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Video Game Cruelty Potential / Wide-Open Sandbox

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  • In AI Dungeon 2, you can hurt, maim, or kill any of its AI-generated characters in any way imaginable. Being a text-based game means it isn't quite as graphic as most examples, however.
  • Bully. You can beat up anyone you want, and unless they're cops, you'll probably win. More importantly, no matter how many members of a specific faction you attack, missions are the only way to decrease your standing with any of them.
    • With the motor scooter you can win at the fair, you can even run over innocent schoolchildren, although you can't kill them. For added fun, this will make the teachers run after you to send you to detention, but they can't even come close to catching up to you.
      • But that is nothing compared to the Go-Kart, which is so fast you will lose the police chasing you long before they can ever catch you.
    • Scenario: untimed mission, like 'Christmas'. Stuff all nearby prefects in lockers (you can do this). Usually it takes two in the area to get this going, but once you have... everyone's a target, not just teen boys. Remember those annoying little kids who love to tell on you just because you're defending yourself against an ambush? Knee in the groin on a little boy will remind them. And since Everything Fades, you can do it again in a couple of minutes.
    • In the boys dorm, throw marbles in front of the door. Then pull the fire alarm and hide in the trash can — watch as everyone says, "Oh boy! A fire!", "Who set that alarm off?", and other stuff, and then watch as they can't get past the door because of the marbles. Then throw itching powder and hide in your room and watch the riots break out.
      • Also, hide in your dorm room and fire the fire extinguisher at people as they walk past. Or just fire at people and then hide.
    • If you can find them, Kick Me Signs can be a prime source of comedy considering that everybody takes them seriously — even prefects, girls, and little kids come over and kick people with a "Kick me" sign on their back. Sadly it's quite rare.
    • The disturbing icing on the cake is that you can beat up the dog in the grass-mowing detention area until it runs away.
  • Crackdown: It's like Grand Theft Auto, except you're a superpowered cop bordering on the concept of Übermensch. It is so easy to drive down the sidewalk screaming "I am the law!" After all, who is going to stop you? Well, the other police will try, but they don't have rocket launchers.
    • On a smaller scale, if you've only angered one or two armed Peacekeepers or civilians enough to start shooting at you, you can stand so that if they shoot at you, they shoot at an unarmed civilian. Sure, they'll try to reposition themselves so they'll be shooting you instead, but as long as you keep moving, the civilian will often be the one taking the bullets.
    • On an even smaller scale, scaring civilians without actually injuring them. A good way to do that is by shooting a propane tank that's not too far away to have any effect, and not so close that they get caught in the explosion. Grenades are also good, with the same caveat. Or just throwing or kicking non-explosive objects near them without hitting them.
  • Sometimes, dealing with the survivors in Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2 is just plain annoying — or worse, as they can sometimes indiscriminately hit you with their attacks. Others are a particular pain to try to escort to the safe room (particularly any that have to be led by hand or carried). That said, Frank and Chuck, respectively, don't have to take it. When those times come, it can be just fun to stick survivors with an utterly terrible weapon (like a foam hand) and watch zombies overwhelm them (or for extra bastard credit in the first, take pictures of them being eaten by zombies for extra experience). Though if they really annoy you, you can also just whale on them yourself. Sure, they'll turn on you if you hit them enough, but by that point they'll soon be about to die themselves.
  • In The Godfather: The Game, your character is capable of a wide variety of sadistic acts, including throwing people into ovens. And you get a special bonus, a fairly nice amount of money, for managing to fill out the entire list of execution styles. There are 22 for the original PC, PS2 and Xbox versions, but the ante was upped to 52 for the Wii version. The assassination sub missions also have this, as you gain a great deal more money and points for killing the targets in specific ways.
    • The Wii version gets special mention for its Blackhand control scheme, which allows the player to, through well designed motion controls, choke people and snap necks. It's a very visceral experience.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Everything from mowing down pedestrians in a high-speed bus to lighting a bunch of Hare Krishnas on fire with a flamethrower — and plenty more besides. Those games may have a central storyline and missions to play through, but we all know that they're basically one big, brutal sandbox.
    • A special mention goes to the GOURANGA bonus, which you get by flattening a line of six chanting Hare Krishnas without missing any. You'd get an instant four-star rating, but it was very worth it.
    • Killing people will quickly spawn an ambulance, and setting things on fire will quickly spawn a firetruck — and you didn't really want to go all the way to the hospital/fire station to jack one of those, right?
