s colosal ego won\\\'t comply with that, then he is unfit to represent law.

That got inspired by what I believe to be the aesop SMT is trying to teach us via the neutral ending often being the better ending. Both law and chaos have valid points and their function within the universe, but either one taken to extremes is destructive to life and the universe, which is why a balanced approach is more hospitable to a happy future
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Idea: through their shenanigans, lulzy misadventures and stuff, they are the ones who end up being the first to find out about YVHV\'s horrifying new plot, thus unintentionally being the cause of \
Idea: through their shenanigans, lulzy misadventures and stuff, they are the ones who end up being the first to find out about YVHV\\\'s horrifying new plot, thus unintentionally being the cause of \\\"The Pantheonic Rebellion\\\".

[[up]][[up]] The verdict has massive potential to be a CrowningMomentOfFunny if done right.

I do however have an idea to work around that in order to make karma stick. Illuvatar does to the will of the cosmos what [[spoiler: Homura did to the Law of Cycles]] in Rebellion Story: Delete the memory of YVHV from the will of the cosmos. Its intrinsically in my style to make sure commumpence is harsh for a CompleteMonster or other type of scum bag. Sort of like the final twist for my idea on how to punish Lucifer via a CliffHangerEnding: after Discord beats the crap out of him and usurps the Chaos Pantheon, the camera shifts to reveal a shadow hanging over Lucifer\\\'s broken and damaged body. That shadow of course belongs to Overlord Zenon.

Edit: Just came up with something beautiful for the verdict while in \\\"The Jon\\\".

After YVHV\\\'s tantrum, Eiki calmly gives him the mother of all ShutUpHannibal lectures about the point of law. It includes fundamental truths about how change, evolution, adaptation, and ESPECIALLY free will are intrinsic natural laws and if YVHV\\\'s colosal ego won\\\'t comply with that, then he is unfit to represent law.

That got inspired by what I believe to be the aesop SMT is trying to teach us via the neutral ending often being the better ending. Both law and chaos have valid points and their function within the universe, but either one taken to extremes is destructive to life and the universe, which is why a balanced approach is more hospitable to a happy future