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Wham Line / Webcomics

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This page is Spoilers Off. Wham Line is a spoileriffic trope by nature, so it's pointless to spoiler tag every example.

  • 8-Bit Theater: Episode 471 starts off with Black Belt reflecting on his path and destiny after he launches his attack against Kary...
    Black Belt: But then I died.
  • 180 Angel: When it is revealed that Sam has been sent to marry Xavier to seal an alliance between Heaven and Hell.
    I am Seraph Samael Heavenwood. It is my honor to fulfill the wishes of the council.
  • Agents of the Realm: "The bleeds are Agents, aren't they. Something made them turn into those... those things."
  • Ansem Retort:
    Zexion: Everything you love will have my dick in it!
    Namine: I love myself.
  • Awful Hospital: Courtesy of Doctor Phage, to the viewers — "You're only poisoning her, you know."
  • Chapter 30 of Bailin and Li Yun has a big one, moreso because of who says it than what is said:
  • In Bob and George, "Everything You Know is Wrong":
    Bob: Oh, I bet you think you're so damn clever, don't you, George.
  • The Bongcheon-Dong Ghost: "SHE WASN'T THERE!"
  • Brawl in the Family: Courtesy of Kirby — "THE COMIC IS ENDING?!"
  • Charby the Vampirate: When Hex apologetically informs Mannick, the most innocent and openly friendly cabin resident, that if his "father — friend" Doctor Hayter was one of the cabin scientists Menulis ate him, unless Mannick can tell otherwise using his psychometry, Mannick calmly responds with:
    Mannick: I didn't need to. Mannick killed him in another Byss laboratory.
  • City of Reality: "Take me back. Now."
  • Clown Corps: Mustard manages to knock off Echo's mask during their fight at the arcade, which itself is a minor Wham Shot showing that Echo is mute because her mouth has been stitched shut. The real kicker, however, is what she says after.
    Mustard: It's her. It's Maggie. My sister is alive.
  • Cucumber Quest: Chardonnay's verbal slips change the entire tenor of the quest — up to now, it had been the usual journey against an ancient evil resurrected, but from here on in the heroes' journey becomes a question of why the evil keeps on being resurrected.
    Chardonnay: We just need to make sure every hero is clear on this stuff, y'know?
  • Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures:
    Aaryana: Destania must be so proud to have such a wonderful and kind incubus like you for a son!
    • When Abel reads Jyrras's mind, some time later:
      Abel: Lesse... Dan... Dan... friends since childhood... came to rescue him... have had a slight crush on him since...
    • Or, on a much more ominous note:
      M.A.C.E.: [looking up Abel] Father: Aniz Siar (Cubi) / Born: Unknown / Status: Deceased (1964 Dekith) / [Killed by Quintinga Ti'fona].
    • Even more ominous:
      Mab: It is hard enough knowing two of my friends will die.
    • And also:
      Nitemyste: We weren't trying to attack folks! We're trying to track down and kill the Cubi that murdered Merlitz Meshaiko.
  • Darths & Droids:
    Luke: You killed Padme! The woman you loved! My mother!
    Darth Vader: No.
    Luke: You are my father!
    Darth Vader: No, Luke, I am your mother.
  • Dissonance: The setting is an entirely ordinary (but fictional) university. The main characters have discovered an unusual, undocumented kind of animal which they have named "Pandora". They've discovered that she has a number of unusual traits; she can stand on two legs, her mane glows in the dark, and she cares for injured rodents, despite resembling a cat. A reporter hears about it:
    Ceyla: So, Sarah. Your pre-print on the scientific journals stated your discovery of Pandora could reshape the current view of the history of evolution, do you really think she is that important of a discovery?
    Sarah: Yes.
    Ceyla: There is an online movement claiming your videos and your discovery are a hoax, do you believe the scientific community can look past these allegations?
    Sarah: Yes.
    Ceyla: Many fans of Pandora are concerned for her safety in this school, can you reassure our viewers that no harm will come to her in the name of science?
    Sarah: Yes.
    Ceyla: That was "good", but maybe you could elaborate a little more? I feel like I could get a livelier interview out of Pandora. [to Pandora] What do you think, cutie? Would you like your own interview?
    Pandora: Yes.
  • Dominic Deegan had one: "David Johann, the King of Callan."
  • Dresden Codak: In the Hob storyline, dropping a bomb on the villains for once:
    Dmitri: Pray Kimiko doesn't find you.
    Number Zero: That was her name, Number One. Before the world changed.
  • Electric Wonderland:
    • The sixth story ends with NJ trying to call the police to arrest Aerynn Arlia. The cop he talks to, Natasha Wing, refuses to believe NJ's report because she never encountered Aerynn in all her years of crimefighting. It sounds like a foolish reason not to take any action, until...
      Natasha: I've also studied the physics code for the Internet and over half the powers you told me are impossible. IM. POSSIBLE.
    • Later, Trawn and NJ discover that the government's magic-seeking equipment never detects Aerynn's brand of magic. NJ then asked if this meant they can't find anyone who practices the powers as Aerynn, so she answered, "No one has my powers, Nate!" He subsequently demanded to know exactly how powerful she is. She admitted, "I don't know... because there are a lot of things I'm afraid to try!" This sounds especially surprising after she spent nearly all of the previous comics performing actions possible only through Rule of Funny.