    • Sometimes, hitting a pedestrian with a car would not be enough to kill them. You could just park over them instead and watch the blood flow from underneath your car...
    • In Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V, there are ample opportunities to cinematically execute certain in-game persons using a pistol. Stand there, gun poised and finger on the trigger, listening to them beg for mercy. After hearing everything they had to say... you shoot them.
      • Some pedestrians/cops won't immediately die after you've accosted them. Sometimes they roll onto their side or back and just lay there, begging you not to finish them off. They may try to get up and limp away before the medics get there, but they never make it very far. Paramedics can revive them if they don't die first. You can attack them again before they reach the ambulance and repeat over and over again, or you can put a bullet in their head or a few in the chest and watch a pool of blood slowly flow from beneath them... Another thing you can do is torture them by strategically shooting them over and over again with a SMG as they lay there giving about five to ten seconds between each bullet. You can do this indefinitely without killing them if your timing is right and you can avoid firing two bullets at once or hitting them in the head, and it works even on the most tender pedestrians who are generally easy to knock out (like the girls in Rotterdam Hill). They'll continue to live even when their bodies are badly mutilated, which is the best part because if you let the paramedics save them but scare the ambulance away before they reach it they'll limp around looking like a mutilated zombie (and of course beg or hurl insults as they limp).
      • A fun thing to do is to run around pushing as many people as you can, getting a mob on your hands... And then running around them until someone hits someone else, and seeing how big a brawl you can start.
      • Try annoying a pedestrian into attacking or chasing you down the street when there's a cop watching. If you do it right, the police officer will arrest the pedestrian instead.
      • Not to mention that the physics engine itself has potential all on its own, allowing you to push NPCs down stairways, down steep hills, and off balconies. GTA IV had an example of physics fun where an NPC, usually some cop, grabbing the door handle just as you hit the gas. The NPC wouldn’t have the sense to let go and would be dragged along the ground like an inflatable tube man and screaming bloody murder.
      • GTA IV, in addition to the usual rampages, allowed you to abuse the heck out of Mohammed, Roman’s freebie taxi driver. First off just calling him makes him angry and mouths off at having to drive “Roman’s deadbeat cousin” around when he could be getting paid or scoring booty. He mouths off again if you change your drop off location. He complains bitterly if you make him change the radio station. You can smash the window of his cab by pressing the fire button although he doesn’t respond to this. He calls you an asshole when he finally gets to drop you off. And if you’re especially a dick, you can jack his cab before he leaves, which he screams “this is Roman’s car, and you can then beat the snot out of or even kill him. There is absolutely no punishment for this beyond the regular ability cooldown you’d have anyway.
      • A fun thing to do is to steal a semi truck and drive on the opposite side of the road, crashing into any vehicle that's not another semi truck. Watch as your character makes cars fly out of control and crash into walls, with the possibility of an explosion happening. Sometimes, you can even see NPCs be involuntarily ejected out of their car while you in your big rig won't suffer any damage. Best of all, as long as you don't run over anyone or crash into any cop cars, you won't get a wanted level, even if the cops are just watching you wreak havoc.
      • Said physics engine along with the AI also allows for some fun little situations, as most people won't even be bothered (beyond a few 'get out of my way' type sound clips) by you pushing them around or even standing on them... At least in GTA IV (just as long as you don't actually hit the attack button). Even cops can be mercilessly pushed over simply by running up against and around them, and as long as the fall isn't hard enough for them to lose health, they'll happily tolerate a Serbian dude standing on their chest. They also won't mind you walk-pushing someone they just arrested away... Rather, they'll chase HIM down and ignore you.
      • Police in GTA IV can't get around proverbial waist-high fences — vehicles you leave parked in inconvenient spots, such as stairwells and doorways. This means having free rein to engage in some truly disturbing behavior, like visiting a TW@ during the busy hours, and not leaving until everyone inside has logged off.
      • Due to some odd AI in GTA IV, police will attempt to get up right next to you at all costs... including falling to their deaths. Just watch this video. Bonus 
      • Trevor Phillips of GTA V was meant to be an embodiment of this trope in order to justify its use in the overall GTA series. Even when you're not controlling him, he'll be doing awful things to people, and as a player, you can definitely feel the least guilty about dousing an unconscious man with gasoline and setting him alight if Trevor's your active character.
