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Tropers / Rayquaza 7996

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I've been using this username for a long time. I don't really play Pokemon anymore. At all. Really. okaymaybejustalittle.

Anyways, Lady Ray is a 14 year old gay college student. waitwhut

This Troper's troperiffic life consists of these tropes:

  • All Women Are Prudes: It is super weird being the only person in a circle of friends without a "wait for marraige" plan that also involves generally avoiding sex. I can't get married XD
  • The Beard: her uncle's former wife. Also, her uncle TO his former wife (who was also gay).
  • Closet Key: who happens to be an overweight girl with messy hair. This troper has weird interests.
  • Does Not Like Men: working on toning it down.
  • Everyone Is Gay: though Ray doesn't know any gays NOT related to her, her family certainly flies the rainbow flag.
  • Fag Hag: this troper's sister.
  • Fetish Fuel: Girls with tails.
  • Straight Gay: besides the hatred of men and the addiction to dinosaurs (the latter of which is part of my Coming-Out Story
  • Suddenly Sexuality: my coming out seemed like this to my friends, due to a wide variety of completely made up crushes (one of whom actually was a crush, being that they were an anime character I thought was a girl.
