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Woobie / A New Hope (Danganronpa)

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If the original Danganronpa franchise didn't contain enough characters to feel sorry for, the Adaptation Expansion not only shook things up with the canon characters a bit, but also includes many OCs that have their own tragic backstories and share their places in the Despair-wracked world.

    A New Hope 

    OC fics 

Sea of Tranquility

Kuma-Kuma Land

  • Haruto Shinta: Despite being an Ultimate Parental Figure and a Nice Guy, he was the victim of an obsessive stalker who abused him both mentally and physically, which gave him PTSD and an aversion to touch. Since that moment, he's provided help and support for lots of kids including Kitai Riveros. With 9-year-old Annabelle as his new responsibility, he's fretted over her since Nagito's clone tried to kill her, to the point where seeing her traumatised caused him to snap and make an angry rant from his own worry, even calling Tomoko an inhuman monster, just like her. It really makes you think, just what did this girl do to Haruto to make him like this?
  • Laris Nevermind: The illegitimate child of the King of Novoselic and Kirumi Tojo's mother, raised to be a knight. When Novoselic was attacked by Despair, Laris left under the king's order, and regrets leaving the kingdom to be destroyed. In the game, the Knight often engaged in Heroic Self-Deprecation out of guilt, which worsened with Haruto's breakdown.
  • Kaizoku Dokuro: When he was little, he always wanted to impress his father Kokai Dokuro, the Ultimate Naval Mechanic. He tried to make a motor to get Kokai's attention, but accidentally caused an explosion that ended up killing him instead, while Kaizoku was left with permanent scars all over his body. When confronted, he tried to blame his father for the explosion as he was afraid of taking the blame, yet his mother grew bitter and said it was his fault.
  • Dolly Dewitt: Abused by her drunken parents and relentlessly bullied by other kids, she became misanthropic and distrustful towards people, while believing that dolls can be her only friends. Her doll Becky's Jerkass personality can be interpreted as her lashing out at the world. Thankfully, Dolly finally gets a chance to experience kindness in the park, with Haruto comforting her on the rollercoaster and Naruhiko empathising with her and considering her as a friend, which lets Dolly show a sincere smile.
  • Patrick Walsh: The cousin of Mallory Walsh, he was abandoned by his father and forced to look after his little sister Sarah. He is blackmailed into murder when he is threatened with a ransom for Sarah's life, while being shown a picture of Mallory's corpse to show what they're going to do with her. He is eventually found guilty and executed, with his last words showing his regret for failing to save Sarah. And going by what happened to Kanon...

House of Horrors

Railway of Despair
