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What An Idiot / Doctor Who

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Second Doctor

  • The colonists in "The Power of the Daleks". Daleks have conquered the Earth twice! Now there are three on a derelict ship.
    You'd Expect: The colonists would read their history and act accordingly. Even if we accept that the story is set before "The Daleks' Master Plan" and agree for arguments sake that the Daleks invasions and incursions on Earth in future stories were either covered up or hadn't yet happened due to the Timey-Wimey Ball, you'd think they'd at least remember the Dalek invasion of Earth in the story called "The Dalek Invasion of Earth".
    Instead: They accept these supposed servants at face value.
    As a Result: This leads directly to the Daleks manufacturing dozens more, and exterminating around half of the colonists.

Third Doctor

  • In "The Sea Devils", the Royal Navy has rescued both The Doctor and The Master from their watery prison just in time, and have The Master under guard in a hovercraft.
    You'd Expect: The Royal Navy to keep a massive armed guard on the Master, ready to fill him full of lead whether the Doctor likes it or not. And, the Doctor might warn them about his mastery of disguise. Oh, and you'd think the crew of the hovercraft might keep an accurate count of their own members. AND, if that wasn't enough, that they would always make sure more than one person was guarding a piece of military equipment on the order of a hovercraft.
    Instead: The Master is apparently left by himself with one sailor to guard him on a small hovercraft. He somehow has time to hypnotize the sailor, place a perfect disguise on him and palm him off as the Master's own corpse. Then, as the Doctor and the Royal Navy troops are gawking at the reveal, the Master makes off with the hovercraft. This was the serial that the Royal Navy chose, out of all Doctor Who, to endorse and lend the BBC resources for.
  • In "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" episode 3, Sarah Jane decides to take pictures of a chained, sedated Tyrannosaurus Rex.
    You'd Expect: Her to keep pictures to a minimum, not use flashes or anything that could annoy the dinosaur, and keep to the small antechamber of the main hanger where the dinosaur is held.
    Instead: She jams on that flash hard as hell, and even when the dinosaur stirs, she just waltzes in to take close-ups, naturally awakening the dinosaur, which breaks the chains, because The Mole has tampered with them. She's hit by a falling 2x4 while screamingly trying to open the exit door, which has been locked by The Mole, as the dinosaur bashes the anteroom with its tail. Thankfully, Sarah Jane's Character Development moves her far away from these hapless moments as she gets older.

Fourth Doctor

  • "Genesis of the Daleks": Gharman, one of the scientists not falling in line with Davros, starts raising concerns about his plans for the Daleks, out loud, and starts formulating a rebellion. Later on, he meets with Nyder, Davros's unflinchingly loyal dragon, who claims he's disgusted by Davros' perversions of science.
    You'd Expect: Gharman would realise there's no way in Hell Nyder would turn on Davros now, after everything else he's done.
    Instead: Gharman tells Nyder everything. The minute Nyder's got what he needs, he bludgeons Gharman unconscious and hands him to Davros, who plans to lobotomize Gharman.
    • Making it worse: Gharman escapes due to help, and forms a rebellion against Davros. It successfully manages to overthrow Davros.
      You'd Expect: For them to kill Davros, or lock him up, just get rid of him and not let him do anything, after what happened the last time Davros talked someone into giving him a chance. Anything, anything but what they do.
      Instead: Gharman allows Davros to speak to his accusers, which A) gives Davros the chance to turn some of them back to his side, and B) allows the Daleks time to arrive. Three guesses what happens next.
  • At the end of "The Deadly Assassin", after the Doctor leaves in his TARDIS, the two Time Lords he has befriended witness the Master closing the door to his own TARDIS, proving that he isn't so dead after all.
    You'd Expect: them to at least try to apprehend the Master — if not directly, then by informing the proper authorities. Even if they didn't succeed in getting him, at least they made an effort.
    Instead: Not only do they do nothing, they take the time to speculate whether the Doctor will ever encounter the Master again, as the villain escapes right in front of them.

