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Tropers / Todd The T 1000

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A recent trope addict (it's actually replaced alcohol as top of my addictive substances list), I am a Psychology graduate from the University of Chester, in England. I currently live in Barnsley, England. I do not like tea, which pretty much everyone I know considers totally heretical.

I've applied to be a police officer, but it's going at the speed of a glacier. So as it is, I'm the token bum.

Not to worry, though! This suckitude gives me plenty of time to play video games, watch movies, trope and trope.

Named for the Jonathan Coulton song. My real name is Ash. No, not like the Pokemon, Jerkass. I'm the Ash that Ash aspires to be.

I claim the Out Run page and the Big Damn Fire Exit page, as much as anyone can claim anything on a wiki :P . I'll often add examples as and when I see them. I mostly come for the lulz, though I will add or comment if I see something that isn't here.

Tropes that apply to this troper include:

Feel free to vandalise. Idc. :-)