  • Ennui GO!:
  • Erfworld: Book 1. Parson, his remaining friends, and their last few "uncroaked" zombie troops trapped in the ruins of their own city, massively outnumbered by the enemy, and will likely be croaked within minutes. After an unusually somber moment contemplating something he would rather not be responsible for, Parson snaps back into Warlord mode.
    Parson: Thinkamancer! Form a link-up with the Croakamancer and the Dirtamancer. I want you to try to uncroak the volcano.
  • Erma: "The Rats in the School Walls" Story Arc has Erma and her friends following Sidney and Principal Phibes into a settlement of Rat Men under the school. While talking to the settlement's leader, the apparently human Sidney says this:
    Sidney: I know... I just... I don't think it's right, Dad!
  • Errant Story: Ian's descent into The Madness Place gets a helpful kickstart from Riley.
    Riley: Ian... Ian, something bad happened a little while after you left and... gah... I don't know how to tell you this... I mean, honestly, we had kinda hoped you weren't coming back... and all that stuff about finding a way to heal Evelyn was just an excuse to run away from everything back home... it would have been easier...
    Ian: Riley, calm down... what are you talking about?
    Riley: Well, see, your mom—
    Ian: I could give a fuck about that crazy bitch, what happened to Lyn?!
    Riley: No, that's what I'm trying to tell you, she... she's... ...
    [screams from Riley, Leah and Meji as Ian launches himself like a ballistic missile]
  • Fans!: Rikk has just sold his soul to keep his friends safe:
  • General Protection Fault:
    • After Todd defeats a Terminator Impersonator with the help of Nick and Ki, he escapes with a truck and reveals his relationship to his rescuers.
      Todd: [thinking] Thanks, Mom and Dad.
    • Near the end of Trent's lawsuit against Fred, Nicole decides to address Trent's claims of libel against Fred. Nicole points out that most of the claims are opinion, and so do not count as libel. That only leaves the claim that Trent attempted murder, at which point one of Trent's past misdeeds comes back to haunt him.
      Nicole: Admittedly, calling someone an attempted murderer is harsh, but tell me, Mr. Terrell, what were you doing before you were hired by GPF Software?note 
    • After Ki tells Nick the story of her prior engagement with Sam and its traumatic ending, Nick changes the subject. The following line isn't a Wham Line because of the secret discussed, but rather because Nick is aware of it.
      Nick: So now that that's done and over with, can we talk about our time traveling son from the alternate future?
    • After the flood, Fooker goes to his ex-girlfriend Sharon to apologize, only to overhear this conversation, which leaves him in a Heroic BSoD.
      Sharon: Dex and I will be staying at his folks' place for a while.
      Dexter: Yeah, they can still hardly believe it... I've finally got a girlfriend.
    • While Trudy and Yoshi are discussing Ki, and Trudy is hesitant to go see her. He drops this line, which reveals that Nick will be home fairly soon.
      Yoshi: Just as well, I guess. She's too wrapped up in her loser boyfriend. He'll be back any minute now...
  • Girl Genius:
    • "What -- Judy!"note 
    • "Oh, and I saw the Baron a bit when I was on Castle Wulfenbach. But I had to run away when everybody found out I was a Heterodyne."note 
    • "I believe the ignorant call them slaver wasps."note 
    • "Yes... But I vas starting to like her."note 
    • "I am sorry, mistress... I... I cannot." note 
    • "Two and a half years."note 
    • "Martellus... There is no empire."note 
    • "The girl is still dangerous, and my son is still too much of a fool to see it."note 
    • "My father says they're simply tangential to time as we know it, and—... And... they had hats..."note 
    • "The stranger came after us and... oh. Oh. How... how could we have... We have not examined this memory in centuries! We did not know! We did not remember! But... it was she! It was Lucrezia! Lucrezia Mongfish!"note 
    • "If it was very bad — heh — why, then you would have Dreen."note 
  • Girly: Courtesy of Otra — "It was all a lie."
  • Goblins: Courtesy of the Demonic Parasite — "I see a paladin soul, ripe for suffering and holding the second Prissan. But not the paladin soul I was expecting. Where is the creator of the axe? The one we cursed. Where is Kore?"
  • Go Get a Roomie!:
    • First, in "Mattcast":
      Roomie: So you had a girlfriend, huh? What was her name?
      Matt: Oh, um... Lillian. Lillian Tallis.
    • Second, in "Sexxx?":
      Roomie: I've never had sex sober. I never had sex with someone I loved. And I never had an orgasm with anyone.
  • El Goonish Shive:
    • "It was real. The monster was a golem created by one who must be found. The girl is a good Samaritan who can fly. What was seen is what was."
    • Before that, the end of Sister II:
      Pandora Chaos Raven: Very well. You want to make a difference? You want a world you can freely participate in? I will give it to you.
    • One from magic algea-eater whale-thing:
      "For one, those watches of yours wouldn't work anywhere else in the world."
    • In the appropriately titled "End of an Era":
      Sarah: I think I want to be "just friends" with Elliot.
    • A seemingly background character makes herself relevant, along with a long-forgotten detail:
      Charlotte: I also figured you two (Ellen and Nanase) were a good choice because I graduated from Moperville South last year and I have a doll with Nanase's face on it.
    • Diane has a few of these in Family Tree.
      "If you must know, I was born ten minutes before midnight."note 
      "Did... Did they look like that before?"
      "Can you fix this with your magic, Nanase?"
    • At the End of Family Tree:
      Jerry: So yeah! I saved Susan's long-lost sister and the busty chick who's also part of the debt!
    • A Tear Jerker on the second-to-last page of "Identity":
      Diane: ...This is from my sister.
