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Villainous Breakdowns in Doctor Who.

  • Mavic Chen in "The Daleks' Master Plan" goes from a Villain with Good Publicity statesman, sinister in intention but able to pass as a decent politician, into a raging Obviously Evil maniac as the realisation that he was too incompetent to execute his plan and he can no longer prove his worth to the Daleks finally takes hold. Even the Daleks seem horrified by his behaviour.
  • Tobias Vaughn in "The Invasion" goes from his usual cold and calculating personality to launching a raging freakout at an underling (and once, to the Doctor) in every single episode of the story that he's in.
  • General Carrington in "The Ambassadors of Death" starts off seeming to be a fairly rational Obstructive Bureaucrat with a touch of My Country, Right or Wrong, trying to keep the mystery of the missing astronauts an internal British matter. He is eventually revealed as a full-blown General Ripper trying to incite an interplanetary war against friendly aliens. When his plan falls apart, his response is to pointlessly shoot at the aliens while insisting that they're invading. When he gets arrested, he doesn't quite seem to understand why.
  • The ending of "The Sun Makers" has the Collector, upon realizing the revolution has finally caught up with him, reduced to a babbling wreck as he slowly (and literally) goes down the drain.
  • Let us not forget Soldeed from "The Horns of Nimon", who has probably the hammiest breakdown of all:
    Soldeed: My dreeeams of CON-QUEST!
  • The Doctor intentionally annoys Skagra throughout "Shada" in the hope of causing this to happen. It works. The clincher is when Skagra ends up trapped inside his spaceship's prison by the Ship itself, which won't let him out until he accepts just how wonderful the Doctor is. Judging by Skagra's reaction, that may be a while...
  • In "Warriors' Gate", the slaver leader Rorvik finds his spaceship trapped in a place between universes. Although Rorvik at first tries to deal with his situation in a rational and methodical manner, over the course of the story he gradually breaks down under stress. By the end of the story, Rorvik is ranting and raving, and he finally kills himself and his crew in a failed attempt to escape by creating a backblast with his ship's engines.
    "I'm finally getting something done!"
  • Davros sees everything fall apart in seconds at the end of "Resurrection of the Daleks". He releases a virus that will wipe out the Daleks and allow him to create a new army loyal only to him. Then he finds out the virus affects him as well...
    "It cannot be! I am not a Dalek! I cannot die! I! Am! DAV! ROS!"
  • The Borad is reduced to a wreck at the end of "Timelash" as within a few seconds the Doctor reveals his reflection (when he has gone to the extreme of banning reflective surfaces so he never has to see it) not only to the Borad himself but to prospective bride Peri, who is similarly repulsed. He barely puts up a fight afterwards.
    "Destroy it! Smash the mirror!"
  • Helen A at the end of "The Happiness Patrol". Despite seeing her Crapsaccharine World fall apart at the Doctor's hand in one night, she remains determined to leave and start again somewhere else, defiantly convinced that her be happy or die policy is valid and love is overrated. Then she finds her Pet Monstrosity Fifi lying fatally wounded and breaks down in tears cradling the creature.
  • The Master spends most of the TV Movie in full-on Magnificent Bastard mode until his plan to steal the Doctor's remaining lives is thwarted, sending him on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge:
  • The Dalek Emperor has one at the end of "The Parting of the Ways" just before he is destroyed by Rose Tyler/Bad Wolf.
    Dalek Emperor: I will not die! I cannot die!
  • "The Age of Steel": Lumic goes through one after the Doctor shuts down the Cybermen's emotional inhibitors, driving them into suicidal insanity.
    Lumic: What have you done!?
    The Doctor: I gave them back their souls!
  • "The Satan Pit": The Beast, in the body of Toby Zed, goes ballistic and begins screaming about how he is unkillable when the Doctor destroys the power source keeping the planet where he was imprisoned from falling into the black hole.
  • "The Runaway Bride": The Racnoss Empress, who up until then has been smugly hamming it up, has a complete freakout when she finds out that the Doctor is not, as she had assumed thanks to what Donna had decided to call the Doctor, from Mars. After all, the last time her species fought the Time Lords, they lost.
  • At the end of "Last of the Time Lords", a combination of seeing his previously unstoppable universal domination plans crumble into nothing within the space of a few minutes and seeing his old enemy restored to full health (and turned into a glowing omnipotent being at that) is enough to reduce the Master, previously a Magnificent Bastard to rival any, into a hysterical wreck:
    The Master: You can't do this. You can't do this! IT'S NOT FAIR!
  • "The Poison Sky": Luke Rattigan, teen genius and futurist visionary, has been working with the Sontarans to conquer Earth in exchange for giving him the technology to found a new colony elsewhere. The successive shocks of discovering the Sontarans had been using him as a puppet the whole time, were going to kill him and his hand-picked followers anyway, then having these same "followers" walk away in disgust while he holds them at gunpoint reduces him to a sobbing wreck.
  • Davros, after the Reality Bomb is disabled and the Dalek fleet is set to destroy itself near the end of "Journey's End", has one of the best breakdowns in the series.
    Davros: Never forget, Doctor, you did this! I name you, forever! YOU ARE THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!!
  • "The End of Time": Rassilon is introduced in the middle of one of these, at the end of the Time War ("I! WILL! NOT! DIE!").
  • Prisoner Zero from "The Eleventh Hour" has a Creepy Monotone version when the Doctor realizes he can get Amy to lock it into its true form.
    Prisoner Zero: No! No!
  • "The Zygon Inversion" has Bonnie, the rebel Zygon leader, go through two of these. After she watches a message from the Osgoods taunting her about lying about the location of the Osgood Box, she smashes the laptop with the message on it in anger. Then she screams after learning there are TWO Osgood Boxes.
  • In "Hell Bent", it's clear that Rassilon, Lord President of the Time Lords, has let his ego and his pride go to his head. He's furious when his own men defect and refuse to execute the Doctor.
    Rassilon: I am Rassilon, the Redeemer! Rassilon the Resurrected! Gallifrey is MINE!