      • To make this even more amusing, as soon as the scripted missions where they take part end, even significant NPCs use the random civilian AI and their deaths mean nothing — the character will be right back for their next scripted mission. This allows some ridiculous plays such as having Trevor shoot his girlfriend in the head every time he drops her off from a date. Yes, they'll still have more than one.
      • GTA V also has civilians walking with their dogs. You can shoot the dogs, blow them up with explosives, or even run them over for no reason other than to be a dick. You can also kill the wildlife out in the mountains and desert, though they will attack you.
      • In GTA V, the player can recover health by being serviced by prostitutes, and then is incentivized to kill them to get some of their money back.
      • In GTA V, it is possible to position yourself on some of the balconies in Vespucci Beach so that the cops cannot shoot you. Any pedestrians on these balconies are unable to flee and will kneel down and beg if you pull a gun. If you get a wanted level (which you can do by shooting people below), the police will shoot even though they are unable to hit you, and the pedestrians on the balcony with you will sob in terror as the police are trying to shoot you. You could stand there for hours listing to them sob. When you're done with that, feel free to pick off the sobbing pedestrians and take their money if you wish, or you can spare them.
    • San Andreas has a few cruelty moments that are a part of the main missions. One mission has you kidnap a music manager and drive off the docks while you jump out of the car, hearing him whine before that he can't swim. Another one has you get revenge for your sister who was harassed by some construction workers by pushing the foreman around with a bulldozer while he is inside a portable toilet, hearing him gag and yell about the smell and being splashed with his own poop. You kill him by pushing his stall in a ditch and filling it with cement, burying him alive.
      • They added the ability to swim to the player, the girlfriends, and some other NPCs. Note that cops are not on the list.
      • San Andreas has just dozens of examples; heck, the cops and pedestrians will sometimes just kill the hell out of each other with no player involvement.
      • San Andreas also gives the player the option to do burglaries as a side mission. While the only mandatory burglary enforces stealth, the typical sidequest burglary goes like this: Enter house, kill the occupants in their sleep, and then just sweep the apartment clean. Repeat a few times each night, reap the profits, and enjoy the infinite sprint reward.
      • By far one of the simplest things to do in San Andreas is to park a car on the freeway. The AI isn't programmed to properly brake on the freeway so they'll just crash into it and then someone will crash into them and someone will crash into them and so on. People get out of their cars, start fighting, and vehicles will explode. The only limit to this fun is the number of onscreen objects you can have at any given time.
    • In most of the GTA 3 spin-offs, including San Andreas, the police will always spawn on roads, coming at you at high speeds. There are plenty of places to stand where you are close to the roads but not easily reached. Get yourself a 4-6 star rating, find one of these perches, and just sit and watch various police units damage their cars (ramming objects, ramming each other, jumping their cars through the air with no regard as to where they land...) to the point of exploding as they spaz out trying to reach you. You'll need a weapon to fend off the helicopters in later games, but in GTA 3, one can keep a "chase" going forever just by finding the right spot to sit while the police repeatedly kill themselves trying to get at you.
    • China Town Wars introduced the tazer as a melee weapon. The in-game manual introduces it as a non-lethal repellent to allow the protoganist to run away. The developers anticipated that few players would be that peaceful, so continued tazering will set your victims on fire. It earns you one immediate wanted level.
  • Gun lets you buy a scalping knife very early in the game, but using it accomplishes absolutely nothing other than hearing an already permanently incapacitated enemy scream in pain and beg for mercy. It's rumored the game originally was to feature a Karma Meter and scalping was a means to push you towards evil.
  • Cole McGrath, protagonist of inFAMOUS, is gifted with electricity-based superpowers, but he can only manipulate it, not generate it. One possible option for recharging the metaphorical batteries? Suck the electrical charge out of people. One imagines this isn't good for the morality meter.
    • Another option is demonstrated in this Penny Arcade strip. A God Am I can sure lead to messed-up ideas...note 
    • Pressing any button to start the game kills a large part of the city.
    • If you play the good karma route, you can be even crueler. Innocent people love you and run after you to take your pictures. Lead them into a dead-end alley with a puddle at the entrance. Fry one person once they're all clustered around you, and then stand in the puddle. They all try to run out of the alley, through the puddle being charged by your electricity. Excellent.