    • To Cheerleadra, in the middle of a crowded mall:
      Immortal/ Voltaire: I shall begone. Fare thee well, Elliot Dunkel.
    • In a side story, Pandora's discovery of a side character's progress:
      Pandora: That's a new spell. So was the spell she used to shrink Catalina. When the hell did she awaken?! I thought her a D-rank talent with an S-rank spell when I marked her, but she's not. Rhoda's one hundred percent S-rank.
    • "Because the next incident could be the last straw, and that would solve the problem for decades."
    • "Can you start by explaining why your son [Raven] looks like my [Susan's] dad?"
    • "Uryoums are not from outer space."
  • Gunnerkrigg Court:
    Muut: The day Surma died... none of us came to take her.
    Annie: I had to do it myself.

    Reynardine: You are the reason Surma died!

    Coyote: Don't tell me no one has told the girl she isn't exactly human!

    Antimony: ... Father?

    Coyote: The reason I love humans so! The reason Ysengrin seethes with anger! My secret... is this... I. DO NOT. EXIST!note 

    Jones: And to answer your previous question... I do not know what I am.

    Headmaster Llanwellyn: Andrew Smith, the Court has decided that you shall be the next medium.

    Coyote: Up until now, grumpy old Ysengrin has been our measly medium. But in light of recent events, I have just now decided to retire him from his role! Fire head girl! I want you to be my new medium to the court! An honorary citizen of the forest!

    Mort: I know you can do it Annie! And to help you practice... I want you to take me into the ether.
    • One day, Zimmy.
    • "I am the seed bismuth."note 
    • From Chapter 51, not so much a spoken line, but a name written on a classroom chalkboard — Mr. Carver.
    • From Chapter 53:
      Anthony: [referring to Annie] How could she live with the man that killed her mother?note 
    • From Chapter 93:
      New Person: [[after being asked if she's Zimmy]] No, I'm not Zeta...I AM OMEGA.
  • Haru-Sari: "Come on, Cygnet, this isn't even your room!"
  • His Face All Red opens with one.
    Younger Brother: This man is not my brother. My brother has a cottage with a hawthorne tree and a lilac bush. And a plump wife with starry eyes. My brother has a fine coat, a vest the color of moss, and a way with people that makes them trust him. This man has all those things. (And my brother's face. His handsome face.) But just last week... I killed my brother.
  • Homestuck has quite a few, due in no small part to its status as a Long Runner:
    • From Act 2, John believes he's figured out that the purpose of Sburb is for the players to save the world from the meteors; however, Nannasprite is quick to set the record straight:
      Nannasprite: Oh no, I'm afraid not!
      Nannasprite: Your planet is done for, dear! There is nothing you can do about that!
    • From the Intermission, Spades Slick reveals why Snowman is the only one of the Felt he doesn't plan to kill:
      Everyone always ceases gunplay when Snowman's around.
      If you kill her you destroy the universe.
    • From Act 4, this line clues us in to the fact that the flash-forward to Rose and Dave is a little bit more than a Time Skip:
    • The very last lines of Act 5 Act 1, revealing the true purpose of Sburb:
      Aradia: and yet in being denied the ultimate reward
      Aradia: we w0uld be barred fr0m entry
      Aradia: int0 the universe we created
    • During Act 5 Act 2, as Jade's lab is about to be destroyed, the narrative suddenly shifts to Gamzee watching the scene unfold on his computer, and we get this unexpected bit of narration:
      > Elsewhere...
      While a timer counts down with no particular clock stepping forward to claim it...
      The most important character in Homestuck fondly regards the miracle of a new beginning.
    • In [S] Kanaya: Return To The Core, Eridan makes his plans known when Feferi begs him to not fight Jack:
      Eridan: of course im not gonna fight him i stand no chance in hell against that guy
      Eridan: im goin to join him
    • Two in quick succession during the conversation when Karkat attempts to contact Gamzee to warn him of Eridan's rampage.
      Gamzee: honknote 
      Gamzee: shut up.
      Karkat: WHAT...
    • During Vriska and Terezi's confrontation on the roof, Doc Scratch's narration describes how Vriska's plan to stop Bec Noir will ultimately lead to the deaths of Karkat and Terezi... and then abruptly — almost casually — reveals how exactly Terezi is going to stop Vriska from accomplishing that plan:
      What sort of story would this be, with our Knight and Seer made to stay cadavers? Certainly not one the alpha timeline would allow.
      And not one she'd allow either.
    • During the [o]ntermission, Doc Scratch reveals a piece of information that completely changes the audience's perception of a huge chunk of troll lore, as well as reveals exactly how long a game Scratch has been playing:
      Once, in this very universe, you could say, Alternia was home to a peaceful race. Trollkind had never known the corrupting influence in their evolution which led them to perpetual war and violence.
      That is to say, they had never known me.
    • But the best one of all from Doc Scratch is his last line in the comic, revealed only after his death, as part of the "[S] Cascade" animation which ends Act 5:
    • Played for Laughs (mostly) in Act 6 Intermission 3, as John has a stunning realization in the midst of watching Con Air:
      John: jade?
      Jade: hm?
      John: i think i just realized something.
      Jade: what?
    • The climax of Act 6 Act 5 has a page title that manages to act as this:
    • As John prepares to use the final keyword on Terezi's list — "FL1P" — the audience gets to see the instruction below it... and the exact nature of the changes Terezi has been having John make to the timeline suddenly becomes crystal clear:
    • From the follow-up, The Homestuck Epilogues, we have this line from the prologue as Rose reveals exactly why she has summoned John to meet with her:
      Rose: You must travel back into canon and defeat Lord English.