Fifth Doctor

  • In "Warriors of the Deep", one of the story's main villains encounters the dangerous Myrka.
    You'd Expect: her to try and escape from the Myrka and come up with a clever way to defeat him (or at least rely on someone else to defeat him).
    Instead: She tries to fight him with her martial art skills. Guess what happens to her.

Sixth Doctor

  • During his debut in "The Twin Dilemma", the Sixth Doctor unsuccessfully tries to kill the story's Big Bad, Mestor, who announces that he intends to possess the Doctor's body and absorb his mind. The Doctor's former tutor, Azmael tries to warn him that this would be easy for Mestor considering the Doctor's mind is still screwed up from his recent regeneration, but the Doctor brushes off the warning and actually demands that Mestor try to possess him.
    You'd Expect: Mestor to just get on with it and possess the Doctor, who is quite literally asking for it.
    Instead: He possesses Azmael, just to be a Jerkass and attempt to intimidate the Doctor prior to taking him over. Azmael, by the way, is a vastly experienced Time Lord who isn't suffering post-regenerative trauma.
    As a Result: The Doctor successfully destroys Mestor's body, and then Azmael retakes control of his own body and commits suicide, taking Mestor with him.
  • In “Attack of the Cybermen”, the Cyber Controller orders The Doctor to be locked up before they convert him into a Cyberman.
    You’d Expect: The Cybermen would find an empty room to lock him up in.
    Instead: They just chuck him into a store room full of explosives.
    For Added Stupidity: They didn’t even search him for anything that could be used as a detonator.
    As A Result: The Doctor manages to destroy the Cyberguard outside the door and gives the tool to the Cryon before he escapes, who places it into the explosives which eventually blows up Cyber Control.
  • In "Timelash" the Borad announces that he intends to dupe the neighbouring Bandrils into launching an attack on the planet Karfel, which will kill all the human populace of the planet, allowing the Borad to repopulate the planet with mutants like himself. His Dragon, Tekker, who is holding the Doctor at gunpoint, isn't too pleased with this plan, not least because he just fulfilled his desire to take over the planetary government.
    You'd Expect: Tekker to shoot the Borad dead while the latter is busy spilling the details of his plan to the Doctor. Then he can dispose of the Doctor, persuade the Bandrils to call off their attack, and set himself up as the planet's new supreme ruler.
    Instead: He steps in front of the Borad and gives a speech about how he will not let his people be destroyed. The Borad, by the way, is sat in a chair equipped with a time-acceleration ray that can age people into dust in mere seconds.
    Predictably: Tekker is soon just a pile of bones on the floor, and it's only through the Doctor having enacted his own plan that the Borad is defeated.

Seventh Doctor

  • "Time and the Rani":
    • The Seventh Doctor is knocked out and given an amnesia drug by the Rani, a rogue Time Lord who has battled the Doctor at least once before. He eventually wakes up, and she disguises herself as his companion Mel and tells him that he's in his laboratory (actually the Rani's). Moments later however, the Doctor finds a gun that he actually says out loud is powerful enough to blast any passing spaceship out of orbit and — unbeknownst to him — shot the TARDIS down so violently it caused him to regenerate.note 
      You'd Expect: The Doctor to immediately realize that there's no reason why he'd have such a deadly weapon at all, to say nothing of leaving it just laying around in his "lab," and that something's obviously wrong.
      Instead: He just tosses it aside and never even looks at or mentions it again.
    • Later on, the real Mel happens by the lab, and the Doctor realizes that the "Mel" he's been dealing with unti this point is actually the Rani. He also meets two of the planet's natives, one of whom has been forced into reluctantly collaborating with the Rani, but the other of whom is actively opposing her. The Doctor realizes that the Rani will soon be returning to the lab.
      You'd Expect: The Doctor to have Mel and at least the rebellious alien (even if the other one doesn't want to co-operate) hide somewhere, then ambush and capture the Rani when she walks in.
      Instead: He just sends them all out, then assists the Rani in repairing a machine which she's been adamantly demanding that he fix while refusing to explain what it actually does, and then just stands around like a lemon as she drops her guise as Mel and activates the machine.

