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I hate the Anti-Spiral. Why? Although the Anti-Spiral may seem to have good intentions, he, like Kyubey, does NOT care for anyone or anything else inside the universe; as a matter of fact, he HATES every Spiral lifeform, which is to say EVERY. SINGLE. LIVING. THING. He solely cares about the universe itself, and is willing to commit Omnicide on every lifeform in the goddamn universe and commits tentacle rape (On the Moe Woobie, no less!) to preserve the universe for just his own species by the end of the series. He doesn't even NEED to preserve the universe anymore, since he lives in another dimension/universe of his own creation and could easily escape the Spiral Nemesis, so there's no justifiable REASON for him to do all of this! He doesn't just cross the Moral Event Horizon; he LEAPED off of it.

