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Tropers / Rossmallo

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Rossmallo here - I'm just another troper who got dragged in here after witnessing THAT XKCD strip.

I've been active on the internet for well over 7 years now, but only discovered T Vtropes a few months ago. It's part of the reason I am now so behind on my college coursework, but I don't mind. After all, it DID help me complete one unit of my coursework when I needed thematic information on the Chzo Mythos series. I'm one of the very few people that plays Runescape and World Of Warcraft and enjoys both, and henceforth have very little tolerance for blind, idiotic hatred for either one from someone from the other fandom. Nothing means more to me in a videogame than decent storytelling (Except maybe for a good dose of Crowning Music Of Awesome ), which is probably why I'm responsible for about 5% of the stuff on the [PROTOTYPE] and Chzo Mythos pages.

Also, I am not ashamed to admit that I draw and write things related to the Furry Fandom, but I'm not linking directly to it. Go find it if you're really curious. Just be warned of things that could be deemed Squick or Nausea Fuel to normal people.

Responsible for creating the Multipurpose Tongue page, and adding almost everything on the I Wanna Be The Fangame page.