Eighth Doctor

  • In the TV movie, the TARDIS arrives in San Francisco amidst a gang war.
    You'd Expect: The Doctor to check the scanners to see what it's like outside.
    Instead: He leaves the TARDIS without checking the scanners and is promptly shot. This leads to him getting hospitalised where he dies on the operating table and eventually regenerates.
    For added stupidity: This is the Seventh Doctor, the most cunning and calculating of the Doctors, who once talked down a man pointing a gun at him.

Ninth Doctor

  • Rose in "The Empty Child". A rope swings in front of her in WWII London and she holds onto it. Then it starts moving away.
    You'd Expect: She would let go of it.
    Instead: She holds onto it as it pulls her of the roof and is left dangling from a great height.
    Fortunately: She's saved by Captain Jack Harkness at the last second.

Tenth Doctor

  • "The Christmas Invasion"
    • Harriet Jones has just destroyed the Sycorax warship as it was retreating. The Doctor disapproves.
      You'd Expect: Her reasons for ordering the destruction of the Sycorax would be that the leader tried to kill the Doctor after negotiating the ceasefire showing that they may have been untrustworthy; plus the Doctor killed the leader in retaliation. If she did not use that argument, then the alternative argument would be that she just prevented the Sycorax from doing the same thing they did to Earth to other worlds (which was not covered in the ceasefire arrangements).
      Instead: Her reasoning is that the Doctor may not be around when the next invasion comes along. How destroying a fleeing and defeated adversary that the Doctor just stopped helps at all is not brought up.
    • Harriet then tops herself when, in the heat of the argument, the Doctor says “Don’t test me, I could take down your government with a single word.”
      You’d Expect: She’d remember what she’s seen the Doctor do (and given how much she knows about UNIT and Torchwood, probably has heard a fair few stories), and even if she thinks he’s exaggerating about how easily he can depose her, realize he can still do it. And thus, try to cool down the argument.
      Instead: She gets cocky and says she doesn’t believe he can do it.
      As A Result: He does it.
  • In "The Girl in the Fireplace", at the end, the Doctor wants Reinette to come with him. However, the time window into her time forces her to take "the slow path" to his next visit.
    You'd Expect: He'd either bring her through the time window to avoid the problem, or he would use the TARDIS to get her.
    Instead: He tells her she has two minutes. Two minutes later, he goes back through the time window, but it's been several years in her time, and she's dead by the time he shows up.
  • In "The Satan Pit", the Beast reveals the darkest secrets of the people trapped in the mining facility. This greatly concerns them, and they demand the Doctor explain how the Beast could have known those things.
    You'd Expect: The Doctor to point out that many alien species, including the Ood and himself, have some form of telepathic communication, and the Beast is just reading their minds. The story is set far enough in the future that it wouldn't just be laughed off by the humans.
    Instead: The Doctor offers the lame excuse of 'what makes him right and not me?' which completely fails to convince the group and calm their nerves.
  • "Fear Her":
    • It turns out that young Chloe Webber's body has been inhabited by an Isolus, giving her the ability to imprison anyone and anything in her drawings. She has already used this ability to make about a half-dozen other kids disappear, along with accidentally creating a "pencil scribble monster" that attacked Rose. While the Doctor and Rose go back to the TARDIS to figure out a solution, Chloe's mother, Trish, is left in charge of her.
      You'd Expect: Trish to keep Chloe in her sight at all times, and make sure she isn't anywhere near anything she can use to create drawings.
      Instead: She just takes away Chloe's pencils, then tells her to stay in her room.
      Result: Chloe has a small mountain of pencils hidden throughout her room, and she uses them with some paper — which her mother didn't take away — to make the Doctor and the TARDIS disappear.
    • After the Doctor vanishes, Rose figures out an alternate solution to getting rid of the Isolus, and goes to put her plan into action. Leaving Trish in charge of Chloe. Again.
      You'd Expect: That Trish would actually learn from her screw-up a few minutes ago, and keep Chloe somewhere she can't do any harm.
      Instead: She leaves Chloe alone and unsupervised. Again. Even Rose calls her out on her stupidity when she gets back.
      As a Result: Everyone in the Olympic Stadium, and very nearly everyone in the entire world, gets abducted by Chloe before Rose is able to get the Isolus to leave Chloe's body.
  • In "Army of Ghosts", we learn of the existence of Torchwood, an organization created specifically to fight the Doctor, and alien menaces to Britain in general.
    You'd Expect: For them to arm up with special ammunition, like UNIT did back in "Battlefield".
    Instead: They use ordinary bullets, and there is absolutely no mention of them having any kind of special weaponry, nor do they even seem to recognize the Daleks and Cybermen at all.
    As a Result: They are massacred en masse by the Daleks and Cybermen in the following episode.
    For Added Stupidity: They also try Bullying a Dragon by trying to control the Doctor- which, if they've studied their history, they should know never, ever works. It's probably overall a good thing that they were destroyed before they could really try messing with him.
  • In "Gridlock", the traffic jam has slowed down motorway travel from minutes or hours to years. The people planning to join the motorway do sit down and do the math first, as evidenced by: so...