    • inFAMOUS 2 adds many more karma events, and thus many more possibilities for this trope. One good example is the random bombs that will be stuck to walls. Cole's electricity makes these defusable with ease. Alternatively, you can fire at them at a distance, thus setting them off prematurely and killing anyone in the area (sometimes upwards of a dozen people). Then there's casting bio-leech on the wounded, dying civilians instead of healing them, "saving" a mugging victim by throwing a truck at them, and many more.
  • In Just Cause 2, your grappling hook allows you to fasten any two objects together. While this is commonly used to climb areas or as a fast method of transport, you can also tie an NPC to the back of a truck and take them for a wild drag...
    • Chased by the army at high speeds? Attach their car to the ground and see it flip into the air.
  • L.A. Noire: Cole Phelps, the golden boy, honest, By-the-Book Cop, can gleefully run over innocent pedestrians, and there's nothing stopping you from doing so.
    • Not only that, but he will also spout out the most Jerkass things upon hitting someone. Some of the more hilarious examples are, "A necessary casualty" and "MOVE!", but there are far too many to list here. Crank this up a notch when your partner is in the car screaming at him, and Cole mimics what they're saying in a high-pitched voice. But why stop there? Jump into the driver's seat and jet away while you leave your partner in the dust. When they eventually catch up by running up to the car or getting out of another police vehicle to get to you, listen to them chew you out while you do it again. For an officer of the law, Cole has the potential to be one of the cruelest "heroes" around.
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor gives you a good deal of tools with which to make the Uruks' lives miserable, key among them the ability to "Dominate" them and make them your underlings, making them go after their own leaders and do your bidding in general. Middle-earth: Shadow of War ups the ante by allowing you to send your minions to become bodyguards for warchiefs and overlords, only to stab them in the back once you begin your attack. By far the most sadistic tool, however, is the ability to "Shame" Uruks, essentially telling them they are Not Worth Killing and Mind Raping them in so doing. The main purpose of this is to lower their levels to make them easier to recruit or kill, but there is nothing stopping you from Shaming them over and over until, eventually, their mind snaps and they become deranged lunatics. Be careful, however: it is also possible for them to become "Unashamed" and retain their pride, or worse, become a Maniac and gain several levels.
  • Minecraft has a lot of cruelty potential for the imaginative. Want to run around punching chickens, cows, and pigs? You can. It's also very possible to build complicated traps to use against the mobs that come after you with enough time and resources, and once you've got the right materials, it's entirely possible, depending on the environment you're in, to start a forest fire that engulfs an area the size of a large city in flames. Assuming you can bear to destroy your own constructions, there's even more cruel fun to be had creating, and then setting off a self-destructing base.
    • It takes a special brand of cruelty to log into a multiplayer server just to burn the place down, or leave crude designs and message everywhere, though most servers have measures against this kind of thing.
    • There are also people who will build elaborate castles and the like for the sole purpose of filling them with death traps, with people under the impression that there is treasure at the end. Often times there is not.
    • In Beta 1.8, Notch added the feature that if pigs die due to being on fire, they drop cooked pork. In his twitter, he acknowledged this was probably bad.
      • The update added for cows and chickens to drop their respective meats and cooked variants if on fire, the full release adds the ability to enchant weapons with fire aspect...
    • With the advent of auto-generated NPC villages complete with villagers, the sadistic player can easily slaughter the inhabitants, burn the houses down, and if you're feeling extra dickish, you can even bomb the ruins.
      • There are Iron Golems to defend the villagers, but with enough firepower...
      • You can also confine all the villagers inside a tiny space, then build a special trap within the Iron Golems' spawning radius that kills them and allows you to harvest the iron they leave behind.
      • Some villagers can provide rare items through trading, but most are relatively useless. Their classes and trading inventories are random, but villagers can be "bred" by throwing food at them. Many players will breed numerous villagers, massacring the unwanted ones, until they get rare ones with lucrative trades. The "lucky" ones get locked up in a one-block cell and/or trapped in a minecart, kept alive purely to act as traders. Fan-made tutorials will give you blueprints for constructing semi-automated villager-farming machines.
      • There is also a permanent discount for players that heal a zombie villlager. Some players made their profit out of this by infecting a villager and then healing 5 times. Then, villagers would send stuff for very low prices, which led to some servers having enchanted diamond tools to be on sale for 1 diamond per tool.
      • Starting in 1.14, the player can become a bad omen (kill an illager patrol captain), visit a village, cause a raid, and leave the villagers to the mercy of the raiding illagers.
