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Tropers / President Brit

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You can call me Eryth, Mr President, Madam President or whatever name takes your fancy. Currently, I write for a living. I came up with this username when I was a teenager, but I don't have the motivation to create a new account with a different name note .

If this page had a scent, it would be a cup of Earl Grey with a dash of milk, pistachio biscuitsnote , a burning wood fire, and a hint of Poison Girl eu de toilette.

I'm happy to answer any biology related questions. I have an MSc in Microbiology. My personal belief is that you should know the rules before breaking them.

I recently drafted and launched Artistic Licence – Anatomy. Licence is spelled correctly.

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    Tropes I Like 

    Tropes I Don't Like 
  • Actor Shipping: I draw the line at shipping real people who are still alive.
  • Harem Genre: They are rarely executed well. And the ones that are executed well are just not for me.
  • MRS Degree: While there are people that do further education for the sole purpose of finding a spouse, this trope soured on me when someone accused me of doing the same.
  • Real-Person Fic: Only exception is Crack Fic involving politicians.
  • Reality TV: A lot of the shows of that genre that were popular when I was growing up tended to be exploitative and mean-spirited.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: I see it as a lazy way of portraying a character as intelligent. I do like it if it's used to show a character is Dumber Than They Look. Personally, I believe that true understanding of complex ideas is achieved when you can explain it to a layman.
  • Shipping Goggles: I'm guilty of this sometimes, but I've learned that platonic relationships are as good (or better) than conventional shipping.
  • Wall of Text: Please, I'm begging you, think about your formatting if you're going to write something long.

    Tropes I Think Apply or Applied to Me 

    Unusual Things I Own 
  • A copy of the DS game Mind Quiz, which was recalled in my country for calling its player an ableist slur if they did poorly.
  • A 12th Century-style shield

    Things I've been involved with on this site 
    Sand Boxes 