    You'd expect: That at prior points (before the episode) when the traffic delays are measured in weeks or months, the people planning their trips would realize that walking across the surface of the planet is faster, and do that.
    Instead: They join the traffic jam.
    Result: ...which makes it worse, to the point where traffic delays are measured in years!
  • In "Evolution of the Daleks", two Daleks take a platoon of Dalek-controlled humans to destroy the Doctor. When the time comes to actually do so however, it's revealed that the Dalek's control of the humans is a bit faulty, and the humans promptly turn on their masters.
    You'd Expect: The Dalek commander (who was remotely monitoring the situation) to immediately realise that the humans are out of their control, and activate the self-termination devices placed in their bodies as a precaution. Once that's done, the Daleks accompanying them can exterminate the Doctor themselves.
    Instead: The humans are allowed to carry on shooting at the Daleks for a full minute, and succeed in destroying both of them. It's only after their destruction that the Dalek commander decides to terminate the humans.
  • In "The Forest of the Dead", Donna Noble and Lee McAvoy fall in love and get married in the virtual world, and then they get separated as the Doctor brings everybody back into the physical world. They're searching for each other as people get teleported off the planet three at a time. Lee spots Donna when it's his turn to stand on the teleporter, but she doesn't see him. He tries to call out to her, but his stutter is back in full force and he can't make himself heard. You can't blame him for stuttering, but what happens next...
    You'd expect: Time for Plan B: get off the freakin' teleporter and run to Donna. He's got several seconds, that's more than enough time to realize talking is not working, think of the obvious workaround and execute it.
    Instead: He stands there uselessly on the teleporter pad until he's teleported off the planet to who knows where.
    As a result: They never find each other again.
  • "Journey's End":
    • Davros criticizes the Doctor for letting people around him die on his behalf, accusing him of turning people into weapons and even comparing it to his own creation of the Daleks.
      You'd Expect: The Doctor would laugh at Davros's ridiculous logic, pointing out that he's never told anyone to commit suicide for him and all those people acted of their own free will, whereas Davros created the Daleks specifically to kill people and is currently planning to wipe out the entire Universe.
      Instead: The Doctor believes every word and is convinced that he truly is a monster for just trying to do the right thing. He at least doesn't seem to dwell on it for very long, as Donna and the Metacrisis Doctor then show up in the TARDIS, after which the matter is never brought up again, but the Doctor could still have rebutted Davros's accusations much more quickly and convincingly.
    • Dalek Caan gets transported onto Davros's ship within the Time War. He also sees the entirety of the Time Vortex, which convinces him that the Daleks need to be wiped out.
      You'd Expect: Dalek Caan to do nothing. The ship was about to be eaten by the Nightmare Child anyway. Dalek Caan was the last of his kind post-Time War. He can go down with the ship and end the Daleks with himself.
      Or: If we assume Dalek Caan saw the Time Vortex on the way out of the Time War instead of on the way in, for him to just blow up Davros's ship. Take out Davros and any other Daleks on the ship, and put an end to the Daleks for good.
      Instead: He helps Davros rebuild the Daleks while setting up an elaborate trap for the Daleks to be destroyed by the Doctor.
      Result: One ship survives. The Daleks' Joker Immunity persists.
  • In "Planet Of The Dead", the Doctor, Lady Christina, and the other passengers on the bus they were on, have passed through a wormhole to the planet San Helios. The Doctor explains that the bus protected them from the effects of the wormhole.
    You'd Expect: The Bus Driver to try and restart the bus to take them all home.
    Instead: The Bus Driver tries to simply walk through the hole, and instantly gets reduced to a skeleton.
  • "The End of Time":
    • Rassilon arrives on Earth via a temporal link set up by the Master, which will soon bring the Time Lord homeworld Gallifrey back into existence. The Doctor doesn't want to let this happen, and threatens to shoot Rassilon with a revolver. Rassilon holds off on doing anything, and then the Doctor wheels around and points his gun at the Master, the death of whom would also prevent Rassilon's plan from working.
      You'd Expect: Rassilon to take full advantage of the Doctor's back being turned, and to blow the Doctor into his component atoms (which we'd seen Rassilon do to a rebellious Time Lady earlier in the episode).
      Instead: Rassilon just stands around and does nothing...
      Result: ...eventually giving the Doctor time to Take a Third Option and disrupt Rassilon's plan without killing either him or the Master.
    • Rassilon still has the advantage and it's only a matter of time until his plan succeeds as long as he keeps the Master alive and on side. The Master is somewhat miffed that his own plans have blown up in his face, but is nonetheless willing to join Rassilon and the Time Lords in their ascension.
      You'd Expect: Rassilon to humor the Master and tell him what he wants to hear long enough for him to keep the Doctor from foiling his plan and then dispose of him when convenient.
      Instead: Rassilon immediately rejects the Master, saying "You're diseased!" and explaining how he could never join them.
      As a Result: This infuriates the Master, who attacks Rassilon and provides the Doctor with the distraction he needs.

Eleventh Doctor

  • "Victory of the Daleks":
    • The Daleks have succeeded in goading the Doctor into identifying them as Daleks and activating the progenitor.
      You'd Expect: They'd keep up the pretence and let Churchill's men arrest the Doctor as they are more likely to view him as the threat (he has just been assaulting one of the "Ironsides") compared to the Daleks. Then they can review the testimony when they have more privacy, send it to their spaceship and leave with a much larger head start on the Doctor. They can use either their light up London device or the oblivion continuum bomb to cover their tracks.
      Or Alternatively: They'd just shoot the Doctor since they no longer need him outside of having someone to gloat to and he's obviously going to try everything he can to stop them from causing any damage. Then they can escape while the Doctor regenerates or shoot him again to kill him for good.
      Instead: They confirm the Doctor's claims, kill a few soldiers and leave the Doctor alive.
      As a Result: While they manage to rebuild the Dalek race and escape, they fail in their plans to destroy London and then the Earth.
  • "Cold Blood":
    • The Doctor and the group he's stuck with have managed to capture a member of the reptilian race, the Silurians, that have abducted several humans. He wants to use the Silurian as a hostage to get a prisoner exchange and needs her unharmed. Among those with him are a woman whose husband and son have been abducted, as well as the woman's father who has been poisoned by a Silurian attack. The Doctor is planning on going underground to negotiate with the Silurians.
      You'd Expect: The Doctor, having interacted with humans for so long and knowing that they are emotional, would keep the woman and her father with him so that they can't go Mama Bear or Papa Wolf on the Silurian, with the consequences that would entail.
      Instead: He leaves these two as part of the group guarding the Silurian, and the woman conducts a violent interrogation on her.
    • Also when Ambrose tasers Alaya...
      You'd Expect: Ambrose to simply leave Alaya alone after that, considering how remorseful she was. She also knew full well that Alaya was a Death Seeker who wanted her own death to spark a war between humans and Silurians.
      Instead: Ambrose, after being taunted by Alaya, electrocutes her to death which worsens Human/Silurian relations.
      For Added Stupidity: When carrying Alaya's body, Ambrose doesn't act regretful at all.
  • In "Nightmare in Silver", Angie and Artie find a photograph of Clara in the past, come to the conclusion that she's a time traveller and threaten to tell their parents unless they go for a ride in the TARIDS.
    You'd Expect: Clara to a) confiscated and/or destroy the photograph thus leaving them with no proof; b) claiming the photo is doctored or a photoshop; or c) said something along the lines of, "Who are they gonna believe? It's my word against yours, I'll say you're kids with too much imagination".
    Instead: She gives in to their demands and we have to endure them for the episode.

Twelfth Doctor

  • "Dark Water":
    • The female Master, "Missy", no longer has a use for one of her subordinates - Dr. Chang - and very explicitly states that she's going to kill him after he says "something nice".
      You'd Expect: Him to run away.
      Instead: He obeys her, fully expecting her to listen to his pleas and not kill him.
      Result: She just vaporizes him in response.
  • "Death in Heaven":
    • Missy and Osgood are both in the same cargo bay and Missy claims that she has an "important secret" to tell Osgood but she has to whisper it.
      You'd Expect: Osgood not to listen to her and to stay at her computer.
      Instead: Osgood walks closer, allowing Missy to whisper in her ear that she's going to kill her!
      What's Worse: Even with this threat looming over her head, she doesn't run away, alert the guards or call for help. She just walks back to her computer and even when Missy starts a countdown and Osgood finds her handcuffs that are supposed to be restraining her in her pocket, she stays put and gawks at them, allowing Missy to sneak up behind her and vaporize her!
      Taking it further: Osgood, being a fangirl of the Doctor, knows of the Master and has a good idea of how dangerous she is. Furthermore, while an ordinary person might have frozen in terror, she's an experienced UNIT operative who had previously kept her resourcefulness and quick thinking when being cornered by a Zygon.
  • "The Zygon Invasion":
    • A group of UNIT soldiers surround a potential Zygon base and are aware that Zygons can shapeshift into the forms of their loved ones. The mother of one of the soldiers steps out followed by relatives of the other soldiers who claim the Zygons held them captive. One soldier naturally decides to question their identities.
      You'd Expect: When these "relatives" not only start to become evasive when asked to verify their identity, but also are unable to answer even very basic personal questions about themselves, and go on to ask everyone to follow them into the building they were apparently held captive in, they would become suspicious and definably not follow them. If they are still wondering whether these people are their relatives, then you might think the soldiers would try to capture them alive.
      Instead: The soldiers believe that the very evasive "hostages" are real and completely drop their guard as they follow them into the building where they are subsequently vaporised.
  • "Face The Raven"
    • Ashildr, a woman with massive amounts of life experience, is the leader of a top secret enclave of aliens on Earth. Shady individuals approach her to get their hands on the Doctor. In return, they offer "protection" (nobody says from what - or, indeed, if it's from them and Ashildr is being blackmailed). The Doctor knows nothing about this and thinks he can trust Ashildr.
      You'd Expect: For Ashildr to do a background check on the shady individuals and either tell the Doctor about this so they can work together against those shady individuals (if the check comes out unsatisfying) or (if she is in fact being blackmailed or decides the shady individuals will deliver) to invite him for tea at some nice rented rooms and spike the sugar. She could then keep Clara someplace cozy and safe as insurance in case the Doctor comes back (as he tends to do).
      Instead: Ashildr enacts an incredibly complex, convoluted plan that brings the Doctor into her terribly secret enclave (outing the secret), endangers several people's lifes and ultimately causes Clara's death.
      As a Result: The Doctor is heartbroken and furious beyond rational thought. He becomes hell bent on bringing Clara back. He turns into a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds and nearly breaks down time itself.
  • "The Pyramid at the End of the World":
    • Two scientists, Erica and Douglas, are in charge of a project involving experimental bacteria. Erica accidentally breaks her reading glasses on the way to work, rendering her unable to use the computers, while Douglas is severely hung-over from the previous night.
