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Tropers / Roberts 2028

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I discovered recently, but I am more of a lurker than a poster. I did, however, add a few examples to a few different pages, and will occasionally add more information. I am also a writer of several comedic fictional series that a generally done for English classes and are read by a small group of people (two of my sisters and a few of my friends) on my Myspace and Facebook pages. The fact that they are not posted on any fiction sites is due to two things:

1. Their rampant use of copyrighted characters and real people, which would likely cause lawsuits if the stories were passed off as original fiction, and

2. The large number of original characters, which prevent them from being legitimately considered Fanfiction.

I am currently working on a near-future fantasy novel, ShardsOfConscience

Tropes that apply to me are:
