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Tropers / Palindromee

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It was far away now, far down, the crashing of waves reduced to faint white noise. The ground was slick with brackish water, as if being replenished from a source unseen, but the sea—the sea was gone. Beyond reach.

you can call me pali! i'm 22 years old, autistic, nonbinary, and a lesbian. i've been here since 2012 (i was 12 at the time please do not check the edit history of this page it's very embarrassing)

i like correcting minor errors and reading for long periods of time about some game i've literally never heard of in my life and have no intention to play. i try to help out when i can! i'm a writer (see above) and artist. none of my works are on the wiki (and i don't intend on putting them here), but if you're curious drop me a PM!

i helped revive Trope-tan!

i like transformers, metal gear solid, machine girl, cyberpunk, and other weird stuff. (งツ)ว

pages launched (the ones above the line are old and kind of suck):

pet pages:

videos i added:

  • like 5 of them from find us alive