    • If you want to, you can give a dolphin raw cod so it will guide you to treasure, and attack or even kill them after they help you. However, the dolphins will fight back.
    • In 1.11, llamas were added. If you hit one, they spit at you once. The spitballs do not follow you, so you can definitely trick a llama into spitting at another one. Then watch the two attack each other until one of them dies.
    • 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft, has this on a daily basis. Sometimes people are still willing be kind but that hardly outweighs the cruelty that is the player base.
      • Even worse, they might give out overpowered enchanted items, only to later kill the recipients. Other things people will attempt to do when available includes surrounding another player's bed with obsidian and lava so that they're stuck in a death loop and can't do anything unless they get an alt account or a friend to help get them out. The disrespect on the server sometimes leaks out beyond 2b2t itself (but rarely).
      • A gigantic region around the spawn point for new players has been laboriously purged of all trees and wood, partly because the locals hate trees for some reason, but mainly to make life difficult for newbies, since you can't craft much of anything in Minecraft without wood. (And without crafting, you can't exactly mine, either.)
    • In Creative Mode, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from attaching multiple passive mobs to leads, flying as high as possible, then falling back down and watching all of them fall to their deaths.
  • Palworld is an Affectionate Parody of Pokémon that's rife with Black Comedy.
    • You can beat up Pals in battle (not just in Pal-to-Pal combat, but shooting them, hitting them with sticks and just beating them unconscious with your bare damn hands if you're willing and capable; in fact, the game does not start you off with any Pals so this is required at some point), keep them piled up in cages, have them take damage in your place, use them in forced labor, overwork them, sell them, or slaughter them. It's also possible to capture human enemies with Pal Spheres.
    • The Pal Essence Condenser is a device created by Evilutionary Biologist Victor Ashford that boosts your Pals' stats by melting down others of the same species into a slurry that's then fed to them. Maxing out one Pal requires sixty-four sacrifices.
    • If tormenting NPCs isn't enough, within the game's data exists "Raider Spheres" which have the ability to capture other players' Pals. It remains to be seen whether they'll be added into the game officially, but already there are hackers in multiplayer servers acting out their Team Rocket/Cipher fantasies.
    • The game allows you to build and place traps to capture enemies and Pals that wander by. Walking over a campfire can set players and Pals on fire. Some players realized the implications of this - namely, being able to kill enemies in a particularly torturous way by catching them in hanging traps and then making a fire underneath them.
  • In People Playground, there are so many methods to maim, torment, and murder the titular people. Bash them with baseball bats, impale them with spear or lances, perforate them with various firearms, blow them up with many bombs (include nukes), haul heavy objects to crush them, use the syringes to inject harmful substance, and much more. You also can create your own deadly contraptions by jury-rigging many items and electronics, so you can kill them with even more ridiculous and over-the-top ways.
  • So much in [PROTOTYPE] (well, it is the Spiritual Successor to the aforementioned Hulk: Ultimate Destruction...). Some of the "consume" animations are obscenely vicious, and there's a lot of nasty things you can do to enemies or innocent bystanders even beyond that. Actually justified, for a change — one of the nodes you can unlock in the "Web of Intrigue" notes that the protagonist is a Sociopathic Hero, very nearly in so many words.
    • As Zero Punctuation duly noted:
      "Eat an old man, take his appearance, run all the way up the tallest building, then elbow-drop 200 stories onto his confused and frightened wife! Then sneak up behind two soldiers and eat one without his friend noticing, and when the two of you get back to base, accuse your friend of being you in disguise! Then when all the other soldiers are distracted shooting him, eat them, too! If only Jeffery Dalmer had had this game to blow off steam with, a lot of young Milwaukee gay boys would be walking around uncannibalized!"
    • The Body Surf ability allows you to not just deliver a flying kick to a person's body, but to follow through and ride their corpse in a trail of gore, knocking over anyone else in your path. For extra stunt-satisfaction, it is possible to palm-strike enemies into the air and do a flying body-surf on them as they come down. Of course, all of this is for when you don't feel like bisecting whole crowds with the whipfist, mashing them with thrown cars, gunning them down with a helicopter or driving over them in a tank... all while they run away screaming.
    • It should be noted that the game actually gives you a trophy for going through the game having eaten less than five civilians. Not killed, eaten. There's literally no way to get though the game without killing several dozen innocent people, no matter how hard you try.
