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Tropers / The Stupid Exclamation Mark

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Hello and welcome to The Stupid Exclamation Mark's Contributor Page!

Please describe TSEM here, TV Tropes style!

Tropes that apply to TSEM:

<write here>

    Tropes launched: 




    Furthermore, The Stupid Exclamation Mark also likes (and might have made minor edits to): 

    Troper Works: 

    Vandalism in here: 

Is vandalism allowed here? If so, then, Kayeka, fellow Dutchman, biologist and geek greets you!

Latw PIAT: Finally someone else who actually reads/has read Eden: It's an Endless World! - I thought I and that nameless contributor who added a trope once were the only ones to even know it excisted!

This page has just been made ten degrees cooler. - The Fan

I saw you on the discussion about the Oslo Terror attacks. I wanted to ask how you would characterize Geert Wilders and his party (I usually think of the f-word). As well as how you would characterize the Dutch Government now. You can put the answer on my page. - Hurricane Delta

Hello there. I was curious where you got that avatar... - Videogamer07