      You'd Expect: Erica to ask one of her co-workers to supervise Douglas, while she quickly takes a trip to buy a replacement set of glasses, something she should ideally have done on the way to work anyway (whereas glasses for near-sighted people have to be made to order, generic reading glasses are readily available from most chemists and supermarkets). It's also highly possible that she has a spare set at home, and she could have a co-worker give her a ride back to get them.
      Alternatively: If neither of these would work for some reason, for her to simply take a day off. No matter what the rules for leave are at that facility, it's hard to imagine that her bosses would prefer her working around dangerous substances
      Instead: She asks Douglas to do all the work for that day, and a mishap involving an incorrectly placed decimal point results in him inadvertently creating a form of bacteria that instantly kills and liquefies any organic matter it comes into contact with. Which, thanks to the massive Failsafe Failure the lab suffers from, results in said bacteria nearly being released into the atmosphere and wiping out all life on Earth.
    • After arriving at the aforementioned lab, the Doctor contacts the three generals he's been working with and tells them that he's identified the presence of the deadly bacteria, and that while it hasn't been released yet, they have no more than twenty minutes before it does get released. The mysterious Monks are offering to save the world, but will only do so if someone asks out of "pure consent", and have already killed the Secretary-General of the United Nations because his consent wasn't pure enough.
      You'd Expect: The generals to agree to give the Doctor the time he needs, but call for a nuclear strike on the lab, to hit in roughly 18 minutes time and incinerate any trace of the bacteria before it spreads, just in case the Doctor is unsuccessful. Okay, this'd have the slight disadvantage of killing everyone in the nearby town (and it's probable they could evacuate at least some, if not all, of the town), but compared to handing over control of the world to a bunch of Reality Warper Sufficiently Advanced Aliens, it's very much the lesser of two evils.
      Instead: The generals decide to just hand over control of the Earth to the Monks — and are promptly killed themselves, for acting out of strategy rather than consent. Adding insult to injury, the Doctor manages to (just) save the day within the twenty-minute deadline.
  • "World Enough And Time":
    • The Doctor has just realized the colony ship they are on is suffering from Time Dilation thanks to the nearby black hole. Time is moving slower in the end of the ship he, Missy and Nardole are at; at the other end of the ship, where Bill is, time is moving at a much faster pace and he reasons the difference is several minutes at his end equals several years on Bill's.
      You'd Expect: The Doctor would explain all this while everyone is going to the other end of the ship to find Bill before she is alone for several years. Okay, they do have the problem of a skittish crewmember who already blew a hole in Bill's chest and is quite prepared to do the same to anyone else who makes a false move, but considering all three people in the Doctor's party are skilled at sleight of hand, distractions, and physical combat (and two of them are capable of regenerating from serious injury), it shouldn't be too hard for them to find some way of dealing with him.
      Instead: The Doctor does the explanation right there. It takes him ten minutes to explain the situation, after which he finally knocks out the crewmember in a trivially easy way.
      As a Result: Due to the wasted time, Bill has spent several years alone, she is completely broken as a result and everyone arrives too late to save her from getting turned into a Cyberman.