    • [PROTOTYPE 2] takes this up to eleven. You can run around with barrels of zombie virus and turn previously safe zones into zombie-infested warzones. You can turn people into hand grenades and throw them at their buddies. And while most attacks kill humans in one shot, quest-important NPCs will survive a hit and "only" get their legs broken - you can abduct a soldier, throw him at a wall, and watch as he crawls around on the ground screaming for help.
  • Red Dead Redemption gives you a lasso to Wreak Havok with after you help Bonnie McFarlane out a few times. You will inevitably lasso and hogtie a woman onto some train tracks and be rewarded for it, or if you're particularly sadistic, you can just skip the hogtying and drag her around until she snaps her neck on the ground.
    • Here's the kicker: The name of the achievement for tying a woman to the train tracks? Dastardly.
    • Your horse can also be subjected to a train mishap, which is funny in itself because it can be the cause of its own demise when it casually walks in front of the train.
    • Red Dead Redemption certainly has a lot of this, though it's not as obvious as in Grand Theft Auto. The player may use the lasso to catch and tie down almost any NPC, and do whatever to them. Leave them in the middle of nowhere, shoot their knees, leave them on a railroad track (you even get a trophy when the train comes), dismount your horse by shooting it in the head, hunt bears with dynamite, and make the buffalo extinct (yes, you can do that).
    • At the end of the game, when players control a grown-up Jack seeking to avenge his father's death, several fans were so pissed at Edgar Ross that they not only kill him, but murder his family members as well. Here's a particular look at just how brutal you can be enacting vengeance.
  • The Prequel,Red Dead Redemption 2, gives you many more opportunities to cause mayhem. You can shoot people in the balls, feed them to bears, drop them off of cliffs/bridges, drown them in water, and whatever the hell you want from the first game. This one also adds a chat feature so you can ride around on your horse just absolutely terrorizing any random passerby you come across. Better yet, you can do it to the people at camp, including a four year old. However, if you do it too much there, someone will punch you out cold and kick you out of camp while you’re unconscious but you can always come back for more.
  • In Saints Row 2, you were offered the hilarious option of satchel charges that attached themselves to people. The developers even went so far as to code the targets with the same animation that they have when on fire. You could do this to literally anybody, leading to hilarious moments where everyone in your crib would explode in quick succession.
    • This also works in Red Faction.
    • For added fun: Set people alight with the flamethrower. Blow a train off its tracks with a well-placed rocket. Throw grenades into crowded clubs. Mow down entire crowds of people in a pickup truck. Use the pimp-slap weapon to send people flying through the air. Take some people hostage and drive the car straight into the sea.
    • Or drown pedestrians in a stream of raw sewage. This won't always kill them, but would you seriously want to survive something so disgusting?
    • Saints Row: The Third adds Groin Attacks and running takedowns into the mix, the latter of which features a variety of wrestling moves. So yes, you can run right up to a couple of innocent passerbys, body-slam one into the pavement, and then kick the other in his manhood.
      • For obvious reasons, the crotch attacks are pretty effective in combat, so you might find yourself using it a lot. Outnumbered and low on health? Just duck into a corner, wait for a goon to come around, and belt 'em below the belt. Rinse and repeat, and before you know it the room's cleared.
    • Your own avatar during the "Insurance Fraud" missions. Throwing yourself at speeding vehicles to get flung into the sky and bounce into a ragdolled sprawl is addictive fun. Catch the front-end of a semi to gain the most air, and if you're lucky, you can guide your plummeting descent into the grill of yet another.
    • Really want to be sick? Like in GTA IV, you can shoot up a hospital, and even one filled with the doctors and nurses who may have just patched you up after your last rampage.
    • Grab an innocent civilian or cop as a human shield, watch them struggle futiley in your grasp, and listen to them try to convince you to let them go. The kicker? There's no way to do so without killing them, be it by snapping their necks, a headshot, or throwing them a ridiculous distance. Some of what they say is pretty funny, but some sound clips cross over into legitimate Tear Jerker territory, so much so you may be tempted to revive them with the shock paddles to soothe your guilty conscience.
      • Speaking of the shock paddles, you can use them to electrocute someone to death, bring them back to life, then kill them again. And you can do this for as long as you want.
