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You Shall Not Pass / Roleplay

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  • In The Ballad of Edgardo, after Goldnharl joins Edgardo’s side, he stays behind to hold off a huge mob of angry players trying to kill Edgardo and A Guy Called Squid. It’s left ambiguous whether he survived.
  • In Embers in the Dusk, during the Tjapa invasion intended to kill Saint Lin, a First Circle Archangel enters the capital, headed for the vault where the Saint is. The Ancient One, the only warrior on Avernus who can reliably defeat it, is still a few hours away, so a good portion of the Avernus elites are given the order to slow the Eldritch Abomination down until he can arrive. Few survive.
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh! East Academy, Sigmund pulls this on Skull Knight to allow Regulus to get the Exodia card to Sophia. Subverted, however, in that he manages to actually WIN the duel. Though he made it clear that this was what he thought he was doing.