    • Later in the Epilogues, we have this line from partway into the "Meat" route. This one in particular is doubly surprising, not just because of what it says, or because it's said by the narrator, or even the fact that it is addressed to the reader, but because the text color abruptly changes from the narrator's usual black to Dirk Strider's orange.
    • On October 25, 2019, the official Homestuck account on Twitter posted this:
  • Housepets! seems to have a boatload of these.
    • Grape reveals who she really is in an early comic:
      Grape: After all, when I hang out with the guys I don't have to hide my femininity.
    • The first full human face is revealed in the comic:
      Joel: I was kidnapped by my own pets once.
    • The near the end of "Imaginate, Too!":
      Grape: Isn't it because you have a crush on me?
    • Tarot reveals a portion of her other-worldly powers:
      Tarot: [to King] Sorry, I don't date humans.
    • Near the end of Christmas 2014:
      King: Bailey, will you marry me?
    • During the wedding of "Jungle Fever":
    • During the beginning of "Heaven is Not Enough, Part 1":
      Bailey: TAKE ME INSTEAD!
    • During the middle of "Heaven is not Enough, Part 1", when Pete has taken Bailey away from King:
      Once-King, now Joel: I don't believe you, but I don't think there's much else I can do to prepare you, so...
      Fox: ...King?
    • Near the end of "Heaven is Not Enough, Part 1":
    • When King has rescued Bailey from her obligation to fight:
      Spirit Dragon: Pete, you don't need to talk with the big voice.
      Pete: See? You're ALWAYS the spoilsport.
      Spirit Dragon: I AM NOT!
    • When Pete demands Bailey return to the fight:
      Joel: Is that the best you got, chicken dinner?
    • When Kitsune gives King a choice to either be a human or be a dog:
      Joel: [now permanently King] I was... I was right.
      Bailey: You did it, King! It's over!
    • At the end of Year 7:
      Bailey: I usually don't go for fried food, but I am eating for four now!
      King: [freezes for a Beat Panel]
      Bailey: Did I forget to mention that?
    • When Keene goes to speak with someone in Heaven:
      Henry Milton: Keene, my boy!
      Keene: Mr. Milton?!
    • When Euodant gives the dark bratty demon (who seems emotionally attached to Keene) his third of Pete's cursed coin:
      Bratty Demon: YESSSSS — Oh Heavenly Energies, I remember!
      ...and he transforms into...
  • This webcomic and poem titled "How Lucky I Am" centers around an overworked and abused maid in the Edwardian Era. After unionizing her coworkers and making the best of her situation both fail, she finds another way to change things:
    Maid: Tonight they’ll feast on sweetmeats and wine/On comfort and easy life/Tonight I’ll feast on justice dealt…/With the help of a simple knife.
  • I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl: When Delilah asks her friends a theoretical question about how they'd react if she came out as trans,note  they say they'd be supportive, but then Gina casually acts like it's normal for girls to want to be guys, drastically shifting the tone of the conversation as the rest of the group processes the fact that they might have a friend who's actually trans but unaware of the fact.
  • Kevin & Kell:
    • Kell, feeling guilty for driving Kevin to reach out to his estranged parents again, sets off on an ill-advised venture to the Rabbit Warren, where any predators who intrude are sentenced to death. Luckily, however, she saved a rabbit on the way in, and said rabbit returns, passes her off as his daughter, and helps her escape. Once they're out of the hole and reunited with Kevin, he greets the rabbit with the following line.
      Kevin: Thanks, Dad.
    • While talking with his mother, Kevin learns a tidbit about his past that he'd never heard about before.
      Dorothy: Is that another request for an arranged marriage with Coney?
      Kevin: Yes, Mom... an archaic, backward tradition!
      Dorothy: I know, it's too bad the one I set up for you in infancy didn't work out.
    • After the intruder identifies himself as a political operative for Kevin's Rabbit Council opponent.
      Kevin: But I'm not up for re-election for years!
      Intruder: Check that. You're facing a recall.
    • When Rudy asks who would be unlucky enough to have to give Vin Vulpen a tail transplant (something that can only be done between blood relatives), Lindesfarne holds a ruler at his tail and says "Four inches should do it." The ensuing conversation reveals that he's Vin's half-brother since they have the same father but different mothers. Rudy fervently denies it, until Kell steps in and reveals that she suspected that her husband had been unfaithful.
      Rudy: Dad was a good person! He was in love with Mom! He'd never cheat on her! It's a lie! It's a slur! It's—
      Kell: It's something I hope neither you nor Vin inherited from him.
    • "Kell... you... you won. You're the new CEO of Herd Thinners!"
    • After it's revealed that the evidence connecting Kevin's father and Angelique to killing Sid was done to them by the other in the hopes of Framing the Guilty Party, this exchange happens.
      Papa Kindle: But if neither of us is the killer, then who is?
      Danielle: I'd say there's a 100% chance it's me, Daddy
    • One of the earliest Wham Lines that is now approaching It Was His Sled territory:
      Nigel: When do you think they'll catch on that we birds run the world?
    • The most recent one:
      Fenton: [as Lindesfarne throws up in the bathroom] Wait... she was the designated driver...
  • Khaos Komix:
    • "...I didn't know you were still affected by that."
    • Earlier, from Alex's story (after 8-year-old Alex explains to an equally young Jamie how two men have sex): "I... I think I've done that."
    • And from Charlie's story, after a Gang of Bullies attacks her and her friend Tom for being transgender, we get this from said bullies' leader, about Tom...
  • Kid Radd:
    • Sheena saves Radd's life after he takes a bit of corrupted code, then reveals that she isn't letting him off the hook for his illegal actions.
      Sheena: Besides, if you'd died, how could I arrest you?
    • After Sheena and Radd barely escape from the destroyed Kid Radd 2, they have to fight off a large number of Moderator ships. After their hard-fought victory, Sheena reveals that they only destroyed a fraction of the Moderators' forces.
      Sheena: The Mods have already won. By now, Reset has fallen.
    • Radd races ahead to Chimera Point, hoping to stop Crystal before she fuses with several sprites and becomes all-powerful. Radd faces down the sprite fusion, only to learn that it's not who he thinks it is.
      "No no no, Crystal has left the building... YOU'RE TALKING TO THE SEER."
  • Kiwi Blitz: She's talking to Cho, who has just accused her of being a spy for ALTER.
    Celeste: ...I never did like you much.
  • Looking for Group:
  • The Meek: "The Emperor must die." Especially as the character saying those words (the Emperor's eldest daughter, Rana), had apparently spent the entire chapter seemingly dismissing complaints about the Emperor and either tacitly approving of or not caring about the Emperor's actions. As the author said in the strip's discussion "If you want, go back and reread [the chapter], some of the scenes might have a different weight now."
  • MegaTokyo: "If I sleep with you, will you go away?"
  • Ménage à 3: Courtesy of Yuki (NSFW) — "Promise we'll be like this forever... Garii."
  • During the goodnight scene in Modest Medusa — More so for Charles than the audience, since he never met Modest's family:
    Charles: What are you afraid of?
    Modest: Vampires. And pirates. And my dad.
  • Miss Guillotine: Courtesy of Kayla — "No! The revelation! The revelation was no doubt YOUR voice, Callie!"
  • Monster Pulse:
    Dr. Lulenski: I DON'T WANT TO SEE!note 
    • Able freaks out during the above scene, and chapter 8 reveals why...
      Able: [after killing a finger-based monster, causing the hand of the girl to whom it belongs to bleed] That's what happens when a monster dies. The body acts like it really did lose the part.
      Julie: You... have you killed a monster before?
      Able: ...
    Rjinder: I didn't tell her about you... isn't that what you wanted?note 
    Violet: There is no need to explain what is already known.note 
  • Mortifer:
    • "That's... Well, that's impossible... There was only one demon with that name, and he died off hundreds of years ago."
    • "The new leader of the black market, Vlademyre Hynner."
    • "We have a demon of our own."
    • "That's when I started to realize something. This entire business had to be crushed, and all its people have to pay for what they've done."
    • "Yes, he worked at Sintec, but your research lacked greatly. Sintec doubles as a mercenary company, the idea of the "exterminator" company was simply a cover for the real thing. Joey had taken over the presidency after the unfortunate accident of the former president."
  • Namesake:
    Anlise: You stupid child. You're the one who needs memories repaired. Ozma is gone! Our princess is dead, and it's all your fault!
    Fred: You can change things! You are a writer, Elaine!
    Warrick: Selva. I know you can hear me.
    Renge: That is most definitely NOT a Dorothy.
  • Narbonic:
    • A lengthy time-travel arc is turned on its head with a single innocuous line. Everything Dave tries fails in some way, and he comes to the conclusion that You Can't Fight Fate. Then he says that he needs a cigarette, and is asked "Since when do you smoke?" The sudden realization that he no longer feels a craving for a cigarette — that, in fact, he feels like he's never smoked before — gives him the confidence to try to prevent what he knows is coming.
    • "How do you know I'm mad?" asked Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
    • And in its final month, courtesy of a young time-traveler: "And I think, in the end, you and Mom can find some kind of happiness." The character being spoken to didn't even realize the bomb that had just been dropped until a few seconds later — you can almost hear the Record Needle Scratch.
  • Not a Villain:
    Bandit: I could never like somebody who killed her own mother.

    Danni: I'm useless in Reality. A "costly liability", as they put it. They want to replace me with several imported Outsiders. My parents have practically killed themselves to keep that decision at bay. I've been trying to make money, make friends, make anything that'll show I have worth. But it's been pointless. The Game was my last option. They'd have given me more time for that. Ha. I just have the end of Reality's day now. And I'm going to spend it dancing.
  • The Order of the Stick has quite a few:
    • From #498:note 
      Horace: How long do you think you've been here? In the afterlife?
      Roy: I dunno, 12 hours? Maybe 14? Why?
      Horace: Roy... you've been dead for three and a half months.
    • 572:
      The Oracle: Belkar shall draw his last breath — ever — before the end of the year.note 
    • 628:
      Black Dragon: ...Now I will kill your children.note 
    • The current page image comes from strip 672. The Wham is not what Blackwing (V's familiar) is saying, but that Blackwing is speaking to V at all, and resulted in the two characters developing an actual relationship.
    • Strip #758 is somewhat unique in that several people deliver the Wham.note 
      Tarquin: We've gone through dozens of different names by now...The Dutchy of Terror, the Barren Baronies...
      First Prisoner: The Quietus Federation...
      Second Prisoner: The Unprincipled Principalities...
      Tarquin: ...Tyranaria...
      First prisoner: Speaking of names, we haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Geoff, and this is my brother-in-law, Ian.
      Second Prisoner: They used to call me "Red", but three years of malnutrition will do a number on your hair color.
    • "What? No! We could have narrowed it down further the next day if you hadn't killed her out of spite!"note 
    • #830:
      Redcloak: You're right, of course. About me. I have let you have your way, time and again, because stopping you would have disrupted the delicate balance between Xykon and myself. But now... right now... not stopping you will upset that balance even more. Seize her.note 
    • #870: "Perhaps I should make more children."note 
    • #876: "What sort of man would help someone he just met develop a means to shield a group of people from himself? At least, without sneaking in a back door, just in case?"note 
    • #895: "I'm going to destroy it."note 
    • #896: "Now."note 
    • #930: "General Tarquin! We meet again!"note 
    • #936: "I'm not a twin anymore. And you're not the real villain. Don't worry. You'll live."note 
    • #946: "It all goes smoothly. I have convinced the dwarf's allies to accept me as the dwarf himself — despite having slipped up on his ridiculous accent a few times."note 
    • #981: "The other reason is that I'm about to kill you again because you're a sadistic unrepentant murderer who's a danger to, like, everyone."note 
    • #997: "The statement upon which we shall convey our patron's Yea or Nay is as follows: Whether or not, at the conclusion of this binding referendum, the gods of the three pantheons should immediately thereupon destroy the world."note 
    • The Order of the Stick: Start of Darkness has quite a few of these. For example: "Huh. First you blast your brother, then you lie to me about it, now this. Did they have a big sale down at the Testicle Store or something?"note 
    • #1139: "We put that world's gravestone over there."note 
    • #1141: "There's a new color in the crayon box."note 
    • #1209: "I think I say... ...Implosion."note 
  • Out There gives us this (a little spoileriffic). After Miriam and Clayton have been bantering, and the former has made it perfectly clear that that's not going to happen, and the latter has been accepting of that: "Anyway, don't you think any of these losers wouldn't flock to see you [work as a stripper]? Hell, I'm sure I would." The kiss afterward serves the same general purpose.
  • Paranatural:
  • Penny and Aggie:
  • Prequel: Courtesy of Gaius — "Who told you about my nightmares?"
  • Princess Pi:
    • Two in the same conversation, which kick off the long-awaited explanation of how Pi became the Last of Her Kind:
      Sam: What do you even have to cry about? You're rich! I only get a $75000 allowance! You don't even take advantage of it! You wear the same earrings ALL THE TIME! That's so LAME!
      Princess Pi: They're stuck to my face.
      Sam: What? Huh?
      Princess Pi: The day I found out I was indestructible was the day I got my ears pierced. It took them three hours to manage to make a hole big enough, and once these were in, I couldn't remove them. That was when I was five. It was my mother, Queen Isosceles, who took me there.
      [she points at a nearby statue]
      Princess Pi: That statue over there? That's her... But now she's dead! My mother was killed in the war!
    • In a later comic, Princess Pi tries to order a Shamrock Shake from a drive-thru without a car, proclaiming that as princess of the land and the last Egyptian on Earth, the workers at the restaurant should overlook her forgetting to bring a vehicle. After she still gets denied the shake, this conversation occurs:
      Bottle Blonde: Besides, what you said wasn't entirely true!
      Princess Pi: You KNOW I'm not lying! You've been to my pyramid!
      Bottle Blonde: I meant about the last Egyptian thing! You HAVE a living relative!
  • Questionable Content:
    • "Marten, do you like me?" As Faye herself put it, "like interrupting an intricate waltz with a sledgehammer to the knee."
    • Also, much later, "...Well. I guess that's it, then," turning a pretty standard Dora/Marten arc into a Wham Episode.
    • Between Angus and Faye, after Angus reveals he's gotten the part that will cause him to move long-distance to pursue an acting career: "Can't you just be happy for me?" "I... I thought I could."
    • From Dora: "Go home, Faye. You're fired."
  • Rice Boy: Not so much the line itself as who's saying it and who they're saying it to:
    Rice Boy: You have traveled long and far — you have reached the iron tower — you have changed form... thrice.
  • Sandra and Woo: Larisa succinctly explaining her cavalier attitude towards her nude selfie being sent to all of North America and causing a colossal scandal in this comic.
  • Schlock Mercenary:
  • Shortpacked!:
    • A guessing game ends.
      Ethan: Well lookie there, we have a winner.
    • The beginning of a disturbing relationship.
      Mike: So you plan to keep me inebriated to make me the perfect boyfriend? I hate to say. It's been done. And it didn't end well.
      Amber: No, I want you to date me sober.
    • World peace at the ultimate price.
      Roz: Not since— no, look, hey, LEAVE, okay before—
      Robin: Before what? Before I get the stink of worldwide hero all over the place?
      Roz: No, before...
      Leslie: Before I find you.
    • At the end of a fairly typical Filler week, we see Mike and Amber at Comic-Con:
      Amber: Since when are you helpful?
      Mike: Since being "helpful" means sending people to go wait in four-hour lines for stuff that's likely to sell out just as they reach the booth.
      Amber: Wow. I'm marrying the devil.
      Mike: Hasbro's making this way too easy for me.
      [the comic appears to be over, but then suddenly, one extra panel at the very bottom...]
      Mike: Wait, what?
    • After the proposal...
      Leslie: Bull. Are you telling me your vomitfest was just for show?
      Amber: S'no big deal. Just been feeling extra nauseous this week.
      Leslie: Um.
      Amber: What?
    • The end of the speech in which the (Alternate Universe) Head Alien explains the universe Leslie sent herself to, and why the portal she came through closed after her:
      "Imagine a universe in which nothing important ever changes. The easiest solutions fix every problem. Status Quo Is God. The world is just a laugh factory. Every conversation ends on a joke. A living nightmare, yes? And one which, due to the rules of the game, prevents anyone from leaving. That would be resolution. Escape. You're stuck here, same as me. You. Me. And an intact Drama Tag."
    • When an alternate universe Pamela is revealed to have more to her.
      "As I suspected. You're here for my tag. Well, you can't have it. Nothing's separating me from my daughter."
    • The realization that a brash customer may be more than meets the eye:
      Human UC: "I am Ultra Car!"
    • Followed by:
      Ethan: ...I'm turning in my two week's notice.
  • Sire: Courtesy of Paul — "Anna, help me!" This is the first indication that anyone other than Susan or Anna could see the spirit form of the sister who is not controlling the body. It comes as enough of a shock to Susan to cause her to kill Paul for keeping the secret in the first place.
  • Sister Claire: Courtesy of Gabrielle — "It's not a baby, Claire. I'm so sorry, it was never a baby."
  • Skin Horse:
    • The message from Dr. Collodi to his daughter:
      "Whatever you do, don't trust Project Skin Horse."
    • The first appearance of a familiar character:
      "Arthur. Arthur Narbon."
    • Nick confronts Violet Bee about being a robot. Violet says she should have remembered his vision:
    • Sweetheart thanks Ira for sorting the file archive that survived destruction... only to get a major Out-of-Character Alert:
      Sweetheart: At least we've still got Nick's backups.
      Ira: [as he leaves the room] I should have taken him from the start.
      Sweetheart: Hey! Aren't you shocked I'm a talking dog?note 
  • Sleepless Domain:
    • In Chapter 12, Anemone makes her first appearance in the comic proper, cryptically questioning Tessa about the shadowy creature that the audience recognizes as "her". Tessa is understandably confused and asks if this is a monster Anemone has seen somewhere before. Anemone responds:
    • As a follow-up to the above, at the very end of Chapter 12, Tessa hesitantly opens her blinds... and sees the words "I'LL BE HERE WHENEVER YOU'RE READY" scrawled across her window, indicating that the shadow is after her for something far worse than just revenge.
    • Towards the end of Chapter 14, Undine and her fellow Training Club member Cassidy head out to their school's running track for a friendly sparring match. Everything appears to be going well, at first — Cassidy shows off her Self-Duplication powers, impressing Undine, and agrees to answer her questions about how they work after their practice. Then, without warning, she draws her blade and drops the act:
      "...Then how about this? If you win, I'll answer whatever you wanna know. [...] So then if I win... you tell me what you've been hiding from us."
  • Sluggy Freelance:
    • Torg confronts Sasha and holds her at gunpoint, accusing her of having sold Aylee out to Hereti-Corp. Torg's best friend Riff bursts in and demands that Torg let Sasha (Riff's girlfriend) go, insisting that he has the wrong person.
      Riff: Torg, it was me.
    • "It was about that time Aylee announced she was dying."
    • When Torg finds out someone can play with fire with appropriate background colors. Note: in the forum, if you curse, the computer turns the curse word into the word "poop".
      "Holy Poop!"
    • "But you can be at peace, for we are your people, Aylee. You are finally home."
    • In 4U City Red:
      Riff: How long have I been here?
      Rammer: About seven years.
    • In a secret base, Sasha admits that she was actually The Mole all along.
      Sasha: You were right about me the whole time.
  • Something*Positive:
  • The Space Between: "Come inside. People might think you're an actual hobo."
  • Stand Still, Stay Silent:
    • During the early part of the story, the Silent World being ridden with Plague Zombie monsters and them having some kind of counterpart in the dreamscape were plentiful justifications for Onni's Refusal of the Call and worry about his younger relatives going on an expedition in the Silent World. In Chapter 7, he drops the following while asking Lalli to restrict his movement in the dreamscape:
      Onni: It's looking for us again.
    • The Trolls' Black Speech can only be heard by mages. At some point, a speech bubble containing Troll-speak appears in a panel focusing on Tuuri, a non-mage who got a Troll bite a few in-universe days previously but had a chance of not being infected. Zombification is basically a rare complication of an otherwise deadly disease, which has plenty of established symptoms that the reader can look out for. Hearing Troll-speak is not on the list, in addition to not being a good sign for Tuuri.
    • Magic overuse has apparently kicked Lalli's soul out of his body and dreamscape safe area. Lalli's soul somehow crash-lands near Emil's own safe area while the latter is asleep and Lalli decides to stay there until he can recover and figure out how to fix the situation. Emil wakes up after the event, with no idea how to get himself and Lalli's unconscious body back to the rest of the crew, from whom they are currently separated:
      Voice in Emil's head: Just start walking. Stupid!note 
  • Starfighter: "Gentlemen, this is a time-sensitive matter. Therefore I shall be brief. We are losing this war."
  • Starslip:
    • The line that arguably started the Myth Arc:
      Albatroxi Leader: Mr. Vanderbeam, I don't understand... our people had no truce. We've been at war for two years.
    • And shortly afterwards:
      King Jovox: My Jovia died on an attempt on her life, intended to stop our research. It was a shuttle explosion, after an art gala aboard the Fuseli.