    • This is lampshaded by one of the six voices you can choose for your character. In a Take That! against you, one of the voices, when drunk on four beer bottles, might say "I ONLY HURT PEOPLE CUZ I'M CRYIN ON THE INSIDE!"
    • Saints Row IV adds alien weaponry and superpowers to the mix, allowing you to use telekinesis to pick up cars or pedestrians and throw them at one another, among other things.
  • Scarface: The World Is Yours:
    • The game never allows you to directly target innocent people for killing when controlling Tony, but that won't stop players from shoving and smacking them with melee weapons to their heart's content. A great thing to do is call up a henchman to bring a car over, wait for him to get out, then push him and quickly press the taunt button to get results like "Get the hell outta here!". Using explosives or running them over would also work, although these would never be fatal against civilians.
    • Since rewards are given for taunting after shooting an enemy, it's actually beneficial to shoot to wound. And since Tony's hired guns can kill whomever they want, and they will try to kill whomever you've wounded, you should arm them well.
  • You can ransack and pillage handfuls of towns in Sid Meier's Pirates!.
    • Tell the local natives/pirates to attack that huge, heavily defended colonial stronghold. Sit back, watch them get massacred in a hopeless attack they could never win, and then overwhelm the weakened defenders. Suckers. Alternatively, the moment their raiding ship leaves port, turn on them and increase your standing with all surrounding governors in the process.
    • It's a very common player tactic to deliberately slaughter their own crews (by leading them into hopeless battles) before dividing up plunder. It won't increase your portion (which is fixed by difficulty level) but it will increase the portion your surviving crew get; as a result they will be happier with their share, will see you as a more capable leader, and be more willing to join in for the next expedition. In fact, if you are wildly successful in your current voyage and are raking in thousands every day, then you can convince your crew to sail for the rest of their lives just on the promise of this massive booty (which hardly any of them will ever live to see a penny of). Suckers.
    • Get a ship with a lot of guns, disable an enemy ship by taking out the masts with chain shot, and then circle around the helplessly drifting hulk, pounding the ship into splinters and shredding the crew with grapeshot. For extra cruelty, do it to a tiny Pinnace or Indian War Canoe.
    • Escort a ship full of immigrants to a new city, boosting its wealth. Then sack it. Or of course, offer to protect and guide the refugees to a port, then immediately betray their trust and turn on them. You bastard.
  • Sleeping Dogs (2012) is no slouch in the cruelty department, either; there are plenty of over-the-top environmental executions, such as closing a market stall on someone's spine, grinding up faces on exposed air vents, and throwing people into incinerators. And all of these violent takedowns can be blissfully performed on any random civilian you come across. The game also tracks some of the stuff you do and compares it to your friends, including your number of civilians run over or flying kicked in a row. And the police tend not to care unless you commit atrocities in front of them.
  • You know those incredibly annoying kids who have lost their balloons in Spiderman 2? Well, grab the lost balloon, walk right up close to the kid... and then decide that you'd rather keep the balloon yourself and go swinging round the city. Nothing is more satisfying.
  • Spore is just made of this. Even though cruelty is the whole point of the game (and so a certain amount of it is necessary), there's still a boatload of unnecessary pain-infliction in each stage:
    • Cell Stage: Not so much here, since if you're a carnivore you need to eat basically every other cell, but there's one specific cell towards the end of the stage which is itself completely harmless. Should you decide to take advantage of this and gobble it up, it will (in addition to the usual amount of meat) drop several eggs... which you can then eat.
    • Creature Stage: Here's where things get a bit worse. You can attack helpless, big-eyed baby creatures because they're easier to defeat, eat other creatures' eggs because the game gives you a hefty bonus for doing so and lure an Epic over to the nest of a particularly annoying species.
    • Tribal Stage: In your quest for planetary dominance, you have two options. Befriend every other tribe... or destroy every other tribe. If you choose the former, you can beat the stage in about ten minutes, but the latter can be more fun. If you want a red or blue card you need to annihilate some tribes, but still.
    • Civilization Stage: Cruelty in this stage is more sophisticated and requires a bit more planning. For example...
      Step 1: Using an Economic city, befriend just about every other city and set up trade routes.
      Step 2: Buy out a Military city.
      Step 3: Cue alliance-breaking, ridiculously easy rampage.
