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Tropers / Sandwitch Zebra

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haha funny trope page go brrrrrrr

SandwitchZebra is the name (misspelling intentional, not that it matters since no one ever notices lol). Kinda got the spacing wrong with the page name… it doesn’t really matter, just kinda dumb.

I lurk… a lot. I do occasional edits. Sometimes I make a page for a lesser-known work that I’m fond of. For example, I launched the pages for Oblitus Casa and Negativetale. Nothing notable, but I figured they deserved to get more notability. Sometimes I’m on the forums. Had a weird period where I got really invested in it, kinda try to forget most of that since I’m clearly not cut out for the forums whatsoever

I love the superhero genre, though more towards the villains. My favorite characters from Marvel Comics are Doctor Doom and Carnage, my favorites from DC being the Scarecrow and Professor Zoom, the Reverse Flash.

I also love video games. In particular the Kirby series, Pokémon (yes I do actually own a shiny Porygon-Z) and most fighting games. I pretty much play whatever I feel like that day.

In terms of general stuff, I’m a Sci-Fi fan, and like the Star Wars, Terminator and Transformers franchises. Horror movies are a guilty pleasure of mine, because when they’re good, they’re really good, and when they’re bad, they’re so bad it’s good. I absolutely love the Alien franchise though.

One of my favorite parts of the wiki is What Could Have Been. Why? That kind of stuff just… I love it. Early scripts, beta design, game prototypes, unused content, deleted footage, and lost media in particular. Sometimes it gives you a whole new perspective on something.

Will continue… maybe. I tend to not be the best at that.