  • Survivor: Fan Characters:
    • "Jeff, I'd like to play my Hidden Immunity Idol". Over 80 times in 17 seasons, all various shapes, and it's still intriguing.
    • Season 3:
      Hope: Did she cry?
      Baxter: Huh? Who?
      Hope: Bessie Bell. When you stabbed her in the back.
    • Season 9:
      Cherman: You see, there is one other tool I have. It's a mini voice recorder that Brenton and Madison accidentally made removable from my body. And I gave it to Barbie.
      • Also worthy of mention:
        Bonnie: Oh my God... fucking over that c*** over like that. Fucking incredible.
    • Season 12:
      Jeff: The Canredons idol... played on Bowser... is void.
    • Season 13, followed by a large Motive Rant:
      Jeff Probst: Alleio, what happened with the food anyway, care to elaborate?
      Alleio: There was a dead bat someone found the previous day, someone grabbed the machete, hacked it up, and put the remnants of the body into our rice container.
      Jim: Wait... how did you know that the bat was dead beforehand?
      Alleio: ...Because I'm the one that butchered it and put it in the rice.
      • Also:
        Orwell: I don't think there's one girl in the game that I can trust!
        Sasha: You can trust me.
    • Season 15:
      Shaega: I found the culprit. I know who's behind everything!
      Zach: Who is it?
      [Shaega suddenly attacks Zach]
      Shaega: TAKE A WILD GUESS!
    • Season 18:
      Kasai: There were no fake idols in play tonight.
      • And then, in the Final Tribal Council:
        Shin: It was all fake.
  • Tiger, Tiger:
    • Chapter Three ends with the one-two punch of Honeyfoot revealing that he's figured out Ludo is impersonating her brother and how he was able to realize it.
      Honeyfoot: I knew who you were right away when I saw you up close! Because we are - I mean, your father, is, our father, so I'm... I'm your brother!
    • In Chapter Four, Ludovica is overcome with curiosity upon discovering her brother's diary and decides to give it "just a teensy look." She opens it to a random part in the middle and within two pages realizes she's reading Remy's declaration of his love to Jamis.
      Remy: Oh my gods!! I'll pull the plug on this ship, and sink us straight to the maws of beasts down below! The worst has happened! I have fallen in love - with Jamis Arlesi!
  • Times Like This:
    • It isn't revealed — to the reader or in-universe — that Maggie is actually a time-transplant from 14th-century Oireland until a discussion takes place on how to mend her relationship with Rodney that Cassie accidentally (and indirectly) scuttles.
      Cassie: Fortunately we didn't end up in a relationship, but Rodney and Maggie aren't together anymore. They never even fell in love in the first place!
      Bethany: And about Maggie... Do we tell her about this?
      Cassie: The more I think about it, the more I believe that's a bad idea. If we tell her that she and Rodney were meant to be together... even if they were supposed to be together... she'd think we were setting her up, effectively making Rodney very unappealing to her. And that would really fuck things up.
      Bethany: But we got HER from another time. All the "alternate timeline" stuff might make sense to her!
      Cassie: I say we just try to fix this back in '91 and hope everything plays out the original way.
      Matt: Uhhh, wait... What was that about Maggie being from another time???
    • Cassie's father breaks up a fight between her and her mother over Cassie's sexual behavior with "...all that rage and stress isn't doing your mother any good, what with her cancer and all!" Before that, nobody but the dad knew of his wife's ailment, and they had agreed to wait until after Cassie's birthday to break the bad news. Oopsie.
    • Cassie and Chad are discussing their awkward social lives while teenagers. Then Chad asks when Cassie finally lost her virginity. Her response: "Thirteen." (A Break the Cutie flashback then ensues.)
  • Too Much Information (2005): Courtesy of Maddy — "I don't mind."
  • Unsounded:
    • Stockyard revealing the true purpose of Sette's mission:
      Stockyard: 'Course [I know what Duane is]! A fancy new plod got away from its master, eh? And your Da earning a queen's ransom getting it back where it goes.
    • The first arc's villain is revealed this way:
      Cutter: I've little use for names but perhaps when your rotting tongue is finished screaming it can manage "Delicieu". How do you do.
    • "Who reanimated Duane?" is a longstanding question throughout the first arc. In chapter 11 it's revealed in a single line:
      Bastion: I brought [Duane] back! [I] beat death!
    • In chapter 16, we finally learn the meaning of the word Duane uses to refer to himself:
      Lemuel: Galit. Th-that's the word for what you are! Galit. "Damned One!"
  • Episode 111 of Weak Hero reminds readers of Jake's vicious side after he's spent most of his screentime acting affably both to his own friends and to Ben's group:
    Jake: Oh, right. Now I remember what I wanted to tell you. You see, I really want Ben Park to take me seriously. So, you know that really tall friend of yours? I just beat him up. That's what I came here to tell you.
  • From the xkcd Time animation:
    Beanie People Leader: The sea will fill not in years but in DAYS.
  • YU+ME: dream : One's said by Fiona's friend Don as part of The Reveal that the first half was All Just a Dream.
    Fiona: What did [Lia] say?
    Don: She said you're waking up, Fiona.
  • Zebra Girl: A major one for the Crossover Cosmology nature of the setting.
    Viv: I could have sat in paradise... Vishnu travels to Earth, he's a king—! Buddha abandons luxury, he's enlightened. Jesus leaves Heaven, he's a Messiah. I leave the Garden, I'm a sucker.