    • Space Stage: This is the real example, as you don't really have any objectives in this stage, and you're free to do whatever the hell you want. Such as... lasering, pulse-blasting, and bombing innocent creatures, tribes, and cities from orbit, stealing the spice from primitive alien cities and getting off scot-free, supersizing an unsuspecting creature and watching it unwittingly destroy its peers, and wiping out whatever species is living on a planet you want to colonize so you get a free, very inhabitable planet with no need for altering. With the higher-level terraforming technology, you can turn the land into a barren desert or a lava-spotted volcanic hell-scape, evaporate the oceans or freeze them solid, and even strip the planet of its very atmosphere. Colonies automatically raise environmental shields when the T-score of the planet drops below life-sustaining levels, but nobody says you can't tractor-beam the locals out into the open and oxygen-robbed wasteland and watch them suffocate. And then, if all that just isn't enough or takes too long... there's the Planet Buster.
      • Space Stage essentially transforms most players into Warhammer 40,000 warlords... or worse.
  • Star Bound: You can find a gnome village underground and destroy it, possibly being able to wear their buildings as hats, getting a larger gnome who shoots rainbows and throwing balls of gnomes at enemies, complete with screams when they are thrown.
    • You can also steal furniture from towns...and then slaughter all the townsfolk. Or slaughter all the townsfolk then steal all the furniture.
    • There's also the "tenant farm" trick where tenants repeatedly respawn into lava and drop pixels.
  • Terraria:
    • The Guide Voodoo Doll will allow you to harm the guide. However, he respawns after you kill him.
      • Doing this in a very specific way at one point is in fact required for game progression.
    • The only way to get one of the hats is to kill off the Clothier. The Clothier Voodoo Doll (that can summon Skeletron for a rematch) is added in the 1.2 patch, as if that wasn't already enough encouragement.
    • The Goodie Bags in the Halloween Update can yield Rotten Eggs, a kind of consumable throwing weapon that can damage the NPCs if you aim at them (normally such friendly fire is impossible with regular weapons). Alternatively, you can buy land mines from the Demolitionist that the NPCs can trigger and are not immune to.
    • Two words: Bunny Cannon. The tooltip even says "Killing bunnies is just plain cruel. Period." To elaborate, the Bunny Cannon specifically fires Explosive Bunnies, which have to be crafted by catching the cute little critters and then strapping dynamite to them.
      • There's also a secret world seed that, among other things, causes bunnies to naturally spawn with dynamite already on them.
    • If the Travelling Merchant doesn't have anything you want, you may kill him with a water or lava pit, in the hopes that a new one will spawn in with a better inventory. Killing him also drops a fancy hat, which can be shimmered into a permanent boost item that expands the merchant's inventory, improving the chances of good stuff. Possibly so you'll stop killing him again.
  • If you don't mind sacrificing some points on the Karma Meter, Watch_Dogs lets you get away with some fun "pranks" with your phonenote . The simplest is to hack any traffic light you come across. The AI will always drive into the intersection if you hack the lights and cause a big accident (usually with something blowing up and annihilating everything in the vicinity). You can also blow up transformers and take out random citizens who happen to be nearby. And of course, since Everything Is Online and connected to the ctOS, invariably you'll run across poor saps who have their bank account info tied into the system and you can simply steal their money by hacking them (bonus points if you steal money from someone who was in debt or a victim of fraud according to their profile).
  • Universe Sandbox is all about screwing with the galaxy in a near infinite amount of ways as possible, such as making the sun go supernova or messing with the gravity and mass of all the planets until they become black holes and cause havoc on everything. What takes the cake is how each planet has a "probability of life" statistic, which also includes Earth itself. You could, for example, boil half of the Earth until it's hot as the sun and cover another portion in absolute zero temperatures and watch as the population dwindles if they haven't been all killed off at once already.
  • Many of the X Universe games feature a capturing mechanic, where if you damage an enemy ship enough without destroying it you might scare the pilot enough that they'll abandon it. When that happens they'll eject in a space suit and try to reach the closest space station, and you're free to take possession of the vessel and make it part of your fleet. However, you can also open your cargo hold and collect the escaping pilots... to sell them into slavery at the closes pirate base. It says a lot about the universe that slaves are valued at pocket money prices, whereas selling their ship will net you a nice profit - but there's no karma penalty, so you really might as well.
  • Yume Nikki, and most fangames associated with it, usually give you at least one effect that allows you to kill practically everything up to the Goddamn Bats. That said, not everything can be attempted to be killed without punishment, though they vary from game to game.
